Dozens of Blue Dragon disciples, after seeing the Golden Dragon Elder's golden talisman, jumped out of thin air from all directions.

For a while, the sword flowers flew, and the reflected light made the eyes of the people around them a little unable to open.

"Golden Light Sword Array, Sword Array, Hundred Heavens Annihilation!"

These disciples looked arrogant, and in their eyes, bursts of cold killing intent shot out, and the slogans shouted in unison made everyone's eardrums almost collapse.

"Oh my! Is this the biggest hole card of the Green Dragon Temple!

Everyone was surprised.

And affected by this burst of sword light, Rao was sister Li Muhan, and she couldn't help but take a few steps backwards and stretched out her hand to cover the dazzling light in front of her.

Only Chu Zheng, with his hands in his pockets in the middle of everyone, calmly looked at Elder Golden Dragon and said, "Don't tell me, this is your strongest means?" Looking

at these disciples whose killing intent was even stronger than his own, and who hated to slash themselves by a thousand cuts, Chu Zheng shook his head slightly.

"Good, don't do fearless resistance anymore, I know that now, you are already afraid of death, now, obediently hand over the magic weapon storage ring, I can give you a chance to commit suicide, free from the pain of ten thousand swords piercing the heart!"

The Golden Dragon Elder directly flicked his sleeves and said coldly.

In his eyes, Chu Zheng was already shocked by his Golden Light Sword Array, the Golden Light Sword Array, which he Golden Dragon had spent thirty years working on, starting to train from the age of six for these disciples.

Until now, the Golden Light Sword Array has only been used twice.

Last time, it was to deal with Li Canghai of the Green Gang, and he was able to sacrifice this sword formation.

Moreover, with the cooperation of the sword formation and the Guan Lord, he actually fought with Li Canghai to a draw.

Li Canghai, how domineering.

Therefore, since the fight, the Guan Lord has also concentrated on cultivation, while the Golden Dragon has paid more attention to the tempering of his Golden Light Sword Array.

This is the Golden Dragon Protector, the greatest confidence.

"Oh, I'm really surprised, where did you see that I was shocked?"

Chu Zheng asked with a frown.

"Since you are still obsessed, then I will let you see how powerful my Golden Light Sword Array is!" The disciples of the sword formation listened to the order, ten thousand swords pierced their hearts, and ten thousand corpses were shattered! Jin

Guang saw that Chu Zheng was still obsessed, and he completely lost his patience and killed together.

Directly waved his hand, and in his tone, there was a trace of fierceness.

"Yes! Ten thousand swords pierce the heart, and the corpse is broken into ten thousand pieces! The

disciples led one and echoed.

Immediately, all the disciples of the Sword Formation shouted this very fierce slogan.

Began to circle around Chu Zheng.

The tacit understanding of these disciples made the onlookers admire it in their hearts.

I couldn't help but feel even more in awe of this Green Dragon View.


Several disciples changed shapes, some rolled from the ground, and some jumped in the air, stepping on the disciples' shoulders.

A wall of people was erected.

And the shape of the arrangement is even more surprising.

"Sister, is this the formation? How do you look so weird? Li

Xiaoman was naturally also a deep master of martial arts, but this strange formation was the first time she had seen it.

Li Muhan's brows frowned slightly, and said quite weakly: "Well, this is the formation, and it is based on the improvement of the Big Dipper Seven-Star Sword Array, combined into a big sword array, you see these disciples, in the Qiankun two, responsible for the attack, Kanli two, is responsible for feint attack, Zhengen two, responsible for defense, Xundui two, is the core of the entire formation, completely sealed his birth door, let it hide and avoid!"

Li Xiaoman's eyes widened, and after her sister's explanation, she looked towards the formation again this time.

If just now she just felt that this formation was quite strange, then now, she felt that this formation was simply a set of murderous and extremely powerful large arrays.

"This formation is simply flawless, and it is changeable and uncrackable, he... Something may be going to happen this time!

Li Muhan said with some concern.

Chu Zheng in front of him, although Li Muhan didn't even know his name, but for the calm temperament of this young man, as well as his unfathomable strength, Li Muhan had all kinds of questions in his heart.

But even though Li Muhan was familiar with the formation and intended to help Chu Zheng, at this time, looking at this sword formation, Li Muhan frowned deeply.

Because for a while, she couldn't break this sword formation at all.

The position of gossip, walking through any one, is a catastrophe.

