But said that Chu Zheng was crushing the four powerhouses in Jiuyang Mountain.

In a hidden valley in Jinling.

But some people hate to kill Chu Zheng.

In the valley, there are all kinds of strange stone trees, green mountains and green waters, reflecting each other, quite a sense of paradise.

In this paradise, there are rows of staggered houses, staggered rows, and the houses are like houses.

In particular, the materials of these houses are like jade carvings, and even the tiles are made of jade, showing a brilliant atmosphere.

Inside one of the most prestigious rooms.

In front of the dressing table made of white jade, there was a woman with a very tall figure and a very good appearance.

The woman looked to be nearly thirty.

However, it exudes a youthful breath, but between the eyebrows, there is a charming breath of life.

A collection of youth and charm, contradictions.

But in front of this plump beauty, a perfect combination.

The beautiful eyes flowed slightly, the woman looked at herself in the mirror, I don't know when the woman began to pay special attention to her dress.

However, what has nothing to do with the woman's beautiful appearance is that in the depths of her eyes, there is a strong murderous aura.

Yes, murderous!

The woman seemed to remember some painful past, and her pink fist couldn't help but clench tightly.

"I will definitely stab you with my own hands!"

The woman is Mo Lingrou.

When she thought of the humiliation and indignation of that day, Mo Lingrou felt deeply humiliated.

"I was seriously injured that day, let you escape, now, no matter how you escape, I will definitely find you!"

Mo Lingrou remembered the figure of that hateful person and the various blasphemous things she had done to herself.

The murderous aura in his eyes is even more intense.


A voice as pleasant as an oriole came over, making Mo Lingrou instantly retract her thoughts.

Although his face is still cold, he has a touch of tenderness.

"Lingyun, are you here?"

Mo Lingrou tried not to show some abnormalities. And during this time, Mo Lingrou also tried to cover up.

However, no matter how she covered up, she couldn't escape the eyes of the eccentric Mo Lingyun.

"Sister, since you came back from Jiangzhou the day before yesterday, you have been locking yourself in your room and sullen, but what happened in Jiangzhou?"

Mo Lingyun looks a little similar to Mo Lingrou, and naturally she is very beautiful, but compared to Mo Lingrou's coldness, her sister is a little more lively.

"It's okay! Nothing happened!

As soon as her sister finished asking, Mo Lingrou stood up eagerly and hurriedly shook her head.


Mo Lingyun was even more suspicious.

Of course, her sister herself knows very well, because of her identity, she often has a cold face and does not eat the appearance of human fairy fire.

Mo Lingyun had never seen his sister like this.

And the most important thing is that my sister is not only very flustered, but her face at this time has become red.

Tell yourself it's okay?

How could Mo Lingyun believe it.

Something must have happened to my sister in Jiangzhou, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

Looking at Mo Lingyun's suspicious eyes looking at herself, Mo Lingrou hurriedly looked away.

What did she say? Did you tell your sister that she was in Jiangzhou and was given by a shameful bastard ... No, in any case, this news cannot be known to my sister, let alone the entire people in the valley.

Mo Lingrou didn't want to dwell on this issue, because her sister had already seen the flaw, so she immediately diverted the topic and said:

"Lingyun, my sister is really fine, but you, in three months, it will be the day you choose your son-in-law, are you ready?"

Mo Lingrou looked at her sister with pity.

"Sister, don't say it, we two sisters, only one of us can complete the marriage contract, you gave this opportunity to me, don't you want to die alone, sister..." Speaking of

this, Mo Lingyun's eyes burst into tears.

Due to the rules of the family, the two sisters need one of them to come out as the valley master, and the person who serves as the valley owner cannot consummate the marriage if he cultivates the profound secrets in the valley.

And at the beginning, Mo Lingrou took the initiative to stand up as the lord of this valley, which means that from that time on, Mo Lingrou will be alone. So she is almost thirty years old, and she is still just a *woman.

However, it was also the day before yesterday that it was ended by someone.

Of course, such shameful and indignant things belong to Mo Lingrou's secret alone, and even her own sister will not let her know.

