Chu Zheng entered the Yuan Capture Array he had established.

Sitting cross-kneeled in the main array, his mind moved, and the entire large array began to operate.


A burst of noise came out, and I saw that the sky above the large array seemed to change color, and there was a roar of rolling thunder.

Qinglong and Shen asked the three great-uncles who were practicing disciples in the mountain square, and when they heard this roar, they couldn't help but stop.

Look in the direction of the formation.

I saw that above the formation area, there were dark clouds rolling.

On the other hand, it is normal.

"Sir, God is a man!"

When Uncle Zeng saw this scene, his heart was very shocked.

And the children of Jiuyang Mountain were even more stunned in an instant.

Chu Zheng didn't hear it, but he concentrated on cultivating in the formation.

The four formations were activated at the same time.

And the main formation of the Yuan Yuan has played a huge role.

I saw a large amount of Heaven and Earth Vitality, like a whirlpool, directly rushing towards Chu Zheng in the center.

Middle Condensation Yuan Realm!

Chu Zheng held his breath and concentrated on cultivation.

And his cultivation is also constantly making breakthroughs with the crazy assistance of the Great Array Vitality.

Time passed minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye, a month passed.

Late stage of Condensing Yuan Realm!

Chu Zheng, who was sitting in the center of the large array, slowly opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, there was an automatic outward glow in his eyes.

It's like two moons.

Full of color.

On the other hand, Chu Zheng's face seems to have become more crystal clear than a month ago, and a different temperament accompanies Chu Zheng's whole body.

"With the Yuan Capture Array, sure enough, I am now in the late stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm, it is estimated that in two or three years, I can reach the late stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm, reach the bottleneck, once I break through, I will step into the Foundation Building Realm!"

Feeling the surging vitality power in his body, Chu Zheng smiled slightly.

This feeling of constantly getting stronger is simply a pleasure for Chu Zheng.

And now, Chu Zheng also decided to go out of customs.

Because he still has to wait, waiting for the bottleneck to come.

Before the bottleneck arrived, or before the bottleneck arrived, no matter how Chu Zheng cultivated, the progress was slow.

And during this period, according to Chu Zheng's habits, he focused on the practice of his martial arts.

Jinling Martial Arts Alliance, there should be some strong people.

Chu Zheng thought of the Martial Dao Alliance.

Although these four family masters are vulnerable, Chu Zheng also knows that these four families, in the Jinling Martial Arts Alliance, are only middle-level families, or even middle-level family forces.

As for the top and the top, what their strength is, this is unknown.

So Chu Zheng has an interest in this.

There is also Yan Yunfei of the Earth List Evil God Tiger, that Lu Shengtian's master.

He must be very powerful.

Through the battle, Chu Zheng also knew that the martial arts used by Lu Shengtian were still very strong, but it was a pity that this Lu Shengtian was too arrogant, so that the foundation was not firm, and the internal strength was even more impure, so the power of that set of thunder palms, he used all his strength, and he could only exert a little fur effect.

A good deck of cards, influenced by his arrogant personality, played sparsely.

For Lu Shengtian, Chu Zheng did not pay attention to it, but that Yan Yunfei attracted Chu Zheng's attention.

Yan Yunfei, what kind of strength does it have to be?

Chu Zheng pondered for a while.

His thoughts were interrupted by several people who came to the vicinity of the formation.

"What's the matter?"

Chu Zheng opened his eyes, just as soon as his mind moved, his voice was directly transmitted.

Outside Jean's formation, Qinglong and the other three were horrified.

The three looked at each other, and looked around, but they didn't see Mr. Chu's figure at all, why did they only hear his voice and not see him?


"Just say something, I can hear it!"

Chu Zheng has reached the late stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm, so whether it is spiritual power or sensory power, it has become unprecedentedly powerful.

He said lightly at the moment.

"Yes, sir, outside the mountain, suddenly some chaotic gangs came, wanting to go up Jiuyang Mountain to make trouble and seize Danfang, but they have been driven away by me and others, in addition, there are sisters Li Muhan from Jinling asking for a meeting."

Qinglong respectfully reported all the things in the past month.

