Early in the morning the next day.

Outside Jiuyang Mountain, several large teams came in from Haohao Tangtang.

And the children behind also raised the banner of each family high.

Judging from the big banner, there are four teams in total, namely the four ancient martial families of Iron, Wood, Xu and Chen.

These four families have lived in Jinling for a long time and are one of the important parts of the Jinling Martial Arts Alliance.

The Jinling Martial Arts Alliance is an alliance formed by the entire Chinese martial arts family.

There are nearly 100 members.

Among them, there are some ordinary martial arts families, and there are some super strong families.

However, most of these families only appear when there are major events related to the Martial Arts Alliance. Generally, it is to live this secluded life.

And the four families of Tiemu Xu Chen, in the Martial Dao Alliance, can be said to be close to the middle-level strength.

Not to be underestimated.

Every martial arts family, after joining the martial arts alliance, the power will rise, and the talents from all walks of life provided for Huaxia are innumerable.

Ximen Fu, who had fought against Chu Zheng before, was one of the members of the Martial Arts Alliance.

Moreover, when Ximen Yu, the lord of Ximen Mansion, killed innocents, he was once sanctioned by the strongest mysterious organization 'Hidden Dragon' in China, and the reason why the Martial Dao Alliance could resist hard was inseparable from the people of the Martial Dao Alliance all over China.

And today, the four giants of the Martial Arts Alliance's Tie Mu Xu Chen actually came to Jiuyang Mountain.

"Patriarch Mu, according to the intelligence that Ling Lang came to do, Chu Zheng of the Jiuyang Palace does have very rich elixir resources, this news is absolutely unfake, I don't know what Patriarch Mu plans to do?"

The four bigwigs walked in unison, and among them, Xu Ao, the head of the Xu family, who was tall and had a long scar on his face, asked.

And Mu Yunfan, the head of the Mu family, stood with Xu Ao, his figure looked much weaker, but no one had ever dared to question Mu Yunfan's strength, even Xu Ao, who had a fleshy face, would not question it.

"Oh? At this point, you overlord Xu Ao don't have to care, my Mu family's affairs, my own Mu family's own plans!

Mu Yunfan shook his head slightly and sneered.

"This elixir formula, my Chen family has also received news, listening to the meaning of the Mu family master, it has the meaning of swallowing alone, acting like this, if it reaches the alliance lord's side, it's not good, I heard that the alliance lord and his old man, it seems that he is also quite interested in the danfang!"

Chen Baisheng is the oldest and the most stable.

Before he had been listening to Mu Yunfan and Xu Ao arguing, he just waited and watched, but he didn't expect that listening to the meaning of Mu Yunfan's words, he had the meaning of taking this pill for himself.

Rao is Chen Baisheng is the most stable, and he is also unstable at this time.

What did they come to this little Jiuyang Palace for? For Chu Zheng's face?

Jokes, it's just a joke, a district of Chu Zheng, like ants, how can they come in person, not for the pill and the pill.

If this benefit is unevenly distributed, even if these four families are superficial friends, it is not impossible to tear their faces!

"My Tie family has already let my Tie Huaishan lose a precious son for this Danfang, you three families, you didn't put a single fart, and you still have face, quarreling here?"

Tie Huaishan, who had been silent all along, finally calmed down his emotions, and his son died because of this Danfang, so Tie Huaishan swore to kill Chu Zheng and get Danfang to comfort his son's spirit in heaven.

Whoever robs, he will fight with whomever he wants.

"Tie Huaishan, as far as I know, your son secretly went to Jiuyang Mountain to rob the pill and was killed. This can't rise to the height of the entire organization! Your excuse is really too far-fetched! Overlord

Xu Ao, who was not convinced by his anger, asked directly at the moment.

"Xu Ao, what do you mean by this? Do you want to learn the skills of my iron family? "

What's the harm in getting it!"

Xu Ao stood up directly.

"Okay, two, don't forget that we are here for something, if you really want to fight, it's never too late to fight after you get the Danfang!"

Among the four, Chen Baisheng, the oldest and cunning, hurriedly became a peacemaker.

Chen Baisheng is the most senior among everyone.

There is the title of Yumachiro-kun.