"Lingyun, don't say this kind of thing in the future, my sister is willing, my sister is worried about you, in order not to marry Yuwen Hao, you will do such a ridiculous thing as choosing a son-in-law by yourself, my sister is really worried that you will find a brother-in-law with bad conduct to give me back!"

"After all, the strong people in this world, not all of them are of good character, my sister is worried about you, in order to avoid Yuwen Hao, but through the choice of son-in-law, I found a Yuwen Hao."

Mo Lingrou also broke her heart for her sister.

"Oh sister, don't say it anymore, Lingyun has always firmly believed that my Ruyi Langjun must be the kind of person who is highly respected, and young and handsome, and his strength is even stronger than that Yuwen Hao!"

Mo Lingyun looked forward to it.

"Don't be stupid, you can think about the rest, the strength is more than Yuwen Hao, and you have to be young, how is it possible?"

Mo Lingrou chatted with her sister like this, distracting her energy, and the incident in the Nine Dragon Cave that day was temporarily forgotten by Mo Lingrou.

I couldn't help but start worrying about my sister.

"Don't worry, Lingyun will definitely let my sister go over and check it at that time!"

Mo Lingyun said playfully.

But then he said softly: "Sister, you really won't live alone like this, if you find Ruyi Langjun, the strength exceeds those few old ladies of our family, maybe..." But speaking of this,

Mo Lingyun felt inappropriate, and quickly stopped his mouth.

Mo said that the few old ladies in the family, even my sister now, the strength can be comparable to it, there are very few. Who can be worthy of my sister's strength.

And my sister has always been arrogant, Mo said that as a valley owner, I can't choose a son-in-law, even if I can choose a son-in-law, I'm afraid that when I reach my sister's strength, the average cultivator, my sister can't look at it at all.

Mo Lingyun felt that he didn't mean to pierce his sister's heart by asking like this.

Hurry up and shut up.

And Mo Lingrou, who heard this, although he said that it was okay.

However, I also feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Yes, my Mo Lingrou is pure and pure, and my strength is already beyond the ordinary, but I was given by a mortal who cultivated underneath...

Could it be that God is teasing me....

Thinking of this, Mo Lingrou's heart was faintly painful.

At the same time, the hatred for that bastard in my heart rose rapidly...

And at this time, Mo Lingrou hated the bastard who crushed his teeth.

But he was doing it on the main seat of the Jiuyang Palace, closing his eyes and raising his mind.

"Sir, none of the group stayed, all went down! Ximen Mansion, Yanjing Lu family, has also been closed, this time both of them have damaged the strongest generals in the family, the vitality is greatly damaged, it is estimated that in a short period of time, they will not be able to set off any storms! Uncle

Zeng was below, reporting the situation to Chu Zheng.

"I wonder what Sir's next plan is?"

Qinglong also stood up and asked.

Chu Zheng opened his eyes and slowly got up and said, "Next, I will concentrate on cultivating in the big array, and the shortest will be two months, during this time, the affairs of the Jiuyang Palace will be entrusted to you to take care of, and after that..." When Chu Zheng said this,

he did not continue.

Chu Zheng secretly said in his heart: "After that, I may go to Jinling, firstly, to meet those masters of the Martial Dao Alliance, and secondly..." Thinking of

this, Chu Zheng couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Second, Chu Zheng seems to have promised the woman that day, to personally go to Jinling after three months, the woman's strength is obviously beyond ordinary people, even if she does not mention this matter that day, Chu Zheng is also interested in going.

But what made Chu Zheng feel funny was that he had a conversation with her at the beginning, but no one knew the other party's name.

Thinking of the woman that day, she hated to kill her eyes, and Chu Zheng was also a little embarrassed.

In any case, everything that day was indeed caused by his Chu Zheng.

Chu Zheng shook his head slightly, and he dismissed everyone.

Went to the Capture Yuan Array.

This time, the Yuan Capture Array was finally completed, and Chu Zheng just used this time to test the efficacy of the Great Array...

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