This time, Ximen Mansion was tantamount to humiliating himself and sent his face to the door.

And the Great Elder Ximenchen, subjectively rolled down, his whole face was humiliated.

These disciples of Ximen Mansion also opened their eyes one by one, and no longer dared to squint slightly to look at people.

They all thought that they were strong and could see everything.

However, in front of Chu Zheng, who they always thought was an ant, his own strength did not even have the qualifications to lift shoes for Chu Zheng.

Those cultivators whose strength was equal to that of their own lord actually submitted to Chu Zheng...

What a gap! What a gap!

These people in Ximen Mansion, Chu Zheng just said one word lightly: "Get out!" "

Yes! Just a rolling word!

Hundreds of family children rolled down from Jiuyang Mountain in unison, and the scene was not spectacular.

"Big brother, my Ximen Mansion Lord is dead, and Ximen Mansion is humiliated by this, big brother, what should we do in the future?"

The face of the second elder was also difficult to see.

Usually, they are all high-ranking figures, but now, they have actually rolled down the mountain....

"Could it be that our Ximen Mansion swallowed this breath like this?"

The third elder cried directly, and at the same time there was a strong hatred and humiliation in his eyes.

Chu Zheng didn't even hesitate to kill them....

"Of course it won't be like this, let's go, let's go to the Lu family together and repay the Lu family master, I'm afraid that this time, the strength shown by Chu Zheng can make Young Master Lu moved..."

Immediately, the group left Jiuyang Mountain in embarrassment.

On Jiuyang Mountain, under the arrangement of Qinglong and Uncle Zeng, they were already preparing to start the construction of the Great Array.

After three days of preparation, the construction of the Great Array finally began.

Of course, the main peaks of the original Qinglong Temple and the Guanyu above the secondary peaks were naturally all demolished, and Li Zuobiao, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, was responsible for all the construction projects.

As for the appendix of the formation, Qinglong is in charge.

And Shen Wensan and Uncle Zeng are the commanders of all the hardware facilities in Qinglong Mountain.

"Q San, how do you feel after practicing the inner strength exercises taught by Mr. for the past few days?"

Seeing that the construction of each peak has begun, Uncle Zeng and Shen Wensan were checking while the two were also chatting, a few days ago, Mr. Chu taught the two of them the inner strength breathing exercises.

"I have to say that originally my husband only pointed me a few moves, and I have improved rapidly, but after practicing the exercises taught by my husband, although it is only a few days, I feel that my strength has risen more than one step!"

After speaking, Shen Wensan put his hands on his back and looked at Uncle Zeng with interest: "Uncle

Zeng, I'm afraid, your strength is progressing rapidly, right?"

"Where, where!"

Uncle Zeng said with a smile: "The exercises taught by Mr. are broad and profound, to be honest, we have studied for three days, we have already achieved this, if you listen to what Mr. said in the future, practice diligently, over time, the benefits will be something that neither of us can imagine!" "

If you want to say who among these people who follow Chu Zheng the most, it is only Uncle Zeng and Shen Wensan.

Chu Zheng's elixir, some exercises and the like, basically Chu Zheng is often given.

These two people, naturally, are different from those cultivators now.

"Third Master, Uncle Zeng!"

While the two were talking and laughing, Li Zuobiao, chairman of the Yanjing Chamber of Commerce, came over.

Exclaimed with a smile.

"Oh? Chairman Li, what's the matter?

Shen Wensan asked with a smile on his back with his hands on his back.

Although this Li Zuobiao is a little snobbish, he is the biggest investor in all projects this time.

Therefore, Shen asked San, there was no need to bring him any shelves.

"It's such a third master, Zuo Biao has two things, one is to ask, Mr. Chu what kind of house he likes to live in, and second, the third master's great-uncle takes good care of Zuo Biao, Zuo Biao wants to invite the two to a banquet tonight to fulfill the friendship of the landlord."

Li Zuobiao is not a fool.

On the contrary, he is much more shrewd than ordinary people.

Originally, he wanted to befriend Mr. Chu, but for several days, Mr. Chu's face, he didn't even touch it.

Even if Mr. has such a distinguished status, he Li Zuobiao is not able to climb high.

However, in the past few days, he listened a lot and realized that it turned out that Third Master Shen and Uncle Zeng were Mr. Chu's right and left hands.

A henchman among henchmen.

The status in the Jiuyang Palace is higher than that of the Green Dragon Temple, and the Green Dragon View Lord saw the two and spoke politely.

Therefore, too high to climb, Third Master Shen and Uncle Zeng, he Li Zuobiao can at least speak.

"Sir, there are no requirements for the house, Chairman Li can play freely, as for this banquet, I think it will be exempted!"

Shen Wensan smiled slightly.

"Unavoidable, unavoidable, please also ask Third Master Zeng Uncle to appreciate his face!"

Li Zuobiao hurriedly persuaded.

"In that case, the two of us are respectful and obedient!"

Uncle Zeng nodded slightly....

But said that it was busy outside, and Chu Zheng was in the room, but he was not idle.

In the construction of the core area of the Great Array, the key to Chu Zheng is busy with this.

The core area, which is like a person's heart, is the most important thing.

"Ah Zheng, you have been busy for a few days, and Meiniang has made ginseng soup for you!"