Moreover, the formation changes all the time, and if you don't pay attention to it, you will misjudge the position of the sword formation!

What a vicious formation!

"Change again!"

In the sword formation, a leading disciple drank coldly again, and the sword formation changed again.

They are completely disturbing Chu Zheng's perspective.

Make him flustered.

"Change again! Change again...... Change again! The

leading disciple was very satisfied, and when he gave orders one after another, the whole person's face seemed to become extremely hideous.

There are many fellow martial artists present this time, and it is best to be able to directly rely on the chaotic formation without making a move, and force the arrogant person in front of him to death!

"Change again! He was already on the verge of death! The

leading disciple shouted again.

Looking at Chu Zheng's gaze, it was all deeply mocking.

Chu Zheng today is the stepping stone for their Golden Light Sword Array this time!

"Change again!"

Another shout, but this time it was not the leading disciple who spoke, but Chu Zheng, who had his hands in his pockets and a smile at the corner of his mouth.

It's fun.

This was Chu Zheng's first impression of this sword formation.

It's like watching a big cabaret.

"Good, keep changing!"

Chu Zheng nodded frequently.

And the sword formation was also changing rapidly at this moment.

The faces of many disciples were even more murderous after listening to Chu Zheng's words that they didn't know whether they were dead or alive.

"Daring, dare to tease my Golden Light Sword Array!"

After the leading disciple changed the sword formation dozens of times in succession, he was surprised to find that the subsequent changes were actually called out by this Chu Zheng.

Changing the sword formation, these people are all using internal strength, originally to force this Chu Zheng to death, but unexpectedly, this guy is like watching a performance.

"Daring, today, I will let you crush the corpse on the spot in an instant!"

The leading disciple frowned slightly.

And the Golden Dragon Protector shouted violently: "No need to say much, kill it directly and leave his right arm behind!" "

The Golden Dragon Protector has long run out of patience.

His right arm was left only to protect the storage ring.


The leading disciple shouted angrily.

Immediately, he commanded:

"Qiankun two!" You madman, now, look how you break my sword formation!" And

after listening to the words of the leading disciple, more than a dozen disciples of the two Qiankun directly stabbed the sword!


These disciples gritted their teeth and vowed to smash Chu Zheng's corpse.

"How to break?"

However, Chu Zheng, who had his hands in his pockets, had also been thinking about this problem.

How can this sword formation be broken?

In the previous life, Chu Zheng could be said to be familiar with a variety of martial arts in the world, but he would not break the formation, which was Chu Zheng's biggest weakness.

In the previous life, many masters besieged the Jiuyang Great Emperor Chu Zheng, all of them used large-scale formations to attack together.

Because Chu Zheng did not understand the weaknesses of the formation, everyone knew it.

Therefore, Chu Zheng, who has never known how to break the formation, summed up a set of his own way of breaking the formation in the end.

That is....


Chu Zhengcai doesn't care what kind of position, Kan is out of position, he will fight when he sees people, and hammer whenever he sees people!

The two Qiankun who pounced on it, more than a dozen disciples.

Directly in an instant, he was directly hit in the head by Chu Zheng, and his braincase shattered and died.

This is the method of breaking the formation summarized by Chu Zheng, which is one word: kill!

When it is all killed, the sword formation is broken.

"Ah! ~"These

golden light disciples kept screaming.

"Boom boom..." After

more than a dozen punches, the people in the sword formation were directly reduced by half.

"Shocking two defenses! The

leading disciple saw that the big thing was not good, and hurriedly shouted that the disciples of the two Zhengen stepped forward to defend.

However, after shouting a few times, no defensive disciple came up.

Turning his head, the lead disciple's heart almost vomited.


The leading disciple almost collapsed when he saw it.

Because the defensive disciples of Zhengen's two, the last one, was punched by Chu Zheng and directly exploded and died.

Where are the two disciples of Zhengen!

"Oh, I'm sorry, I killed the wrong one, I already knew, you gave me an order to let me kill, I just killed indiscriminately!"

Chu Zheng put one hand in his pocket and revealed a harmless smile.

At this time, the tone of speech to this leading disciple was even with a hint of deep apology.

Chu Zheng didn't understand the arrangement of these humanoid formations at all except for the Dharma Formation, so it was embarrassing!

"You... You! The

leading disciple looked, and in the blink of an eye, he was left alone, standing here alone, looking at Chu Zheng like a pervert, and he didn't know what to say...

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