Of course, Chu Zheng

didn't really have any color heart, because Chu Zheng completely regarded this woman as the nine-tailed spirit fox, so all kinds of actions, the atmosphere of ridicule accounted for the most.

However, when Chu Zheng mobilized his spiritual sense to probe just now, he found that it turned out that he had ridiculed the wrong one.

What kind of nine-tailed spirit fox is this, but a real big beauty!


Rao is a person in the two lives of Chu Zheng, and his eyelids at this time couldn't help but provoke fiercely.

The woman in front of her was obviously practicing some kind of secret method, and she had just ...


However, without waiting for Chu Zheng's embarrassment in his heart, he saw the woman in front of him suddenly spit out blood.

The whole person's body also suddenly softened and languished in the river.

Chu Zheng realized that what he had just done might have made this woman go crazy.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt in my heart.

The hurried figure flashed and held the woman's soft body.

Feeling the softness in his hand, as well as the spring color in front of him, Chu Zheng glanced at it twice, but he looked away.

"You... There you go! You go! The

woman I saw was lying in Chu Zheng's arm, but her whole body was shaking violently, and it was hot, and her face became red in an instant.

Want to try to push Chu Zheng away.

But her hand, obviously pushed, but when it came to Chu Zheng's body, it turned into a pull.

I want to pull Chu Zheng's clothes away.

"There you go! Otherwise...... Otherwise I'll kill you! While

trying to restrain her mind, the woman looked at Chu Zheng with resentment in her eyes, and her eyes were full of murderous aura.

It was this young man in front of him who hurt himself into a rage.

Moreover, what kind of identity she Mo Lingrou is, how can she commit herself to this person.

Mo Lingrou felt that she was about to be carried away by the blood.

"Are you...?"

Chu Zheng touched Mo Lingrou, who was hot all over, and looked at Mo Lingrou's eyes confused, and his whole body was soft.

This look again.

I couldn't help but move my spiritual sense again and investigate.

After that, Chu Zheng understood that this woman turned out to be the love poison released by planting this spirit tree.

For a while, it was difficult to suppress.

That's why it's like this.

And Chu Zheng looked at it, this woman was still full of killing intent on her face just now, and now, she has completely turned into a charming appearance.


Just listening to the woman's coquettish snort, her red lips immediately opened slightly, and she kissed Chu Zheng directly.

And it's crazy.

Chu Zheng was very embarrassed in his heart, and at the same time very entangled.

First of all, the first point is that this woman became like this, completely because of her own carelessness, so she will go crazy.

If he doesn't save himself and leaves her, he will definitely explode and die.

And if you save yourself, but the way, it's really a little...

In addition, Chu Zheng had been kissed by Mo Lingrou a little flustered.

At the moment, he said in his heart: "Since today is Chu Zheng's fault no matter what, why should I be wrong this time!" Chu

Zheng didn't think much about it.

Because now this woman has poisoned the heart, using the Nine Yang Gong by herself will only aggravate the spread of her toxin, the only method, this one, simply throw this woman to the ground, turn the clouds and rain...

But said that outside the Nine Dragon Cave, Xu Jingyang squinted slightly, carried his hands, stood in the woods, looking for Chu Zheng's traces.

It should be because of this Nine Dragon Cave formation.

Because Xu Jingyang had been able to track Chu Zheng's traces just now, but now, it was only an instant, and there were no traces of Chu Zheng.

There may be two.

The first one, that Chu Zheng had already died in the formation.

This is the most likely.

The second is that Chu Zheng found that he was tracking him, so he wanted to hide and stay where he was.

When Xu Jingyang thought of this, his eyes couldn't help but narrow slightly, and he began to sit cross-kneeled.

If Xu Jingyang only had that little means, how could he be in charge and become the Great Elder of the Qingyu Gate.

Because he now wants to give full play to his senses to find the breath where Chu Zheng is.

You can not make any movement, but with just the breath, Xu Jingyang can also find you!

This is one of Xu Jingyang's strongest means.

"What's going on? Was he really dead?

But after some investigation, Xu Jingyang could not find any trace of Chu Zheng.

