The Jiuyang

Immortal Sword is one of the beginner sword skills in the Jiuyang Treasure Book.

This is not a set of sword techniques, to be precise, this is by condensing the vitality in the body and condensing the yuan into a sword.


The consumption of vitality is very huge.

But Chu Zheng now has enough vitality in his body, and in this place where the vitality is abundant, the Nine Yang Gong can continuously turn the surrounding vitality into his own use.

Although Chu Zheng's current cultivation could not fully display the Nine Yang Immortal Sword, but with this powerful Yuan Qi transformation ability, Chu Zheng could completely do it.

Chu Zheng also wanted to see if he could exert himself.

Although the power is much worse than I expected, it is also quite good.


With a sword slash, it seemed that the entire huge cold pool could be directly split.

I saw the invisible sword qi, directly towards the head of the frog snake, slashing down from above.


The frog dragon, which had already changed, was facing this powerful blow.

Finally, a strong fear was revealed.

However, it wanted to retreat, but Chu Zheng did not give it any chance at all.

The sword qi disperses, and the divine form is destroyed!

A frog snake that was a hundred meters long was directly destroyed.

After the green snake was killed, its figure completely disappeared, but it was in place, leaving a tiny snake body half a meter long.

The snake's body is green, but it is like a soul.

"Leave you a remnant soul, as one of the cores of my Yuan Capture Array, can you die?"

Chu Zheng put his hands on his back and said with divine sense.

This frog snake flew up from the ground, and then circled around Chu Zheng's body a few times, and finally surrendered in front of Chu Zheng.

Expressed willingness to return.

But Chu Zheng, at this moment, did not have the slightest intention of going up, but looked into the deep cave and strode towards it.

This is a cave for cultivating immortals.

There must be traces left by immortal cultivators.

But obviously, this immortal cultivator is definitely not this frog snake.

At best, this frog snake was just a spiritual pet left by that immortal cultivator.

Many of the secrets of cultivation on the earth have not been solved by Chu Zheng, and even now, even the strength of the martial cultivators on the earth is not very clear.

At this time, he found a Xiuxian Cave Mansion, which made Chu Zheng very interested.

Chu Zheng soon entered the cave.

Sure enough, stone beds, stone tables!

Looking at these items that came into view, Chu Zheng's pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly.

On earth, there really are people who cultivate truth!

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, soon Chu Zheng was attracted by something on the bed again.

Is it a storage ring?

On the bed, the cultivators of truth have long been wiped out.

But it allowed Chu Zheng to discover the only magic weapon left behind, the storage ring.

And just by glancing at it, Chu Zheng also found that this storage ring was much more advanced than the one he was wearing.

Reaching out slightly, the storage ring flew over out of thin air.

Chu Zheng's spiritual sense immediately probed, this storage ring, the space is naturally much more advanced than the one he wears on his hand.

There were only some scattered jade materials inside, obviously important things, which had long been emptied.

However, in the empty storage ring, a pair of scrolls floated to attract Chu Zheng's attention.

As soon as the wrist was turned, the scroll appeared on Chu Zheng's hand.

This is...... A suicide note?

Glancing at the words on the scroll, Chu Zheng's first impression was that this was a suicide note.

The above roughly means.

About 10,000 years ago, this immortal cultivator chose this place as his place of cultivation.

This retreat lasted for thousands of years, and finally adopted a small snake as a companion.

However, later, there was a great turmoil in the world of immortal cultivation, and a mysterious person gathered all the immortal cultivators and went to a Jedi.

But writing this, Chu Zheng frowned.

Because the latter content is simply gone.

But this scroll solved a great mystery for Chu Zheng, who had always suspected that there must be an immortal cultivator on Earth, but he couldn't find the slightest clue.

But now it is basically certain that ten thousand years ago, during that transition period, there was a civilization of cultivation.

However, as this cultivator said, later the cultivation world was turbulent, and he was summoned by a mysterious person to a mysterious place.

"This..." Chu

Zheng's brows furrowed even deeper when he saw this.

Who would the mystery man be? Where does the mystery zone exist on Earth?

Could it be that all these Truth Cultivators were destroyed at that time?

This made Chu Zheng feel a little extremely uneasy.

What kind of power can destroy so many Truth Cultivators?

For the first time, Chu Zheng felt panic and fear!

You know, in the world where Chu Zheng is located, the cultivator is the master of the three realms, and he is already the strongest.

Although Chu Zheng is strong.

However, Chu Zheng would never have the ability to destroy the Three Realms True Cultivators.

Even if it is not destroyed, where is the location?

Chu Zheng had many questions in his heart.

