Today, Jiuyang Mountain

can be described as very lively, and Taoist temple masters and famous cultivators from all over China gather in Jiuyang Mountain.

Even famous tycoons from all over Yanjing followed.

These people were all invited by the Blue Dragon Watcher.

Needless to say, the reputation of the Blue Dragon View Lord in the cultivation world also has an extremely high status in the eyes of some rich people.

Those who do business inevitably have some reverence.

Pray for the protection of the gods, so often these rich people are inextricably linked with the Taoist Buddha.

And the reason why Qinglong found these rich businessmen is to open mountains and build formations, which is inevitable financial resources, and Qinglong Temple is a Taoist temple, naturally it is not suitable for Mr. Chu to live again.

Summoning these rich merchants, the Blue Dragon Observation Lord took this into account.

Although Qinglong's little abacus was very loud, the people who came, especially those famous cultivators, were scratching their heads.

"Why is the Green Dragon Observation Lord so anxious to summon us here?"

"I don't know, it is said that a few days ago, after the green dragon came out of customs, it seemed to have encountered some trouble..."

Some Daoist priests began to discuss on the way up the mountain.

"Trouble... It's funny, the Green Dragon Observation Lord has such a high level of strength, he really can't imagine what trouble he will encounter, and he wants to stir the crowd so much! A

few veterans couldn't help but bow their heads slightly.

And at this time, I heard a loud shout from below the mountain:

"Yiyang real person has arrived!"

The sound spread along the mountain road, and for a while, all the climbers froze in unison, and the discussion that was still noisy just now also quieted down in an instant.

Everyone looked down the mountain in unison.

I saw that at the foot of the mountain, there was a group of Taoist disciples wearing golden Taoist robes and looking extremely gorgeous, there were dozens of people, standing neatly in two rows, their eyes were cast in the middle position, and a person who was striding over.

The golden robe on that person looked even more luxurious.

It was an old man, but looking at his gaze, there was a defiant aura.

Behind the old man, there was also a young Taoist elder in his twenties, who was also heroic!

"Yiyang Zhenren, with his only disciple Jiuyang Dao Master?"

Some Taoist friends recognized the two at a glance.

Yiyang Zhenren is the master of Yiyang View, and his strength is the top existence of the cultivators of the entire Huaxia Kingdom, and his strength is strong and his power is even greater.

Yiyang view, just the big rich who support it, they can't count.

Even half of the lower-level rich people can't climb this Yang view at all.

It can be said to be the most noble among the cultivators.

But even so, some Daoists also flashed deep hatred for Yiyang Zhenren in their eyes.

Because this Yang Zhenren, with his own strength, has always wanted to annex all the Taoist temples in Huaxia, some Taoist temples are unwilling, and now they are almost suppressed by Yiyang Zhenren.

Only the Green Dragon View can survive under the suppression of the Yiyang Temple.

This is also the reason why the Green Dragon Guan Lord has been cultivating hard day and night, because Yiyang Zhenren's strength is really too strong.

"The Green Dragon View has never submitted to a Yang True Person, this time the Green Dragon View Lord gathered all the Daoists, why did this Yang True Man come at this time?"

Some Taoists couldn't help but ask questions.

Originally, everyone felt that Qinglong had gathered all the Daoists to take the opportunity of his exit this time to discuss how to fight against this Yang Guan, which had become crazy to the limit.

Unexpectedly, this Yang Zhenren actually came.

And brought so many people, there is an imposing force, the comers are not good!

Everyone looked at the domineering Yiyang Zhenren with some jealousy.

and the disciples of Yiyang Guan.

"Stop, Sir has an order, no one is allowed to lead the blade up the mountain, please order all the disciples to unload the long sword in their hands!"

A disciple guarding the mountain, seeing the person of Yiyang Guan, directly carrying a long sword on his back, went directly up the mountain, and couldn't help but say.


However, this mountain guarding disciple, as soon as his words fell, suddenly a Jiuyang Dao Master standing behind a Yiyang True Person directly sacrificed the long sword in his hand.

The longsword made a sound that pierced the air.

Immediately after, he directly crossed the eyes of this mountain guarding disciple!


The disciple of Shoushan covered his eyes, and his eyes were directly blinded.

"Since you don't know my Lord Yiyang Guan, then what use are these eyes!"

Yiyang Zhenren's entry disciple, a young Daoist Jiuyang in his twenties, said coldly.

"Ah! My eyes..." the

mountain guarding disciple rolled on the ground in pain.

Yiyang, on the other hand, just snorted coldly.

