Early the next morning, Chu Zheng went directly to Shen Wen's door.

"Chu Zheng, since that farewell, we haven't seen each other for a long time!"

As soon as they met, Shen Wen, the little nizi, was very happy.

Hurriedly asked this and that.

Chu Zheng could only pick some irrelevant ones and talked to Shen Wen.

Not long after, Shen Shuhuan also came out of the villa neatly dressed.

Today is an event held by the Chamber of Commerce, and he Shen Shuhuan is actually fortunate to participate, so naturally he has to take it seriously.

However, after seeing Chu Zheng, this Shen Shuhuan was still a little embarrassed.

Despite this, Shen Shuhuan nodded slightly at Chu Zheng.

In any case, the current Chu Zheng is definitely different from the Chu Zheng he imagined before.

Chu Zheng's strength, Shen Shuhuan can be regarded as having seen it at the exhibition conference, not only Master Zhang Younian respectfully respects him, but even the terrifying Miss Luo family directly calls Chu Zheng Mr.

Based on this alone, Shen Shuhuan had to look up at Chu Zheng a few times.

So this time Shen Wen insisted on inviting Chu Zheng to go with him, and Shen Shuhuan did not refuse.

You can observe and observe again!

Shen Shuhuan secretly said in his heart.

For Shen Shuhuan, Chu Zheng didn't look at him at all, completely ignored him, and talked and laughed with Shen Wen all the way.

But Chu Zheng completely ignored Shen Shuhuan's disrespect, but let Shen Shuhuan slightly disliked, he can now say that he has thrown an olive branch towards Chu Zheng, there is a hint of acceptance of him, but how can this Chu Zheng not know how to be evil!


Shen Shuhuan said to the driver in a somewhat unkind tone. The car flew away.

Soon, it was at the Chamber of Commerce location.

The Yanjing Chamber of Commerce organizes some activities of wealthy businessmen in Yanjing every year.

After all, this is an event personally held by the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, these big bosses of Yanjing, which one dares not to give face.

Therefore, there are many bosses who come to participate in the activities of the Chamber of Commerce every year.

This year is no exception.

"Guys... Be quiet!

At this moment, a young man came to the person and raised his voice and shouted.

This young man was probably in his twenties, handsome and extraordinary, and his clothes were even brighter.

Beside this young man, there is also a beautiful woman holding his arm intimately, and the beautiful woman is dressed, and there is quite some elegant and generous taste.

And Chu Zheng, after seeing that beauty, couldn't help but be stunned.

"It turned out to be Yunyun!"

It was Shen Wen who lost her voice and spoke.

She recognized the beautiful woman next to this young brother at a glance, but wasn't it her classmate, Dong Yunyun, the girlfriend of Renjitang Xu Jinsheng.

Chu Zheng naturally recognized it.

"This girl, how can you change your boyfriend so quickly, and one has more skills than the other!"

Chu Zheng couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

Although he is his ex-girlfriend of this Dong Yunyun, Chu Zheng really has no feelings for her.

But although he didn't feel it, Chu Zheng was also a little disgusted with this kind of girl.

"Xiao Wen, this is the son of Chairman Li of the Yanjing Chamber of Commerce, Li Tianle! When he is really young and promising, his father controls the entire business life of Yanjing!

Shen Shuhuan looked at Li Tianle, who had infinite scenery, and spoke.

The gaze is even more scorching, if the woman next to Young Master Li Tianle is replaced by his own daughter, then today, he Shen Shuhuan, what a beautiful scenery.

And the crowd, who was originally a little noisy, also quieted down in an instant after listening to this Li Tianle's shout.

Although Li Tianle is not the leader of their Chamber of Commerce, he is the son of Li Zuobiao, the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, which of these bosses is not afraid and which is not stubborn.

And Dong Yunyun, looking at just a word, stunned most of the richest people in Yanjing.

And is obediently shut up.

Dong Yunyun, who followed Li Tianle, could be said to have been the greatest satisfaction in vanity.

Dong Yunyun looked at the spirited Li Tianle, and his eyes couldn't help but be a little confused.

At this moment, all of Dong Yunyun's dreams have come true.

Dong Yunyun also swept towards everyone in front of him with some arrogance.

However, when her gaze stayed somewhere, her body couldn't help but pause slightly.

The whole body trembled.

"Chu Zheng..." Dong

Yunyun swept away, and immediately saw the man who had brought countless traumas to his soul a few days ago... Chu Zheng!