In fact, there is no need to report, these things, Chu Zheng has long known everything.

"Okay, let them go to the Jiuyang Palace!"


Chu Zheng's voice came, but it made the three of them slightly stunned. Because it was only in the blink of an eye, why did Mr. Chu's voice come out from behind them?

At the moment, the three were suspicious, and hurriedly looked back.

Sure enough, behind him, there is a Mr. Chu standing with his hands in his hands, and the momentum is extraordinary, if Mr. Chu before had some soft aura on his body, then now, Mr. Chu's body is completely a noble aura.

Rao was Shen Wensan and Uncle Zeng, who had been with Chu Zheng for the longest time, but they were also a little afraid to raise their heads and look at Chu Zheng.

The breath on Chu Zheng's body made the two of them inexplicably appear a touch of fear.

Not to mention the green dragon.

Looking at Mr. Chu slowly walking away, the three of them raised their heads slightly, and couldn't help but glance at each other, although they didn't speak, they all knew what they were thinking in their hearts.

I'm afraid, Sir, I have entered an extraordinary realm again!

"Sister, that guy didn't come to see us, we've all been waiting here for almost half an hour, hmph, what a big shelf!"

Li Xiaoman sat directly on Chu Zheng's main seat, due to the problem of height, her legs could not reach the ground, and she kept swinging around, but her small mouth was pouting, showing her dissatisfaction.

"Xiao Man, you come down quickly, don't be rude!"

Li Xiaoman's complaint had been automatically ignored by Li Muhan, but seeing Xiaomei sitting on the main seat of Jiuyang Palace like this, he couldn't help but think that this was really a little too rude.

"It's okay, just let her sit!"

At this time, a voice that seemed to have magical power sounded behind Li Muhan, and listening to this voice, Li Muhan's originally somewhat apprehensive heart gradually calmed down.

Looking back, Li Muhan's red lips were slightly open, and he looked at him with some surprise, this young man who was both familiar and strange, but even more strange at this time.

"Chu Zheng...?"

Li Muhan was surprised in his heart.

Because when she saw Chu Zheng's appearance and the breath reflected on the whole person, she couldn't help but be a little stunned.

First of all, Chu Zheng's skin turned out to be so good that even she, a woman, was a little self-contained.

Then there is Chu Zheng's temperament, which seems to have a masculine aura, which makes the girls involuntarily want to approach.

It's only been more than a month, and he has changed so much.

This made Li Muhan wonder in his heart.


Li Xiaoman looked at Chu Zheng, couldn't help but stick out his tongue, obediently jumped down from the main seat, and walked to his sister's side.

"Hey, you... Why did you keep us waiting so long...?

Li Xiaoman wanted to play arrogant, but when the words came to his lips, feeling Chu Zheng's whole temperament, Li Xiaoman found that he was not arrogant.

At the end, his tone couldn't help but soften a little.

"Some things haven't been dealt with, I don't know why Miss Li came here this time?"

Chu Zheng smiled faintly.

Li Muhan bowed his head slightly, and then said: "Dissatisfied with Mr. Chu said that after taking Mr. Qingyuan Pill before, most of the cold poison in Mu Han's body has been removed, but there are some stubborn diseases accumulated over the years, so Mu Han wants to ask Mr. Chu to help Mu Han lift..."

In fact, Qing Yuan Dan can indeed eradicate the cold poison in the body, but it must be allowed to let Li Muhan slowly cultivate for three years, but for a period of time, his family still has a big thing, so Li Muhan can't wait so long.

So at the moment, he came to Jiuyang Mountain again.

In fact, there is no need for Li Muhan to say, Chu Zheng has already guessed the purpose of Li Muhan's coming this time.

Chu Zheng's impression of this Li Muhan is not bad, Mo said that there is some friendship, even if there is no friendship at all, if someone has something to ask for himself, and he is not a bad person, Chu Zheng is naturally willing to help.

So Chu Zheng nodded.

However, he looked at Li Xiaoman, who was quite arrogant and mischievous, and the corners of Chu Zheng's mouth lifted slightly, and he suddenly remembered a small strategy to punish Li Xiaoman.

Intentionally teasing her....

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