Although Chu Zheng

knew that there was someone following him all the time, there was no way, Chu Zheng did not dare to move his spiritual sense elsewhere now.

This spirit beast is very cunning.

If you are not careful, I am afraid that you can let it slip away.

Therefore, even if someone follows, then follow, how can you wait until you catch this spirit beast.

Chu Zheng continued to approach the spirit beast.


Inside the Kowloon Grotto, in addition to the hidden Kowloon Grotto, there is also a beautiful place like a paradise here.

This is a secluded cave, the inside of the cave is shiny, and the faint sunlight is projected from the top of the cave, dappled and scattered in a slightly steaming pool in the cave.

The water in the pool is clear.

And in the middle of the pool, there is a strange plant with a green body and a diameter of about three meters.

The plants seem to have made their way to the top of the cave.

Very towering.

On the bank of the pool, there was an extremely beautiful woman, standing beautifully.

This woman was dressed in yellow qun and dressed like a fairy.

She looked to be in her thirties, but her appearance was tender and snow-white, almost to a perfect point.

Especially between her red lips, there is a faint youthful atmosphere.

But her eyes have a charming color.

A collection of youth and charm, contradictions.

But at this time, in front of this fairy-like woman, it was perfectly displayed.

"Wood of Ten Thousand Medicines, I tried my best to finally find you!"

The woman's eyes slightly emitted a sparkle, and she looked at the spirit tree in front of her, known as the wood of all medicines!

I let out a long breath in my heart.

"It's not in vain that I risked my life to rush from Jinling! As long as I can refine you, my Five Poisons True Scripture cultivation can go to another level!" There

was a smile at the corner of the woman's mouth, which made the woman more beautiful, as if in an instant, the bright flowers around her were eclipsed.

The woman's gaze was just staring at the wood of ten thousand medicines, and then she stepped into the edge of the pool.

And, she slowly put her hand on her waist and untied her shirt.

To refine the wood of ten thousand medicines, you must dive into this pool.

And get rid of your clothes.

Because this Ten Thousand Medicine Wood is a spiritual thing, and its attribute is yin, it will release a lot of heat during this period.

At that time, both the mind and the body will be in an extremely hot state.

Once the heat dissipation of the body is insufficient, or the heat in the heart is difficult to eliminate, I am afraid that the meridians will explode and die.

And the whole process is also key, refining the wood of ten thousand medicines, almost every step, is a test of the heart.

Therefore, you must stabilize your mind.

Don't be disturbed.

Otherwise, the heat in the heart is difficult to release, and it is difficult to suppress, I am afraid that I will explode and die.


Thinking of a certain possibility, the woman herself felt ridiculous, she has been guarding her body like jade for more than thirty years, how can she be like that...

Observing that there were no monsters approaching around, the woman was relieved to remove the clothes on her body.

Snow-white skin and wonderful body are instantly visible in this cave.

The snow-white jade foot gently probed down and tested the temperature of the water.

The woman slowly immersed herself in this pool.

The palm flipped slightly, pinched into an orchid sword finger, and saw the water waves around the woman's body rippling slightly.

Moreover, the Ten Thousand Medicine Wood in front of him trembled slightly.

Immediately after, on the wood of ten thousand medicines, colorful colors appeared, and slowly flowed into the woman's body through the steaming water vapor.

And with the inflow of this color, the woman's body and face also changed from the original snow-white to a crimson color.

The body began to get hot.

And that's not all, as more and more light flowed in, the woman's mind began to roll all kinds of scenes.

And those **** scenes, the woman's face instantly seemed to have a fever.

To the point of being irrepressible.

"Stabilize your mind, you can't be affected by these things!"

The woman kept meditating in her heart, concentrating all her energy and trying to suppress this evil fire fiercely.

But this process is undoubtedly very painful.

The mind cannot have the slightest disorder.

Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable.

but said Chu Zheng's side.

Chu Zheng had already approached the spirit beast, and as far as his eyes could see, he had already seen where the spirit beast was.

