"No... No! Concubine

Chu was carried all the way into the formation by the young man, and she resisted slightly, twisting her body.

But the strong consciousness in her mind made Concubine Chu a little unable to resist.

Although Concubine Chu had tears in her eyes, her hand had already reached her shoulder, and she pulled it a little harder, and her snow-white shoulder was directly exposed.

As well as the black shoulder straps on Concubine Chu's shoulders.

"Little beauty billet, I've been following you for a long time, beauty, why is it so beautiful! Don't worry, I'll make you happy!

The young man smiled lewdly.

The hand was even more trembling and touched the face of Concubine Chu, who was blushing and looked special.

Very lubricated, Jean's young man, quite warlike!

Put Concubine Chu on a lawn.

Concubine Chu wore a short leather skirt and black stockings.

Plus short red sleeves.

Her hair is scattered, making her look very seductive.

And with Concubine Chu's mouth, one after another alternative moans, it made the young man almost want to breathe fire, and almost fainted on the spot.

"Little beauty, I'm coming!"

The young man was about to pounce.


Suddenly, in the midst of these surroundings, a sound like muffled thunder sounded out of thin air.


It seemed like some big rock was rolling, and even the ground trembled slightly.

"What's the situation?"

The young man swallowed a mouthful of spit and looked around warily.

I found that the surroundings, except for a little darker, did not seem to have any unusual scenery.

But what was the sound just now?

The young man's desire went down at once.

Just constantly vigilantly looking around.

Suddenly, his gaze froze, because he found that he didn't know when, behind him, it seemed that a person had already stood up!

The young man jerked his head back, unable to see who it was because of the darkness of the environment.

"You... Who are you?

The young man asked warily.

"You must have been so daring that you dared to break into my formation, and you are still breaking into the protective formation..." In

the darkness, the young man heard a rather cold voice.

It's Chu Zheng!

That Mr. Chu Chu of Jiuyang Palace, Chu Zheng!

The young man had seen Chu Zheng during the day, and as soon as he heard the voice, he already knew it.

Although the young man's family is powerful, it is impossible to deal with Chu Zheng and escape from him now, with his own strength.

"Chu Zheng, you can't kill me, I'm the pioneer representative sent by the Jinling Mu family, you can't kill me!"

The young man knelt directly on the ground, begging for mercy.

However, Chu Zheng didn't pay attention to him at all, and in the past, he picked up Concubine Chu, who had not yet recovered from the poisoning, and just turned around and said lightly: "I didn't want to kill you, it's just that you died yourself, now, I just want to save, and I can't help!" Immediately

, Chu Zheng strode away.

"What do you mean? Chu Zheng, he doesn't kill me?

The young man guessed, but he didn't understand what Chu Zheng's words just now meant.

But the next moment, the young man knew.

Because at this time, a layer of thick blood bubbles suddenly appeared on the young man's body, and it was spreading throughout his body at a violent speed.

The young man's eyes widened in fear.

What he feared was not these blood bubbles, but the production of these blood bubbles, and he... He couldn't even produce the slightest consciousness.


Already realizing that death had come, the young man wanted to cry out in pain.

Want to rush out.

However, he had just stood up.

Suddenly, his face began to swell rapidly, and the whole person's face fell off directly under the spread of blood bubbles.

It's like a ghost from hell.

And as time passed, about a dozen breaths passed, and this young man turned into a pile of blood droplets, and in the end, there were not even blood droplets, as if they had never appeared.

Chu Zheng saw that Concubine Chu was obviously poisoned, but fortunately he had just gone a step ahead and wrapped Concubine Chu with spiritual sense, so that she survived and was responsible for being trapped by the formation, and even if Chu Zheng rescued her, it was estimated that she would not be able to save her.

However, Chu Zheng is also extremely embarrassed now, because Chu Zheng wants to detoxify Concubine Chu, but after holding her back to the room, Concubine Chu has struggled to remove several key clothes.

