"What! You are Chu Zheng who killed Senior Brother Hawkeye?

Xue Zhenxian's body shook wildly and blurted out.

The eyes firmly locked Chu Zheng, and a full of killing intent penetrated out.

"Not bad, it seems that Hawkeye really went out with your division!"

Chu Zheng put his hands in his pockets and nodded slightly.

"When it is really impossible to find a place to step on iron shoes, it takes no effort to get here, Chu Zheng, I have not gone to seek revenge from you, and now, you actually took the initiative to send it to the door, haha, Providence, it is really Providence!"

Xue Zhenxian's eyes showed fierceness, and at this time, he had completely forgotten Bai Haoran's previous instructions.

Because, Chu Zheng actually had a storage ring in his hand, this kind of magic weapon, if he Xue Zhenxian obtained it, he would definitely find some great power in exchange for more powerful cultivation secrets.

The appearance of the storage ring had made Xue Zhenxian completely faint.

"Chu Zheng, don't die quickly!"

Completely put aside Bai Haoran's words, Xue Zhenxian was even lazier to talk nonsense, he was afraid that if he hesitated for a while, other junior brothers would come over, and at that time, wouldn't his magic weapon fly.

At that moment, Xue Zhenxian, who was anxious in his heart, rushed directly towards Chu Zheng.

And as soon as it is made, it is a killing move.

Straight to Chu Zheng's dead hole.

In the face of Xue Zhenxian's fatal blow, Chu Zheng only shook his head slightly.

I, Chu Zheng, really don't have any overlord qi, and everyone doesn't put me in their eyes.

Chu Zheng was too lazy to talk nonsense, because he found that once others moved the killing intent on you, no matter how much nonsense you talked about, it was not as good as a fist to talk more.

Indeed, communicating with people with his fists, Chu Zheng liked it very much, mainly cleanly.

Just like now.

Xue Zhenxian rushed directly over, and Chu Zheng did not dodge or dodge.

Punch it directly.


Chu Zheng's punching speed was very fast, and this Xue Zhenxian would definitely not be able to react.

One punch hit the door in the face and directly lay on the ground.

Then, Xue Zhenxian looked up at Chu Zheng in horror in his heart.

"What? You...... Are you so strong? Xue

Zhenxian's beaten face changed shape, but fortunately, Chu Zheng only used his strength.

Otherwise, Chu Zheng's punch could completely beat Xue Zhenxian into a pile of meat puree.

Chu Zheng put his hand into his pocket again.

He smiled and looked at this person who was as interesting as Hawkeye.

Facing Xue Zhenxian's shocked question, Chu Zheng showed a harmless smile and said: "Actually, I'm really strange, I can kill your senior brother Hawkeye, and blatantly carry this storage ring, why don't you think about whether my strength is something you can match?" "

For this, Chu Zheng is really strange.

Even if this Xue Zhenxian couldn't see his strength, he could kill his senior brother Hawkeye, which he should know in his heart.

And Xue Zhenxian, who listened to Chu Zheng's question, also completely calmed down.

Yes, Chu Zheng can kill Hawkeye, just now... Why did he do something to him and kill him?

It's ridiculous, Xue Zhenxian felt really ridiculous at this time.

However, although he realized that he was ridiculous, Xue Zhenxian also decided not to let Chu Zheng go.

He quietly took out a jade tablet from his hand, prepared to crush it, and called the master to come over.

However, Chu Zheng smiled and said, "Don't bother so much, I'll kill you later, I'll go to your accomplice immediately!" Chu

Zheng shook his head slightly, and immediately reached out directly and snapped Xue Zhenxian's neck.

Xue Zhenxian's eyes widened in shock, and he died just like that.

However, what Chu Zheng said just now was not a joke.

Chu Zheng had already locked the location of Xue Zhenxian's accomplice.

Of course, what Chu Zheng said just now was nothing more than two considerations.

First, he killed several people in Qingyumen, and he was also the first-class enemy of Qingyumen Bai Haoran.

Therefore, this beam with Qingyumen is forged anyway.

Second, after Chu Zheng will enter the Nine Dragon Cave, there are so many people coming to trouble him, it will be difficult for Chu Zheng to calm down and think about the problem.

So come to think of it, the only way to avoid these troubles is to kill.

Two simple and crude words.

Thinking of this, Chu Zheng raised his head, looked in a direction, and then his figure flashed and jumped directly over.

"Hey, why hasn't Senior Brother Xue been there for so long and hasn't come back? Nothing will happen, right? Some

disciples waited to see Xue Zhenxian come back, and they couldn't help but be a little suspicious.

