But it is said that there is a team in the inner perimeter of this Yunfeng Mountain.

This team has more than two dozen people.

However, they stopped and looked at a deep mountain swamp in front of them.

This swamp is a large area, and from time to time, thick green bubbles seep out of the swamp.

It looks quite weird.

"Master, we have been waiting for the Great Elder again for a long time, I am afraid that if we wait like this, the Nine Spirit Treasure Zhi of Yunfeng Mountain will wither!"

In the crowd, a square-faced disciple, holding a long sword, said respectfully to an old man sitting cross-knee on a rock among the crowd.

The old man sat cross-kneeled on the rock, like an old monk, his eyes slightly closed.

It's like being cut off from the rest of the world.

"Senior Brother Shen'er, don't disturb the Second Elder, if there are any instructions, the Second Elder will definitely tell us in advance!"

A child also stepped forward and said.

The young disciple, nicknamed Shen Er, nodded slightly, turned sideways, and continued to wait for the return of the Great Elder who had gone to explore the way.

"Senior Brother Shen'er, you have obtained the true transmission of the Second Elder, can't you still hear the location of the Great Elder at this time?"

Maybe it's idle boredom, the boy asked.

Shen Er shook his head a little ashamed and said, "Since my Senior Brother Hawkeye was killed by Chu Zheng, I have lost most of my role by relying on the power of God Ear alone. Alas! Saying

this, Shen Er couldn't help but sigh slightly, and then his fists were clenched, and a killing intent appeared in his eyes.

He and Hawkeye were both disciples of the second elder of the Qingyu Gate.

Synthetic god-eared hawkeye.

The practice is a special secret art, Hawkeye's eyesight is amazing, and the divine ear is naturally beyond ordinary people.

The combination of the two was enough to find out all the movements within a radius of tens of miles.

The status of the Blue Feather Gate is particularly important.

But since some time ago, Senior Brother Hawkeye followed Chu Zheng and was killed by Chu Zheng, this God-Eared Hawkeye ceased to exist, and Jean's status as God-Eared Xue Zhenxian also plummeted in the Qingyu Gate.

Xue Zhenxian did not think of revenge.

However, he was blocked by his own master, that is, the second elder of the Qingyu Gate, because the master was in the same vein, and there was an important disciple.

It is also that junior brother of Chu Zheng's great enemy, Bai Haoran.

Junior Brother Bai Haoran has already started the core assessment of the Qingyu Gate, and once he passes, he will be the existence of the most outstanding young generation of the Qingyu Gate.

Moreover, Junior Brother Bai Haoran, before participating in the assessment, had released a remark that Chu Zheng's head must be taken by him personally.

Whoever dares to act rashly is against him Bai Haoran.

This sentence, even the master who wanted to take revenge listened, but did not act rashly.

Bai Haoran, as the master's most proud disciple, was naturally very pampered.

So Hawkeye died, although it was painful, but at the behest of the master, the god ear did not dare to make a second attempt.

I can only pin all my hopes on Senior Brother Bai Haoran.

This time I came to Yunfeng Mountain to accompany the master to find the Nine Spirit Baozhi of Yunfeng Mountain, and provide the greatest help to Bai Haoran's junior brother who was being assessed.

Even the Great Elder personally came to help.

After all, the Nine Dragon Cave in Yunfeng Mountain, if he rushed in, could be described as ten dead and lifeless, and it was extremely dangerous.

And Shen Er said this, many disciples also shook their heads slightly and sighed.

"Zhenxian, when you come, can you prepare ten virgin boys and girls as a medicine for Haoran's promotion?"

At this time, the second elder, who had been sitting cross-kneeled, suddenly opened his eyes slightly and asked.

"Master ready! Master, what the apprentice said just now..."

Xue Zhenxian nodded.

"Well, well, since that's the case, don't wait for your master uncle, thirty miles away, there is a person approaching, Zhenxian, you go and catch him, for the master to try how toxic this swamp is!"

After the second elder finished speaking, he closed his eyes again.

Thirty miles away?

Everyone also looked at each other, in the end, it was the master of the Qingyu Gate God Ear Eagle Eye, and the ability in this regard was even more powerful.

After Xue Zhenxian heard this, he also pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

Sure enough, there was a person approaching the inner perimeter of Yunfeng Mountain.

"It doesn't take any effort!"

Xue Zhenxian smiled coldly.

Immediately answered, you can go.

The reason why they did not dare to move forward was because this swamp contained super corrosive poison, although this time they were well prepared.