The hundred wins here is not that he means that he has won a hundred battles, but that Chen Baisheng has fought a total of one hundred battles since his debut.

And those who killed are all top masters.

In the future, even if Chen Baisheng wants to make a move with people, no one dares to confront him, so he has the title of Baiyang Langjun.

At that moment, as soon as Chen Baisheng spoke, Xu Ao and Tie Huaishan, who were arguing, endured this breath alive.

And when these four belated people went up the mountain, the opening ceremony had already been held.

Above the main peak, it was full of people.

Of course, there are quite a few small gangs coming over, and there are also a few medium-sized gangs. It's all about making fun.

"Mr. Chu, I don't know if there is a place for me Luo Yifan today..."

Today, Luo Yifan was also dressed very heavily, and he also specially put on a little makeup, so that Luo Yifan quickly became the focus of everyone's attention.

It can be said that the gaze that should be given to Chu Zheng was all snatched over.

"In this world, there are such beautiful women!"

"Who is this woman? If I could kiss it, I'd rather live ten years less!

"Damn, let me hold hands, I'd rather die now!"

The disciples in several gangs were almost dumbfounded.

"Amitabha, if you can let me kiss it, Lao Gu would rather return the favor immediately!"

Among them, a high-ranking monk spoke amazingly, and thundered!

Mo said that these people, even Chu Zheng on the stage, saw Luo Yifan, who was obviously dressed up on purpose today, and couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

This little nizi is really beautiful!

Chu Zheng sighed in his heart.

And looking at Chu Zheng's gaze at himself, Luo Yifan was also slightly happy in his heart, Luo Yifan was extremely smart, naturally he knew that this Chu Zheng, although he didn't say it, he also seemed to have a feeling for himself.

This is a woman's intuition, and Luo Yifan, who is also a woman, this intuition is more accurate to her.

"Of course, Miss Luo, please sit down!"

In addition to Chu Zheng's main seat on the stage, there are several auxiliary seats standing.

Luo Yifan sat down nearby.

In fact, this opening ceremony, that is, walking away in form, as for burning incense and kowtowing, Chu Zheng felt that it was too troublesome, so he let Chu Zheng be exempted.

And the most important two-handed stunt is more than enough for Chu Zheng.

Chu Zheng only wanted to finish this opening ceremony quickly, so that he could focus on his cultivation.

But I didn't expect that sometimes the more you want to do something, the more you do the opposite.

The opening ceremony went smoothly.

And at this time, suddenly several loud shouts came, and everyone suddenly looked down the mountain.

At the bottom of the mountain, there was a large group of people walking towards the square, and there were many people.

Moreover, among these people and horses, the banner held high made everyone present, except for some larger gangs, the rest all gasped.

"What? The four ancient martial families of Jinling, how could they come?

"It's really the four great ancient martial families, Mr. Chu really has a big face!"

Some small gangs that do not know why are very envious.

But some big gangs who know the inside story are holding their shoulders to see the liveliness.

"Sir, they are people from the four ancient martial families of Jinling, and among them, the Tie family is the family where Mr. killed that madman! It seems that today, they are not good at coming!

Qinglong naturally recognized these ancient martial families, and immediately stood up and slowly explained to Chu Zheng.

The name of the Martial Arts Alliance, Chu Zheng, is not the first time to hear it, and he has had the idea to go to the meeting several times to see what kind of strength it is, but he did not expect that today, several good families of the Martial Dao Alliance took the initiative to come to the door.

Chu Zheng nodded slightly.

Sitting in the first seat, I want to see how these families are going to do today.

"Bold Jiuyang Palace Chu Zheng, when you see my Martial Dao Alliance Fourth Family coming, why don't you kneel and greet you?"

Everyone gave way to the four great families.

And Mu Yunfan, seeing that Chu Zheng was still sitting high on the upper seat, did not give a big salute, and couldn't help but shout coldly.

There were rumors that this Chu Zheng was very arrogant, but he didn't expect that he was crazy to such a point.

"Chu Zheng, don't roll down and kneel down yet!"

Xu Ao crossed his waist with both hands, strode forward, and pointed at Chu Zheng to drink coldly.

"Oh? Today, if I Chu Zheng does not kneel, what should you do? "

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