Mo Lingyuer looked forward in the direction of Xiaomei's finger, and saw that in front of her, there was really a group of people around.

Point pointing there.

aroused Mo Lingyuer's curiosity.

"Let's go, let's go over and take a look!"

Mo Lingyuer said a word, and immediately stepped forward.

Surrounded by several people, it was a young man.

"Ah, this young man is really unlucky, I don't know what the reason is, he actually offended the Decepticon rex of Jinling! Gee, it seems that today, if you don't take out a million and eight hundred thousand, this young man's legs simply don't want it! When

Mo Lingyuer approached, she heard everyone's whisper!

Immediately raise your eyes and look towards the field!

There were five or six strong men with inches and phoenixes, surrounding the young man!

The leader has a downhill tiger on his chest!

"Obviously, you want to steal my money, and now I don't want it, but why are you so hard pressed?"

The young man put his hands in his pockets and asked lightly.

Yes, the young man is Chu Zheng!

Chu Zheng is simply crying and laughing in his heart now, he just wants to come to this Jinling City to visit, but he didn't expect that if people are unlucky, they will drink cold water and stuff their teeth!

Just now, a person sneakily followed him and wanted to steal his money, and Chu Zheng was not without money, but he didn't have the habit of carrying cash!

It was okay before, but now Chu Zheng, whether in Linjiang or Yanjing, there is no need to spend money at all!

So there is no habit of bringing cash!

That pickpocket followed Chu Zheng all the way, looking for an opportunity for most of the day, but it turned out to be empty!

Quite a feeling that my pants are off, and you will show me this!

At that moment, the anger in his heart was steaming, and he directly whistled and shouted out his brother nearby!

Today he is still on the bar, if this kid can't get the money, he has to break his legs!

So there is this scene now!

"Boy, don't talk so much nonsense, no money, today you definitely don't want to stand out of Jinling, brother, beckon him to a quiet place to talk, today I Ah Hu, I want to tell him the rules of preaching!"

Brother Tiger, who was the leader, twisted his neck with a horizontal face, and suddenly made a clicking sound!

"Yes, Brother Tiger!"

A few followers, hearing the sound, came up directly!

I want to take Chu Zheng away!

Although their group of ground snakes are bold, they dare not be so lawless.

That's why I want to put Chu Zheng in the alley!

And the two who came over, with their sleeves flicked, even more sticking out two daggers from them!

As long as this person dares to resist in the slightest, stab him in the thigh first!

"Lead the way!"

However, what the two people who came over did not expect was that this person not only did not resist, but actually said such a thing with his hands in his pockets!

And after speaking, he moved first!

It seems to be more anxious than his own people!

Pig nose with green onions, pretend!

These people looked at Chu Zheng's back coldly, they had seen a lot of this kind of people, and they wanted to show no fear, thinking that this would scare them!

I'm sorry!

This technique is easy for others, but for these few earth snakes, it has no effect at all!

Immediately, several people followed coldly and led Chu Zheng towards an alley!

"Why did this young man really follow him? Alas, this is a big deal, alas, alas!

Everyone watched Chu Zheng follow these people away, and they couldn't help but sigh with regret, and they dispersed!

The group of Decepticon rex is all old fritters on this street, and I don't know how many people from other places have planted in their hands!

This young man, there must be no suspense!

"Sister Yu'er, do you say this person will be in danger?"

Xiaomei watched the whole process on the side, and also heard the whispers between everyone. I couldn't help but say with some worry.

Mo Lingyuer, on the other hand, squinted her eyes slightly, but glanced at Chu Zheng with interest.

I wanted to open my mouth to say something, but I didn't say it, so I nodded and followed in the direction Chu Zheng left!

That young man just now was a little unusual.

This was what Mo Lingyuer had in mind, and Xiaomei had almost no cultivation, so she couldn't see the difference in that young man.

But how cultivated Mo Lingyuer was, Chu Zheng's eyes just now, as well as his demeanor, were exceptionally calm.

There wasn't even a hint of anger.

Of course, this is not the main thing, the key is the breath on the young man, although it is not clear what kind of breath this breath is.

