Instead, Chu Zheng sat calmly.


However, that uncle Chen, who had a fierce gaze, did not pay any attention to whether Chu Zheng was ready or not, nor did he pay attention to whether the party Chu Zheng agreed or not.

In the eyes of Li Xunfei and Uncle Chen, this person's life was like the life of an ant, and it had no value at all.

If you want to talk about value, it is just a tool that Li Gongzi uses to perform.

Uncle Chen's gaze froze and shot directly at Chu Zheng's forehead.

If Li Xunfei had the slightest reaction, Chu Zhengke would have been directly headshot.

At least in the eyes of everyone.

However, at the moment of shooting, the corners of Li Xunfei's mouth set off a smile at the same time, and his figure moved directly, like a touch of electric light, and everyone did not see clearly how Li Xunfei exerted his power.

I saw that Li Xunfei came directly to Chu Zheng.

The whole person's body is also fixed.

Li Xunfei's eyes were still closed, as if he had returned to just now, isolated from the whole world.

And his left hand was raised backwards, and his right hand was ten centimeters in front of Chu Zheng's forehead.

His entire body is also leaning forward.

Bow forward with your right leg.

It seems that the starting posture is like this, even the last posture, so is this.

There was silence, and the audience was silent, as if time had stood still at this moment.

Everyone's eyes all looked at the bullet in Li Xunfei's right hand with two fingers in horror.

And Li Xunfei's posture has already been explained.

It was the bullet that flew out first, and then Li Xunfei caught up.

But less than ten centimeters in front of Chu Zheng's forehead, he successfully clamped the bullet.

Yes, with two fingers to clamp.

The crowd was already speechless in shock.

Uncle Chen, on the other hand, blew the muzzle of the gun with his mouth with some viciousness in his eyes, and immediately put it back into his arms.

Li Xiaoman was also a little surprised with his mouth open.

Li Muhan was also a little surprised.

She really couldn't imagine that in this world, there would really be someone who practiced speed to such an extreme.

Originally, Li Muhan felt that the Jinling Martial Arts Alliance, for hundreds of years, had produced Yuwen Hao and other demons, but it was no longer possible to understand it with normal thinking.

However, since the appearance of Chu Zheng, Li Muhan felt that there were still many monsters in this world.

But now Li Xunfei's performance, although he is not as good as the demon Yu Wenhao and the more perverted Chu Zheng, but it is also very unusual.

Of course, Li Muhan's heart will definitely not say these comparisons.

In the audience, if you want to say that it is different, I am afraid that only Chu Zheng will be the one.

Because unlike the surprise in everyone's eyes, Chu Zheng's eyes were full of disappointment.

He originally felt that this Li Xunfei had been crazy to the point of easily deciding the life and death of others, and his cultivation must have reached a certain realm, although Chu Zheng saw that his cultivation was low, but he thought that his speed was what he was really good at.

So Chu Zheng, at the beginning, was somewhat expectant.

Because Chu Zheng felt that he had finally found a decent master.

You can have a hearty fight.

However, Li Xunfei's grab of the bullet made Chu Zheng see that the speed was good, but the speed was limited.

Even if you use all your strength, it can't go beyond a certain range.

Chu Zheng sighed at this.

However, this time, Chu Zheng wanted to go to the Martial Arts Alliance to see it, and the murderous woman who was the real master who was made crazy by himself in the cave.

Therefore, Chu Zheng, who did not want to cause trouble, continued to choose to keep a low profile.

If he had followed his previous temper, just by Li Xunfei's previous words about letting him live for another seven days, he could have died seven or eight times.

However, Chu Zheng obviously did not have this mood.

And looking at this Li Xunfei, he still closed his eyes in front of him, and his posture holding the bullet had not changed.

Chu Zheng didn't want to spend time with him.

I simply poured myself a glass of wine, found a few nice side dishes, and ate them while drinking.

After preparing a full meal of wine, head to this Jinling for a stroll.

Inquire about the woman.


However, Chu Zheng wanted to keep a low profile, but someone did not intend to let him go.

