Chu Zheng killed three family masters in one fell swoop.

It can be said that the pupils of everyone are wide open.

No one expected that Chu Zheng of the Jiuyang Palace would be terrifying to this extent.

Mo said that the others, even the great-uncle Shen Wensan, who was following Chu Zheng, was horrified in his heart.

The performance of the three masters just now, the two of them saw clearly.

The strength can be described as extremely good. But what can it be, in the hands of Mr. Chu, it is simply vulnerable.

"Sir, sir, what is your strength?"

Uncle Zeng and Shen Wensan swallowed their spit, each secretly marveling in their hearts.

Only the green dragon on the side had a normal face.

The details of Chu Zheng, others do not know, how can Qinglong not know.

This Mr. Chu, how can he be a mortal!

"Ant, I always thought you were very small, but I didn't expect that you were really good, I don't know... Can you hold out three rounds in my hands?

And Lu Shengtian, who was kneeling on one knee with a dull face only by his ear power, had already detected that Chu Zheng had killed the three family masters.

These three masters, if they are enemies against themselves, how can they use three moves to kill these three people, and this ant in front of him can only need one move.

Lu Shengtian estimated that Chu Zheng's current strength could hold three rounds in his hands, which was completely possible.

"Good, I can give you a chance to fight me!"

Lu Shengtian had already stood up and began to face Chu Zheng squarely.

"God, Young Master Lu is going to fight against Mr. Chu!"

As soon as Lu Shengtian's words came out, it was not surprising, and it caused a lot of commotion in the crowded square.

"The two of them, who is stronger?"

If it was Chu Zheng before he made a move, everyone would undoubtedly choose Lu Shengtian, but Mr. Chu just now, he actually killed the three powerhouses of the Martial Dao Alliance so easily.

Now it is really difficult to judge who is strong or weak.

"Your master, Evil God Tiger Yan Yunfei, may be able to fight me, you... It's too far away! Chu

Zheng looked at Lu Shengtian and couldn't help but shake his head slightly.


Mr. Chu actually despised Young Master Lu so much!

Everyone was slightly shocked.

"Chu Zheng, you really have to be careful..."

Luo Yifan was on the side, also reminding softly.

Lu Shengtian's skills, she has seen it with her own eyes, she can fully bear the word perverted, you must know that Lu Shengtian just now, dealing with the three martial arts worlds, but he didn't use his full strength at all, and he couldn't even say semi-successful.

"Chu Zheng, you can regret it, if you don't mention the family master, maybe you can still get the opportunity to survive for three years and challenge me like these three ants just now, but now, you insulted my master, I will definitely let you disappear in an instant!"

Lu Shengtian's gaze suddenly shivered.

Immediately, his figure moved directly towards Chu Zheng.

"Ben Thunder Palm!"

This time, Lu Shengtian was no longer as careless as just now, but a powerful momentum was reflected on his body.

Above the palm, there was a faint flash of thunder.

"God, is this Young Master Lu's true strength?"

Everyone present saw that above Lu Shengtian's palm, thunder and lightning were haunting.

I couldn't help but be shocked.

Even the green dragon was slightly shocked.

Is this a divine skill?

If it weren't for the fact that he had seen Chu Zheng's Jiuyang Sword Light, then Qinglong would definitely be shocked now, but after seeing a stronger attack, although Qinglong was able to suppress his emotions, he was still slightly shocked.

"It is your honor to be able to die under my Benlei palm, Chu Zheng!"

A fierceness appeared on Lu Shengtian's face.

And his figure was also close to Chu Zheng in an instant.

"Get out!"

However, in the face of this blow, Chu Zheng had no other emotions except for a slight curiosity, and raising his leg was a kick.

The speed was almost so fast that everyone didn't see Chu Zheng's legs at all, but only heard Chu Zheng shout a word out of his mouth.

When he boarded, he saw Lu Shengtian flying out upside down.


Lu Shengtian's body smashed more than a dozen towering stone pillars on the mountain one after another, and fell violently to the ground.

Spit a mouthful of blood.

"I said, you are not my opponent!"

Chu Zheng carried his hands on his back and walked down from the high platform lightly.


Lu Shengtian looked at Chu Zheng in shock, and was speechless to refute. Since his debut, Lu Shengtian has been arrogant, but he has no one in sight, and he is always worried every day in order to find a master who can withstand three moves in his hands.

However, the master really found it, and after using his stunt Thunder Palm, he couldn't resist his kick.

