Chu Zheng also deliberately considered the matter of Ximen Mansion before to see if he found a time to destroy Ximen Mansion.

But now, Chu Zheng really doesn't have this energy, now the Green Dragon Mountain has been taken by Chu Zheng, and the Green Dragon Cold Pool of the Green Dragon Mountain can be used as a base for him to establish the Yuan Capture Array.

Most importantly, the large amount of purple blue jade produced by Qinglong Pond can be used as the foundation of his own large array.

Chiyan jade, frog snake soul, and other major materials in several formations were also collected.

As for the other materials, this is good to collect slowly with the construction of the large array.

And Chu Zheng asked Shen Wensan to discuss with them today, that is, he was ready to start building the Yuan Capture Array.

The Yuan Capture Array is a huge project, the importance needless to say, if there is no Yuan Capture Array, Chu Zheng will break through to the foundation building realm within a few decades, that is, you can think about it in your dreams.

But with this large array, Chu Zheng is sure that he will break through within ten years, or even less.

Moreover, after the rumors of the turmoil in the Cold Pool Cave Cultivation True Realm, it also gave Chu Zheng a deep sense of crisis.

For strength, more desire.

Secondly, the large array is basically ready now, and the process of building it will take another year or two, and in this year or two, who knows what will happen again.

So, it has to be in advance.

But Chu Zheng's current strength cultivation, he completely undertook all the projects of the Great Array, which is simply unrealistic.

And the Green Dragon Watcher, Shen asked Uncle Sanzeng, just to help himself.

"What? Sir, you want to do a big formation in Qinglong Mountain? "

I was surprised that the Green Dragon Guan Lord, the Great Array Formation, he had learned some from the texts left by the Green Dragon Guan Dynasty, because its requirements for cultivation were too high, and even, it was something that immortals could make.

However, after thinking about it, the Blue Dragon View Lord dispelled his doubts again.

Yes, this Mr. Chu in front of him, where is a mortal!

However, being able to see the big array with his own eyes, Qinglong's eyes were still fiery, and the surprises that Mr. Chu brought him were too many.

He felt that he had lived for more than a hundred years, and compared with Mr. Chu, he had almost lived to the dog.

"Sir, you mean that we are also involved in the construction of this large array?"

It was Uncle Zeng who spoke.

His face was much more stable than that of the Blue Dragon Observation Lord, after all, he had been with Chu Zheng for a while, and Chu Zheng had done things that were difficult for ordinary people to understand, and there were already too many, for Uncle Zeng and Shen Wensan.

I've long been used to it.

"Not bad..."

Chu Zheng sat on the upper seat of the Green Dragon Temple, got up and said: "If this big array is just built by me, it will waste too much time, so I need your help, Green Dragon..." Chu Zheng

turned his head and said to the Lord of the Green Dragon View with a reverent face:

"Presumably you are in the cultivation world and have a certain reputation, you go to some colleagues in the cultivation world, invite them to the Green Dragon Mountain, and ask them to join in!"

Chu Zheng ordered, quite a bit of a sense of commanding the heroes.

But the green dragon is also a little difficult, this fellow cultivator in the cultivation world, but everyone who is famous, the green dragon must know.

Moreover, Qinglong can also be regarded as one of the highly respected people in the cultivation world.

However, if, as Mr. Chu said, it would be much more difficult to let these equally respected old guys join this formation construction project based on his own words.

"Mr. Chu, it is naturally not difficult to invite them to Qinglong Mountain, the difficult thing is that they may not listen to me, there are a few old guys, and they have been extremely incompatible with me over the years!"

Qinglong smiled awkwardly.

"It's okay, just call them over, if you don't obey, hit them until they obey!"

Chu Zheng said lightly.

At this time, Chu Zheng completely acted in the style of the Jiuyang Emperor.

In the previous life, the Jiuyang Emperor ordered the immortals of the three realms, and there must be some who were not convinced, and wanted the theory of the Jiuyang Emperor, Chu Zheng did not explain at all, and directly hit and hit the submission position of the three realms.

The fist is the truth, since ancient times, it is whoever has a hard fist and who has strong strength has the most right to speak.

"Yes..." Listening

to Chu Zheng's words, the corners of Qinglong's mouth twitched, and he replied awkwardly.

But in my heart, I was thinking: 'Mr. Chu has always acted like this?' Hit if you are not convinced?


of this, Qinglong gasped again, thinking that he almost died directly in the hands of Chu Zheng like Li Canghai, who came not far away to die.

