"Who's coming?"

A person suddenly broke in, and directly injured the disciple of the Jiuyang Palace.

A high-spirited appearance made everyone a little wary.

Qinglong stepped forward directly, pointed at this young junior, and drank heavily.

"Who am I?" Tie Ziqing sneered.

Immediately, his eyes narrowed coldly: "I am the future master of this Jiuyang Palace, that is, your master, but I don't like the name of Jiuyang Palace..."

Tie Ziqing shook his head slightly, and continued: "It's better to change the name to Ziqing Palace!" "


As soon as this young man's words came out, he caused quite a stir in the hearts of everyone.

This young man's cultivation is good, and many old ways can see it at a glance, but how strong is this young man that he dares to say such a bad word!

Moreover, in front of Mr. Chu, he did not put Mr. Chu in his eyes at all.

Although everyone was not angry with this iron, seeing that Mr. Chu had not moved, they naturally retreated, wanting to see what Mr. Chu said.

Chu Zheng's heart was also the same doubt, glanced at Tie Ziqing, his cultivation was in Chu Zheng's eyes.

Among his peers, this body is quite good.

Of course, in Chu Zheng's eyes, that's all.

Could it be that this person has any superb means, this Tie Ziqing looks very city-owned.

Although Chu Zheng looked at his cultivation, he could pinch to death with one hand, but he did not dare to underestimate the enemy at the moment.

Often this kind of people who have a city government, and dare to make a big statement, either have superb strength like themselves, or, there is something to rely on.

Otherwise, how could you dare to be so crazy.

"If you want to take this Nine Yang Palace for yourself, you have to give me a reason, right?"

Chu Zheng also looked squarely at this Tie Ziqing and said.

"Hmph! Reason, my reason, is that I fancy this Jiuyang Palace, why, Jiuyang Palace is no one, I want you such an ant to stand up, what about your Mr. Chu, ask him to come out and fight me! Tie

Ziqing closed his eyes slightly, carried his hands behind his back, and said disdainfully.

"How dare this son make such a wild statement, it is really extremely domineering and rude!"

Qinglong Qi's chest was about to explode.

Just a sentence to fancy the Jiuyang Palace, you will take the Jiuyang Palace as your own.

How arrogant this is. I didn't put everyone in Jiuyang Palace in my eyes at all!

"Boy, dare to ignore everyone in my Jiuyang Palace, today, I, Qinglong, will let you know how powerful my Jiuyang Palace is!"

After saying that, Qinglong wanted to make a move.

However, Tie Ziqing was the same as if he didn't see it, but still closed his eyes slightly, completely ignoring Qinglong.

"Qinglong, you stand down, this person, I will personally deal with it!"

Qinglong was about to rush out, but was stopped by Chu Zheng waving his hand.

Qinglong's strength can completely surpass this Tie Ziqing.

However, Chu Zheng's spiritual sense was so powerful, he didn't see what other means this Tie Ziqing had.

The unknown represents danger.

Qinglong made a rash move, maybe he would fall for this person's tricks.

But if there is really a treacherous scheme, it is helpless for me to Chu Zheng.

So thinking about it, Chu Zheng decided to personally take action to see what means this Tie Ziqing had, and he was so arrogant.

"I am Chu Zheng, the palace master of this Nine Yang Palace, if you want to fight me, just show your skills!"

Chu Zheng looked at Tie Ziqing intently and said coldly.

And everyone, as soon as they heard that Mr. Chu was going to make a move, they quickly gave way to a large open space.

I want to see Mr. Chu's strength, what it is.

"Hmph, I thought that Mr. Chu of the Jiuyang Palace was such a great character, but it turned out to be just like an ant! Ridiculous, ridiculous!

Tie Ziqing shook his head repeatedly.

He originally thought that this Chu Zheng, since he could make his own iron family have to think hard before daring to deal with it, he must be a powerful figure, but now...

Disappointment, only these two words can describe Tie Ziqing's mood at this moment.

I never expected that Chu Zheng turned out to be such a mediocre person.

He also let those old guys in the family personally meet and discuss.

It's ridiculous!

Tie Ziqing thought for a while that the family had a special meeting to study Chu Zheng, and he felt that this was a deep irony.

"You do it!"

Tetsuko waved his hand lightly.

His gaze did not look at Chu Zheng, but instead looked around at the brand-new Jiuyang Palace.

"No, this place will have to be changed at that time, it doesn't seem too atmospheric!"

"And this palace master's seat, how can it be made of pure gold, otherwise, it is too vulgar!"

