Tie Ziqing never expected that he would provoke such an existence.

With this palm alone, Tie Ziqing could deeply feel that Chu Zheng was too powerful. In his hands, he simply can't last a round.

"You... You..." Watching

Chu Zheng walking towards him, Tie Ziqing couldn't care about the internal injuries in his body, dragged the ground, and fell backwards one after another.

And Chu Zheng's question made Tie Ziqing even more puzzled.

"I, I don't know any secret arts!"

After listening to Chu Zheng's words, Tie Ziqing also knew why Chu Zheng was so strong, he didn't kill himself just now, but wanted to see what secret techniques he had.

But what secret technique does he Tie Ziqing, just now, it is just a manifestation of his Tie Ziqing's arrogance.

He originally felt that this Chu Zheng was just an ant, but in front of Chu Zheng, he was an ant.


Chu Zheng's brows frowned slightly, and he was slightly embarrassed in his heart.

Feelings this Tie Ziqing, there is no secret technique at all, I can't think of his performance just now, and he actually bluffed himself.

Tie Ziqing was even crazier than anyone Chu Zheng had seen before, so crazy that Chu Zheng wondered if he had other skills.

At that moment, Chu Zheng knew that it turned out that this iron was crazy because of his strength...


Knowing this, why did Chu Zheng waste so much time in vain...

Shaking his head with some regret, Chu Zheng was about to kill him.

"Brother Liu Sheng, save me quickly!"

Tie Ziqing suddenly shouted outside the door.

It turned out that outside this door, there was already a smiling Yanagi Koyaro who was holding his shoulders and holding a Toei katana in his hand, as if watching the excitement.

"Brother Liu Sheng, save me!"

Already completely frightened by Chu Zheng's terrifying strength, Tie Ziqing hurriedly asked for help.

"Save you?"

Liu Sheng Xiaoyelang's Chinese language is very standard, and he said with a smile.

"Save me..."

Tie Ziqing's face turned pale.

"Brother Ziqing, you are quite a smart person, I don't know why, you would do such a stupid thing, do you really think that I brought so many people here, I want to accompany you to fight this Jiuyang Palace?" I, Liu Sheng Xiaoyelang, am not as stupid as you, such a good cultivation place, how can I give you for nothing!"

Yanagi Xiaoyero shook his head slightly.

In the end, it is a proud protégé of the Liu Sheng family, and his scheming is really not simple.

"You... Yanagi, you... Dare to use me? Do you think that if I die here, you will be able to sit on this Jiuyang Mountain, with so many people watching here, my Tie family will definitely kill you to avenge me!"

Tie Ziqing hurriedly threatened.

"Hahaha, Brother Ziqing, it seems that I really look up to you, but I didn't expect that you are not stupid, but stupid, do you think these people in front of you will live to tell what they see today?"

Yanagi Xiaoyelang laughed, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"You... You...... Burst! Tie

Ziqing was used to calculate, coupled with the fear that Chu Zheng brought him, directly made him rush to attack his heart and vomit three liters of blood.

Paralyzed to the ground.

"I just abolished a loud talker, and another one who doesn't know how to be evil, how can I insult my Jiuyang Palace so much!"

Qinglong finally couldn't bear it, these people, from beginning to end, did not put the Jiuyang Palace in their eyes, and at the moment they were angry in their hearts, and hurriedly drank angrily.

And his own figure jumped directly and rushed towards this Liu Sheng Xiaoyelang's Dongying people.

"Madman, look at the palm!"

The green dragon directly offered a palm sacrifice.


And what everyone didn't expect was that this Liu Sheng Xiaoyelang neither hid nor welcomed, but instead had a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth, directly overtaking the front.


The power of the green dragon's palm directly hit Liu Sheng's eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, Qinglong's palm down, not only did not kill this Liu Sheng, but it was like hitting a stone wall, and it was directly retreated several steps by the countershock.

Rao is the green dragon only used half of his strength, but he was also shocked.

This palm of his own, even if he can't kill this Dongying person, it will definitely seriously injure him.

How to hit him on the head, but it was like hitting a mountain.

Not only did he not retreat, but he actually caused himself to recoil?

"This..." Many

veterans around also looked at each other, the strength of the green dragon, they naturally knew that although the green dragon had only used half of the internal strength just now, but the result, it would definitely not be like this.

On the other hand, this Dongying person was unscathed.

Instead, a look of banter.