In order to build this formation faster, Chu Zheng also had to find those Daoists who had superb carving skills like the green dragon to join in.

No way, Chu Zheng is an acute person, especially in terms of cultivation, Chu Zheng can be said to have no patience at all, and it is in the environment where there are many unknown hidden dangers.

Chu Zheng hated that he couldn't build this large array in the blink of an eye.

But although he is anxious, Chu Zheng is not the kind of rush to do things, he must have a detailed plan, otherwise, he will not be a reckless person.

Therefore, there are more Daoists coming in, and in the big project of formation engraving, they will save much more effort.

You can concentrate on arranging those core projects.

As for Shen Wensan and Uncle Zeng, they are responsible for some hardware projects, such as the mountains that must be opened, the location of the formation is settled, and so on.

"But said sir, throughout the ages, every important project has a name, and we chose this Green Dragon Mountain as the foundation, and then called it the Green Dragon Temple, how is it a little inappropriate!"

Uncle Zeng remembered this and proposed.

Qinglong gave Uncle Zeng a blank look, not because Uncle Zeng wanted to change the name of the Qinglong Temple, but because the Qinglong was ready to take the initiative to propose to change the name of the Qinglong Temple for the sake of small dedication, but this time, the credit was robbed!

It's so angry, it's so angry!

Qinglong secretly regretted in his heart, why didn't he speak earlier.

Chu Zheng also nodded and said, "I also have this intention, this Green Dragon Temple, it is better to change the name to Jiuyang... Palace bar! "

Chu Zheng actually wanted to say that it was better to call it the Jiuyang Immortal Palace, because this was his own immortal residence in the previous life, but when he thought about it, adding an immortal character now seems to be a little too crazy, and the current cultivation can't afford an immortal character.

So simply omit it, called Jiuyang Palace.

The mountain is named Jiuyang Mountain!

"Jiuyang Palace..." Shen Wensan muttered, clapping his hands and applauding: "Jiuyang Palace, good name, good name!" "


Bloom two flowers, one on each table.

But said that Chu Zheng and they set the name to refine the construction of this Yuan Capture Array project.

Under Jiuyang Mountain, a group of uninvited guests came.

"Stop, Sir has an order, any idle people, etc., are not allowed to enter!"

A group of more than a dozen people directly rushed up Jiuyang Mountain with great momentum, but they were directly stopped by the disciples guarding the mountain.

"Bastard, I don't know Elder Ximen Haonan, you are a disciple of Which Peak, and I don't go to tell you to protect the Dharma!"

Ximen Haonan closed his eyes slightly.

Carry your hands behind your back.

He has always had a friendship with the White Protector of the White Dragon Peak of the Green Dragon Temple, and even offered dozens of beautiful women last year.

Therefore, this Ximen Haonan inevitably spoke a little crazy.

And the disciples of the guarding mountain heard this.

But in his heart, he secretly said: 'We want to pray to the protector of Nima, but we want to pray, how can we all be slaughtered by the husband, and even whether the Lord Lord lives or dies in the end, it depends entirely on the mood of the husband!' '

Besides, now that Qinglongshan is already sir's, why should you sell the face of Ximen Mansion.

"Please come back, Qinglong Mountain has been closed, no one can enter!"

The disciple replied directly and forcefully.


Ximen Haonan opened his eyes slightly.

There was already a killing intent in his eyes.

When he came on this trip, he would definitely take the head of Chu Zheng's ant, and this Green Dragon Mountain, the Green Dragon Observation Lord was still in retreat, so the four elders had the final say.

He Ximen Haonan acted recklessly, but he also had nothing to worry about.

"Hmph, disciple of the mountain guard, how can you stop me! Above!

Ximen Haonan waved his hand, and the dozen or so Ximen Mansion disciples behind him jumped out directly into the air.


There was a burst of shouting in unison, and more than a dozen disciples fought each other and confronted the disciples of Shoushan Mountain.

It's just that these Siemens brothers, their eyes, like Yan Zizhen, who was once destroyed by Chu Zheng, are slightly narrowed, as if their eyes are empty.

A disciple of the mountain guard, He Zu hangs his teeth.

These Siemens disciples walked towards the disciples guarding the mountain in unison.

But there were already disciples who went to the Green Dragon Temple to report.

"Sir, under the mountain, the disciples of Ximen Mansion have fought with my disciples guarding the mountain!"

A disciple knelt to report.


Chu Zheng frowned slightly, and couldn't help but secretly say in his heart: 'I don't have time to look for them yet, but I found them myself...'

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