"Who is Mr. Chu in my mouth as the old man of the Qinglong Dragon, it turns out to be just a small layman like an ant, who gave you the courage to dare to offend my name?"

Jiu Yang looked at this Mr. Chu who was respected by the green dragon, it turned out to be a young man who did not see any cultivation at all, originally Jiu Yang was still a little jealous.

I secretly suspected in my heart that this Mr. Chu was divine and where the hidden family had reappeared.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a hairy boy.

Disgrace! It's a shame.

This ant-like small Chu Zheng actually offended my name, which is a great shame for my Jiuyang.

It's like taking pictures with a tiger, which is not shameful, but majestic.

But now, it is obvious that he Jiuyang is taking a photo with a pig, and he is simply thrown home.


There are no words to describe Jiu Yang's mood at this time, only one word, the person in front of him, only death, can lift the shame on Jiu Yang's body.

"Ants are generally small, if you find out later, you can't make a move on me, an ant, what will you think of yourself?"

Chu Zheng shook his head slightly, although Chu Zheng has been despised many times, this is no way, because of the breath on Chu Zheng's body, on this earth, few masters can reach this realm, and it can be seen that Chu Zheng has cultivation on his body.

So it has not been once or twice that Chu Zheng has been misunderstood, but after counting carefully, it is the first time that Chu Zheng has seen such an arrogant person.

Even more arrogant than the original Bai Lang Ximen Yun, and no one in sight.

Moreover, just because he called the name Jiuyang, the person in front of him actually showed murderous intent.

Chu Zheng shook his head slightly.

"Jiu Yang, you retreat first!"

And at this time, without saying a word, Yiyang Zhenren, who had been staring at Chu Zheng, stood up, and raised his hand to let Jiuyang retreat.

Although this ant Chu Zheng in front of him has no cultivation, the most important point is that this young man knows the Dan Fang of Quenching Pill.

Otherwise, how could Qinglong get so many Quenching Body Pills.

Of course, this is secondary, mainly because Yiyang Zhenren also saw that this age Chu Zheng actually brought a storage ring on his finger.

The storage ring is a high-grade magic weapon, and it is also a symbol of the mysterious alchemist.

Moreover, the storage ring worn by Chu Zheng's hand was much stronger than the one on Yiyang's hand!

It's simply not a grade.

Combining these two points, Yiyang Zhenren directly affirmed that this ant Chu Zheng in front of him was very likely to be an alchemist.

Even if it is not, it must have the secret recipe of the Quenching Body Pill.

If you slaughter the kid in front of you and get his storage ring, then the secret recipe himself will get it.

Thinking of this, both eyes of Yiyang Zhenren were about to shine.

If he obtained the secret recipe of the Quenching Body Pill, then he Yiyang would not just want to swallow the entire cultivation world.

It seems that his trip is simply too rewarding, and it is too unexpected for himself.

And when Yiyang Zhenren was like watching a prey and watching Chu Zheng's heart rise and fall, subjectively, many cultivators also had deep doubts about Chu Zheng.

This person is young, how could he make the Blue Dragon View Lord submit?

Incredible, unbelievable!

Everyone looked at each other.

And Yiyang looked at the attitude of the surroundings, pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Mr. Chu, since you created this Jiuyang Palace, you must be a person with great skills, how about teaching me a few tricks of Yiyang on the spot?"

Yiyang pursed his lips and smiled.

When he said this, he simply wanted to compete with Chu Zheng, but killed him instantly, and took the opportunity to seize the storage ring and leave.

Yiyang has his own considerations.

Now everyone is skeptical of Chu Zheng, did not greatly increase the strength of the green dragon, doubted to this Chu Zheng, let alone reacted, this Chu Zheng is actually the one who really has the Quenching Body Danfang.

But when they reacted, I was afraid that it would not be easy for them to easily kill Chu Zheng.

After all, these cultivators joined hands, although they could kill sooner or later, but they still had this ability to fight to protect Chu Zheng and entangle themselves.

Therefore, in order to ensure that nothing is lost, he is a yang, and what should be done with a little calculation.

"A good Yiyang real person, actually challenged a person who had no chicken power..." As

soon as Yiyang's words came out, the crowd that was already a little commotion all looked at Yiyang Zhenren with some contempt.

"Bastard, what qualifications do you have in Yiyang to fight with Mr. Yiyang, hit me first!"

Qinglong stood up directly at this time, pointing at Yiyang Zhenren and scolding.

"You are not worthy to fight me, I will ask you, do you dare or not, if you dare not, I will personally smash your Jiuyang Palace!"

