"This Chu Zheng, and I

have a vendetta against my nephew and murderer, I traveled thousands of miles from overseas, just to use this Chu Zheng head to sacrifice my nephew's family, he just killed a few of your disciples, can I have my hatred?"

Li Canghai was directly angered by the domineering of the Qinglong elder.

The Green Dragon View Lord narrowed his eyes slightly, "I don't care what grudge he has with you, but today, his head will definitely belong to my Green Dragon Temple!"

Qinglong did not back down in the slightest.

"Well, in that case, it seems that only the two of us can fight each other! Qinglong Laodao, just take out your skills and let me see how your cultivation is progressing?"

As soon as the words fell, Li Canghai stomped directly on the ground and pushed Du Meiniang away.

The whole person jumped directly into the air in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, he jumped onto another tall pine tree and stood at the top, level with the green dragon.


Chu Zheng directly caught Du Meiniang.

Du Meiniang was fortunately not injured, which made Chu Zheng feel a little relieved.

There was a heart to slaughter these two wastes on the spot.

But look at Shen Wensan and Uncle Zeng are seriously injured.

While feeling a little guilty in his heart, Chu Zheng let this green dragon and Li Canghai live a little longer.

"A Zheng, after you left, Li Canghai came to the door and forced us, and even beat Uncle Zeng and Qiansan into serious injuries, A Zheng, Uncle Zeng, can they live?"

Du Meiniang's heart finally fell after seeing Chu Zheng. But when he thought of Uncle Zeng Shen asking about their injuries, he couldn't help but cry again.

"It's my bad!"

Chu Zheng felt even more guilty in his heart.

Su Aoxue had already learned a lesson before, but Chu Zheng was also secretly remorseful, and today, he almost repeated the tragedy.

I'm afraid that if it is one step later, Shen Qiansan and Uncle Zeng will have to say goodbye to himself forever.

In the previous life, Chu Zheng was indeed a little free and used to it.

However, now, there are only a few reliable friends around me.

If even they can't protect them, even if my Chu Zheng cultivates high, even if I return to the peak of the past, what can I do?

Chu Zheng deeply blamed himself in his heart.

At the moment, looking at Shen Wensan, their injuries became more and more serious.

It is no longer delayed, and directly uses the Dantian Vitality.

Protect the hearts of the three.

Chu Zheng was proficient in the Nine Yang Gong and the Nine Yang Dan Dian, and now he had reached the Condensing Yuan Realm.

Therefore, as long as there is still a trace of soul thought, Chu Zheng is fully sure to save everyone.

Then, from the storage ring, he took out a few pills and gave them to Shen Wen and the others.

Shen asked the third great-uncle Zhou Tai before he woke up leisurely.


Shen Wensan couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw Chu Zheng.

Just now, they all walked around the ghost door closed.

"Don't say more..." Chu Zheng raised his hand to interrupt them, "You guys have a good rest, I'll go and slaughter that old bastard!" After

Chu Zheng finished speaking, he got up directly and walked towards Qinglong and Li Canghai, who were still fighting in the air....

"Sister, what pills did he give to these three people just now, and what technique did he use, how come in a short moment, these three people who were about to run out of breath recovered half?"

Li Xiaoman was completely shocked by Chu Zheng's means just now.

Li Muhan even frowned and looked at Shen Wensan, who was already sitting cross-kneeled, just now Chu Zheng took out, could it be a spirit pill?

Li Muhan secretly guessed in his heart.

Because ordinary elixirs could not have such a divine effect at all.

"Chu Zheng... Who the hell is he? Li

Muhan felt that his entire brain was the figure of this Chu Zheng, he was too mysterious! Whether it is strength or otherwise, there is a mystery that is incomprehensible.

Luo Yifan was also a little surprised.

"This guy actually has spirit pills, and it seems that if he uses three spirit pills casually, he doesn't even blink his eyebrows!"

There is no doubt that now Chu Zheng has given Luo Yifan a big surprise.

Lingdan Luo Yifan naturally knows, and she also knows how valuable this Lingdan is in the martial world, in order to compete for a Lingdan, some forces, but it is necessary to fight for the head and break the blood.

This guy, actually...

And everyone present also looked at each other, and their eyes showed a trace of burning!

If he could get these spirit pills, wouldn't he not have to come to this Green Dragon Cold Pool every year?

Suddenly, everyone turned their attention to Chu Zheng, who was walking towards the Blue Dragon View Lord and Li Canghai...

