Chu Zheng looked at this Li Xiaoman, quite arrogant, and offended himself several times.

Of course, Chu Zheng was not angry in his heart, but how could Chu Zheng say that he was also the Emperor of Jiuyang, how could he be treated like this by a little nizi several times.

So more out of the mentality of a small punishment, Chu Zheng gave birth to a plan, and said lightly:

"It is not difficult to completely eradicate the cold poison in your body, but I am afraid that you two have to be aggrieved..."

Li Muhan bowed his head slightly, and couldn't help but ask softly.

And Li Xiaoman jumped out and said: "What do you say, you treat my sister, why do you want me to be aggrieved..."

Li Xiaoman pouted, showing his dissatisfaction.

And Chu Zheng smiled slightly, glanced at this Li Xiaoman, Li Xiaoman is about twenty years old, young and energetic, and his figure is extremely impressive.

Moreover, Li Xiaoman also often practices martial arts, so his figure can be described as full of elasticity.

And looking at Li Muhan also looked at himself curiously, Chu Zheng returned his gaze and said:

"To completely eradicate the cold poison in your body, I need to exercise to force the poison, but because the cold poison in your body has long been ingrained in the body, so if you want to force it all out, you must remove the clothes outside..." "

As for the role of Xiaoman's sister, it is necessary to provide you with basic heat in the process of forcing poison for you, in order to ensure the normal operation of energy, Xiaoman's sister, I'm afraid I also have to remove the clothes outside, so I said that I had to be wronged by the two of you..." Chu

Zheng put his hands behind his back and said indifferently.

Of course, the first half of these things that Chu Zheng said in a serious way were true.

To force Li Muhan to poison, because it is a cold poison stored in the body for more than ten years by cultivation, if you want to completely eradicate it, you must remove foreign objects.

As for Li Xiaoman's role in the back, it is completely Chu Zhengxin's nonsense.

Chu Zheng Jiuyang's power is itself a positivity, so he can't use others to provide heat.

However, if you want to punish this Li Xiaoman a little, Chu Zheng really thought of such a method.

Li Muhan, who heard this, suddenly changed his face slightly, mainly because a blush appeared.

After all, let yourself completely remove your clothes. And...... And he is still naked in front of a man, which makes a girl's family, how can she not be ashamed.

If it was someone else, telling Li Muhan this method of removing clothes and forcing poison, Li Muhan would definitely think for the first time that this person was a disciple and a blind streamer.

However, this was said by Chu Zheng, and Chu Zheng's strength, Li Muhan was very clear.

Moreover, the cold poison in his body is originally impossible to completely eradicate, so even for Mr. Chu, it must be difficult.

Removing clothes, Li Muhan is very understandable.

However, a girl, especially a girl like Li Muhan, who has no experience in interacting with boys at all, is of course very shameful.

In fact, Li Muhan was okay, after listening to Chu Zheng's words, she just lowered her head in shame, her fingers were intertwined, and she couldn't make up her mind.

As for Li Xiaoman, he almost jumped.

"Big color wolf, you don't think, I've never heard of it, to treat a person, but also to let others remove their clothes, you are clearly playing hooligans!"

Li Xiaoman's mouth was bulging, and his chest was rising and falling.

Apparently the anger is not light.

"Sister, don't let this big color wolf be cured, let's go!"

Li Xiaoman took Li Muhan's hand and wanted to leave.

"Xiao Man... Sister...... Sister willing! Stopped

Li Xiaoman, and after a short hesitation, Li Muhan bit his teeth slightly, and couldn't help but blurt out.


Li Xiaoman stomped his foot anxiously.

To strip naked in front of this villain, Li Xiaoman tried to ask himself that he couldn't do it at all.

Although Li Xiaoman is usually a little naughty, she is still just a girl anyway.

Li Muhan ignored Li Xiaoman, but instead raised his face and said to Chu Zheng:

"Mr. Chu, is there any way to avoid this link of Xiaoman?"

Li Muhan naturally knew that although Xiao Man was very naughty, he also valued his innocence and reputation very seriously, and it was indeed difficult for her.

