Chu Zheng put his hands in his pockets and looked at the arrogant people in front of him.

I couldn't help but be a little speechless.

It seems that just now, he has clearly said that he wants to kill these people.

How come it is that now, in order to be able to stab themselves, these people have to kneel and plead.

The strength of these people looks weaker than that hawk-eyed ear, who gave them courage? Don't you even want to think about it?

Chu Zheng shook his head slightly.

"First style, swinging sword style!"

When Chu Zheng was helpless in his heart, those disciples had already moved.

The first one directly raised the long sword in his hand and stabbed it into Chu Zheng's eyes.


The long sword made a sword sound in the air.

However, after that disciple stabbed the long sword over, he found that the tip of the long sword was twenty centimeters away in front of Chu Zheng's body, and it was directly frozen in the void.

How can it not penetrate.


The disciple was slightly shocked.

His sword technique has been practiced to the point of pure fire, and even the big tree surrounded by four people, he can pierce it with a sword.

Unexpectedly, a small Chu Zheng, he turned out to be...

Do you say... Chu Zheng's strength is even stronger than them?

Because even his own master, I'm afraid he can't do it, he can block the flying sword in the air, and it's such a powerful sword.

"Do I have to use all my strength to kill you?"

The disciple shook his head slightly, obviously this result was difficult for him to accept.

And Chu Zheng was even more impatient to the extreme, why he sacrificed his own means, but still ignored himself.

"Do you think you can stop me with all your strength?"

Chu Zheng no longer talks nonsense, this group of people has lost their hearts with arrogance.


Raise your fist and punch out.

Straight into the face of this disciple, his head was instantly burst, flew out upside down, hit more than a dozen large trees in succession, and when he lay on the ground, the whole person became a pile of meat mud.

This time, I Chu Zheng has already proved my strength, and I can be qualified to make this group of arrogant people face it squarely.

But Chu Zheng was wrong.

Because when he saw these people in front of him, he still squinted his eyes indifferently, as if he had not seen the death of the disciple just now.

"Second sword, roundabout!"

Another disciple stepped forward, still with an indifferent expression, fierce eyes, and proud words.

It was as if looking at Chu Zheng was like looking at an ant.

This disciple even took the long sword in his hand and danced the sword flower.

The move is fierce, with a tyrannical atmosphere.

"Second sword! "


However, before the disciple's words fell, the impatient Chu Zheng threw another punch, and the same head was blasted.

However, it also did not move these people.

They squint slightly all the time, as if the world has nothing to do with them.

The only thing that is relevant is blood, human life.

Feed the sword with blood!

"Third form!"

A disciple squinted and stood up, still dancing a very handsome sword flower.

And yet....

"Why do you underestimate me Chu Zheng like this!"

Although Chu Zheng didn't want to provoke these mundane things, now he had to admit that he had been provoked by this group of arrogant guys.

It is not that he has not met arrogant people, but those arrogant people, after seeing their own shots, do not say fear, at least they will pay some attention.

But now, Chu Zheng killed two people in a row, but they were not confronted.

It's just...

Chu Zheng was angered by the layman for the second time, and at the moment, he blatantly struck.


A series of punches were punched, and Chu Zheng directly exploded several more people.

A large amount of blood directly spurted out.

Sprinkled on the bodies of some disciples, on their faces!

"Fourth... What the?

However, a disciple was just about to come out and stab the next sword, but a large amount of blood directly covered his face.

It made him feel that something was wrong.

This is just... That's when you really open your eyes to the situation in front of you.

The situation in front of him directly startled him.

His senior brothers had already died seven or eight people.

And one of them died worse than the other!

It turned out that these disciples, although their eyes narrowed slightly, were practicing ear power, relying only on ear power, looking for the non-essential point of Chu Zheng and assassinating.

However, when these disciples sensed something was wrong at this time and opened their eyes, they found such a scene in front of them.

No wonder the senior brothers shot so quickly, they had died a long time ago.

Shock, fear, made these talents all take a step back.

Only now did they all think about it.

Chu Zheng in front of him is a powerful person who can kill his senior brother Eagle Eye Ear.


