Chu Zheng

originally planned not to go, but now, Chu Zheng has changed his mind again, because this Li Xunfei is really a little too annoying with this Uncle Chen.

And Chu Zheng considered that since this Li Xunfei said that he would die in three days, he would definitely have to do it at that time.

As soon as Chu Zheng moved, he wondered if he wanted to take the opportunity to go to Huaijiang here to end these two people! It's also good to keep yourself quiet and quiet, and you can also avoid revealing your strength!

The more Chu Zheng thought about it, the more he felt that this was a method.

At the moment, he originally planned to refuse Li Muhan's invitation, but after comprehensive consideration, Chu Zheng agreed again.

"Really? Thank you so much Chu... Brother Jiuyang!

Li Muhan was so excited that he almost shouted out Mr. Chu's name.

Chu Zheng just nodded and didn't say anything more.

And at this time, I saw a large group of people in the courtyard come out, it was those martial arts masters invited by the Li family!

As if they hadn't seen Chu Zheng, they walked up and said to Li Xunfei:

"The distance between Li Gongzi just now is about thirty meters away, but even so, Li Gongzi can still grab the bullet, which really makes me wait for the eye-opening!"

The hearts of this group of people were shocked, as if they had seen an incredible scene.

It turned out that they had been asking Li Xunfei in the courtyard about the body technique of practicing speed.

Li Xunfei was also about to demonstrate, and when he was worried that no one dared to face the bullet, Li Zongnian saw the unknown evil man walking over.

It was proposed to let Uncle Chen shoot again, so that he could watch it carefully.

That's why we had the scene just now.

"Li Gongzi, where is the power point of this body method, I can't see it when my cultivation is low?"

Questions were raised.

Li Xunfei then retracted the action just now, opened his eyes slightly, and then said lightly:

"Using conventional methods, it will definitely not reach such a perverted point, you must do the opposite, of course, if you cultivate according to my method for ten years, it is no problem to have a little Xiaocheng!"

Li Xunfei explained lightly.

However, after everyone listened, they still felt that the cultivation method that Li Xunfei talked about was somewhat incomprehensible.

Seeing them all pondering, Li Xunfei couldn't help but shake his head in embarrassment: "In that case, when I go to the vicinity of the Huaijiang River tomorrow to find that Nine Spirit Baozhi, if I encounter a demon beast, I will use this person to demonstrate again and snatch him out of the demon beast's mouth in an instant!"

Li Xunfei smiled confidently, and at the same time raised his finger to Chu Zheng, who had not spoken in his hands in his pockets.

Although he pointed at him, Li Xunfei's gaze did not look at Chu Zheng.

Including everyone, they were all the same, as if Chu Zheng's life and death had nothing to do with them at all.

Because among them, excluding Li Xunfei, any of them who randomly proposed them are famous masters in the rivers and lakes.

In other words, Chu Zheng, who is as small as an ant, is not in the world at all.

Therefore, Chu Zheng's life and death are irrelevant, and it is much more meaningful for them to watch Li Xunfei show light skills.

"Oh my! However, to take this person out of the mouth of the demon beast, and let him live, Li Gongzi forgives, and he doesn't believe it in any way! Some

of the warriors were deeply shocked.

The big river of the Huaijiang River, as well as the nearby mountains, how powerful the monster beasts existed, they had not heard of it.

Otherwise, Patriarch Li would not have spent such a big price to invite these people to come.

Although Li Xunfei's strength is mysterious, how can he be perverted to such a point.

Moreover, it is impossible to rescue people alive from those terrible monster beasts, this is simply impossible!

In the face of these doubtful voices, Li Xunfei only shook his head slightly, and a contemptuous smile leaked out of the corner of his mouth:

"Whether it can be or not, wait for tomorrow to see, you will know!"

Li Xunfei smiled slightly.

In everyone's eyes, there was a strong sense of expectation....

The Huai River, also known as the Jinling River, spans the entire Chinese Kingdom from east to west!

The largest area is in the Huai River area.

Near the Huai River, there are mountains around, which can be described as green mountains in the true sense.

But no one ever imagined that the Huaijiang area, especially among the nearby steep mountains, would be a tourist destination.

It is even called hell on earth!

Because whether it is a water monster in the Jinling River, or a special monster beast in the mountains of the Huaijiang River.

It's all frightening.

The so-called unusual place must have something unusual!

And the Nine Lingbaozhi that the Li family tried so hard to get was in the dangerous mountains near the Huaijiang River.

And the biggest challenge is those monsters.

Therefore, Li Zongnian also spent a lot of money and invited these people to come.

But the night before leaving.

