But said that the group, while discussing the mysterious Mr. Chu of Jiuyang Mountain, went on the road.

Chu Zheng didn't hear it at all.

Because Chu Zheng knew that even if he admitted it now, no one would believe it.

At that time, it will have to be misunderstood by others.

After Chu Zheng came to Earth, almost everything he did had to be misunderstood.

So Chu Zheng gradually adapted and had his own solution.

That is to talk less, in this way, you can cause a lot less trouble.

However, sometimes, some things are not as simple as Chu Zheng imagined...

"Chu Zheng, have you ever heard of Mr. Chu of Jiuyang Mountain, how powerful!"

Everyone got off thirty miles away from the foot of Jiuyang Mountain, because the area within thirty miles was all blocked by Jiuyang Palace, and if you want to enter the mountain, you must walk.

Shen Wen asked Chu Zheng curiously as she walked.

During this time, she had not heard of the Mr. Chu of the Jiuyang Palace, and it was said that he had great skills.

It's just that it is unpredictable, and many people have never seen it!

Coupled with Chu Zheng's extensive knowledge and knowledge, Shen Wen couldn't help but ask.

"I've heard of some, but what is he so powerful, so be it!"

Although Chu Zheng tried his best to keep himself silent, he did not provoke these worldly things.

But how could he finally stop the discussion of himself for a while, and just before he made progress, Shen Wen asked again.

Of course, even for Shen Wen, Chu Zheng is not good to say that he is actually that Mr. Chu.

Because Chu Zheng could see it, although Shen Wen knew some of his own strength, he did not connect himself with Mr. Na Chu.

If this is said, it must not be regarded as a fool again.

Therefore, Chu Zheng was humble, so he said something to Shen Wen so that she could dispel her doubts about that Mr. Chu.

However, the speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

Although Chu Zheng's words were said very lightly, they were still heard.

Shen Shuhuan, who saw it, snorted lightly: "Arrogant and arrogant, and do not, how dare you blaspheme Mr. Chu!"

Shen Shuhuan gave Chu Zheng a blank look.

I couldn't help but say softly.

But it is also obviously satirizing Chu Zheng.

Yes, this Chu Zheng is powerful, but it is simply a fart to that mysterious and powerful Mr. Chu that the entire Yan Jing wants to befriend.

At the moment, Shen Shuhuan was extremely unhappy in his heart.

And Chu Zheng's words were obviously not heard only by Shen Shuhuan.

"Oh? Listening to this gentleman's meaning, it seems that he looks down on Mr. Chu very much!

At this time, Li Tianle, the leader of this activity and the son of Li Zuobiao, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, froze.

Turned around and walked towards Chu Zheng.

In his words, there was some disgust.

He Li Tianle is not crazy, but he has not seen such a crazy person.

The moment is to open the question.

Dong Yunyun naturally followed, but she did not dare to raise her head to face Chu Zheng squarely.

However, in the face of this Li Tianle's forced question, and Shen Shuhuan's expression of regret for bringing you here, Chu Zheng did not pay attention at all.

Because at this time, Chu Zheng's gaze was looking back, and a team of twenty or thirty people dressed in strange costumes was coming towards Jiuyang Mountain.

These people, all wearing black Zhongshan suits, were wrapped in a long white strip of cloth on their backs.

It's a blade!

The backs of these people naturally could not escape Chu Zheng's eyes.

Moreover, Chu Zheng looked at these people again, all of them had murderous faces, and their cultivation was also a little good.

It seems that they went to this Jiuyang Mountain, and the people who came were not good!

Chu Zheng's eyes condensed slightly, he really couldn't think of what enemies he had, he was dressed like this.

"You! Come here!

In the blink of an eye, the group of people came to Chu Zheng's side, the leader of which was a square-faced man with an expressionless face, pointing to the Li Tianle who had questioned Chu Zheng just now and said.

Moreover, this person's skimming accent was also heard by Chu Zheng.

These people are all from Dongying!

Strange, I Chu Zhengke has never dealt with these turtle shells, they are imposing, carrying blades, coming to Jiuyang Mountain, I don't know why?

Chu Zheng looked at these people, and his heart was still good to wait and see.

"Bastard, what kind of people are you who dare to speak to Young Master Li like this?" Some rich people directly stepped forward and drank.

However, as soon as the words fell, he was directly grabbed by the square-faced man, grabbed the collar, and flew out directly out of thin air.

Fell heavily to the ground.

This rich and fat flowing oil, these were thrown down heavily, and they couldn't even get up.

"Who are you?"

And Li Tianle was also panicked, and everyone took a step back with some shock.

The big man then grabbed Li Tianle's collar and said with a skimming Chinese:

"This... Jiuyang Mountain... Isn't it?

"Good!" Li Tianle felt a little hairy in his heart.

After all, he has not seen anyone who can grab someone's collar and throw it directly out.

This group of people is not ordinary!

