"Brush brush brush!"

After a few rounds, more than a dozen disciples of the main mountain of Qinglong Mountain were defeated.

"Don't measure yourself!"

Ximen Haonan looked at the ant-like mountain guarding disciple in front of him and shook his head slightly.

"Ant Chu Zheng! Come out quickly and send it to death! Ant Chuzheng, quickly come out and send to death!

However, looking at these mountain guarding disciples, Ximen Haonan's eyes were slightly closed, and his breath was heavy, and he suddenly made an extremely high decibel sound.

"Lion Roar Gong!"

Several disciples of the mountain guard, who had already lost the battle, but were still stubbornly resisting, suddenly heard Ximen Haonan's sound that was enough to break their eardrums, and their hearts were furious.

Immediately, I felt this powerful voice that was a little deafening.

Although he covered his ears tightly, his face was still red, and after a while, he lost the sword in his hand, and each covered his head and rolled on the ground.

Lion Roar Gong, one of the martial arts of the Ximen family, the masterpiece of the four elders Ximen Haonan.

"Ant Chu Zheng, quickly come out and die..."

shouted more than a dozen times in succession.

Obviously, these mountain guarding disciples have completely lost any resistance.

"Are you so anxious to find me out?"

A rather playful voice sounded, and I saw Chu Zheng with a group of people, slowly standing with his hands in his hands, and walking down the mountain.

And Chu Zheng looked at this elder of Ximen Mansion with interest.

"You are Ant Chuzheng?"

Ximen Haonan asked lightly, even, his eyes have not opened, all the time, as small as dust, Ximen Haonan is worried, when he opens his eyes, this ant-like small Chu Zheng will defile his eyes.

Of course, Ximen Haonan didn't open his eyes, and naturally he couldn't see the Blue Dragon Watcher on the side.

"Yes, I am Chu Zheng!"

Chu Zheng carried his hands behind his back and said with a faint smile.

"Huh? Don't move!

After Chu Zheng answered, more than a dozen children of the Ximen family, with their eyes slightly closed, wanted to kill Chu Zheng on the spot.

However, Ximen Haonan closed his eyes and raised his hand to stop them.

"Take someone's head directly, it's too cheap for him, I'm going to use the Lion Roar Gong, shake his brain to collapse, and bleed!"

Ximen Haonan said.

Immediately, he inhaled slightly, and the dantian instantly withered, and his chest bulged high.

Immediately after, Ximen Haonan opened his mouth:

"Ah! ~"Ah

! ~" A

super high decibel roar came from its mouth, and the surrounding leaves directly shook.

Some tall pine trees, more as if they saw something fearful, directly distorted back.

And some of the disciples guarding the mountain even spat out blood, obviously unable to withstand the power of this lion roar skill.

"Wait, this elder of the Ximen family, are you all right?"

Ximen Haonan was about to reach the peak, and he felt that Chu Zheng's ant-like existence had long been shocked to death by himself, but in order to shock everyone, he still did not stop.

Prepare to shake that ant to death.

But unexpectedly, a rather concerned word suddenly sounded from his ears.

Directly startled Ximen Haonan.

"How is that possible? How could anyone still be alive, and besides, the owner of this voice was not that ant Chu Zheng? Ximen

Haonan was shocked in his heart, opened his eyes in disbelief, and saw that Chu Zheng did not know when he had come to him, and was looking at himself with a curious face.

"You... Didn't even die? "

Ximen Haonan seems to have seen the best joke in the world, in this world, there is someone who can resist his lion roar skill?

Ximen Haonan was surprised.

"This elder..."

Chu Zheng nodded, and continued rather curiously, "You... You okay? To

be honest, Chu Zheng is indeed a little frightened now.

He just felt that after Ximen Haonan said the sentence that shocked him to bleed, he would move towards himself, and Chu Zheng was also ready to deal with it.

Who knows, the expected move did not come, and this elder of the Ximen family actually opened his mouth and shouted.

It was very embarrassing to put Chu Zheng in order.

What is this for?

So Chu Zheng was a little curious.

I just want to ask.

"You... You..."

And Ximen Haonan, looking at Chu Zheng, who was completely unharmed, was horrified in his heart, and suddenly his words trembled.

