"Don't kneel! Hugh blames me for not being polite to the Martial Arts Alliance!

Mu Yunfan squinted his eyes slightly, and the palm in his hand had been slightly flipped, and a faint green glow lingered on it.

The murderous aura on his body was even more transpiring.

And the scene in front of him also surprised everyone slightly.

It turned out that the four ancient martial families did not come to Jiuyang Mountain to congratulate at all, they were obviously making trouble.

Some large gangs, on the other hand, are all holding their shoulders and looking gloating.

I want to see how this famous Chu Zheng will fall today.

"Well, I'd like to see how you're welcome!"

Chu Zheng took a step ahead.

He naturally knew that the person who came was not good, but he did not expect that this group of people from the Martial Dao Alliance would be so arrogant and domineering.

However, at this moment of saber rattling, Chen Baisheng on the side suddenly rolled his eyes.

He glanced at Mu Yunfan defensively, and also understood in his heart the reason why Mu Yunfan, the old guy, took the lead in attacking Chu Zheng.

He just wanted to kill Chu Zheng himself and take the Jiuyang Palace for himself, and at that time, whether it was a pill or a pill, all of them would fall into his hands.

What a calculation!

Chen Baisheng reacted first, and immediately stood up and said: "Why should the Mu family master have such insight as an ant, Chu Zheng, today my martial arts alliance arrived, you don't kneel if you don't kneel, but you have a large number of pills hidden in your hands, and even pills, you enjoy it exclusively, I'm afraid it's unfair, right?"

Chen Baisheng stared at Chu Zheng and directly spread out the words.

In this way, even if Mu Yunfan wants to swallow it alone now, I am afraid it will be impossible.

Sure enough, as soon as Chen Baisheng's words came out, Ye Yunfan's face instantly became extremely ugly.

Not only that, after Chen Baisheng finished talking about the pill and the pill formula, because he deliberately raised his voice, everyone in the entire square also heard it.

"What? Pills, and pills? Chu Zheng actually has these things, no wonder, no wonder he can order a real master in the cultivation world, this is Chu Zheng's biggest capital! After

everyone in the audience listened, they instantly exploded.

The discussion is even more up.

His eyes also became scorching, and they all stared at Chu Zheng.

Even some of the big gangs that rushed in were slightly shocked by their bodies.

Just the temptation of pills is not something that ordinary martial artists can resist, let alone pills that can refine pills.

It can be imagined how much impact Chen Baisheng's words had on everyone.

Chen Baisheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, this situation, obviously he was willing to see, it was better than letting Mu Yunfan's family alone.

Chen Baisheng said coldly

to Chu Zheng: "Chu Zheng, in the current situation, you have also seen it, handing over the pill pill to the Martial Dao Alliance, today, you can save your Jiuyang Palace from a calamity..." "

The pill pill is my Chu Zheng's personal thing, I have to steal or rob, besides, my Chu Zheng is not a member of your Martial Dao Alliance at all, why should I hand over my own things?"

Chu Zheng also rose a strong murderous aura, making Chu Zheng feel like he had returned to the previous life, which was like this in the previous life, the law of the jungle, robbing resources, and the current situation, why not.

"Ant Chuzheng, there is no need to forcibly quibble, hand over the elixir pill, we can leave you Jiuyang Palace to exist!"

Overlord Xu Ao also took a step ahead and pointed at Chu Zheng to drink coldly.

"Chu Zheng, hand over the elixir pill!"

"Chu Zheng, hand over the elixir pill!"


soon as Xu Ao's words came out, everyone in the audience exploded, whether it was a big gang or a small gang, they all shouted loudly to let Chu Zheng hand over the pill pill.

There are even many people from large gangs who have taken out their blades and are ready to start at any time to rob while they are chaotic.

"Hand over the elixir pill!"

Under the leadership of the four great families, except for some small gangs affiliated with the Jiuyang Palace, they all pressed towards the high platform where Chu Zheng was standing.

In his eyes, there was a poisonous color.

Qinglong and other cultivators also stood up one after another, standing around Chu Zheng, ready to go to war at any time.

"In my opinion, this brand of the Nine Yang Palace does not have to exist!"

Xu Ao even jumped and jumped directly into the center of the square, above a large banner, and directly took off the flag of Jiuyang Palace.

There were even some big gangs that took off the Jiuyang Palace Ling Banner around them.

Xu Ao held the big banner of the Jiuyang Palace, his eyes were directly closed, as if he was instantly isolated from the entire world, and the killing aura on his body was surging out like a broken embankment.

