Originally, Chu Jiangshan opened his face and wanted to personally kneel to apologize to Chu Zheng.

But I didn't expect that the current Chu Zheng, Mo said that he showed this old face, and even if he saw it, it was difficult to see him.

Moreover, the disciple who guarded the mountain, after listening to Chu Jiangshan's words, almost didn't react, and his face changed drastically, and he suddenly shouted:

"Daring, dare to call Mr. by name!"

The eyes of the disciples of Shoushan were almost glaring, how bold, they actually called Mr. Chu Zheng.

Where the hell did the rich businessman come from, dare to be so disrespectful!

However, looking at the attitude of the disciples of Shoushan Shou, Chu Jiangshan was choked as if he had eaten soil.

"This master is really embarrassed, we and Chu... Mr. Chu, it's really a family, you let Mr. Chu come out to meet, naturally recognize, my name is Concubine Chu! "

Concubine Chu has matured a lot since she went through those things in Chu Zheng.

Acting and speaking, less of the previous madness, more of maturity.

Concubine Chu's gentle words really had some effect.

The disciple of the mountain guard paused slightly.

Immediately, he whispered to the disciple next to him:

"I heard that Mr. is really from Linjiang, these are not really Mr. family, right?"

Thinking of this, this disciple's face turned a little pale.

Just now, he almost scolded Mr. Chu's family, if it was true, then he would not be finished.

After thinking about it, he decided to proceed steadily.

It was decided to go to the third master immediately.

"Okay, you guys wait first, I'll ask the third master!"

This disciple didn't speak as aggressively as before, and immediately turned around and left.

Now the Jiuyang Palace does not mention the main peak, and the four partial peaks are almost arranged, so if someone arrives, it must be more rigorous in the inventory, and it is impossible to let people in casually.

"Thank you master!"

Concubine Chu nodded slightly.

But there is an indescribable feeling in my heart, as if breaking the five-flavor bottle, the five grains are old.

Chu Zheng, in the past, you were driven away by Chu Zheng and lived on the streets, is it now that we have become a luxury to even see you?

Concubine Chu's heart was extremely unpleasant.

And the Chu family is all like Concubine Chu's mood.

How did the Chu family treat Chu Zheng in the first place, and how did Chu Zheng save the Chu family in that Bai family incident.

But now, Chu Zheng has leapt into a dragon, and in a short period of time, he has completely become a person of two worlds with the Chu family.

Therefore, the more he thought about this matter, the more Chu Jiangshan still felt more remorseful, and now, he was in the mood of dying to apologize.

but said that the Chu family was waiting.

There was also a group of rich businessmen from Yanjing who came over.

"Boss Zhu, it seems that you are really good, you actually received a golden invitation from the Jiuyang Palace, could it be that you went to the main peak?"

Some rich businessmen followed closely behind a rich businessman.

Looking at the rich businessman's invitation, he couldn't help but feel a little hot.

"Ahem, I heard that Boss Zhu funded half of the funds of this opening ceremony, it seems that he has already established a relationship with the Jiuyang Palace!"

Many wealthy businessmen also talked softly.

This Boss Zhu was the person who openly competed with Li Zuobiao, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, for the investment of this opening ceremony that day, and Boss Zhu was open-minded at that time.

But in the end, it was not in vain, no, Master Zhang Younian's side directly approved a piece of land that had not been taken.

The benefits are obvious.

And Boss Zhu's figure is also rising.

Nowadays, when I talk and walk, I walk with my head held high.

These rich businessmen all walked in behind Boss Zhu.

However, at the end of the rich businessman, there is one, but he dares not move ahead.

And the ordinary invitations in his hands were almost crushed by him.

"Father, why don't you leave!?"

Shen Wen looked at Shen Shuhuan's pale face, and her face was painful, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

And looking at the scenery, Zhu Laosan, who was once on an equal footing with his own enterprise, actually became the core of the rich businessmen in Yanjing.

It's even more painful.

These...... Shouldn't it have belonged to me Shen Shuhuan, shouldn't it belong to my Shen family enterprise...

Shen Shuhuan felt that his heart was sour.

"Are you worried that Ah Zheng will embarrass you? It's okay, Ah Zheng is not that kind of person!

Shen Wen looked at her father like this, and couldn't help but feel a little distressed, how her father treated Chu Zheng in the first place, Shen Wen naturally knew it, and when her father learned that Chu Zheng was the famous Mr. Chu of Jiuyang Palace.