Dong Yunyun's face, which was still somewhat radiant, instantly darkened.

Because of Chu Zheng, the haze and psychological shadow brought to her lingered for a long time.

Until, Dong Yunyun met the man in front of her, who cleared all the clouds for her... Li Tianle!

Therefore, during this time, Dong Yunyun and Li Tianle were very happy, and the haze gradually dissipated.

But now, Dong Yunyun met him here again.

Although the hurdle in my heart has passed, the rift is still there.

"Chu Zheng..." Dong

Yunyun's face became not very good-looking.

"Yunyun, what's wrong?"

Li Tianle, who was holding Dong Yunyun's arm, sensed that something was wrong with Dong Yunyun and hurriedly asked softly.

"Ah! It's okay, I just saw an old friend..." Dong

Yunyun hurriedly shook his head.

Xuan quickly looked away from Chu Zheng's body, she was now afraid to let Li Tianle know what happened before, so she didn't dare to say hello to Chu Zheng at all.

Together with learning Shen Wen, Dong Yunyun don't go overboard, and pretend not to know.

After all, in the future, it will be people from two worlds.

Although Chu Zheng has Master Zhang Younian, he is not as prosperous and rich as the son of the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce. All kinds of fame, these are not comparable to Chu Zheng.

So, there is no need to recognize each other anymore.

Li Tianle, on the other hand, saw Chu Zheng.

Although Dong Yunyun turned his head very quickly just now, Li Tianle also saw that Dong Yunyun's gaze had been staring at the man who was quite handsome just now.

Jean's Li Tianle suddenly became jealous.

Could it be that the young man had a background more than himself?

No way!

Li Tianle immediately dismissed this idea, in Yanjing, how many people can compare with their own background?

Moreover, since the young man stood with these rich people at this time, he must also be one of them, as long as he was in business, he was inferior to himself.

Thinking of this, Li Tianle glanced at Chu Zheng in the crowd with some unkind eyes.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Young Master Li, what is the activity organized by our Chamber of Commerce this time, and I don't see Chairman Li come out!"

At this time, some rich people couldn't help but ask.

Only then did Li Tianle take his gaze back from Chu Zheng's body, and immediately a smug look appeared on his face: "The place where the activities of this Chamber of Commerce are held, that is, to go to Qinglong Mountain... No, it has now been renamed Jiuyang Mountain! Go to the place for sightseeing, and at the same time, everyone also has the opportunity to invest in the construction project of Jiuyang Mountain! At that time, please sign up enthusiastically!

Li Tianle put his hands on his back.

His face was quite colorful.

What is the biggest topic in Yanjing recently, that is Jiuyang Mountain.

It is said that a powerful Mr. Chu came from the mountain, but unfortunately, the whereabouts of this Mr. Chu are extremely secret, and ordinary people can see it.

He Li Tianle also listened to what his father said, even he, when he went to Jiuyang Mountain, he only met that Mr. Chu.

And the reason why Li Tianle dares to say let everyone bid for investment.

That is because of his father, this is the first construction project organized since his father became the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce.

Moreover, this project has long been spread in Yanjing.

Therefore, many rich people are eager to join them.

In this way, not only can you make friends with Jiuyang Palace, but also deepen the impression of the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, usually, if the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce personally carries out the project, it represents the G family project, which is a lot of oil and water!

None of these rich people want to miss this opportunity.

The main thing is to satisfy the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, then the future business route can be much smoother.

It's just killing three birds with one stone.

Sure enough, as soon as Li Tianle's words came out, the rich people in the entire hall became commotion.

"It is rumored that above the Jiuyang Palace, there is Mr. Yi Chu, and even the rare Blue Dragon Observation Lord is respectful to that Mr. Chu!"

"Yes, but let's not think about it, that Mr. Chu is extremely mysterious, how can we see it!"

These rich people began to talk about it, telling the rumors they had heard about Mr. Chu.

Of course, those who spoke were some of these rich people who were not at all competitive, and they really had strength, and they did not speak, but their own little calculations rose in their hearts.

Shen Shuhuan naturally also heard about the things above Jiuyang Mountain.

At the same time, he also had great respect for that Mr. Chu.

Mentioning the character Chu, Shen Shuhuan couldn't help but look at Chu Zheng:

'The same surname Chu, how can this gap be so big...'

Shen Shuhuan thought to himself....

In his eyes, Chu Zheng's current achievements, compared to it, are simply a fart....

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