However, even the master and his old man were not sure whether what he had prepared could resist this corrosive poison.

And at this time, it would be nice to have someone go down and try it.

Who tried?

It will definitely not be these disciples of the Qingyu Sect to try, but now, there are people who don't know whether they are dead or alive, and it can be said that they came just right.

Xue Zhenxian performed a light skill and rushed to it.


But he said that Chu Zheng suddenly stopped and stopped moving because someone rushed towards his side, and this person was Xue Zhenxian.

Chu Zheng stopped and turned his head to look.

Looking at it from afar, the man I saw actually stepped directly on the top of the tree.

Nice light work!

Although it was a thousand meters away, Chu Zheng had already seen the strength of the coming people.

And what surprised Chu Zheng a little was that this person's internal strength turned out to be familiar.

Mo is not the internal strength used by Bai Lang Hawkeye.

Is it a sect with them?

Chu Zheng's first reaction was that this person was here to seek revenge.

I saw that the person was close to him.

Chu Zheng was preparing to strike.

And that Xue Zhenxian did not land at all.

Instead, he stepped on the trees, and his figure shuttled back and forth in front of Chu Zheng.

Let Chu Zheng, who was still ready to start, directly closed his hand, put his hands in his pockets, and waited for this person to fall.

Chu Zheng still vaguely remembered that the last time that Hawkeye of the Qingyumen dealt with himself, it was the same, waiting for a full five minutes before Hawkeye landed.

This man's cultivation looks the same as that Hawkeye, and the light skill is the same number.

Therefore, Chu Zheng boldly guessed that this person would probably have to be like that eagle eye, and he would have to hover for a while before he could come down.

Sure enough, as Chu Zheng expected, Xue Zhenxian's entire body changed except for the afterimage.

Walk through the forest.

And the afterimage of change wrapped Chu Zheng even more.

It took almost seven minutes for Xue Zhenxian to fall.

Originally, I thought that this person and the eagle-eyed yang fell from the sky and landed in the same posture.

But apparently this man is different from him, his is slightly more normal.

I saw Xue Zhenxian, after landing, his back was to Chu Zheng, and he was holding his shoulders with both hands, and holding the long sword in his hand.

"After my psychedelic footwork, your heart pulse is still able to operate normally, which shows that you have an excellent physique and some cultivation!" To do the test material, it is just right!

Xue Zhenxian said lightly.

His ears couldn't help but move, and he had already heard Chu Zheng's physical state at this time.

"Oh? Can you hear these too?

Chu Zheng was slightly surprised.

"However, now you are very nervous, although your heart is stable, but you are already nervous, and a strong sense of fear pervades your heart..." Xue

Zhenxian shook his head slightly: "People like you, living in the world is also a waste, follow me and realize your ultimate value!"

Xue Zhenxian instantly sentenced Chu Zheng to death.

That's a bit too much!

It's true that the heart pulse is normal, joke, this person jumped up and down in front of Chu Zheng a few times, so that Chu Zheng's heart pulse was disordered, then Chu Zheng can really die.

As for the latter, Chu Zheng estimated that it was completely guessed by this Xue Zhenxian.

"What else did you hear?"

Chu Zheng asked lightly.

I didn't expect to meet such an interesting person in this Nine Dragon Cave.

"Huh? You actually have a magic weapon hidden in you! Xue

Zhenxian, who heard this, did not pay attention to Chu Zheng's words, but doubts rose in his heart, slowly turned around, and looked in the direction of Chu Zheng's finger.

I saw that above Chu Zheng's fingers, he actually brought ... Brought a storage ring!

Xue Zhenxian's eyelids couldn't help but jump!

Storage ring, this is a complete magic weapon.

Xue Zhenxian directly raised his hand: "Take out the storage ring, and after throwing you into the poisonous mist swamp and testing corrosion, I will end your life early and let you bear less pain!"

Xue Zhenxian said coldly.

"Oh... This tone of yours is exactly the same as the guy named Hawkeye I killed before, don't you both want to be a good person who can carry such important items? Chu

Zheng was really puzzled, he brought such an important magic weapon, and he dared to show it, he must show that he had some strength.

He couldn't have imagined that first that Hawkeye, and then this Xue Zhenxian...

"What, you are Chu Zheng?"

However, after listening to Chu Zheng's rather calm question, Xue Zhenxian's body shook wildly.

This man... It was Junior Brother Bai Haoran, as well as his own enemy... Chu Zheng!

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