This is a nine-tailed spirit fox.

The eyes are oily green and snow-white throughout.

And at the same time that Chu Zheng saw it, this nine-tailed spirit fox was not running, but was standing in place.

The spirit fox is a spirit creature and extremely cunning.

It has already found that the human in front of him is powerful, and now it is within his attack range, if he runs again, it will not help at all.

Therefore, the spirit fox gave up and continued to escape.

Instead, his eyes turned slightly, and a strong enchanting force rushed towards Chu Zheng's side.

"Want to tempt me? This spirit beast of yours is really smart, but this is of no use to me Chu Zheng at all!"

Chu Zheng shook his head slightly.

This spirit fox is still quite interesting.

However, it was through this gap when Chu Zheng shook his head slightly, the nine-tailed spirit fox turned his gaze, turned around and saw a cave, followed by the figure, and hid in.

"Okay, I, Chu Zheng, will come to catch a fox in an urn today!"

Seeing the figure of the spirit fox hiding in a cave, Chu Zheng felt even more funny.

In the previous life, Chu Zheng, who was still cultivating in the secular world in the early stage, could be said to have dealt with these spirit beasts.

Knowing that these spirit beasts are each cunning, and even possess no less than human intelligence.

It can also be said that beyond human intelligence.

Their means are even more numerous.

For example, the charm of this nine-tailed spirit fox just now.

That is, with his own Nine Yang Gong Protective Body, ordinary filthy things are difficult to get close, if there is no Nine Yang Gong, I am afraid that he is a master of the same cultivation as Chu Zheng.

You have to at least be confused by that nine-tailed spirit fox, and you have to lose your mind for a few minutes.

But this trick is obviously useless to Chu Zheng.

Chu Zheng also flashed and entered the cave.

There is a cave inside the cave, and the light is even brighter.

Especially in the cave, there is a pool of water, a beautiful landscape, like a paradise.

However, just when Chu Zheng released his spiritual sense and wanted to lock the position of the nine-tailed spirit fox.

But I found that in this pool, there was a woman bathing?

And just by looking at its back, Chu Zheng judged that this was definitely a beautiful billet with a beautiful figure, no less than Su Aoxue and Luo Yifan.

"This method is of no use to me at all, you nine-tailed spirit fox, it's really interesting, it's not enough to cast it once, and you want to use the second time to deceive me!"

Chu Zheng shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly.

However, Chu Zheng decided to use the general plan to tease this nine-tailed spirit fox, and then directly grabbed it.

Thinking of this, Chu Zheng completely ignored it, and the woman in the pool, who was already frowning, slowly walked towards her.

Chu Zheng smirked badly, and then stretched out his hand and slowly swept over the woman's body.

The skin is smooth, and there is a slight softness.

"How long have you had to cultivate? The transformed human form can reach such a realistic point, if I didn't know that you entered the cave in advance, I would really be deceived by you! "

Because Chu Zheng received spiritual knowledge and preconceived that this woman was the spirit fox, he didn't think much at all.

Because of this Nine Dragon Cave, how can ordinary people enter.

And now, this nine-tailed spirit fox is already by its side, even if it wants to run, I'm afraid it can't run.

Chu Zheng wanted to see how far this spirit fox could act.

And as Chu Zheng's fingers gently slipped over the woman's back, the woman's shoulders and even her body were trembling violently.

There is also a strong sense of shame, all over the body.

"At this point, it still doesn't show its original form?"

Chu Zheng shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly.

Immediately, his mind moved, wanting to punch out the original form of this spirit fox.

But Chu Zheng's mind moved.

But he was shocked to find that the spirit fox was already hiding in the treetops of this big tree.

And the woman he touched in front of him was not changed by that spirit fox at all.

This is...... Living?

After a slight investigation, Chu Zheng immediately found that this was indeed a living person.

Moreover, Chu Zheng also found that his hand had reached the woman's chest at this time...

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