Li Tianle was not stupid, hurriedly controlled his emotions, and answered honestly.

"Shout! You, take us up the mountain!

This Dongying warrior said coldly.

Immediately, a fierce light was revealed in his eyes.

Take you up the mountain?

Li Tianle is not stupid, this group of people can see at a glance, they are not friends of Jiuyang Palace at all, on the contrary, they are coming with great momentum, and there must be cats.

And throughout the ages, this is a two-legged person, usually where there is a good end!

At that moment, Li Tianle rolled his eyes, turned to look at Chu Zheng behind him, and immediately said:

"It's also my first time here, him!"

Li Tianle took out his empty hand, pointed to the side, and kept looking at this group of Dongying warriors Chu Zheng and said: "He, he knows here, you can let him lead the way!" The

sweat on Li Tianle's face came out.

Isn't this kid crazy, since that's the case, just throw you out!

A fierceness appeared on Li Tianle's face.

This group of Dongying people also really hit the plan.

One pushed Li Tianle aside, and walked towards Chu Zheng, who was in his hands in his pockets.

"Tianle, are you all right?"

Dong Yunyun immediately helped Li Tianle. In her eyes, nothing can be more important than Li Tianle.

"You, take us up the mountain!"

That Dongying man walked straight to Chu Zheng.

Said to Chu Zheng with a fierce glare.

"What are you doing up the mountain?"

Chu Zheng asked the question he wondered.


However, as soon as Chu Zheng's words fell, the Dongying warrior in front of him directly shouted.

Then, he grabbed Chu Zheng's collar, just like the rich man just now, and directly threw Chu Zheng out.

The next moment, this Dongying warrior was stunned.

Because with how hard he exerts, the person in front of him is like a mountain and a sun, and he can't move at all.

"Yagaya deer!"

Seeing how hard he tried, this big man couldn't move, and immediately, a samurai behind Dongying big han was directly furious.

From his back, he drew his katana and wanted to directly kill Chu Zheng.

Why are these Dongying people so ferocious?

Come up and kill you.

Chu Zheng secretly said in his heart.

Originally, he didn't want to make a move, but if he didn't make a move, I was afraid that if he wanted to get an answer from the mouth of this group of samurai, there was not even a door.

In that case, too!


Chu Zheng's figure moved directly, facing the Dongying warrior who was holding the katana high.


With just one punch, the Dongying warrior flew out directly with a knife.

It must be dead, and it cannot die again.


The Dongying samurai led by him were immediately stunned.

Taking a few steps backwards, he drew his katana directly.

For a while....

"Rub it!"

More than twenty warriors, all showed their blades and looked at Chu Zheng with fierce eyes.


All the Dongying warriors drank in unison.

The sound is sky-shattering.

"These are all Dongying people!"

Li Tianle's face showed horror, and he retreated quickly.

This madman wants to find death, don't take them with you.

"You drip, die, die!"

And this Dongying warrior stared at Chu Zheng and drank heavily.

As soon as Chu Zheng made a move just now, he could already see that the person in front of him was a master.

Immediately, with an order, he directly wanted Chu Zheng to cut it.

"Just asked you a question, just put such a heavy hand? It is rumored that Dongying is from Huaxia, since this is the case, let me, the ancestor, teach you how to behave!

However, Chu Zheng only shook his head slightly.

Immediately, his figure moved, and he directly killed this group of Dongying warriors...

Although the strength of this group of people is good, in Chu Zheng's eyes, they are just passing eyes.

"Bang bang!"

It only takes a moment.

More than twenty Dongying warriors all died tragically at the hands of Chu Zheng.

Only the leader of the Dongying samurai with a horrified look remained.

At this time, he was still holding the katana in his hand, and the katana was shining, but it could not illuminate the samurai's already completely dark heart.

Just ran into a passerby, and it became like this?

The Toei samurai gasped.

The remorse in my heart is very much.

"Don't pull out the knife without moving, it's really insulting to Sven!"

However, Chu Zheng looked at the warrior leader lightly and smiled slightly.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and directly flew out the katana of this Japanese samurai.


This Dongying warrior was completely stunned, and rushed to Huaxia Kingdom to act as the vanguard of Mr. Liu Sheng, but he did not expect to encounter such a terrifying existence.

"I just asked you a question just now, why do you have to be so angry, now, can you answer my question?"

Chu Zheng shook his head slightly.

"Ha Yi..."

The Dongying warrior came back to his senses.

Looking at the corpses of experts all over the ground, this leader was like a dream.

Yes, just now, this strong man just asked a question, why should he kill him, if not, I am afraid that Mr. Liu Sheng's task has been completed now.

After sparing such a big circle, I still have to answer honestly in the end.

Although the Chinese language of the leader of this Dongying warrior is very non-standard, Chu Zheng can be regarded as understanding, it turns out that this pair of Dongying warriors is just the vanguard force.

The real protagonist is still to come....

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