"This Yang View, when he is really arrogant, he just said a word, why did he blind this disciple's eyes so cruelly!"

Some old ways are originally good in heart, and they also look at the arrogant Yiyang view is not pleasing to the eye, but at this time, the Yiyang view not only does not abide by the rules.

Instead, the method was cruel, directly piercing the eyes of an innocent disciple.

At the moment, An Nai couldn't hold back, and drank coldly.


And Yiyang Zhenren, hearing this, carried his hands behind his back, narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was quite a strange meaning in his tone.

'Who dares to refute my view of the yang?' '

Yiyang Zhenren, I haven't heard such a rebellious word for a long time.

"Daring, I act in a Yang view, why do I have to explain to Er and others, dare to say paradoxes, I don't want to live?"

The young Jiuyang Dao Elder directly stood up with cold eyes, pointing at the old Dao and drinking.

Arrogant, young, but not respectful of the elders of the Dao Realm at all, it is really arrogant.

"The Lord Qingming Dao of this seat Yunqing Guan is also, how, you are a junior, don't you know to respect the elders!"

Qingming Daolong, completely Annai can't stop!

"Elder, in my eyes, except for the family teacher Yiyang Zhenren, the others are all as small as ants, how can I respect it?"

The young Daoist of Jiuyang directly drank coldly.

"Arrogant boy, all of them are as small as ants, I want to see how many pounds and taels you have!"

The Qingming Daoist has not made a move with anyone for decades, because he has always advocated Taoism, but today, even if he is a junior, the Qingming Daoist is a little unbearable.

The most severely suppressed was out of the Qinglong Temple, which was his Yunqingguan.

Now Yunqingguan is even more suppressed, and only an empty temple remains.

Why is the Qingming Daoist not angry.

"Look at the move!"

Qingming directly snorted coldly, and then moved towards the Jiuyang Dao Chief.

"Ant..." The

young Jiuyang shook his head slightly, and without using a sword, he turned his palm into a finger, pinched a sword finger, and directly rushed towards the Qingming Daomaster.


Although Jiu Yang was young, his speed cultivation was surprisingly high, and he saw his figure confused for a while, and he actually went directly to the chest of the Qingming Dao Chief.

A finger poked at the chest of the Qingming Daoist.

The powerful finger force directly pierced the chest of the Qingming Dao Chief, and a strong qi was projected from the back of the Qingming Dao Chief.

"Poof!" Qingming spat out blood in his mouth and flew out directly upside down.

"You... You..."

Qingming only had a breath left.

"Qingming Daolong!"

"Brother Qingming Dao!"

Seeing this scene, all the Daoists who were usually friends with the Qingming Dao Elder rushed up together.

Lift up the Qingming Dao Commander, who is left with one breath left.

"Brother Qingming Dao!"

These Taoist friends lifted up the elderly Qingming with a painful heart, and their eyes were full of humiliation.

At the same time, he looked at Yiyang Zhenren and the arrogant Jiuyang with hatred.

Qingming Daoist is an old and good person in the cultivation world, but he can't see Jiuyang crippled others at will, and he was beaten to death alive, and Yiyang Guan has already been overbearing to such a point.

"Brother Qingming Dao..." These

people gathered around Qingming.

More Taoists are holding a wait-and-see attitude and no longer dare to move.

"Master, it's an apprentice who is not good at learning, Yiyang's kung fu is not at home, he... It's not dead!

And Jiuyang didn't look at this small crowd like an ant, but instead knelt down towards the Yiyang Guan Lord, with a deep sense of self-blame in his heart.

"Hmph, punish you to go back, practice hard for another ten days, and you are not allowed to go down the mountain!"

And Yiyang Zhenren directly snorted coldly at his disciple Jiuyang.

"You dare to stop me?"

After speaking, Yiyang Zhenren had a pair of cold eyes, and immediately looked at the disciple of Shoushan again.

The disciples of the mountain guard looked at each other and took a few steps back.

"Boom... Bang..."

And at this time, above the peak of Qinglong Mountain, a bell rang.

"It's the Qinglong Daoist Chief's summoning, let's go, let's go up!"

Picking up the Qingming Daoist, these Daoists glanced hatefully at Yiyang, who was no one in sight, and then heard the order and went directly up the mountain.

"Master, it seems that these people want to fight against the master with the green dragon, snake and rat!"

Jiu Yang stood up and looked at these old Daoists with Qi hearts.

"A group of earthy rubble, how can they stop me from looking at it, now they have gathered better, and they are just killed by me!" Hahaha..."

Yiyang Zhenren put his hands behind his back and laughed....

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