The people who came were Li Tianle and Dong Yunyun.

The shadow in Li Tianle's heart is much better.

As for Dong Yunyun, his face was full of gloom.

Although at this time, they were holding golden invitations in their hands, which represented that they could go directly to the main peak.

Although at this time, everyone cast envious eyes on the two, but at this time, this feeling of being worshiped, Dong Yunyun did not have the feeling of vanity and unprecedented satisfaction.

If there was no one who was lucky enough to attend such a grand event today, Dong Yunyun could be said to be able to show the limelight.

But now, Chu Zheng ....

This ex-boyfriend who was once abandoned by himself, Chu Zheng, this god man who is enough to shake the rich people of the entire Chamber of Commerce, as well as the powerful people from all walks of life, the center of this activity is all around him.

Therefore, it should have been a very happy and exciting scene, but now, in Dong Yunyun's heart, in addition to shame and anger, it is shame.

The people who came to Jiuyang Mountain to participate in the grand ceremony this time can be described as some joyful and some sad.

Similarly, there are some people with some other ideas....

It is fifty miles away from Jiuyang Mountain.

A group of people walked towards Jiuyang Mountain.

In this group, four people specially carried a sedan chair, and the palanquin trembled slightly, but all four of them were very cautious.

I was afraid to startle an old man sitting on a palanquin chair with a big belly and small eyes.

The old man was full of white hair, wearing a Tang costume, and his eyes were like snake eyes, although they were small, but they faintly revealed a yin and evil aura.

"Jinyang Old Immortal, the mana is boundless! Jinyang Old Immortal, boundless mana! "

In this group, there are teams dedicated to bragging, and there are people who specialize in shouting.

It's quite a momentum.

He had just entered the range of Jiuyang Mountain, and he was already attracting everyone's eyes.

"This person is the Jinyang old thief from the Jinyang Gate in Jiangnan?"

There were already some fellow martial artists who recognized this old man named Jinyang Daxian.

"Isn't that old thief who else can be, it is rumored that the old thief of Jinyang has retired to the rivers and lakes for decades, how dare he reappear in the rivers and lakes today and come to Jiuyang Mountain?"

"Could it be that this old thief is coming at Mr. Chu?"

Everyone looked at the mighty Jinyang Great Immortal from a distance, and couldn't help but discuss in a low voice.

At the same time, there were also many resentful colors in their eyes, because many of these people's former junior brothers died in the poisonous hands of this Jinyang Great Immortal!

However, although he was resentful, he did not dare to act rashly.

Because the cultivation of Jinyang Great Immortal is really too strong, and it is very evil!

"Jinyang Great Immortal, the mana is boundless!"

Carrying the Jinyang Great Immortal, everyone was already close to the Jiuyang Mountain!


Suddenly, suddenly a palanquin man was unstable under his feet and almost fell!

Let the car chair jolt hard!


The four palanquin men, all pale, screamed miserably, and hurriedly knelt down!

Offended Jinyang Daxian, the severity of the consequences, others do not know, these people are very clear in their hearts!

Hurriedly put down the chair, kneel down and beg for mercy!

"Great Immortal spare your life! Great Immortal spare your life! "

Four palanquins, all of them broke their heads!

And Jinyang Daxian always squinted, and the crown feather fan in his hand just waved lightly in front of everyone!

I saw a layer of white qi, which swung directly out of the feather fan and swept over the four kneeling in front of him.


Screaming repeatedly, I saw the four sedan men, their faces instantly turned black, and in a moment, they were all lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth!


"What a tough trick, Si!"

Everyone looked at the four people who had been rotten in an instant, and they couldn't help but take a step back!

"Jinyang Great Immortal, the mana is boundless!"

However, the leading disciple, after a brief period of consternation, reacted and hurriedly shouted, and the cry sounded in time!

"You, you, you... You! The four of you, carry the sedan for Benxian!

However, the chair continued to be lifted, and the old immortal of Jinyang held a feather fan and pointed at several people in a row.


Li Tianle was instantly pointed at, and he couldn't help but turn pale with fright!

Damn, what was lively just now, I already knew that I had already gone up the mountain, why did I come here....

Li Tianle's legs trembled, and he said busily: "Daxian, my father is the chairman of the Yanjing Chamber of Commerce, you can give you as much money as you want!"

"Huh? You don't carry it, do you?

However, Li Tianle's words, Jinyang Daxian turned a deaf ear, only frowned slightly, gently shook the feather fan in his hand, and his eyes suddenly projected a murderous aura!