Liu Sheng shook his head slightly: "Such a soft palm, there is not even a little pressure, you Huaxia people, it is really East Asian **ah!"

Liu Sheng felt contempt.

Looking at the unresentful but doubtful eyes of the people around him, he immediately said: "Are you curious about why my head is so hard?" I'm not afraid to tell you, I, Yanagi Xiaoyelang, have been knocking bricks with my head since I was three years old, more than 3,000 a day, so my head has long been harder than a rock!

"So, you Huaxia people, you can attack me!"

Liu Sheng said with a sneer.

And Tie Ziqing, who still had half a breath on the side, was also horrified in his heart.

Originally, he thought that he could defeat him with light skill, but he didn't expect that this Liu Sheng Xiaoyelang's city government was the deepest.

He is completely using himself to achieve his ulterior ends.

"Oh? Your head is stronger than a rock? Chu

Zheng put his hands in his pockets and looked at Liu Sheng Xiaoyelang with interest and said.

"Not bad, although you have strong internal strength, it is completely useless to face me Liu Sheng Xiaoyelang!"

Yanagi Koyaro said contemptuously.

"Sir, this devil is very evil, Qinglong estimates that his flaw is not on the head at all, but has been transferred, so no matter how he fights, he can't break his secret method!"

Qinglong felt that this Liu Sheng Xiaoyelang should have practiced some secret method to make his whole body flawed and transferred.

Therefore, it is really not easy to hurt him by conventional methods, at least until his flaws are found.

But Chu Zheng only shook his head slightly.

"Hit this devil, why do you have to flaw!"

Chu Zheng smiled coldly.

Immediately dispatched directly, punched out, with the Dao Dao afterimage, the surging force directly bombarded Liu Sheng Xiaoyelang.

Liu Sheng Xiaoyelang, still did not hide, but just like just now, first smiled contemptuously, and then directly stretched his head towards Chu Zheng's fist.

"I, Yanagi Koyaro, have been knocking bricks with my head since I was three years old!"

Yanagi Xiaoyelang smiled coldly.



A loud bang resounded throughout the hall.

I saw Chu Zheng's dozens of fist shadows, directly slamming on Liu Sheng Xiaoyelang's head one after another.

Yanagi Koyaro was hit by the fist, and his whole body seemed to explode.

A large amount of white smoke exploded directly from the body like an exploding boiler, and the clothes on the body were directly shattered.

And his brain was completely destroyed by Chu Zheng's fist.

Fly out upside down.

There was no time to spray blood.

"I... Yanagi Koyaro, since he was three years old, he knocked bricks with his head! Liu

Sheng Xiaoyelang's eyes widened, and before he died, he just said this sentence lightly.

Those who die afterwards cannot die again.

Chu Zheng retracted his fists in the astonished gaze of everyone.

'Knocking bricks with his head since he was three years old, this Dongying person, I guess he broke his head! Chu

Zheng was too, but he found it funny.

Just now, Chu Zheng was almost bluffed by this Tie Ziqing, but he will not be bluffed by this Dongying warrior again.

At the same time, Chu Zheng also understood at once, it turned out that from beginning to end, these people did not have any secret methods.

It's arrogance!

It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous to be complacent about such an achievement!

Chu Zheng put his hands behind his back and returned to his seat.

"Sir, what to do with this madman!"

Qinglong stood up and pointed to Tie Ziqing, who had half a life, and said.

"You dare, Chu Zheng, I just said, I am the eldest young man of the Jinling Martial Arts Alliance Iron Family, if you kill me, my Iron Family will not let you go, you know, it's best to let me go!"

Tie Ziqing was about to collapse.

The only thing he wants now is to be able to live, yes, to live.

Return to the Iron Family alive.

He already knew that he Tie Ziqing would not rush to this Jiuyang Mountain before his own family Ding to die.

Tie Ziqing hurriedly threatened Dao.

"Oh? Your iron family will not let me go? If I don't kill you, your iron family will let me go?

Chu Zheng shook his head slightly.

Since he has already offended, he Chu Zheng, why not sin more thoroughly.

"You..." Tie

Ziqing was directly speechless, yes, even if he didn't kill him, his Tie family planned to annex Jiuyang Mountain...

"Since he likes Jiuyang Mountain so much, hang him up and hang him on the top of the mountain, so that he can take a good look at the scenery of Jiuyang Mountain..."

Chu Zheng said with a faint smile....

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