But now, with Chu Zheng's current strength, it is still too long ago to be able to reach that level.

But with this shadow, Chu Zheng can be described as restless.

Jean Chu Zheng, who did not dare to relax his cultivation, was more cautious about cultivation at this moment.

You know, there has always been an inexplicable force behind it, and that force may destroy all the cultivators.

Without super strength, in the end, he did not even have the ability to protect himself.

And the mysterious people who left their last words in their hearts, the mysterious area, these are unknowns....

Chu Zheng carefully put away the scroll and replaced the storage ring at the same time.

Immediately looked upwards and flew directly into the air.

Now what Chu Zheng is thinking about is cultivation, crazy cultivation.

The higher his cultivation level, the higher the sense of security in Chu Zheng's heart.

As for the turmoil that occurred in the cultivation world of this earth, the level of Chu Zheng now is far from enough, and that will be a matter for the future.

What Chu Zheng has to do now is to cultivate with peace of mind!


A large amount of cold water sprayed out, and Chu Zheng jumped out directly from within the Qinglong Cold Pool.

With his hands on his back, he was about to summon Shen Wensan.

But he saw that next to the Qinglong Cold Pool, there was a person kneeling down for a long time, as if waiting for Chu Zheng.

"Up... Shangxian! Please be worshiped by the green dragon, the green dragon has eyes and no beads, offends the immortals, and please forgive the sin! "

The method that Chu Zheng revealed at the bottom of the pool just now shattered the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys of the Green Dragon Observation Lord.

What is a strong person, this is the real strong person!

On the other hand, just now, he fought with Li Canghai.

It turned out that in front of Chu Zheng, it was just two children fighting.

Ridimental, the more I think about it, the more the Green Dragon Viewer feels ridiculous!

"No need to call me Shangxian, just call me Mr. Chu!"

Chu Zheng carried his hands behind his back, shook his head slightly and smiled.

Shangxian, that is the title of his previous life, now after the earth's cultivation civilization disappears, has the title of Shangxian become so worthless?

Chu Zheng's current cultivation is far from reaching the level of an immortal!

Chu Zheng couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Yes... Above...... Mr. Chu! "

The Green Dragon View Lord doesn't mention how much he worships Chu Zheng in his heart.

Mr. Chu didn't even rush himself, and left himself to do miscellaneous work in Qinglong Mountain, it was simply... It is my green dragon, a blessing cultivated in my previous life!

The old tears moved by the green dragon.

"Well, besides, what you just saw is rotten to your stomach, and you can't talk about it to anyone, understand? Go and call them over, and I have something to discuss with you! After

Chu Zheng finished speaking, he took his hands on his back and walked towards Qinglong subjectively.

"It's Mr. Chu, Qinglong is going!"

The Blue Dragon Watcher Lord bowed down one after another, and at the same time his heart was even more joyful.

He didn't hear it wrong just now, Mr. Chu, he actually said that he had something to discuss with you.

This you naturally include me Qinglong!

Thinking of this, Qinglong's eyes were about to shine.

At the moment, where do you still care about the pain on your body, and hurriedly run to call someone!


But said the Simon family at this time.

He has already dealt with the aftermath of Ximen Yun and Ximen Dongfeng.

This night, the four great elders of Ximen Mansion gathered all the disciples of Ximen Mansion.

"The lord of the mansion will go out tomorrow, in order to prevent the lord of the mansion from learning the news of Young Master Yun's death, and thus slaughter half of Yanjing, so, tonight, I will bring that Chu Zheng's head, the fourth old, heard that Chu Zheng went to Qinglong Mountain to hide, you go to Qinglong Mountain and take that Chu Zheng's head!"

The Great Elder said to the Four Elders.

Qinglong Mountain, but there is a strong Qinglong Guan Lord sitting in the town, and the Great Elder does not dare to lead a large group of people to make a scene.

And in order to befriend the Lord of the Green Dragon Temple, Ximen Mansion will offer a lot of money every year to repair Guanyu for the Green Dragon Temple, and through the four major protectors, let the Green Dragon Mountain hand over a Chu Zheng, which is not a problem at all.

But if you call an ordinary expert to go, it seems that you are not very respectful to the four protectors of Qinglong Mountain.

It is to send the four elders to personally take the head of Chu Zhengxiang, so that it is not rude.

"Hmph, an ant, why should I Ximen Haonan do it myself, but since the eldest brother said it, then the fourth brother will come!"

Fourth Elder Ximen Haonan arched his hand at the Great Elder and immediately waved his sleeves.

Immediately, more than a dozen Ximen Mansion disciples followed behind him...

Mighty rushed towards Qinglong Mountain...

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