However, what Chu Zheng didn't expect was that this black and white face in front of him actually spat out wild words.

Originally, Chu Zheng thought that this black and white old man knew his skills, but in this case, he chased and killed himself without mercy, completely for the sake of a tough guy who wanted to take revenge without fear of life and death.

However, Chu Zheng listened to the current meaning, what kind of backbone is this black-faced old man.

It seems that he thought that he had deliberately converged his breath just now, slowed down and chased after that nine-tailed spirit fox, and felt that his strength was not good.

So that's what happened.

It's my Chu Zheng who has a preconceived idea.

Chu Zheng couldn't help but shake his head helplessly and smile bitterly.

"Why, only now I regret offending my Qingyumen..." Xu Jingyang also shook his head slightly, "But it's late, it's already late!"

Xu Jingyang said lightly, and immediately took a step.

Stretched out his hand to Chu Zheng:


As soon as his words fell, a visible air flow overflowed from his fingertips.

Ran directly to Chu Zheng.

This is the housekeeping skill of Great Elder Xu Jingyang, named Yin Zhi!

The overflow of finger qi will control all the people and bodies that are received, and basically how to do it is all controlled by Xu Jingyang himself.


However, after Xu Jingyang drank coldly in his mouth, he punched out his fingerprint again, but found that Chu Zheng in front of him did not move.


Could it be that his finger power was too strong to shock this person to death?

No, I obviously used half of my strength.

"On your knees!"

Thinking of this, he looked at the person in front of him again, as if looking at himself with a curious face, and then Xu Jingyang shook his head slightly and pointed at Chu Zheng again.

However, the person in front of him still did not have the slightest reaction.

What's going on?

Xu Jingyang's brows furrowed slightly.

He originally wanted Chu Zheng to kneel first, and then torture himself before killing Chu Zheng.

But I didn't expect that my fingerprint would seem to have failed today.

Xu Jingyang was slightly surprised in his heart.

"What kind of kung fu are you?"

Chu Zheng asked with some curiosity.

"You... Why don't you kneel yet?

Xu Jingyang saw that Chu Zheng was not only fine, but could continue to speak.

I couldn't help but be surprised.

Could it be that his fingerprint has really failed?

No way!


Thinking of this, Xu Jingyang drank again, and this time, he directly used the strength of his whole body and rushed straight towards Chu Zheng.

I wanted to take this Chu Zheng's life in an instant.

Because Xu Jingyang suddenly felt that this Chu Zheng was very evil in his heart, this feeling made him extremely uneasy.

And yet....


Xu Jingyang's fingerprint hit over, and the result was just a crisp sound.

It had already been pinched by Chu Zheng and directly broken.

"On your knees!"

Then Chu Zheng directly raised his leg and kicked out, kicking Xu Jingyang out.

Xu Jingyang's body shrunk into a ball in the air, and then he spat out blood and knelt on the ground.

Chu Zheng's kick directly destroyed Xu Jingyang's whole body meridians.

In the end, Xu Jingyang only raised his head slightly, glanced at Chu Zheng in horror, and died on his knees.

He didn't expect that the person in front of him would be so strong.

"Give you a chance, you don't seize it!"

Chu Zheng killed this Xu Jingyang, but he didn't pay attention to it at all.

It was that Qingyumen, and Chu Zheng was still a little interested.

Qingyu has already found trouble for himself several times before and after, and that Bai Haoran, the eldest young master of the Bai family, seems that his strength should not be weak, and he will leave a wild word and want to take my Chu Zheng's head with his own hands.

Fortunately, after this busy time, I really have to visit Qingyumen!

Chu Zheng shook his head slightly, and then turned his head to look at the stone cave behind him.

It is estimated that the woman inside really hates me Chu Zheng.

Chu Zheng smiled faintly.

However, Chu Zheng did not intend to leave here, because there was still the nine-tailed spirit fox that he did not catch.

Moreover, there were Luo Yifan outside, they still took the materials of this formation first, and captured the nine-tailed spirit fox.

Because now some threats to Luo Yifan have been solved by themselves.

Moreover, Luo Yifan is accompanied by a large number of masters.

Therefore, Chu Zheng didn't need to worry too much about Luo Yifan's woman.