"Not bad, Qinglong Laodao, your strength cultivation over the years has been good, and you have come down in a hundred rounds without falling behind!"

Li Canghai was a little surprised.

"Li Canghai, over the years, your cultivation has not been thrown down, but today, Chu Zheng's head on the head, I have left it!"

The Blue Dragon Guan Lord and Li Canghai, the two fought fiercely for more than a hundred rounds, and each returned to the top of the pine tree.

And the Green Dragon Observation Lord said directly to Li Canghai.

"I came all the way to take revenge, so you can't take this head!"

Li Canghai said coldly.

At the same time, Li Canghai already had a calculation in his heart, to tell the truth, Li Canghai was already a little difficult to deal with this Green Dragon Watcher now.

But now, looking at this Green Dragon Watcher, the inner strength is endless.

Li Canghai secretly said that it was not good in his heart, in this way, in less than a thousand rounds, he would definitely show flaws because of his lack of internal strength.

Defeated by the Blue Dragon Temple.

At that time, he came thousands of miles, and Mo said that the great revenge was not repaid, and he lost his voice in the rivers and lakes like this, which is really too humiliating.

No, first take Chu Zheng's head, go back overseas to retreat and cultivate for ten years, and then come and fight with this old way!

"A thousand chances!"

Thinking of this, Li Canghai directly faced the Blue Dragon Watcher Lord and unleashed his strongest blow.

One of the most vicious secret techniques in the world.

Kill invisible, let the opponent, there is no way to hide, there is no way to avoid it!


Li Canghai drank violently.

The palm I saw was constantly changing, and in an instant, it seemed to have a lot of silk threads.

These are all silk threads formed by Li Canghai's internal strength.

But once entangled, countless internal strength silk threads are combined, and it is bound to burst out with great power, shattering the opponent's corpse into ten thousand pieces.

Tens of thousands of strands of silk strands shot towards the green dragon.

"Unexpectedly, after decades of not seeing, your thousand-chance killer has such power, but the poor road has long thought of the way to crack it!" Golden Light Blade! Facing

the strong internal strength that pounced, Qinglong Laodao smiled confidently and immediately stretched out his palm.

The golden light of the palm was so bright that a blade with golden light was formed out of thin air, which was directly cut open!

However, at the next moment, when the Qinglong Old Dao was slashing the Thousand Chance Killer, he was surprised to find that this Li Canghai actually rushed directly towards Chu Zheng.


The Qinglong Dao Chief drank coldly, but now, he couldn't get out again, and he knew that he had fallen for the trick.

"Old Qinglong Dao, I came from thousands of miles overseas just for Chu Zheng's head, ten years later, I will definitely come to Qinglong Mountain again and fight with you for the rest of my life, today, I will not accompany you!"

Li Canghai sneered.

Directly reached towards Chu Zheng.

This grasp can directly tear Chu Zheng's head off his neck alive.

"Chu Zheng, die!"

Li Canghai's face turned fierce.


However, Li Canghai only paid attention to Qinglong and did not put Chu Zheng in his eyes at all.

He was ready to take Chu Zheng's head and jump down the mountain directly.


When his palm arrived in front of Chu Zheng, it turned out...

was held by Chu Zheng with one hand!

Moreover, his strong internal strength seemed to be blocked by a strong blockage, and all of them were resisted and disappeared....


Li Canghai's eyes widened, and only then did he raise his head a little incredulously, looking at Chu Zheng, who was full of strong killing intent.

"You... You are stronger than me! At

this moment, Li Canghai felt Chu Zheng's internal strength, how terrifying it was.

Because the gap in internal strength is too large, even like now, with a light touch, the internal strength of the weak will completely dissipate.

Li Canghai understood that just now, he was simply holding an egg and wanted to smash a Himalayan mountain!

It's a dream!

"Did you just find out now?"

Chu Zheng said coldly.

Immediately, he directly reached out and grabbed Li Canghai's head.

"Rip and pull!"

With a loud bang, Li Canghai's head was moved.

Before he died, Li Canghai's heart collapsed.

He came all the way to send heads to Chu Zheng?

And there is no regret medicine to take in this world, but the living ones do not seem to need regret medicine....

"Good, good, Chu Zheng, originally you only had the qualifications to wait for death, but now, you already have the qualifications to fight me..." The

Blue Dragon Observation Lord had already broken Li Canghai's Thousand Chance Killer, and when he saw Li Canghai being killed, he couldn't help but smile slightly....

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