However, now Concubine Chu's situation is still a little different from the woman that Chu Zheng saw in Yunfeng Mountain before, because that woman's poison is the poison of spiritual objects, this poison is too weird, and it is a positive, and he can't use the Nine Yang Gong to force poison for him.

But now it's different, Concubine Chu is just an ordinary poison.

Chu Zheng naturally had various ways to help Concubine Chu get rid of the poison.

In short, that method Chu Zheng can no longer use.

Chu Zheng carried Concubine Chu to the bed and was about to leave to make a large basin of cold water, but Concubine Chu directly raised her arm and hugged Chu Zheng.

The whole person's chest was also attached to Chu Zheng's body.

Fortunately, Chu Zheng's determination was strong enough, so he pushed Concubine Chu away with a little force.

This was followed by cool water.

When he came back, he found that Concubine Chu had almost taken off herself.

"Chu Zheng, I'm sorry for you, I've always wanted to apologize to you, I love you Chu Zheng!"

Concubine Chu had already begun to talk nonsense, and when she saw Chu Zheng returning, she directly pounced.

Hold Chu Zheng deadly.

And a pair of legs slowly climbed on Chu Zheng's waist.

Chu Zheng endured this charm, supported Concubine Chu's snow-white arms with both hands, and slowly put her into the cool water.


The strong contrast in temperature directly made Concubine Chu couldn't help but snort.

And in order to prevent Concubine Chu from moving again, Chu Zheng raised his hand to seal Concubine Chu's acupuncture path.

This slowly stopped.

Although Chu Zheng has no feelings for the Chu family, there is a saying that blood is thicker than water.

Whether Chu Zheng is the Emperor of Jiuyang or the former fool Chu Zheng, I don't know if it is his own body, which exudes the blood of the Chu family, Chu Zheng really can't raise any hatred for the Chu family.

And the Chu family is in difficulty, and Chu Zheng really can't really stand idly by.

Therefore, when he learned that Concubine Chu was in trouble through spiritual sense, Chu Zheng rushed over as soon as possible.

And in the face of the extremely charming Concubine Chu, Chu Zheng did not have any non-judgmental thoughts. After all, there are some things that you can't even think about.

Thinking of this, Chu Zheng smiled slightly bitterly.

"Tonight, you can stay in my room and rest..." Chu

Zheng said lightly, and closed the door for Concubine Chu.

And looking at the back of Chu Zheng leaving, Concubine Chu, who had already recovered some consciousness under the stimulation of the cold water, looked at him, and two lines of tears flowed.

She is now in an extremely mixed mood.


Concubine Chu also thought about this problem, because she found that she didn't know when she would have feelings for Chu Zheng.

Yes, that feeling, that feeling of wanting to give myself to him.

Concubine Chu had thought about this problem more than once, Chu Zheng had fought against herself in the Chu family before, and she had never put him on her side, but regarded him as an enemy.

Later, Chu Zheng was even driven out of the Chu family.

So much so that it is a stranger.

Later, Chu Zheng gave herself a lot of surprises, and saved herself many times, and she was a big hero in the eyes of her Concubine Chu.

Therefore, Concubine Chu found out that she was mistakenly in love with Chu Zheng.

And the Concubine Chu just now, although her words were incoherent, she was the truest words in her heart.

However, this is destined to be a ridiculous idea, and he and Chu Zheng are impossible no matter what.

Moreover, I am afraid that he has not the slightest attraction to Chu Zheng at all....

Concubine Chu covered her face and cried....

Of course, Chu Zheng naturally didn't know what Concubine Chu was thinking, and after he went out now, he walked towards his own formation and began to replace some of the materials of the Yuan Capture Array with these excellent materials.

In the end, Chu Zheng couldn't go back, so he simply cultivated in the Yuan Capture Array and tried the effect of this Yuan Capture Array.

This practice was one night, and the next day, the day of the opening ceremony.

When Chu Zheng was still addicted to cultivation.

Under Jiuyang Mountain, there was a large group of people and horses, heading towards Jiuyang Mountain...

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