"Brother Ziqing, I haven't seen you for a few years, I don't know how your light skill has progressed?"

Under Jiuyang Mountain, a hundred miles away, there were two young men in their thirties, carrying their hands behind their backs, talking about money.

Behind them, dozens of people followed.

These teams, one of them, looked quite fierce, and the clothes they wore on their chests had the word 'iron' printed on them.

The other team, like those Dongying Ronin before them, was dressed in a Zhongshan suit and carried a white cloth strip behind them.

Inside, it is wrapped in a Toei katana.

"Brother Liu Sheng said and smiled, the martial arts of the Liu Sheng family is unfathomable, my Tie Ziqing's light skill, how dare I compare with Brother Liu Sheng!"

Although the words were respectful, Tie Ziqing's eyes narrowed slightly, faintly meaning a contest.

"Well, since Brother Ziqing also has this intention, let's try it out, whoever arrives first can occupy that Qinglongtan for three years first, how?"

Yanagi Xiaoyelang raised his head and smiled.

"Okay, let's judge how to decompose this Jiuyang Mountain based on our strength..."

"But Brother Ziqing, it is said that the Chu Palace Master of the Jiuyang Palace is an extremely difficult existence to deal with, your Ziqing brother secretly came against the will of the family this time to seize the Jiuyang Palace, so you are not afraid that your old man of the Tie family will blame him?"

Yanagi Koyoro kindly reminded.

However, Tie Ziqing laughed: "It's just an ant, why be afraid!" Brother Liu, let's get started! "


As soon as he finished speaking, Tie Ziqing stepped on both feet, and suddenly the whole person jumped in the air.

And Yanagi Xiaoyelang was not to be outdone and followed closely.

The two figures I saw left an afterimage in place, and they disappeared in an instant.

The followers behind, want to chase, can't catch up!

Their young owner, Tie Ziqing, heard about Li Muhan of the rival Li family a few days ago, and the cold poison in his body was miraculously dispelled.

After many investigations, I learned that this Li Muhan had obtained a great transformation and went to the Qinglong Pond in the Qinglong Mountain of Yanjing, and also obtained a Qing Yuan Pill there.

As soon as he heard about it, the Tie family made a calculation.

I want to take the opportunity to take the Jiuyang Mountain that has become the Green Dragon View into the Nine Yang Palace for himself.

Use the cold pool of Jiuyang Mountain to serve the secret method of the Tie family specifically.

However, the Tie family has not yet found out the origin of the new palace master of the Jiuyang Palace, Chu Zheng, who gave the pill, so he has not acted rashly.

But Tie Ziqing can't sit still, he and his brother Tie Ziming, can be said to have grown up together, although Tie Ziming's strength is stronger than himself, but from childhood to adulthood, talking about conspiracy theory wisdom, he Tie Ziqing has never lost to his brother.

Why is the eldest brother named a genius and known as one of the people who can chase the genius demon of the Martial Dao Alliance.

And he Tie Ziqing lost this name.

Therefore, Tie Ziqing was not convinced, he wanted to prove it.

Because in terms of strength, he did not feel worse than his eldest brother at all, moreover, he had also had a record of defeating the six masters of the Martial Arts Alliance in a row.

Coupled with his own wisdom, Tie Ziqing is completely sure to surpass his eldest brother Tie Ziming and become the heir of the Tie family.

And this Jiuyang Palace is his best pedal.

Therefore, Tetsuko made an appointment with a friend of the Toei martial arts family, Yanagi Koyaro, to accompany him.

"Brother Liu Sheng is really powerful!"

The figures of the two are rapidly plundering.

The surrounding air emitted a whistling sound.

"Brother Liu Sheng, if I take down this Jiuyang Palace today, how about I give that North Peak to you?"

Tie Ziqing looked at the particularly spectacular Jiuyang Mountain, and his heart was even more satisfied, as if it was already in his pocket.

"Jiuyang Mountain, I'm coming!"

When Tie Ziqing thought of this, the momentum of the whole person suddenly skyrocketed, and the secret method of the Tie family had been used by him to the extreme.

The figure even surpassed Yanagi Xiaoyelang in an instant.

However, Liu Sheng Xiaoyelang looked at Tie Ziqing, who had surpassed him, but a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


but said Chu Zheng's side.