Yiyang Zhenren's eyes were slightly cold, and he pressed step by step.

In any case, this can be regarded as an excuse for his own attack, and he will not be a nameless teacher.

It's really a time to kill two birds with one stone.

Chu Zheng met the gaze of this Yang True Person, and his heart was like this, just enough to take this Yang True Person and shock the cultivation world.

Thinking of this, Chu Zheng said, "Let me ask you, among all of you, is this Yang Zhenren the strongest?" Chu

Zheng's question came out.

Everyone in the view looked at each other, although they were extremely unwilling, they also had to admit that Yiyang's Dao practice was definitely the highest among everyone.

Qinglong also took a deep breath and nodded unwillingly.

"Well..." Seeing everyone's attitude, Chu Zheng nodded and smiled: "If I defeat this yang, you are willing to obey me, of course, I will not let you do things in vain, after the matter is completed, the Quenching Body Pill, Qingyuan Pill, everyone can choose three each!"

Chu Zheng looked at everyone.

Everyone looked at each other, if they wanted to say that they believed that this Chu Zheng had great skills, they would definitely not believe it, but if they did not believe it, why would the Green Dragon Observation Lord respect him so much.

"We all listen to Senior Brother Qinglong!"

At this time, a Taoist elder shouted.

The Green Dragon Observation Lord was their only hope against Yiyang, and this Chu Zheng's words were not very credible, but the Green Dragon View Lord was always credible.

Follow the Green Dragon Watcher, and you should not lose money.

Sure enough, as soon as the Taoist priest's words came out, many elderly and senior Daoists also nodded and agreed: "Not bad, Senior Brother Qinglong, what is the end, please take an idea, we all support you!" Chu

Zheng nodded slightly when he heard this.

If just a few words convince these people of my Chu Zheng, then there is no need for this group of fools to stay by their side.

This result is also what Chu Zheng is willing to see.

Chu Zheng nodded slightly.

Immediately looked at Yiyang Zhenren with a sneer, obviously ill-intentioned.

"Yiyang Zhenren, since that's the case, then you can make a move!"

Chu Zheng carried his hands behind his back and said to Yiyang Zhenren.

But Yiyang Zhenren, as if he hadn't heard Chu Zheng speak at all, closed his eyes directly.

To deal with an ant, I can crush to death with one hand, why use my eyes!

"You go in on me..."


However, before Yiyang Zhenren's words were finished, Chu Zheng moved directly, almost so fast that everyone present did not see it.

I just saw that Yiyang had just spoken.

His face directly greeted a fist mixed with dozens of afterimages.

"Ah! ~"

Yiyang screamed miserably, immediately spat out blood, and flew out directly.

There were dozens of Yangguan disciples behind him who did not react at all.

It was directly smashed by the body of Yiyang Zhenren, and the bitter galls that were smashed were all sprayed out.

On the other hand, Yiyang, the whole person's face has sunken in.

Apparently dead, can no longer die!

Dead silence, dead silence.

Because everyone was stunned, including Jiu Yang, a disciple of Yiyang Zhenren, he stared at the ground with wide eyes, and his whole head had become a pile of meat mud Yiyang Zhenren.

Heart frenzy: Is this my master?

This scene was really reversed too quickly, and there was not even a chance for everyone to react....

"What? Yiyang Zhenren, died like this! "

That powerful Yiyang Zhen who has oppressed them for decades, just... Died like this?

Everyone's eyes widened, and they kept repeating this sentence in their hearts.

The green dragon only bowed slightly.

He laughed secretly in his heart: 'Mr. Chu is just killing a Yiyang, what's the fuss! Compared

to everyone, Qinglong was not shocked by Chu Zheng before, but was very calm, which was simply expected!

And Chu Zheng directly closed his fist and gently moved his wrist.

Attack me!

I knew you had to say that.

Because many masters can't see Chu Zheng's strength, so this kind of words, Chu Zheng is not the first time to hear it.

So at the moment, Chu Zheng's reaction was extremely fast.

No ink at all.

"Now, I killed this Yang, the strongest person in your eyes, who else wants to challenge me?"

Looking at these cultivators in front of him, Chu Zheng said lightly.

However, at this time, after listening to Chu Zheng's words, many Daoists lowered their heads in unison.

Joke, who can be invited by the green dragon, which one is not a fool.

These are some people who have a very deep path.

Who can't see the strength of this Chu Zheng, it's not that there is none, but their skills are too low to detect at all....

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