"Lift up!"

Li Tianle nodded like pounding garlic!

Hurriedly ran over, after two people were already selected, they came early!

And now, there is still one person missing!


The Jinyang Great Immortal Feather Fan was another finger, a young man standing behind him!

Because everyone's attention just now was all on the four people who were killed by Jinyang Daxian, and Li Tianle, who later wanted to refuse to carry the sedan car!

He didn't pay attention to the young man who was in his pockets by Jinyang Daxian!

Being pointed by Jinyang Daxian this time, everyone turned their gaze away!

And Dong Yunyun on the side, Shen Wen and them, also looked towards the young man!

Shen Wen's body trembled slightly: "Chu Zheng!"

Shen Wen couldn't help but exclaim!

"Chu... Mr. Chu! "

Everyone drank in unison!

Obviously, I didn't expect that Mr. Chu had already come!

"Oh? You are Mr. Chu from Jiuyang Palace?

Jinyang Daxian's gaze did not move at all, still indifferently cranked the feather fan, and asked lightly.

"Exactly, I don't know about the Great Immortal of Jinyang, but do you still want me Chu Zheng to carry the sedan for you?"

Chu Zheng also happened to have just returned, and he intended to directly use the light body exercises, wanting to fly directly to the mountain.

So that the spirit beast soul of the nine-tailed spirit fox and the materials excavated from the large array can be put into his own Yuan Capture Array!

Unexpectedly, as soon as Chu Zheng came back, he found that his Jiuyang Mountain had so many people coming!

No way, Chu Zheng didn't want to show his strength in front of so many people, so he chose to walk up the mountain!

It's just that it is an embarrassing scene in front of you!

I just walked up, and I was pointed at and asked to carry the sedan car!

Mo said how strong this Jinyang Great Immortal is, from beginning to end, Chu Zheng has never given anyone this!

Now, Chu Zheng has already said his identity, not for anything else, today these people can come, but also gave him Chu Zheng face!

Chu Zheng didn't want to do it in the past two days, especially with these fellow martial artists who came to the name of the Jiuyang Palace!

Therefore, Chu Zheng said his name, and at the same time, he was also about to invite this Jinyang Great Immortal to go up the mountain to speak!

But I didn't expect it....

Jinyang Daxian still shook his head slightly: "No, you!" Lift me a sedan car!

Jinyang Daxian held a feather fan and continued to point towards Chu Zheng!

"What? The old thief of Jinyang actually asked Mr. Chu to carry the sedan for him?

"I don't put Mr. Chu in my eyes at all!"

Everyone felt incredible, it was obvious that the current Jinyang, strength, and domineering degree were much stronger than in previous years!

However, why ignore Mr. Chu so much!

I already knew that today, after all, is the opening day of Mr. Chu, and he is like this, wouldn't he make Mr. Chu a laughing stock in the world!


Chu Zheng couldn't help frowning, he had already made concessions, why was he so aggressive!

Chu Zheng also glanced at this Jinyang Great Immortal!

The strength can only be said to be average, what kind of skill will make him ignore me Chu Zheng so much!

"It's okay if you don't lift it, kneel down and kowtow three times!"

Jinyang Great Immortal shook the feather fan in his hand, staring at Chu Zheng with a smug smile!

Today, he Jinyang Daxian reappeared in the rivers and lakes, for no other reason, that is, to prove himself again in front of his fellow martial artists!

And the opening of the Jiuyang Palace invited a large number of fellow practitioners!

This is the best opportunity!

Jin Yang wants to stand up, let's start with this Chu Zheng!

Then occupy the Jiuyang Palace as the foundation of his Jinyang Gate!

Thinking of this, Jinyang Daxian smiled slightly: "Chu Zheng, I will only give you three seconds to think about it, otherwise, you know my Jinyang means, once I let me make a move, you will not be able to survive, and you will not be able to seek death!"

Jin Yang snorted coldly!


Jin Yang is about to read the countdown in his mouth!

Chu Zheng put his hands in his pockets and smiled slightly:

"No need, you better do it, let me see your super means!"

Chu Zheng came to the battle intent, because Chu Zheng judged that the reason why this Jin Yang dared to ignore himself so much must have a hole card.

There are now many masters on the earth, and there are even more people who are stronger than my Chu Zheng.

Chu Zheng judged that this Jin Yang should be very strong, otherwise it would be impossible to be so arrogant....

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