At the moment, it is to turn the inner strength again.

"Ah! Directly

shouted at Chu Zheng again.

However, he had just shouted....


A slap sounded directly, and the sound of this slap even directly covered Ximen Haonan's lion roar gong. Directly knocked Ximen Haonan to the ground.

"Ah, your fucking head!"

The one who came up and slapped it was the Green Dragon Watcher.

The Blue Dragon Guan Lord was furious, and with a slap, Ximen Haonan's face was directly deformed.

Immediately seeing Chu Zheng and Shen Wensan looking at themselves with some surprise.

Qinglong immediately said with some embarrassment: "Infinite that Tianzun, the poor road has insulted Sven just now!" But

Qinglong's heart is also troubled, the most he can't hear is noise, this Ximen family is good, he has shouted several times.

If it weren't for Mr. Chu's lack of intention to make a move, Qinglong would have beaten this arrogant man to death a long time ago.

"Ah~ Green Dragon Watcher..." Ximen

Haonan, whose face had already been deformed, suddenly came back to his senses. At the same time, his eyes widened.

It turns out that just now, Lord Qinglong Guan has always been there!

Moreover, these disciples of Ximen Mansion all squinted slightly just now, and did not see the Blue Dragon Watcher standing behind Chu Zheng, and even, they did not see Ximen Haonan being beaten.

I thought that the slap just now was someone else who Ximen Haonan smoked.

At that moment, Ximen Haonan's screams were heard.

Only then did I know that the Blue Dragon Watcher Lord was there.

These children of the Ximen family completely opened their eyes!

And seeing Ximen Haonan, who was lying on the ground and his face was almost unrecognizable, he showed a look of horror.

You know, their Ximen family can be majestic in front of the four protectors, but they have no face at all in front of this Blue Dragon View Lord who has been retreated!

"The lion roar gong, dare to make a second in front of Mr. Chu, it is really not self-sufficient!"

Qinglong snorted coldly at this Ximen Haonan.

Only then did Chu Zheng understand and asked Qinglong, "Are you saying that what this elder used just now is a martial art?" "

Sir is right, it's their Ximen Mansion's Lion Roar Gong..."

said Qinglong with a bow.

My heart was also secretly happy, just now, I finally made a small contribution in front of Mr. Chu.

Chu Zheng had an expression of sudden realization.

All understood.

It turned out that this elder of Ximen Mansion had already made a move against himself just now, and wanted to use the Lion Roar Gong to shock himself!

Interesting, interesting!

Chu Zheng could not have imagined that there was still this kind of martial arts in this world.

It was an eye-opener.

"Just now, it was me Chu Zheng who was rude and failed to recognize Your Excellency's martial arts!"

Chu Zheng has always been very researched about martial arts, especially this kind of unheard of martial arts, so even with him, he also has a lot of respect for this Ximen Haonan.

And looking at Chu Zheng's sincere and ignorant expression, as well as relatively modest words.

Ximen Haonan felt the blood rushing in his chest, and he actually spit out a mouthful of blood...

He, Ximen Haonan, had already used all his internal strength to defeat this ant-like existence of Chu Zheng.

But unexpectedly, people did not say anything at all.

On the contrary, he humbly came to you and asked what kind of kung fu he used.


Every sincere question from Chu Zheng was like the loud slap that the Green Dragon Guan Lord had just slapped him, beating him fiercely and constantly whipping.

Ximen Haonan, who directly let it, fainted with blood in his mouth.

And looking at Ximen Haonan, who shouted a few times and fainted.

Chu Zheng shook his head slightly: "This kind of kung fu is too hurtful, it is easy to form a backlash, if you don't practice..."

However, Ximen Haonan, who had already fainted, after listening to Chu Zheng's sigh, opened his eyes again and sprayed a large mouthful of blood before fainting again...


The dozen or so children of the Ximen family looked at the heavily injured Ximen Haonan.

He took two steps back with some jealousy.

"By the way, I'm a little curious about Chu Zheng, why do you children of the Ximen family usually keep your eyes closed? And the most important point, why do you have to shout 'sa' in your mouth every time before you start, what does this mean? Chu

Zheng put his hands on his back and asked lightly....

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