This is indeed a point that Chu Zheng is more puzzled about, from Yan Zizhen at the beginning, to the later Ximen Yun and Ximen Dongfeng, and the children of these Ximen families.

It's basically all a virtue.

Chu Zheng actually wanted to ask for a long time, but unfortunately, none of those three people gave Chu Zheng this opportunity.

Now that he has seized the opportunity, Chu Zheng wants to ask to understand.

And these children of the Ximen family all looked at each other, and their faces turned red.

This is what kind of Ximen family's martial arts habits, but it is a manifestation of arrogance.

But in front of this Chu Zheng, who even the Green Dragon Observation Lord had to respect, their Ximen family was still willing to have half a point of arrogance.

"Mr. Chu, spare us!"

"Poof, poof!"

These children of the Ximen family knelt down in a row.

Ask Chu Zheng to spare their lives.

Chu Zheng shook his head slightly, it seems that he guessed well, the sassy sentence they shouted was not a performance of the martial arts at all.

He shook his head with some disappointment, then took his hands behind his back and returned to the mountain.

"Don't get out yet!"

Shen Wensan snorted coldly.

These children were embarrassed to lift the unconscious Ximen Haonan and fled down the mountain.

Chu Zheng did not want to kill them, but disdained.

Mainly because Chu Zheng didn't have the energy to attack them.

"Mr. Chu, Qinglong has already notified many friends from the Daomen Realm, and tomorrow, they should all be able to reach Jiuyang Mountain!"

On the way back, the Blue Dragon Observation Lord said to Chu Zheng.

"So good! Inside this storage ring, there are hundreds of useless pills that I refined in the past, you see what good pills are inside, pick some, reward them, I Chu Zheng, naturally I will not treat people who do things for me badly! As

soon as Chu Zheng raised his hand, the storage ring in his hand flew directly into Qinglong's hand.

"Storage ring..."

Qinglong's pupils contracted for a while, looking at Mr. Chu's meaning, this storage ring must also be given to himself!

Looking at Chu Zheng's distant back, Qinglong was even more firm in his belief that he must follow Chu Zheng with a dead heart.

However, what gave Qinglong a little headache was.

Mr. Chu was a little too ignorant of his fellow cultivators.

Those guys are simply a herd of cattle, ordinary elixirs, and useless pills, how can they be sent off.

Moreover, what makes Qinglong also have some expectations is that tomorrow their Daoist friends will come, and Qinglong really wants to see what means Mr. Chu will use to subdue him.

While thinking, the Blue Dragon Watcher also carefully picked up the storage ring that Chu Zheng rewarded, and immediately moved his mind and probed it.

Seeing inside, there were indeed a lot of pills.

It's just a pity that it's all useless....


And when Qinglong took a closer look at these pills, his pupils contracted vigorously, and in the end, his eyes almost burst out.

"This is Qing Yuandan? Is this a quenching pill? This is..." Looking

at a large pile of black and black pills, hundreds of pills.

Qinglong secretly read the names of these elixirs while swallowing wildly.

"These ... Is it the useless pill in Mr. Chu's mouth? "

You know, every pill in this is a priceless treasure, and Qinglong spent a lot of money thirty years ago to ask for a quenching pill, and the strength at that time was advancing by leaps and bounds.

And compared with these quenching pills of Mr. Chu, what he ate before was a sheep ball?

Qinglong deeply doubted whether the Quenching Body Pill he had eaten before was true or false.

And these treasures, there are hundreds of them, all kinds of them.

Useless pills....

Qinglong really wanted to give himself a mouth, he wanted to confirm whether he was living in a dream.

How do you think the things of the past two days are so dreamy?

These are all useless pills like throwing garbage by Mr. Chu...

"Mr. Chu!"

The Green Dragon Watcher looked at Chu Zheng's distant back and knelt down directly.

Once again, he was completely convinced....

And this storage ring is not very important to Chu Zheng.

After all, he has already obtained a storage ring with more space, so the small storage ring, staying with him is also kept, it is better to give it to this green dragon, because there are still many places where he will be used in the future.

With the storage ring, it is convenient for him to get things done.


But said that this night, Ximen Mansion was completely shocked.

