But said that the four great families of Jiuyang Mountain fought with Lu Shengtian.

There was one person, but he was also coming towards Jiuyang Mountain.

This man looked less than thirty years old, but his body was wearing a filial uniform, and a white cloth was tied to his head.

The strangest thing was that above his shoulders, he was carrying a huge black lacquer coffin.

"Father, mother, brother... Today, the child will avenge you..." The young man's eyes were fierce, and he glanced viciously at the top of Jiuyang Mountain.

Yes, this person is the eldest son of the Bai family, who was sent to Qingyumen to study at the age of twelve, and within eighteen years, he directly became the strongest young generation in Qingyumen, known as Bai Haoran of Mianli Needle.

Bai Haoran's gaze suddenly became very gloomy: "Father, my Bai family acts, as long as it is a murder, where will others refute it, only my Bai family slaughters others, unexpectedly, it was slaughtered." Well, since that's the case, today I, Bai Haoran, will destroy the gate of the Jiuyang Palace, and then take the head of Chu Zheng and sacrifice your spirit in the sky!"

Bai Haoran took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the mountain.

Bai Haoran thought well, from beginning to end, they only had the share of killing others, whether it was ordinary people or business tycoons, as long as his Bai family did not look good, it was a massacre.

But I didn't expect that someone would be so bold.

Kill him, Bai Haoran's whole family is full.

Chu Zheng, today must die a tragic death!

Bai Haoran carried the coffin and strode forward.

"Stop, the opening ceremony is being held above, stop coming!"

More than a dozen disciples guarding the mountain seemed to be unkind, and hurriedly jumped out with their swords in hand, surrounding Bai Haoran.

"How dare you stop me?"

However, Bai Haoran's cold eyes wrinkled slightly, carrying the coffin on his shoulders, and directly turned around in place.


A powerful energy was directly released.

In an instant, more than a dozen disciples were swept away by the energy, and their bodies exploded and died.

Bai Haoran walked up Jiuyang Mountain step by step with cold eyes....

"Two moves, three moves! Good, good! "

But he said that on the square, the four great family masters were fighting with Lu Shengtian.

Lu Shengtian alone resisted the joint attack of the three masters of Mu, Tie, and Chen.

And Overlord Xu Ao, obviously his killing qi has not yet condensed.

"Too slow, you guys are too slow!"

Lu Shengtian has not fought like this with people for a long time, and he has already passed three moves.

This time, Lu Shengtian finally got his wish.

For a while, he was a little reluctant to let these three family masters die.

"What? The three masters of the Martial Arts Alliance joined forces, and in the hands of Young Master Lu, they couldn't have the slightest upper hand, perverted, really perverted!

Everyone's mouths opened in surprise, and their jaws were about to open.

Obviously, the impact that Lu Shengtian brought to everyone today was really a little too strong.

"Have you run out of means?"

And Lu Shengtian, after a few rounds of fighting, found that these three people, fighting back and forth, did not have any new tricks.

I couldn't help but smile coldly.

Obviously, this result, if you continue to fight, there is no fun in terms of it.

And these people are in his Lu Shengtian's hands, surviving three moves, for Lu Shengtian, there are quite a few people who have lived here, and what to ask for.

"Young Master Lu, I'm not your opponent!"

The three masters who heard this obviously could already hear the meaning of Lu Shengtian's words, this was already tired of playing enough by him, and he was ready to slaughter directly.

And the three masters all saw that Lu Shengtian did not use his strength to fight at all, only with one hand.

It's terrifying.

So the three family masters knelt down in unison and begged for mercy: "Young Master Lu, spare my life, because I wait, I have a deep hatred with this Chu Zheng, so let's slaughter him first, go back and practice his skills hard for another three years, and then go to teach Young Master Lu a trick!?"

Tie Huaishan knelt down and begged bitterly.

and pulled the clothes of the other two masters.

"Yes, Young Master Lu, let me wait to torture and kill Chu Zheng first, and then practice the family skills hard for three years, and then come to the door to receive the teaching!"

Chen Baisheng and Mu Yunfan were also pale.

Hurriedly echoed.

"Oh? You still have stunts, well, since that's the case, I promise you!

And Lu Shengtian waved his hand directly, and then knelt on one knee again, supported his forehead with his fist, closed his eyes slightly, and said lightly with some expectation.