Tie Ziqing is now entangled in the construction of this Jiuyang Palace, so that Chu Zheng came to his side, and Tie Ziqing didn't know.

"Are you fighting or not?"

Chu Zheng looked at Tie Ziqing so mysterious, and he was also slightly puzzled, you know, just now he was already close, as long as he made a move, he could instantly take this Tie Ziqing's life.

However, this Tie Ziqing did not notice it at all.

Or rather, he deliberately didn't notice it.

It shouldn't be!

Chu Zheng didn't believe it, he didn't believe that a person with poor strength would come directly to die without any barrier.

Jean's Chu Zheng wanted to see more and more what Tie Ziqing's means were...


However, Tie Ziqing suddenly heard Chu Zheng's voice ringing next to his ears, and he was startled when he boarded.

Hurriedly take a few steps back.

When did this guy get close to himself?

Just now, although he was paying attention to the entire hall, Tie Ziqing's ear power was very amazing, if this Chu Zheng did it to himself, he could immediately judge Chu Zheng's location.

Not only that, he Tie Ziqing was even more sure that he could kill this Chu Zheng in one fell swoop without looking at it.

But unexpectedly, this Chu Zheng escaped his ears and came to him silently.

If I hadn't reacted quickly, I'm afraid I would have died....

Tie Ziqing was a little shocked, and finally paid some attention to Chu Zheng.

"So, he really didn't find himself just now, but why?"

Rao is Chu Zheng as the Jiuyang Emperor, and he is a person in two lifetimes, and he really can't guess the true thoughts of this Tie Ziqing.

Because of Tie Ziqing's various actions and inconsistencies, Chu Zheng couldn't understand what was going on.

"It seems that if you really have two strokes, and against you, I will use my eyes!"

Only then did Tie Ziqing open his eyes that had been squinting slightly and face Chu Zheng squarely.

It turns out that the mysteries are all over his eyes! Chu

Zheng nodded slightly.

The heart was also suddenly interested, with his eyes to attack, Chu Zheng can do it, but he did not expect that this Tie Ziqing, who is not very good in cultivation, can also do it.

You know, the eyes can attack, that is a surprise, a blow will be hit.

Not bad!

This was the first master Chu Zheng had met after he came to Earth to truly cultivate his powers.

You can really make a move with him Chu Zheng.

"Ants, die!"

Tie Ziqing didn't know in his heart that Chu Zheng on the other side was not looking for flaws, but he was a little confused by his actions.

Therefore, Tie Ziqing is not nonsense at the moment.


Quickly took this Jiuyang Palace.

So at the moment, a shot is a killing move.

I saw Tie Ziqing's palm flipped, and when he boarded, his palm instantly turned blue and blue, and his palm was quickly covered with a layer of frost.

"It's the secret cold palm of the Tie family!"

Some old ways, seeing that Tie Ziqing showed the means, immediately guessed the identity of this arrogant person.

The secret cold palm is one of the stunts of the Jinling Martial Arts Alliance, the iron family, very strong, and the one who is recruited, the body is not injured by the palm force, and will also be severely injured by the cold poison.

And to cultivate the Secret Cold Palm, you must first cultivate the Cold Ice True Qi with the help of the Yin Cold Place.

In this way, Tie Ziqing of this Tie family, looking at the Jiuyang Palace, can also be explained.

However, this secret cold palm is going to deal with Mr. Chu?

Qinglong was also a little puzzled.

I don't know what this Tie Ziqing is going to do.

"This palm technique is useless to me, directly show your stunt for me to see!"

Chu Zheng shook his head slightly, and in the spirit of not wasting time, he directly faced this secret cold palm.

However, Chu Zheng had a spare hand, so as not to kill this Tie Ziqing at once.

Chu Zheng also wanted to see the secret method of this Tie Ziqing's eyes.


The result can be imagined, just a palm, colliding with Chu Zheng's fist.

This Tie Ziqing flew out directly upside down.

Mo said that the cold poison entered Chu Zheng's body, and it was directly eaten back.

Forced the cold poison back into Tie Ziqing's body.

"What? Burst!

Tie Ziqing's eyes widened, and at this moment, he completely understood: Mother sells approval, no wonder the family wants to hold a meeting to study Chu Zheng, this Chu Zheng, even if the entire Tie family is dispatched, it is helpless!

However, Chu Zheng approached Tie Ziqing with his hands in his pockets, and said quite politely: "

Don't waste time, use your eye secret skills..."

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