"Chu Zheng, if you don't want anything to happen to the people around you, just obediently kneel down and die! I can consider leaving your friend's life!

Li Canghai said coldly.

His eyes narrowed slightly with arrogance, and Chu Zheng in front of him was not qualified to negotiate conditions with him at all.

Li Canghai has always had a variety of means to deal with a person.

If he directly killed Chu Zheng and killed these friends around Chu Zheng, then... Li Canghai could not experience the pleasure of retaliation at all.

Now, what he has to do is to let Chu Zheng experience all kinds of pain before his death.

It's best to let Chu ask for life and death!

to solve the hatred in his heart.

"Oh? Do you think you have the ability to kill me? Chu

Zheng's gaze was gloomy, and he suddenly locked onto Li Canghai.

Dragons have anti-scales, and they die when touched.

Chu Zheng also has an anti-scale, his anti-scale, that is, his friend around him, Li Canghai, it doesn't matter how you deal with me Chu Zheng, but you shouldn't, attack my friend!

Chu Zheng looked at Li Canghai.

But the killing intent in Chu Zheng's eyes only made Li Canghai feel funny.

"It's useless, your anger is completely useless in my eyes, you know, the way you look at this time makes me feel like I'm looking at an ant, making the last senseless sacrifice!"

Li Canghai shook his head.

Knowing that Chu Zheng was just angry by himself, Li Canghai completely lost interest in playing Chu Zheng to death.

Released your friends around you?

Li Canghai was just a joke for Chu Zheng, these people today are going to die, and they all have to be buried for their nephews!

Li Canghai sneered again and again.

"On your knees!"

Immediately looked at Chu Zheng and drank violently.

He wanted to see how this Chu Zheng begged him for mercy before his death.

How humble!

Is it really arrogant, arrogant to the point that no one can see it?

Chu Zheng sneered in his heart, and immediately breathed in his mouth, wanting to directly kill this Li Canghai.

However, at this moment, suddenly...


From the cold pool, there was a sudden loud noise.

The frozen cold pool, a few feet later the ice layer, directly exploded!

A large amount of ice chips, directly spreading wildly around.


"Ah! ~"The

ice chips directly hit the people around who did not react at all, and the super energy of the ice chips made those people simply unable to withstand it.

The whole body convulsed, and soon the cold poison attacked the heart.

Finally, the face was covered with a layer of frost.

"Flash away! It's the Blue Dragon View Lord who is out of customs! I

don't know who shouted.

The people around reacted and hurriedly retreated.

"Bang bang!"

The ice completely exploded at this moment, and the ice chips splashed everywhere, and everywhere it passed, the grass and trees withered in an instant, at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The energy of the cold pool made the people who survived the disaster gasp.

Withdrew to a few tens of meters away.

Chu Zheng also turned his head slightly.

After the ice exploded, a figure wearing a black Daoist robe flew out of it.

It was the Blue Dragon Watcher who had never come out of retreat.

The Blue Dragon Watcher now looks more than a hundred years old, his eyes are shining, and he has a feeling of a crane hair and a fairy wind Dao bone.

He flew out of the ice and jumped more than twenty meters high.

This kind of light skill has already made everyone present feel the finger!

And the Blue Dragon Watcher, with his eyes closed, was like an aurora born in the sky, overlooking the world and defiing the heroes.

"The Blue Dragon Watcher, it's terrifying!"

Someone shouted in direct surprise.

"What is this, the head of my Jinling martial arts family can also have such means!"

And everyone looked at the Green Dragon Lord in awe.

There were some young warriors, who were quite unconvinced.


However, as soon as the young warrior finished speaking, the Blue Dragon Guan Lord had already landed on the top of a pine tree four or five meters high.

And raised his hand and pointed slightly at the young warrior.

I saw a milky white air stream flowing out from the hands of the Blue Dragon Watcher Lord and hitting the young warrior's body.


The young warrior had no way to hide, and was directly hit in the chest, spitting out a mouthful of blood, his face turned red, and he directly knelt down in front of the Blue Dragon Observation Lord with two weak legs.

"What? Is this internal strength and external strength? Lord Guan, is it already strong to this extent? It

was just a small means slightly exposed, and everyone's eyes widened.

Internal strength and external strength, what this means, means that it will be out of the ranks of normal people, and even a person of the immortal path.

The Green Dragon Viewer has already become an immortal?