Li Xunfei didn't know when he had opened slightly, and although he did, it was only a slight gap.

The bullet held by his finger loosened slightly, and it fell directly into Chu Zheng's wine glass.


Li Xunfei had a gloomy smile on the corner of his mouth, and said softly: "Drink it..." "

Li Xunfei, you want to deceive people too much, Chu... Brother Jiuyang has no grudge with you, why should you force each other!

Li Muhan finally couldn't bear it anymore and stood up directly.

What she said was indeed good, Chu Zheng never said a word, but this Li Xunfei has been persecuting Chu Zheng hard.

"Sister Mu Han, I am doing this for his good, if you drink it, you can live for ten days, if you don't drink it, I'm afraid it will only be three days..."

Li Xunfei shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly.

His face looked helpless.


Li Muhan wanted to retort.


Suddenly, a slap hit Li Muhan directly in the face.

It was Li Zongnian, his angry fingers were trembling: "You... You! How dare you be disrespectful to Li Gongzi, Li Gongzi wants people to do things, how can others not do it! Li

Zongnian was ruthless, and he gave Li Muhan a slap in the face.

Li Xunfei was invited by himself with great difficulty, specifically to find the head of the master of the Nine Lingbaozhi, and after a while, the martial arts alliance conference was indispensable to Li Gongzi's help, and now, his daughter, who is usually the most sensible, was so rude to Li Gongzi.

How could Li Zongnian not be angry.

Li Muhan, on the other hand, covered his face and looked at his father with some disbelief.

Li Xunfei glanced at Li Muhan, especially after staying on his body for a long time, he narrowed his eyes slightly: "In that case, this person will only have three days to live in the future..." Li

Xunfei shook his head slightly, immediately took his hands on his back, and left directly with Uncle Chen.

And before Uncle Chen left, he also glanced at Chu Zheng with his poisonous gaze. Uncle Chen's eyes were very vicious, as if he could look at a person and take away his heart.

"Oh, there are still three days!"

In order to keep a low profile, Chu Zheng could only echo.

I can't force him to do it now, once he does, I'm afraid that if he wants to be pure in Jinling, it will be even more difficult.


Afterwards, so people can't all hide from Chu Zheng like a plague god and stay away from Chu Zheng.

In this way, Chu Zheng was also rare and quiet, and he wanted to go to Jinling City to take a look.

Mainly to listen to some Jinling Martial Arts Alliance, as well as the news of that woman.

Originally, Li Muhan could have asked about this, but Li Muhan was slapped by Li Zongnian, and his mood was obviously very low.

Although she saw that Chu Zheng wanted to go out, she was also ready to accompany her, but Chu Zheng refused.

Chu Zheng directly carried his hands and walked onto Jinling Street.

Jinling Street is very lively, basically selling everything.

Chu Zheng mainly likes the architectural style of Jinling, with a strong ancient rhyme, which makes Chu Zheng feel that it seems to return to his previous life.

Therefore, Jean's Chu Zheng couldn't help but want to take a good stroll.

"Sister Yu'er, let's find a place to rest for a while, from the morning, until now, Xiaomei's legs are about to break!"

On the street, however, a young girl began to complain.

Stop, rub his knees, and cry out in distress.

"You, you, it's not easy for us to come out of the valley, it's not fun how to do it, who let you eat so much at noon, just to give you weight loss!"

Mo Lingyuer said with a little disgust.

Of course, although she was blaming Xiaomei for eating too much, at this time, she was holding a bunch of sugar gourds in her hand and eating with relish.

"What, it's clear that Sister Yu'er you ordered too much, Xiaomei is afraid of waste!"

Xiaomei couldn't help but be aggrieved.

Who is a foodie, it is clearly Yu'er's sister, now it is good, and she is blamed in turn.


Mo Lingyuer couldn't help but hide her smile, and immediately said: "Okay, okay, then let's just walk around this little while, and then find a place to rest!"

Mo Lingyuer took Xiaomei's hand and continued to walk ahead.

"Huh? Sister Yu'er, look quickly, why are there so many people around there? "

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