I was slightly suspicious in my heart:

'But since he is dead, the body must not be far from this side, well, look for it again, catch that person, and definitely crush his corpse!'

Xu Jingyang clenched his fists.

Immediately got up and continued to look for Chu Zheng's traces.


In the cave at this time.

Accompanied by the woman's heaving shout, and the whole body trembled violently.

A stormy battle has finally come to an end.

Mo Lingrou had lost her strength, but she still had two lines of tears in the corners of her eyes and put her clothes on.

She kept her head down, not knowing what she was thinking.

"I am completely to blame for today's matter, I can promise you three conditions, no matter what, I will do it for you!"

Chu Zheng also knew that he was a little sorry for others.

And most importantly, Chu Zheng actually took away her first time.

Although this woman is beautiful, she is also more than thirty years old, and she looks extremely clean, so this is something that Chu Zheng did not expect.

Therefore, Chu Zheng could only avoid the regret in his heart by doing a few things for him.

"I killed you!"

However, without hearing Chu Zheng's words at all, she saw Mo Lingrou's wrist flip, and suddenly from her hand, a cold and shining soft sword turned out.

Straight at Chu Zheng.

But Mo Lingrou only ran a trace of true qi, her legs went soft, her mouth spat out blood, and she fell directly to the ground.

"You only need to recuperate for a few days, you want to kill me, or wait until you are well injured!"

Chu Zheng put his hands on his back and said lightly.

The strength of the woman in front of her is not weak, at least she is the strongest among the opponents Chu Zheng has seen, and she is still a woman.

Of course, Chu Zheng wanted to see what the strength of this woman was.

But he did this kind of thing to her, and he had to take advantage of her weakness and do it with her.

Chu Zheng asked himself, just his conscience alone, he can't pass it.

"The first thing I want you to do is to go to Jinling to die within three months, and I will kill you with my own hands!"

Mo Lingrou fell to the ground, but she raised her face, looked at Chu Zheng with some resentment, and firmly printed this person's face in her heart.

It is this person who allows himself to go crazy.

It is this person who ruined the innocence of his life!

I, Mo Lingrou, will definitely kill you!"

Mo Lingrou clenched her powder fist tightly.

"I will seal the mouth of the cave, I won't let people disturb you, you are good to cultivate, as for the person who came outside, I will kill it for you, and in three months, I will personally go to Jinling!"

Chu Zheng must do what he says, since he promised to do three things for him, how could Chu Zheng break the contract.

After speaking, Chu Zheng strode out directly and walked to the entrance of the cave.

Just with the movement of the palm, the surrounding rocks rolled in, directly sealing the mouth of the cave.

And as for the person Chu Zheng said that came over, it was not Great Elder Xu Jingyang, who else could it be.

Xu Jingyang had just used his strongest means.

He really found the location where Chu Zheng was.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he walked towards the entrance of this cave with a cold and murderous aura.

Chu Zheng also wanted to see who it was, who was so patient and followed him all the way.

Just thinking about it, Chu Zheng looked up and saw an old man dressed in black, carrying his hands on his back, walking towards his side.

And this old man's face turned out to be half white and half black.

This is the same number as the original Jiucang Old Man!

When Chu Zheng saw the breath released from Xu Jingyang's body, he already knew the details of Xu Jingyang.

"My junior brother, you killed them?"

Xu Jingyang held his hands behind his back and asked with cold eyes.


Chu Zheng also thought for the first time, this person is here to seek revenge.

I was quite patient and followed myself for so long.

Moreover, he is quite affectionate, knowing that he is not my Chu Zheng enemy, but he still generously tracks down.

To tell the truth, it was also Jean's Chu Zheng who had a trace of respect for this heavy and backboned Xu Jingyang.

However, Chu Zheng thought wrong.

Because the next moment,

Xu Jingyang spoke: "Do you think that with your skills, you can escape my Xu Jingyang's tracking?" It's a dream!

Xu Jingyang looked arrogant, and at the same time murderous, looking at Chu Zheng, as if looking at a ridiculous doll, shaking his head slightly...

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