But Mo Lingyuer felt unusual. Because no one has ever been able to give Mo Lingyuer this feeling.

But when Mo Lingyuer and the two of them arrived at the alley where Chu Zheng was taken away.

The scene in front of him made Mo Lingyuer's suspicion affirmed in her heart.

I really didn't read it wrong, this person is really extraordinary!

In front of him, he saw the few people who were still majestic and respectful just now, and at this time, they were actually lined up and stood upside down on the wall of the alley.

And the expressions on their faces were as if they had seen some extremely terrifying scene.

The whole body trembled, obviously the young man had disappeared, but he still did not dare to come down.

"Oh my God!"

Xiaomei also covered her mouth in surprise, she originally wanted to come over to save people, but she didn't think about it, but she saw the scene in front of her.

"Hey, how many of you, what about the young man you brought with you?"

Xiaomei couldn't help but ask with curiosity in his heart.

"Nope! ...... No! We don't know anything! "

Brother Hu cried into tears.

Damn, he only remembered now, no wonder why that grandfather just now said that he led the way ahead!

Not only that, but he also stupidly brought people with him.

This is good, the grandfather said, until tomorrow, no one is allowed to stand upright, miserable, miserable!

Mo Lingyuer, on the other hand, closed her eyes slightly, wanting to detect where the figure of that young man was!

Because intuition told Mo Lingyu that that young man was not ordinary, very unusual.

But once probed, Mo Lingyu found that he couldn't find the trace of the young man within a radius of twenty or so!

How is it possible, it's only such a short effort, how can I not find him with spiritual sense?

Mo Lingyu frowned slightly, feeling more and more that the person he happened to see just now was not simple.

But said that Chu Zheng had already leisurely strolled back at this time.

He hasn't entered Li's house yet.

As a result, I saw Li Muhan pacing back and forth outside the door quite anxiously!

Seeing Chu Zheng, a hint of surprise appeared on Li Muhan's face.

"Sir, why did you go out for so long, Mu Han thought that you wouldn't come back!"

Li Muhan waited left and right to see Chu Zheng return. I thought it was today's matter, which made Chu Zheng unpleasant, so he simply left.

But I didn't expect that I thought wrong, Mr. Chu is not the kind of person with a small belly at all.

"What's the hurry?"

Chu Zheng put his hands in his pockets and asked lightly.

"It's like this, Mr. Chu, tomorrow, our Li family may have to go to the Huaijiang area to search for Nine Lingbaozhi, I wonder if you are interested in going together!?"

Li Muhan asked softly.

"Your Li family invited so many masters, and that Li Xunfei just went to Huaijiang to find Jiu Lingbaozhi, right?"

In fact, Li Muhan's purpose in calling himself here this time, Chu Zheng also understood, it must not be as simple as teaching them the martial arts of the Li family.

And it seems that this Li family doesn't seem to need him Chu Zheng.

As for what area to go to the Huaijiang River, Chu Zheng really had no interest. Nine Lingbaozhi. Speaking of efficacy, it is less than one-tenth of his own Ning Yuan Dan.

Chu Zheng was about to refuse.


Suddenly, a gunshot came from the inner courtyard.

And a bullet shot straight towards Chu Zheng's forehead!

The one who shot was Uncle Chen with vicious eyes!

However, the bullet did not hit Chu Zheng's body, and in front of Chu Zheng, a figure flashed!

I saw that in front of Chu Zheng, there was an additional figure.

The finger of this figure stopped ten centimeters in front of Chu Zheng's eyebrows, and among his fingers, there was an extra bullet!

It was Li Xunfei.

Li Xunfei's eyes were closed at this time, and his body was maintaining the same posture as the starting action just now!

And this scene really startled Chu Zheng, not frightened by the bullets.

Instead, he was frightened by this startled Li Xunfei.

"Okay, I'll go with you tomorrow!"

Chu Zheng looked at Li Xunfei, who still had his eyes closed, and Uncle Chen, whose eyes were poisonous and seemed to be breathtaking.

said lightly....

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