However, at this moment, I don't know who shouted:

"Look, there is a person flying over there!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked towards the prescription in unison, and Chu Zheng also looked towards there with his hands on his back.

Just see the rows of pine trees on the tip of the book on Jiuyang Mountain.

Someone jumped over from the tip of a tree.

The figure is fluttering.

"Lu Shengtian!"

Luo Yifan, who was standing next to Chu Zheng, was slightly shocked, saw the person coming clearly, and couldn't help but red lips slightly open, and said quite unexpectedly.

"What? Lu Shengtian? The strong man of the Lu family, Lu Shengtian, a god who can be compared with the demon of the Jinling Martial Arts Alliance? Wouldn't he be inquiring about the rivers and lakes, why did he come today? When

someone heard Lu Shengtian's great name, he hurriedly shouted loudly.

All of them showed surprised expressions.

If Chu Zheng is a famous existence, everyone dares to discuss it, but Lu Shengtian, but everyone in martial arts, no one dares to discuss the existence.

Lu Shengtian, the eight tigers of the earth list, the named disciple of the evil god tiger Yan Yunfei, has long been famous at home and abroad.

"Huh? He came too?

However, the four patriarchs also frowned slightly.

Lu Shengtian's strength, they have heard of it.

"Really strong?"

Chu Zheng also asked.

Luo Yifan frowned and nodded faintly: "Very perverted!" At the same time, he glanced at Chu Zheng worriedly.

She had already heard that Lu Shengtian wanted to commit suicide because he couldn't find a master who could survive three moves from him.

Now that he is coming at this node, doesn't he want to take Chu Zheng to the knife.

Moreover, Lu Shengtian made a move, and he was never able to survive from his hands.

Not to mention, Lu Shengtian's possession is no less than Chu Zheng's perverted strength.

Luo Yifan was slightly worried.


When Chu Zheng heard this, he just nodded.


At this time, Lu Shengtian had arrived.

I saw his body jumping in the air, more than twenty meters tall.

Then he fell directly on one knee in the air.

The ground is cracked like a spider's web.

Lu Shengtian, kneeling on one knee, dragged his forehead with his fist.

A dull look.

However, it was also Jean's surrounding people who were dozens of meters away from him.

"Lu Shengtian!"

"Lu Shengtian!"

Everyone blurted out these three names in unison, and they all went backwards.

"Young Master Lu, you came here today, could it be that you are also for the elixir pill?"

The heads of the three major families also looked at Lu Shengtian with a sad face with some jealousy, standing together and asking in unison.

As for the overlord Xu Ao, he still closed his eyes slightly, holding the banner of Chu Zheng's Jiuyang Palace, and his killing aura had not yet been released, because he was still precipitating, due to the difference in the exercises Xu Ao practiced.

Therefore, Xu Ao must accumulate enough momentum.

Therefore, Xu Ao's killing qi is still being released, slightly closing his eyes, isolated from the world, but when Xu Ao is released, it will be killing... Inhuman killing.

And the reason why the three family masters were respectful to Lu Shengtian was because if the three singled out Lu Shengtian, no one had a chance of victory.

"No, I don't want pills, let alone pills, I came today just to kill you, or be killed by you!"

Lu Shengtian knelt on one knee on the ground, imposing.

The words in his mouth are even more domineering to the extreme.

"Huh? Young Master Lu, it is inevitable that my Martial Dao Alliance Fourth Family is too out of sight, we would like to see what kind of strength Young Master Lu has, and wants to destroy my fourth family!"

Mu Yunfan drank coldly.

Immediately start lucky.

"Tie Family Lord, Mu Family Lord, the three of us first entangled Lu Shengtian, let Xu Ao concentrate on transferring the killing qi, and finally won by joining forces!"

Chen Baisheng said coldly.

The four of them have not joined forces for a long time, and the killing aura of Overlord Xu Ao is the strongest blow among the combined attacks of the four.

Therefore, the three of them should work together to buy time for Xu Ao.

And Xu Ao still held high the big banner in Chu Zheng's hand, did not ask about world affairs, and concentrated on running his killing qi.

"Okay, let's do it then!"

Lu Shengtian, who knelt on one knee and dragged his forehead with one hand, spoke indifferently.

At this moment, he was excited, he was relieved.

Because through visual inspection, the four people in front of him are not weak, and they should be able to survive three moves in their own hands....

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