"Young Master Xie Lu is graceful! Young Master Xie Lu! The

three patriarchs buckled their heads in unison, swirling with a hint of joy at the corners of their mouths, and then exchanged glances with each other.

What they mean is that when they kill this Chu Zheng and get the Danfang, after three years, the strength of the three will skyrocket, and at that time, why fear you Lu Shengtian.

Then, the three of them stood up and looked at Chu Zheng with evil eyes.

At this time, Chu Zheng was like a fat fish on a board in their eyes, let them slaughter, of course, the purpose of everyone was not Chu Zheng, but the Danfang in Chu Zheng's hand.

"Chu Zheng, originally if you obediently handed over the pill pill, you would have a life to live, now, don't blame me for being ruthless, not only do you have to die, just up and down the Jiuyang Mountain, not a single living mouth will be left!"

Mu Yunfan sneered.

"Do it!"

Immediately, the three of them exchanged glances.

Straight to the point.

However, Chu Zheng was carrying his hands on his back and had long lost his patience.

Bullying the soft and afraid of the hard?

Seeing that the enemy can't be Lu Shengtian, he wants to kill me Chu Zheng?

Oh, it's really tough.

Originally, I Chu Zheng just thought that only my last life would be really ruthless, but I didn't expect that you guys were even more excessive.

He actually directly wanted to slaughter my entire Jiuyang Mountain.

Well, in that case, why should I Chu Zheng be merciful.

"Chu Zheng! Die!

And Tie Mufan rushed up first, because his heart was fierce, so that his entire face was suddenly distorted, and he couldn't beat Chu Zheng to ashes.

"Chu Zheng! Die! "

Tie Huai Shan also shouted, Chu Zheng in front of him, actually dared to kill his son, Mo said that he came to take the elixir of Jiuyang Mountain, take this Jiuyang Mountain, even if he slaughtered the entire Jiuyang Mountain, so what, who dares to stop his Tie family?

"Chu Zheng! Die! Chen

Baisheng was even more hateful, because his title of Yum Langjun, since he could take it out, was actually on Lu Shengtian's body, he couldn't make more than a dozen moves.

Chen Baisheng did not dare to anger Lu Shengtian, so he had to move all the anger in his heart to Chu Zheng's head.

The three of them drank in unison.

Just in an instant, it was directly in front of Chu Zheng.

"Ant, how dare you make a second in front of my Jiuyang!"

And Chu Zheng snorted coldly, this voice seemed to be able to shake the sky, and even when the words landed, the momentum on Chu Zheng's body suddenly became unprecedentedly strong.

A strong killing intent was released from Chu Zheng's body.

And the three people who felt this killing intent at close range seemed to have fallen into an ice cave in an instant, and there was endless cold.

Not good!

I don't know why, locked by this gloomy and cold aura, the three people had a strong sense of foreboding in their hearts at the same time.

Surprised in the heart.

But they wanted to retreat, but it was too late.

Seeing Chu Zheng raise his hands, he immediately sucked into his palms, and the three of them sucked in front of Chu Zheng in unison.

And the heads of Mu Chen and the two were even caught by Chu Zheng.

On the head of Tie Huai Mountain in the middle, he slammed it fiercely.

It was like three watermelons, colliding together and directly shattering!

He was slightly thrown by Chu Zheng and flew out directly.

Three people, all killed.

"Ah! Sky! "


The eyes of everyone in the audience widened, as if they had seen the most incredible scene.

Each gasped.

The three Martial Dao Alliance powerhouses were actually killed by Mr. Chu with one blow.

Horror, horror!

Not only everyone in the audience.

Even Luo Yifan on the side covered his mouth and glanced at Chu Zheng with jealousy.

"This person is so terrifying!"

And these three masters, only at the moment of death, there was a slight reaction, if he said just now that he didn't deal with Chu Zheng, maybe he could live for three years, and at this time he had already gone down the mountain, maybe he had already lived a free life in the mansion.

But now, why did you say to slaughter Chu Zheng just now!

However, this kind of remorse only flashed slightly in the hearts of these three family masters, and their lives were ended.

And Chu Zheng's words just now were like a muffled thunder.

It exploded in everyone's ears, so that everyone did not dare to breathe:

"Ants, in front of my Jiuyang, how dare to make a second time!"

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