The crowd was amazed.

But think about it, normal martial arts cultivators, even if their internal strength is strong, can only resist the cold qi by the cold pool to cultivate, and the Blue Dragon Guan Lord can actually freeze himself in it.

Its strength can be imagined.

In this comparison, the four protectors of the Green Dragon Temple, compared to this immortal, are simply a fart!

And at this time, the disciples of the Qinglong Guan, who had long been killed by Chu Zheng, knelt down in unison and shouted in unison: "Welcome the Lord to go out!" Even

many warriors from other places were frightened and hurriedly knelt on the ground and shouted along.

You know, the person in front of you is a fairy-like existence.


However, the Green Dragon Watcher, who had been standing on the tree, closed his eyes and just let out a faint hum.

"Old Qinglong, today, you are very majestic!"

At this time, Li Canghai looked at his 'old friend' with a big smile, and couldn't help but say with some sarcasm.

"Li Canghai, I can't imagine that you are also here today, the last battle, I alloyed the power of the lightsaber array, only to tie with you, since then, I have practiced hard day by day, and finally achieved something, don't hide from you, even if you don't come today, he day, I will go overseas to find you!"

The Green Dragon Observation Lord, only then opened his eyes slightly.

He looked at Li Canghai.

"Good, good..." Li Canghai laughed heartily, "Your strength is changing with each passing day, but I, Li Canghai, am not a vegetarian, but it's a pity, today I came to take revenge, after killing this Chu Zheng, how about you and I fight for another three hundred rounds?" Li

Canghai was obviously also very interested in this Blue Dragon View Lord, whose strength was already extraordinary.

Thinking about it, I haven't seen this old enemy for more than ten years.

At the beginning, the Green Dragon Guan Lord, plus his junior brother, and the Golden Light Sword Array were able to tie with him, and now, his junior brother was killed by himself, and the Golden Light Sword Array was broken by Ant Chu Zheng.

Without these barriers, Li Canghai really wanted to see what kind of cultivation this green dragon was really in the cold pool!

However, even though he was very interested, Li Canghai had not forgotten the great feud of his nephew and apprentice, and everything had to wait until he Li Canghai tortured and killed this Chu Zheng before making plans.

"Chu Zheng, today, you have to thank the Qinglong Dao Elder a lot, if it weren't for his timely exit, I would have made me come with great interest, and I would definitely let you beg for death, and I couldn't survive!" Now, the old man gives you a chance, cut yourself..." Li

Canghai waved his hand directly, which was considered cheap Chu Zheng.

And everyone also felt that this Chu Zheng was really lucky.

He was given the opportunity to end his life on his own.

"Oh? Then I Chu Zheng still choose to give up this opportunity, you better shoot!

Chu Zheng said coldly.

Chu Zheng wants to see what kind of strength can make you so crazy.

"Oh, such a good opportunity, I don't know to cherish it, can it be that this Chu Zheng is a fool?"

When everyone heard this, they were all embarrassed.

"Hmph, toast and don't eat and punish wine, since that's the case, the old man will personally abolish you!"

And Li Canghai snorted coldly.

He was now anxious to compete with the green dragon, and he was completely impatient with this Chu Zheng.

Otherwise, you must be tired of playing enough, and now, Chu Zheng doesn't know to cherish it at all~!

Then die!

Li Canghai raised his palm, and a white air flow circulated directly in his palm, and then shot towards Chu Zheng.

A violent air flow came directly towards Chu Zheng's chest.

"What? This Li Canghai was even able to resist inside and outside!

"Immortals, it's just two immortals!"

Everyone looked at the Blue Dragon Watcher and Li Canghai, all of them were shocked and jealous and retreated more than 100 meters to watch this century war.

However, originally everyone thought that Chu Zheng would die.

But he didn't expect that when that violent internal strength was about to rush in front of Chu Zheng, the Blue Dragon Observation Lord directly shot out an internal strength.

Completely dissolved Li Canghai's internal strength.

"This person, you can't kill..."

Qinglong opened Li Canghai's killer blow.

Immediately said lightly.

"Why, do you Qinglong want to shield him?" Li Canghai stared.

"This Chu Zheng killed my disciples, so, today, I will personally gouge out his eyes alive, personally cut off his heads, and sacrifice my four great protectors, so Chu Zheng, you can't kill!"

Qinglong waved his sleeves and said indifferently...

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