It was not just because the fourth elder Ximen Haonan became demented, nor was it just because Chu Zheng had the Blue Dragon View Lord as a backer.

It's because Ximen Yu, the lord of Ximen Mansion, is actually going to go out of customs in advance!

If it was placed ten days ago, Ximen Yu wanted to go out of the customs, this would definitely be a great happy event for Ximen Mansion, and a celebration must be made.

But now, Great Elder Ximen Chen was not happy at all.

His worst fears may happen.

The lord of the mansion went out and learned that Young Master Yun was dead, and Ximen Mansion had lost two generals one after another, and he must have gone completely crazy.

Twenty years ago, the tragic tragedy in Yanjing may be repeated.

No, it's not just a repetition.

It must be even crazier than last time, I'm afraid that this time the entire Yanjing will be washed in blood.

The strength of the mansion lord Ximen Yu, even if it is the Blue Dragon View Lord, he has to weigh it.

Half of Yanjing is washed in blood, and the Qinglong Guan will definitely be razed to the ground under the siege of my Ximen Mansion's army, which not only Ximen Chen, but also the entire Ximen Mansion, and even everyone in Yanjing, will not doubt.

If the Lu family's young master Lu Shengtian used the word 'no solution' to describe it, then it was appropriate to use the word 'killing god' to describe Ximen Yu.

Ximen Chen was no longer worried about the problem of not being able to kill Chu Zheng, and after learning that the lord of the mansion had left the customs in advance, this problem automatically dissipated in his heart.

What he was worried about now was the safety of the people of Yanjing, as well as Qinglong Mountain, and the Hidden Dragon Organization.

Leveling the Green Dragon Mountain, that's for sure, but after that, the Green Dragon Guan Lord is also in the cultivation realm, and a person with high morality is killed by the lord Ximen Yu, it is bound that the cultivation world will not give up.

Second, the Hidden Dragon Organization will no longer allow Ximen Mansion to act so recklessly, and if the Hidden Dragon Organization blames it, even Jinling's Martial Arts Alliance may not be able to suppress it this time.

It is very unfavorable to Ximen Fu.

The last time he was protected by the Martial Arts Alliance, it took a lot of effort from the Martial Arts Alliance.

This time, I am afraid that I will not be able to return to heaven.

In the whole of Huaxia, no family or gang would not take the Hidden Dragon Organization into account.

There, everyone is demon.

Propose one at random, it is a super high existence that can enter the ranking of the killer list.

It's over, Ximen Mansion is waiting to take over the sanctions....

Thinking of this, Ximenchen's face was difficult to see the extreme.

"Big brother, the lord of the mansion is not tonight, but also tomorrow morning, what should we do?"

The second elder said rather worriedly.

The problems that Ximen Chen considered, I am afraid that the entire Ximen family present knew what the consequences were about to face.

Ximen Chen shook his head and said: "Erzhan was provoked by a bullet, but I didn't expect that my Ximen family was about to accept sanctions, and it turned out to be picked up by an extremely small ant Chu Zheng, ridiculous, really ridiculous!"

The sadness on Ximenchen's face was self-evident.

But as a great elder, he must insist: "No matter what, we must try our best to organize the lord of the mansion, and then set off a bloody storm, it is already a small problem, we must try our best to minimize the killing scope of the lord of the mansion." At least when the time comes, it will be easier to explain!

Ximenchen's words were quickly recognized by many high-level officials of the Ximen family.

"Yes, we must do our best to dissuade the lord of the mansion..." In

this way, Ximen Chen and his party were all waiting in the Ximen family, outside a closed stone room.

Discussed countermeasures, discussed overnight.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the stone chamber.

Immediately after, the door of the stone chamber, the stone door of pure rock a meter later, was directly shattered.

And it was shaken to pieces.

Then, a figure flew out directly from the stone gate.

This figure, even inside the stone gate, brought a manic hurricane, and the hurricane followed closely.

The blow caused Ximenchen and the others outside the door, and their cheeks hurt.

There are even family children with low cultivation, the corners of their mouths are about to be torn, and their bodies are also blown to the ground.

"The lord of the mansion is out of customs!"

Suppressing the energy of this hurricane, Ximenchen looked at the figure and said with fear in his eyes....

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