Undoubtedly, Chu Zheng's move today refreshed the cognition of everyone present.

Tough, tough to the point of being unfathomable.

This was the thought that flashed in everyone's hearts when they looked at Chu Zheng.

"I'm not convinced!"

And at this time, Jiu Yang, who had already come to his senses, suddenly raised his chest and was cold and right.

This surprised everyone, this Jiuyang was strong, and he couldn't imagine that his guts were so great.

Although everyone deeply hated this arrogant Jiuyang, at this time, they had to admire his courage a little.

Still a hard bone!

This is everyone's psychological impression of Jiuyang.

But in fact, Jiuyang This is just a shrewd performance, kneeling down and begging for mercy at this time?

Hehe, often this is the case, the more you kneel and beg for mercy, the less good the result.

Doing the opposite, on the other hand, always works wonders.

And a super master like Chu Zheng may still admire his super courage!

Therefore, he Jiuyang not only will not be short of breath, but also continue to be arrogant, showing a fearless spirit.

"You're not convinced?"

Chu Zheng looked at him coldly.

"Yes, the family master was killed by you, I, Jiuyang, will go back to penance for three years, and after three years, I will take your Chu Zhengxiang head!"

Jiuyang replied proudly.

At the same time, the meaning of his words directly put Chu Zheng up.

Going back to penance for three years and coming back to take revenge means asking you Chu Zheng in front of everyone, do you have the courage to let me practice hard for three years.

In fact, he Jiuyang also knew that even if he cultivated hard for three hundred years, he could not be the opponent of this Chu Zheng.

Moreover, his iron bones can be said to be admired by everyone.

Let the Jiuyang be even more fluttering.

And yet....


Chu Zheng directly shot and broke Jiuyang's neck, and Jiuyang's mouth sprayed blood and flew out.


Jiu Yang, who had not completely lost his breath in this life, directly widened his eyes.

Having said so much, this guy can't listen to it at all.

Before he finished saying a word, he completely swallowed.

"Since you are not convinced, why do you need to go back to penance!"

Chu Zheng glanced coldly at this Jiuyang's corpse and said lightly.

Chu Zheng does not have so many flowers and intestines to do things, that is, three words, can you be convinced?

If you don't comply, you will be killed directly.

Chu Zhengcai doesn't care what iron bones you have, or kneel down and beg for mercy, if you provoke Chu Zheng, you have to be killed, and there is no room for maneuver.

And Chu Zheng's ruthlessness, as well as his aura that was even more domineering and strong than Yiyang, also made everyone feel it deeply.

However, everyone was more in awe of Chu Zheng, and there was no sense of hatred.

Because Chu Zheng asked everyone to help, the conditions given were Quenching Body Pill, Quenching Body Dan, what is the meaning of this in the cultivation world, no one can know better than this group of people in the cultivation world.

If they were quite suspicious just now, this Chu Zheng was talking nonsense.

But now, after Chu Zheng solved Yiyang with one punch, no one doubted it anymore.

Chu Zheng's toughness, no, it should be said that it was terrifying, completely shocked these people.

"My Qingyun Temple!"

"My Ziyun Temple!"


For a while, several elderly people stood up one after another.

Shouted: "We are willing to obey Mr. Chu!" "

These old guys, none of them are fools, it can be said that they have all lived into human spirits, Chu Zheng's strength does not need to be said, with Senior Brother Qinglong, in just a few days, only the ability to compete with Yiyang Zhenren is definitely a great creation."

And this great creation is inseparable from this Mr. Chu.

If you can work for Mr. Chu, in the current situation, it seems that getting the quenching pill is small, and being able to get Mr. Chu's guidance is the most important thing.

If it can make Mr. Chu happy, then the future fortune can be described as immeasurable.

Moreover, Mr. Chu just asked everyone to help, and had no intention of annexation, and also opened such favorable conditions.

These old people are not stupid!

"We are willing to obey Mr. Chu!"

For a time, under the leadership of several old men, everyone shouted in unison.

"Qinglong, take a Heart Protection Pill and stabilize the heart of this Dao Leader!"

Chu Zheng took his hands on his back and glanced at the Qingming Daoist who was severely injured and was already dying, although he was seriously injured, but Chu Zheng's skills, so to speak, as long as he was in half a breath, he could be saved.

And the Qingming Daoist is not so miserable.

A heart protection pill, Qinglong is completely sure to save Qingming.

"Thank you... Mr. Xie Chu! "

The dying Qingming, hearing the three words of the Heart Protection Pill, both eyes lit up, with the help of this Heart Protection Pill, then this old fate of his Qingming is left.

"Mr. Chu..."

At this time, a figure stood up again.

It was a middle-aged man, wearing a black suit, not a monastic world, but a wealthy businessman who came with these Taoist temples.

"Huh? What's the matter?

Chu Zheng asked lightly.

The middle-aged man swallowed lightly before saying, "Under is Li Zuobiao, the chairman of the Yanjing Chamber of Commerce, who dares to plead with Mr. Chu that he can hand over the project of the Jiuyang Mountain construction project to Mr. Chu, which will definitely satisfy Mr. Chu..."

A big man like Chu Zheng, if he can get on it, it is simply like a tiger with wings.

Li Zuobiao will definitely not let go of this opportunity.