Du Meiniang pushed Chu Zheng's room open and entered the room.

These days, Du Meiniang's face has become even more rosy, which is because she has been with Chu Zheng for a long time.

Moreover, Chu Zheng's diet and living, Du Meiniang is also carefully taken care of.

"By the way, Ah Zheng, your little girlfriend has already called several times, it is estimated that there is something urgent to find you..."

Du Meiniang said Shen Wen of Yanjing, and there was a slight vinegar in her tone.

In fact, Shen Wen has been contacting Chu Zheng for a few days, but she can't get in touch, this, to be honest, Du Meiniang also has a little selfishness.

He didn't tell Chu Zheng earlier.

Because Chu Zheng's daily pressure on Du Meiniang was too great.

There is already Su Aoxue, and now, even the eldest lady of the Naluo family seems to be a little entangled with Chu Zheng.

As a woman, no one can understand a woman's psychology better than Du Meiniang.

From Luo Yifan, and even the look in Li Muhan's eyes that day when he looked at Chu Zheng, Du Meiniang had already guessed a few points.

It is impossible to say that there is no pressure at all.

"Oh? It may be that she has something, why didn't she tell me earlier..." Chu

Zheng put down the work in his hand and couldn't help but say with disgust.

Du Meiniang lowered her head with a red face and didn't say a word.

Chu Zheng really does not have the habit of carrying mobile phones, so generally whoever looks for himself is Du Meiniang who is dealing with it.

Immediately, Chu Zheng took the mobile phone and gave Shen Wen a call.

"Xiao Zheng, where have you been, why can't I contact you for a few days?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Shen Wen's somewhat nervous inquiry came from inside.

Chu Zheng's current situation was not easy to explain to Shen Wen for a while, but in the face of this little nizi who cared about him very much, Chu Zheng couldn't tell her.

I had to prevaricate for a reason.

"It's good that you're okay, it really scares me to death." By the way, I am looking for you because tomorrow my father is fortunate to be invited by the Chamber of Commerce to go sightseeing together, and when the time comes, there will be many business elites, I want to take this opportunity to adjust the relationship between you and your father, and my father agreed!

Shen Wen said eagerly, with a sense of expectation in her tone.

And Chu Zheng looked at his core preparation, and he was almost ready.

I can only wait for the work on Qinglong's side.

And Chu Zheng was not good to refuse Shen Wen for a while, he Chu Zheng had never been a person who would serve anything to his friends.

Not to mention this kind-hearted Shen Wen.

After comprehensive consideration, Chu Zheng immediately smiled and said, "Okay, I promise you!"

After chatting briefly, Chu Zheng smiled helplessly.

This little nizi should really want me to be her son-in-law, and she also tries in every possible way to adjust my relationship with his father Shen Shuhuan.

As for that Shen Shuhuan, Chu Zheng never took him to heart.

To say that it is considered, Chu Zheng is more from Shen Wen's point of view.

"Meiniang, tomorrow I will go down the mountain, you and Uncle Zeng should pay more attention to the things on this mountain!"

Chu Zheng immediately said.

Du Meiniang pouted, although she was reluctant in her heart, she would definitely not show it to Chu Zheng, so she had to agree...

And at this time, the Yanjing Lu family.

"Master Lu, Young Master Lu, that Chu Zheng is indeed very domineering, not only killed the mansion lord Ximen Yu, but also occupied Qinglong Mountain, and even threatened to raze Lu Luo's family, then Chu Zheng's strength is really too strong!"

In the hall of the Lu family.

Ximen Chen, the Great Elder of Ximen Mansion, said to Old Master Lu, the head of the Lu family, and Lu Shengtian, who had his eyes closed and his brows furrowed.

"Linjiang Chuzheng... During this time, I have heard a lot of rumors about him, I don't know Shengtian you...?

Old Master Lu nodded, and immediately looked at his proud son Lu Shengtian and asked.


However, Lu Shengtian heard the name Chu Zheng.

Unexpectedly, he directly spat out blood, and a cavity of blood was directly sprayed on the coffee table.

And he, with a painful face, got down from the sofa and knelt on the ground.

"Katsuten, what's wrong with you?"

Old Master Lu was almost scared to death.

"Father, please, don't mention the names of some ants in front of me, I suffer every day, in this world... Why are there so many ants, are there no people with a little talent?

Lu Shengtian's chest was cramped.

The most painful person in the world is Lu Shengtian, he is lonely, he is lonely.

And he hates this feeling of loneliness and loneliness the most.

Even these days, he wants to end his life....

However, under his father's bitter persuasion, Lu Shengtian chose to survive.

But today, the name of the ant sounded in his ears again, which made Lu Shengtian's emotions suddenly emerge again.

Dengshi was so angry that he almost spewed blood.

If he hadn't heard the name of an ant like Chu Zheng, he wouldn't have been like this.

"Hurry up and stop!"

Old Master Lu was even more anxious, and shouted at Ximenchen, who was pale in the face and kneeling on the ground.

"Nope! Father, don't blame him! If you want to blame, blame me for being too strong, I am so remorseful, in the first place, I should not have gone overseas to practice this martial art, this martial art, for me Lu Shengtian, what is the use? What's the use?!

Lu Shengtian shouted in pain....

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