Chu Zheng......

Who the hell are you? How could it be so strong?

Lu Shengtian felt that his three views had been refreshed.


You can imagine how shocked everyone in the audience was at this time.

Mr. Chu, what is the origin?

It was already unimaginable to deal with the three masters of the ancient martial arts family, killing with one move, but why, even dealing with the equally strong Young Master Lu Shengtian was only one move.

If Lu Shengtian uses perverted to describe it, then Mr. Chu, what words should be used to describe it?

Could it be that in this world, there is another figure like the super genius of the Jinling Martial Arts Alliance?


There was silence, and there was silence in the audience.

Everyone's eyes were firmly fixed on Chu Zheng and Lu Shengtian in front of the stage.

And Lu Shengtian, looking at the gazes of the people around him, his gaze suddenly became dull.

"I lost, and I lost without any resistance!"

Lu Shengtian sighed coldly in his heart.

Immediately raised his palm, only to see that at this time, above his palm, there was a flash of electric light, which was the stunt that the Evil God Tiger passed to Lu Shengtian.


Lu Shengtian's gaze suddenly became fierce, and he immediately slapped a fierce palm on his forehead.

Suddenly, he bled to death.


everyone gasped.

Chu Zheng, on the other hand, just put his hands in his pockets, looked at Lu Shengtian's body, and shook his head slightly.

If you lose, you will lose, you are too arrogant, since ancient times, it has been difficult for arrogant and conceited people to achieve too high achievements.

And Lu Shengtian committed suicide, although everyone present saw it, but outside the field, there was also one person who saw this scene.

"Lu Shengtian, but a strong man who shocked the sea and abroad, was beaten by Chu Zheng and committed suicide?"

The man looked at the scene in front of him incredulously.

My heart was as uncomfortable as eating.

This person is not Bai Haoran who else can be.

Lu Shengtian's prestige, Bai Haoran has long heard of it, it is said that the two elders of the Qingyu Gate have also received Lu Shengtian's guidance, and there is still a big gap between himself and Lu Shengtian.

And it is such a strong existence that he can't help Chu Zheng.

Bai Haoran was still carrying a large coffin, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but fall back two steps in shock.

Chu Zheng is terrifying!

He was wrong, originally Bai Haoran still wanted to wash the entire Jiuyang Mountain in blood, but now, only two ridiculous words can describe Bai Haoran's mood at this time.

"This brother, you came carrying the coffin, is there something wrong?"

Chu Zheng put his hands in his pockets and looked in the direction of Bai Haoran faintly.

Bai Haoran listened to Chu Zheng's voice and suddenly hit a spirit.

He is not stupid, and he has the title of Mianli needle, which shows that Bai Haoran has a lot of calculations in his heart, and he is a real and intelligent person.

The scene in front of him, doing it himself, is undoubtedly the end of the entire Bai family.


Swallowing his spit, Bai Haoran said softly: "It's okay, I... I'm just here to take a look!

Bai Haoran said tremblingly.


Chu Zheng also ignored it and turned around faintly.

Chu Zheng's turn directly made the people who had gathered around to watch the excitement fall back rapidly, all wanting to stay away from this mysterious god man.


And at this time, Xu Ao, the last patriarch of the family who had been holding high the banner of the Jiuyang Palace and closed his eyes, and now, the killing qi on his body was finally condensed.


Xu Ao opened his mouth wide and roared a few times.

It was as if the surrounding pine trees trembled at this sound.

"Don't, help me hang this flag back up!"

Chu Zheng patted Xu Ao's shoulder and said lightly.

"You actually..." Xu

Ao's killing aura had just condensed, but just now Chu Zheng slightly, he found that the killing aura on his body was gone.

Want to get angry.

But the eyes have already seen the miserable situation above the square.

On the ground this is?

The other three masters! What about their heads?

Which is?

Strong Lu Shengtian!

Although Xu Ao likes to go straight, he is not mentally retarded, and then look at the eyes of the people around him looking at Chu Zheng, and he instantly knows what is going on.

Xu Ao gasped and couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of spit.

"Yes... Mr. Chu!

Xu Ao nodded fearfully, and immediately reinserted the Jiuyang Palace banner that he had just taken off in his hand.

And the big gangs that followed the excitement just now also put the Jiuyang Palace Ling Banner in their hands back to their original position.

Embarrassment, these people's faces are full of embarrassment written in capital letters....

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