Although the president of the Chamber of Commerce does not have the qualifications to talk to Mr. Chu Zheng, he can deepen his impression, he Li Zuobiao, how about being bold.

"Okay, these things, you go to Shen Wensan and discuss them!"

Chu Zheng nodded.

"Mr. Xie Chu!"

Li Zuobiao was overjoyed.

Well, his name must have been known, and he must have some impressions of himself, the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce!

"Heart Protection Pill, it is indeed a spirit pill, strange, really strange!"

At this time, after Qingming Dao Chang took the Heart Protection Pill, although he was extremely weak, he could already speak smoothly, and at the moment, he was even more surprised by this Heart Protection Pill.

At the same time, he knelt down directly and kowtowed to Chu Zheng: "Xiaodao Qingming, thanks to the great grace of Mr. Xiao, I will give my life in return!" The

Qingming Dao Chief bowed his head repeatedly, feeling grateful in his heart.

And for a time, everyone also respected Chu Zheng in particular!

And Chu Zheng, seeing that everyone has returned.

It is to open his mouth to say about the establishment of the Yuan Capture Array.

and the specific work assignments of these monks.

These green dragons have long been arranged.

Everyone who returned to their hearts, on the one hand, was surprised and at the same time, they also nodded their heads in agreement.

And Chu Zhengzheng was talking about some requirements.

Suddenly, the door that had been closed was rushed open again, and suddenly a hurricane blew from outside the door.


Before anyone arrives, the sound arrives first!

With a loud drink, the disciples in front of the door were directly deafening, and their eardrums were almost broken.

And under the mountain, a large group of people is rushing up.

All are the children of Ximen Mansion.

The leader was the three elders.

However, these Ximen family members did not rush up murderously to take revenge, but all worried.

"The lord of the mansion has already rushed up, it's over, today's Qinglong Mountain is full of the masters of the cultivation world, the lord of the mansion is angry, if the blood washes the green dragon subjectively, it is simply heavier than the blood washing half of the sins of Yanjing!"

I heard the mansion lord's 'Sass! ' after.

The Great Elder's heart was going cold.

It's over, it's all over, so many cultivation world masters are powerful, today, all of them will be killed by the lord of the mansion!

Several elders didn't know well, and hurriedly jumped and chased after the figure that was so strong that it didn't make the slightest sense.


Subjectively, another powerful voice sounded.

Everyone inside looked out in unison.

But only to see an extremely fast figure rush in.

And straight to Chu Zheng.

"Who dares to offend Mr. Chu!"

Some of the old Dao shouted sharply.

However, if you want to block it, it is too late, because that figure is too fast!

In an instant, he arrived in front of Chu Zheng.

"Ant Chuzheng, take my life!"

The person who came, it was Ximen Yu, the lord of the Ximen Mansion, Ximen Yu was nearly sixty years old, and he had a son in old age, but only one son, and after leaving the customs, he got the news of his son's death.

An outbreak.

Directly killed the Qinglong Mountain.

Today, Qinglong Mountain, he will be washed in blood!

"Give me back!"

With a loud drink, Ximen Yu had already arrived less than a meter away from Chu Zheng.

And Chu Zhengcai was talking about the key place when he was interrupted by this person.

He frowned impatiently.

The backhand is a slap in the face.


A crisp sound, followed by the sound of bones bursting.

Everyone was originally a little worried, so they completely let go. This person's strength is extremely good, and he has a fight with that Yiyang.

I didn't expect that.

In front of Mr. Chu, it turned out to be a move, and it was a very casual slap.


With a sound, I saw this tough man and flew out directly.

The head was even slapped in the face.

Death is worse than Yiyang!

And this scene was also seen by the three elders who caught up.


The eyes of the three elders were about to burst out.

Originally, he wanted to stop the lord of the mansion from killing, but... With a slap in the face, the lord of the mansion died like this?

"Bold Ximen Mansion, how dare you openly offend Jiuyang Mountain!"

And some Dao Elders reacted, it was Ximen Yu, the lord of the Ximen family, who was beaten just now!

It was directly shouted at the three elders of Ximen Mansion in unison.

However, seeing that the lord of the mansion was directly slapped on the head, these cultivation circles, all of them were famous big people, and they scolded themselves in unison.

He looked at Chu Zheng, who was as small as an ant, high above.

His Great Elder, even if he was stupid, understood what was going on.

Chu Zheng killed the three masters of Ximen Mansion one after another, and slapped them again... Yes, slap to death the lord of Ximen Mansion, this Chu Zheng, is it an ant?

Their Ximen Mansion, in front of Chu Zheng, is the real ant.

His Great Elder actually brought all the disciples of Ximen Mansion to Chu Zheng to die today!

Thinking of this, the Great Elder was about to cry.

Hurriedly knelt down.

"Are you an elder of Ximen Mansion?"

Chu Zheng carried his hands behind his back and also asked lightly.

"Yes..." The Great Elder felt his breath instantly shortened a lot.

"Okay, you guys go down the mountain first, after three days of my Chu Zheng, I will definitely go to your Ximen house, and I will meet your tough mansion lord Ximen Yu for a while..."

Since he wanted to take revenge, Chu Zheng gave them this opportunity.

And when the Great Elder heard this, two lines of tears flowed directly.

Helplessly, he pointed to the corpse that died tragically on the side and said,

"Chu... Mr. Chu, no need, he is our mansion master Ximen Yu..."

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