"Yes..." Chu Zheng nodded, and then said: "But if you find a random woman, provide you with heat, and do some intimate actions, I am afraid that you will be a little rusty, and at that time, the consequences will be unimaginable." After

Chu Zheng finished speaking, he wondered if it was a little excessive to do this by himself.

But when he thought of this rude Li Xiaoman, he thought again: I must teach this little nizi a lesson, and she was seen by my Jiuyang Emperor Chu Zheng, and she was not at a loss.

So I made up my mind.

"Sir, since that's the case, it's better to find an ordinary woman instead!"

Li Muhan definitely can't embarrass his sister for himself.

Although Li Muhan usually takes her skin very seriously, she is basically unwilling to get close to anyone, and even close contact with her will feel unaccustomed.

Not to mention, I want to be so intimate with a strange woman.

Although he was resistant in his heart, Li Muhan had no choice.

"No, sister, if you are unfamiliar, it will definitely form a reaction against you!"

Li Xiaoman jumped up anxiously, and after glancing at Chu Zheng fiercely, he said viciously: "Okay, I promise you!"

After that, Li Xiaoman also turned his head with a blush on his face.

Chu Zheng had a bad smile at the corner of his mouth, thinking that I am the Emperor of Jiuyang, can't even clean up this little nizi of yours, then I can die now.

At that moment, Chu Zheng took the two sisters and went directly to the room.

"Xiao Man, for the sake of my sister, I have wronged you!"

After entering the room, Li Muhan always felt sorry for his sister.

However, Li Xiaoman's character is quite hearty, since they have already decided to open up, then Li Xiaoman will not twist and pinch the reluctance.

Of course, there is still normal shame.

"Hey, my sister and I also undressed, you quickly turn your face!"

Li Xiaoman glared at Chu Zhengdao viciously.


Chu Zheng smiled slightly, and twisted his head to the side.

Then, I heard a sound of undressing behind me.

A moment later.

"Mr. Chu, we're okay!"

There was a voice that Li Muhan was almost inaudible.

Even Li Muhan was even more ashamed to hug the front of his body, revealing his snow-white back to Chu Zheng.

Li Xiaoman also turned his back.

And after Chu Zheng turned around, he couldn't help but be slightly stunned when he saw this fragrant scene in front of him.

The appearance of the two people, needless to say, and this figure has its own merits, equal color.

Especially Li Xiaoman is a little sexier than her sister Li Muhan.

"Okay, you two sisters, hold your hands, I'm going to start!"

And looking at Li Xiaoman, who lowered his head and did not give a glance, Chu Zheng spoke.

Subsequently, Chu Zheng also took in his heart.

After admiring the figures of the two sisters, they began to force out cold poison for Li Muhan.

Since ancient times, Chu Zheng has not been a person who suffers losses.

When he used the Nine Yang Gong, how could he get some benefits.

Chu Zheng also did not have much psychological burden.

He smiled playfully at the moment and began to concentrate on cleaning Li Muhan's poison.


"Much... Mr. Xie Chu! "

About a moment of incense has passed, Li Muhan and Li Xiaoman have already dressed separately, feeling the cold and poisonous aura in their bodies, and it is really completely gone.

Although there was a trace of joy in his heart, when he thought of the scene just now, Li Muhan still lowered his head in shame.

And the face, all the way to the neck.

Li Xiaoman even stood behind his sister and did not dare to come out, and now, where did she still have the arrogance just now.

All seen by that guy!

Li Xiaoman pouted his small mouth and muttered secretly in his heart.

Because Li Xiaoman always felt that this Chu Zheng was completely deceiving himself, because in the process of forcing drugs just now, he didn't use himself at all!

However, Li Xiaoman was still a little impressed by Chu Zheng, because he could really completely remove the cold poison from his sister.

This is not an ordinary satyr, but a very powerful satyr!

Li Xiaoman thought this in his heart.

"You're welcome, just raise your hand!"

Chu Zheng, on the other hand, said something that seemed to be very heartless and lungless.

They all looked at people and said it so easily.

Although Li Xiaoman hated Chu Zheng, Li Muhan was grateful to Chu Zheng.

After being embarrassed for a while, Li Muhan thought of something, and immediately raised his head to look at Chu Zheng and asked: "Mr. Chu, in addition, Mu Han has a reluctant request, I don't know if Mr. Chu is convenient or not?" "

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