The big array was about to crack, absorbing all the important materials into the storage ring, and then gave Luo Yifan a message, letting them enter the mountain and go to the Nine Dragon Cave.

As for Chu Zheng himself, he continued to chase the nine-tailed spirit fox.

This nine-tailed spirit fox had already run away without a trace when Chu Zhengyun was raining just now.

However, the nine-tailed spirit fox has aura, and Chu Zheng followed the remaining aura of the nine-tailed spirit fox, and it was not difficult to re-lock this spirit fox...

After arranging everything, Chu Zheng returned to Yunfeng Mountain alone to look for the traces of the spirit fox.

Luo Yifan and them took people into the mountain on their own.

"Mr. Chu is really a god man, the organs here are really all gone..."

The middle-aged man in Tang costume in Luo Yifan's team said to Luo Yifan with some horror while walking with everyone's team.

Because the originally dangerous and abnormal Nine Dragon Cave Organ Array, at this time, all of them disappeared.

While admiring in my heart, I secretly lucked with it.

Damn, if I had started with that Yun Holqing at that time, I am afraid that I would have died to enter this Nine Dragon Cave.

"Miss Luo, Mr. Chu is not with us?"

Although the mechanism is broken, the secret of this Nine Dragon Cave is also a little bottomless for the middle-aged man in Tang costume.

If Mr. Chu is better here, it will be stable.

Luo Yifan glanced at the middle-aged man in Tang Pretend with some contempt: "Mr. Chu can help us enter this Nine Dragon Cave, it is a great favor, if everything troubles Mr. Chu, what is the use of me raising this group of rice buckets for you!" "

If Luo Yifan met Chu Zheng, he would have been respectful to these guests of his own, but since he met Chu Zheng.

Luo Yifan suddenly found that these guests of his own, these top Chinese masters, compared with Chu Zheng, they were simply not even a fart.

At present, these people who are greedy for life and afraid of death are deeply contemptuous.

And these absolute masters of Huaxia, how not ashamed, you know, just before, these people all looked at Chu Zheng with contempt.

thought that Chu Zheng was not worthy of being with them.

However, these people were all ashamed, and the gap between them and Chu Zheng was too big!

At the moment of the cold drink to Luo Yifan, they also lowered their heads in shame...

Luo Yifan and Chu conscription were divided into two ways, each with its own purpose.

Look for what you want separately.

This search is one day and one night.

And Chu Zheng, in order to chase the cunning nine-tailed spirit fox again, also wasted his strength.


The next day, under Jiuyang Mountain, it was already overcrowded.

Because tomorrow is the opening ceremony of the Jiuyang Palace.

Some gangs in remote places naturally have to arrive in advance.

Of course, whenever the sect opens, it is natural that there are characters with heads and faces from all over the place.

It also includes some wealthy businessmen and the like, who want to come and begg.

However, the words of these rich businessmen were not particularly special, and they were all arranged by Shen Wensan to be entertained at the peak.

Some of the lower levels are not even arranged, they can only let them watch.

But even so, Jiuyang Mountain is overcrowded.

People everywhere.

"Where are you from?"

The disciples guarding the mountain below the mountain were even more busy into a bunch of dogs, and they were already so busy that their throats were smoking and dazzled.

Therefore, they are also extremely impatient with the people who come.

What was stopped by the disciples guarding the mountain was a group of brightly dressed people, as many as a dozen people.

Among them was an extremely beautiful woman, carefully supporting an elderly man.

The old man listened to the question of the disciple of Shoushan and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "

This master, we are from the Linjiang Chu family, Chu Zheng..." This old man is the Linjiang Chu family, and the head of the Chu family who expelled Chu Zheng from Chu Zheng


Since the last time, Chu Zheng has temporarily left Linjiang City, but although Chu Zheng has left, Chu Zheng's name has been continuously transmitted from Yanjing.

When I heard that Yanjing's newly opened Jiuyang Palace Grand Ceremony, the palace master, was after Chu Zheng.

Chu Jiangshan was already about to swallow, but as if returning to the light, he jumped up directly from the bed.

What the?

Chu Zheng is that powerful Mr. Chu?

This was Chu Jiangshan's first reaction.

Then he realized that the Chu family was probably going to really carry forward.

Therefore, Chu Jiangshan would rather not want this old face, or even this life, but also ask Chu Zheng's forgiveness....

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