"No, Senior Brother Xue is the strongest among me and the others, how can something happen, wait..."

someone shook his head.

"What are you?!"

However, at this time, I heard a loud drink from one of the children.

Immediately, the boy drew his long sword and pointed at a young man with his hands in his pockets and a leisurely expression.

It was Chu Zheng.

At this time, Second Elder Mo Xinghe, who had been sitting cross-kneeled and waiting, also slowly raised his eyelids and glanced at Chu Zheng.

But just a glance, Mo Xinghe closed his eyes again.

It turned out to be an experimental product caught by Zhenxian.

And what kind of character.

Mo Xinghe shook his head slightly in his heart.

Some disgusted with the fuss of these disciples.

"Me? I'm the one who came specifically to kill you! Chu

Zheng told the truth.

Straight to the point!

Chu Zheng saw that there were many people here, if he didn't kill them, he would crack the Nine Dragon Cave Array by himself, and it would be really difficult to calm his heart.

Therefore, Chu Zheng had to prepare in advance.

"Crazy man, who are you?"

More than a dozen disciples drew the long sword in their hands and pointed it directly at Chu Zheng, and one of the disciples asked coldly.

"I'm the Chu Zheng you're looking for!"

Chu Zheng carried his hands on his back and looked at these people, he really didn't want to ink with them.

"What? You are Chu Zheng! Several

people who heard the words looked at each other.

For a while, I couldn't make up my mind.

Because Bai Haoran had given an order, everyone could not kill this Chu Zheng, and he had to kill it personally.

But look at this arrogant enemy right in front of you....

Finally...... Kill or not?

Everyone turned their gaze in unison to Moxinghe, who was sitting quietly on the side, and only now opened his eyes.

"You are Chu Zheng?"

Only then did Mo Xinghe open his eyes and look at Chu Zheng.

Because one killed the enemy of three apprentices, including Bai Lang, was enough to make Mo Xinghe face it squarely.

However, Rao let him think of it, this Chu Zhengdu is a general, how can he kill his three apprentices.

And this son speaks wildly, where does the confidence come from?

Could it be that he has any helper?

Thinking of this, Mo Xinghe's gaze looked around, but he did not find any helpers around.

And the most important thing is that the breath of Xue Zhenxian, who he just sent, is also gone, and he has obviously died in the hands of Chu Zheng.

Mo Xinghe's gaze suddenly became gloomy.

"Master, please order the apprentice, let's kill this Chu Zheng!"

Some of the disciples were already on the verge of crying eagerly.

These people practice evil secret arts, and their psychology is a little perverted, in order to ensure their murderous and evil qi, so they often have to kill people.

Now they encounter a person, and they are enemies, but they can't let them kill them, it is even more uncomfortable than killing them.

"Master, please, let the disciples do it!"

Some disciples cried directly.

They had not been stained with blood in their swords for seven days, and they were all impatient.

"No, your junior brother Bai has emphasized several times that this person's head must be personally killed by him, and you can't act rashly!"

And Mo Xinghe didn't want to kill this Chu Zheng.

But when he thought of his own disgruntled apprentice, Mo Xinghe forcibly held back.


Among these disciples I saw, one of them knelt down directly and said: "Master, let the apprentices kill this Chu Zheng, the apprentices' swords will be rusted if they are not stained with blood, and when the time comes, if Senior Brother Bai wants to blame, let me bear it alone!"

"Poof! Poof! More

than a dozen disciples all knelt down.

At this time, the swords in their hands were all trembling, these people cultivated secret arts, and they had to use human blood to refine the swords!

"Master, please let us do it!"

More than a dozen disciples cried directly.

The long sword in his hand was even more hungry and thirsty, making a rubbing sound.

And Mo Xinghe still shook his head indifferently: "No, but for the master, you can each stab Chu Zheng a sword, but don't hurt his vital points, I will take his life back to Qingyumen as a gift to your senior brother Bai!"

Mo Xinghe was also extremely unbearable to see his apprentices like this, so he immediately compromised and waved his hand.

"Thank you, Master!"

These disciples all stood up excitedly from the ground.

"Qingyu thirty-six style, the first eighteen style that can only be used, I stab the first sword, swinging sword style!"

"I stab the second sword, roundabout!"

"I stab the third sword..." "I stab..." These

disciples all showed the long sword in their hands excitedly, and looked at Chu Zheng with a mocking face.

And with the sword tricks they chanted in their mouths, they each danced the sword flowers in place, and they were dazzling for a while....

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