He had already brought everyone to the Nine Yang Palace.

Uncle Zeng said: "Sir, in seven days, our Nine Yang Palace, as well as the arrangement of the formation, can be completed, throughout the ages, all the founding sects must always tell the fellow rivers and lakes, and ask Sir to decide a good day..."

And the contours of the formation have also been arranged.

The rest is the core of the formation that Chu Zheng made himself.

This one, Chu Zheng has already completed most of it, and it will take another three days to complete it completely.

At that time, the entire large array can carry out a simple operation.

Of course, this Yuan Capture Array, now produced, is just a simple Great Array.

Because of the extreme lack of materials, Chu Zheng has not been able to find out the location of several materials until now.

So there is no way, Chu Zheng can only use the power of the talisman to replace those innate materials.

However, Rao is so, the power exerted by the large array, coupled with his own elixir assistance, and the vitality and spiritual energy stored in the cold pool, it is not impossible for Chu to use ten years to break through to the foundation building realm!

Since this large array is cast.

The construction of Jiuyang Palace will also be completed soon.

Although Chu Zheng did not want to be contaminated with the world, now Uncle Zeng proposed it.

Chu Zheng is also not too cold.

Not even notifying seems to be a bit too much to put everyone in the eye.

Acting like this, Chu Zheng couldn't do it.

"Okay, then set the time for seven days later, other things, Uncle Zeng, you just go and organize!"

Chu Zheng nodded.

"Sir, what else can we do to help, I, Zhu Laosan, am willing to scatter my family's wealth and relieve your worries!"

"Sir, if you have something to order, if I Shen Tianqi doesn't say a word, I won't be raised by people!"


As soon as Chu Zheng spoke, some of the rich people standing now rushed out.

have expressed their views.

Li Zuobiao, who was about to speak, was quite unhappy.

How dare this group of people steal their limelight.

"Sir's opening preparation, naturally completed by me Li Zuobiao personally, Zhu Laosan, Shen Tianqi, where can you speak here, don't retreat!"

Li Zuobiao said coldly.

"Chairman Li, who the gentleman uses, it is the gentleman who has the final say, we only listen to the gentleman!"

Zhu Laosan said forcefully.

Now that Chu Zheng's strength in the sky, they can be regarded as having seen it, and being able to get Mr. Chu's appreciation is simply beneficial to the development of their own family.

Looking at all these big families who stood up in Yanjing.

Which is not a strong backer behind it.

Therefore, if these people can climb the Jiuyang Palace, they will have a chance to get up.

This point, no rich man is stupid, all taken into account.

As for the founding of the sect, Chu Zheng didn't think so much at the beginning, but after thinking about it, this is good, in the previous life, because he couldn't trust the people around him, so although Chu Zheng was the Emperor of Jiuyang.

But many things are hands-on.

So much so that at the critical moment of the final tribulation, there was not even a protector of the Dharma.

Otherwise, it would not be, and it would have been destroyed by the Heavenly Tribulation.

In this life, Chu Zheng has a chance to be reborn, and naturally will not let the tragedy repeat itself.

In addition, Chu Zheng also had plans to cultivate his uncle Shen Wen Sanqinglong and others into his own henchmen.

Now take the pill first and change its physique.

Subsequently, Chu Zheng casually took out a set of exercises from his previous life, and the strength of these people could advance by leaps and bounds.

Be your own strongest help.

Chu Zheng didn't think about these things at first, but now he has all thought of them.

"These, you go to Shen Wensan to discuss!"

Chu Zheng saw that this group of rich people were about to quarrel, and he also shook his head slightly, and couldn't help but say a little helplessly.

Immediately put his hands on his back and prepared to go back to finish the core area.

And at this moment, a burst of shouts suddenly sounded outside the door:

"A group of ants in Jiuyang Palace, how dare you stop me?"

It was Tie Ziqing's voice.

He had already rushed to the mountain first, and the disciples guarding the mountain wanted to stop it, but how could they stop it.

Chu Zheng's footsteps, after hearing this voice, also stopped.

Hands on your back and looking at the person coming.

Tie Ziqing's figure had already entered, but he did not look at Chu Zheng.

Instead, he looked around at the construction of the Jiuyang Palace.

"Good, pretty good, just what I want!"

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