He was even more frightened and knelt on the spot.

Since then, my father has been sullen all day.

But Shen Wen didn't have anything to do.

She had already persuaded Shen Shuhuan many times, but Chu Zheng didn't mean to embarrass him at all, and wanted him to be relieved.

This time, under Shen Wen's bitter persuasion, he let his father come out to participate in the opening ceremony of Jiuyang Palace.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived here, his father stopped moving.

"Chu... Mr. Chu definitely doesn't want to see me again..." Shen

Shuhuan arrived at the foot of the mountain, still not confident.

The words he said to Chu Zheng and the things he did, as long as he thought about it now, Shen Shuhuan hated to be able to pump a few mouths of himself.

If he can treat Chu Zheng with an ordinary person's attitude, then, now through the relationship between his daughter, he Shen Shuhuan is so beautiful, he can be described as what he wants, but now...

He Shen Shuhuan, everything is gone.

Yes, it's all gone....

Offended Chu Zheng, which rich man dared to have the slightest cooperation with Shen Shuhuan.

"Xiao Wen, or else, let's go back..."

Shen Shuhuan said sourly in his heart.

"Father, you..." Shen

Wen felt even more distressed when she saw her father like this.

And at this moment, suddenly a disciple guarding the mountain came over.

"Are you Miss Shen?"

The Shoushan disciple asked respectfully.

Shen Wen nodded and said, "We have an invitation..." The

disciple of Shoushan hurriedly shook his head and said: "Miss Shen, it doesn't mean that, the third master specifically explained, as long as Miss Shen comes, there is no need to use any invitations, Jiuyang Mountain, it is completely open to you!" "

Huh? What the?

Shen Wen covered her mouth slightly.

And this sentence made some rich people can't help but look over.

I rely on what a relationship this woman has with Mr. Chu, and she has such privileges.

"That... Can my father enter?

Shen Wen was really overjoyed in her heart, but she didn't expect that even if Chu Zheng reached this step, he didn't forget her.

Shen Wen asked.

"Of course, as long as it is someone brought by Miss Shen, you can enter casually!"

The disciple of Shoushan replied respectfully.

"This... This..."

Shen Shuhuan felt that he was almost speechless with excitement, and the words of Master Shoushan were obvious, that is, he Shen Shuhuan, as long as he took his daughter, he could also enter and exit this Jiuyang Mountain at will.

What does this mean?

This means that he is the one who has the greatest privilege with Jiuyang Mountain, Zhu Laosan, you are a fucking fart!

Thinking of this, Shen Shuhuan threw his invitation to the ground and stepped on it fiercely.

Shen Shuhuan, obviously did not expect things to be like this.

So much so that his psychological fluctuations were too great, causing his blood pressure to rise sharply, almost not standing firmly, and fainting on the spot.

"But Shuhuan?"

Shen Shuhuan was excited and was about to go up the mountain, when someone called his name.

Shen Shuhuan turned his head and saw that he was still an acquaintance.

"You are Uncle Chu?"

Shen Shuhuan immediately recognized the old man in front of him, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Just now, Chu Jiangshan has been standing by and looking at Shen Shuhuan's father and daughter, but he has not seen it for more than ten years, and he is a little afraid to recognize it.

Finally, he shouted tentatively.

"Shuhuan, it's really you!"

Chu Jiangshan nodded with a smile.

"Uncle Chu, little concubine and niece, you are here, why are you standing here, don't you hurry up the mountain!"

Shen Shuhuan regretted it a little after asking.

As soon as he was excited, he completely forgot, you know, the Chu family once drove Chu Zheng out.

Later, I heard that Chu Zheng did not embarrass what the Chu family had done at the beginning.

But thinking about it, what this Chu family did was much more than what he Shen Shuhuan did.

Of course, Chu Zheng would no longer have the slightest connection with them.

So at the moment, of course, they can't get in.

Shen Shuhuan was a little embarrassed.

And looking at Shen Wen, who had no blood relationship with Chu Zheng, he had obtained such a great privilege.

The most unpleasant thing in my heart, I have to count their Chu family's group.

"Alas, it's a long story..." Chu

Jiangshan shook his head in embarrassment.

But at this time, there was also a pair of people coming towards Jiuyang Mountain.

The two came arm in arm, but their faces were also a little unnatural...

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