Although everyone took a few steps back, they looked at Chu Zheng with fear.

But there are still people who don't react.

One disciple, still squinting slightly, used his ear strength to judge his position.

His current clairvoyant kung fu has already practiced to the third layer, and in another five years, he may be able to catch up with Senior Brother Xue Zhenxian.

Therefore, he instantly made an accurate judgment on Chu Zheng's location.

"Fifth sword..."


However, before he finished speaking, he was directly blasted away by Chu Zheng's punch, and his whole body exploded.

It exploded into a pile of blood mist.

"Now, do you know my name of Chu Zheng?"

Chu Zheng walked towards the rest of the disciples lightly.

These disciples retreated one after another, wanting to escape.

But it was too late, and when he saw Chu Zheng's finger flick, dozens of sword qi suddenly shot out from his hand, directly hitting the key place of everyone.

More than a dozen people, in an instant, all destroyed!

"Not bad, your current strength can be used as a practice when Haoran is out of the level!"

Watching Chu Zheng kill all his more than twenty apprentices in an instant.

Mo Xinghe couldn't help but nod.

Chu Zheng's performance can be said to be too surprising to Mo Xinghe.

He should have thought long ago that Chu Zheng's strength was comparable to Haoran.

Of course, it's just about it.

And he already knew this, why did he have to let more than two dozen apprentices make a move, so that he would die in vain.

"I killed so many of your apprentices, don't you want revenge?"

Chu Zheng looked at the Moxing River.

I couldn't help but ask.

These people that Chu Zheng met today can be said to have completely refreshed Chu Zheng's world view, and he did not expect that there were still people who could be arrogant here.

Mo Xinghe shook his head and said, "Just now, just a second ago, I did have some killing intent towards you, but now, I don't have any killing intent for you. Because, I need to use your living blood to refine the secret technique, to use it for Haoran, so that he becomes unprecedentedly powerful, so Chu Zheng, you are lucky, the light of God seems to have enveloped you!

Mo Xinghe said lightly.

At the same time, his eyes flashed.

Chu Zheng's natural strength has been completely displayed, if he can take this Chu Zheng's living blood for Haoran to practice, Haoran, and even surpass himself before the age of thirty.

This is indeed a gratifying thing for Moxinghe.

For a while, even the death of these apprentices of his own, Mo Xinghe also looked away.

"Okay, but I really want to see what kind of strength you have that can make you arrogant to this point!"

Chu Zheng shook his head slightly.

He obviously saw that although this Moxinghe was stronger, it was nothing more.

I don't know where arrogant capital comes from.

"I advise you not to watch it, because you will regret it!"

Mo Xinghe waved his hand.

Once his strength is displayed, I am afraid that the corpses of these dead apprentices will also be gone!

"Oh? If you say so, I Chu Zheng still have to try!" "

It's really a big breath, after Chu Zheng came to Earth, although he was ignored a lot, he was definitely not ignored like this.

So as soon as Chu Zheng's words fell, he shot directly.

Want to see the capital of the Moxing River, what is it?


Mo Xinghe only shook his head slightly.

However, the next moment, his shaking head froze.

The eyes widened even more in shock.


Mo Xinghe shouted eagerly.

Chu Zheng's surging inner strength was about to scare him stupidly.

Moreover, Mo Xinghe found that in front of this surging internal strength, he did not have the slightest ability to move, as if he was directly locked by this internal force.


The Moxing River was finally bombarded.

The meridians of the whole body were even shattered.

Only one breath remained lying on the ground, looking at Chu Zheng in shock.

And Chu Zheng walked towards him lightly, and said coldly:

"You are not strong, why do you have arrogant capital?"

Listening to Chu Zheng's words, Mo Xinghe was ashamed and angry, mainly because Chu Zheng's strength was too strong.


Mo Xinghe raised his finger in shock, he now regretted extremely much, he Qingyumen, actually provoked such an existence, the genius of the shit Qingyumen Bai Haoran, and the two elders of the shit Qingyumen.

In front of this Chu Zheng, he was simply vulnerable.

Unexpectedly...... Unexpectedly, this Chu Zheng is not sought, but we want to seek revenge on him....

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