One room is brightly lit.

Li Xunfei sat cross-kneeled on the bed, and in front of him, there was also Uncle Chen.

Silence for a moment.

Uncle Chen spoke: "Gongzi, this mission, you are a few percent sure, should you, really want to help this Li Zongnian, go to find that Nine Lingbaozhi, right?"

Uncle Chen's face was gloomy. They came this time, obviously not to help Li Zongnian.

"Huh! Uncle Chen can rest assured, I have my own arrangements in my heart!

Li Xunfei opened his eyes, but there was always a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"This is good, you know, Gongzi, you just entered the Hidden Dragon, Lord Dark Dragon has assigned you such an important task, although this task is very difficult, but as long as Gongzi completes, it is indispensable to promote Lord Dark Dragon, perhaps, Lord Dark Dragon's unique skills will also be taught to Gongzi you!"

Uncle Chen said. Let Li Xunfei not be careless.

"Uncle Chen, in fact, Lord Dark Dragon, the reason why he entrusted me with such a difficult task is not only because of my strength, but also because of my identity, and it is also because of the superior condition that I have just entered the Hidden Dragon!"

Li Xunfei stood up from the bed and said lightly: "Because Lord Dark Dragon knows that I have some relationship with this Jinling Li family, so with this relationship, plus I am a newcomer to the hidden dragon, the guys on the other side will definitely not suspect my head, and now, with the cover of helping the Li family find Nine Lingbaozhi, naturally, I am more suitable than anyone to carry out this mission!"

Uncle Chen listened to Li Xunfei's explanation, and couldn't help but nod in understanding.

However, he still advised Li Xunfei: "Even so, Gongzi must also be careful, although he has been trapped for more than eighty years, his strength is extraordinary." "

Haha... Strength? Uncle Chen, look, what is this?

Saying that, Li Xunfei suddenly flipped his wrist, and a crystal clear thing appeared in his hand.

"This is ... This is......? When

Uncle Chen saw what Li Xunfei was in his hand, his eyes almost came out of his sockets!

Raised his head and looked at Li Xunfei incredulously.

He finally understood why Gongzi was so confident to deal with that person, it turned out that Lord Dark Dragon had already given this object to Gongzi, with the help of this thing, what was he afraid of dealing with that person!

"But Gongzi, once this thing comes out, it is very small, and these people who accompany you, their subordinates will kill you one by one!"

With a fierce look in his eyes, Uncle Chen said lightly.

Li Xunfei nodded: "But then Li Muhan and Li Xiaoman, stay!"

"Subordinates understand! However, that surnamed Chu, I have been observing him for a few days, although he does not have any strong strength, I always feel that this person is not simple! "

Hmph, tomorrow is his three-day period, Uncle Chen, you find a chance to get rid of him..." Li

Xunfei shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly, he was laughing at Uncle Chen, when would Uncle Chen feel uneasy because of an ant?


But he said that the next day, Chu Zheng followed these people all the way to the Huaijiang area.

It's just that Chu Zheng also found out that the servant who followed Li Xunfei today seemed extremely wrong.

Because Chu Zheng saw that he had been on the road, this person was staring at himself with an extremely vicious gaze.

He never left.

And from time to time a flash of killing intent flashed!

It made Chu Zheng feel slightly strange.

I Chu Zheng asked myself that there was no grievance or enmity with this person, and there was no grudge with that Li Xunfei.

And in order to make less trouble, Chu Zheng also specially put away his storage ring this time.

Even the name is hidden.

It can be described as low-key to the extreme.

What Chu Zheng didn't expect was that, but that's it, there were people who didn't plan to spare him, and even if they didn't have any grievances or hatred, they had killed him.

Chu Zheng didn't want to make a move, but the situation in front of him was simply not something he could control.

This also made Chu Zheng feel even more how correct he was to come here.

Since you want to kill yourself, then don't blame me Chu Zheng.

Chu Zheng shook his head slightly.

Uncle Chen, on the other hand, stared at Chu Zheng, but his eyes were even more fierce.

In fact, speaking of it, Uncle Chen looked at Chu Zheng, and in terms of strength alone, he didn't put it in his eyes at all.

However, he felt that the aura released by this surnamed Chu could give him a deep sense of crisis!

Or rather a feeling of unease.

This inexplicable feeling made Uncle Chen very disliked.

Of course, the solution is also extremely simple, one word, that is, death!

Only death can calm down this uneasy mood.

Therefore, when everyone arrived near the Huaijiang River, get out of the car and walk forward, and carefully observe the situation around them!

Chu Zheng, who had just got off the car, was patted on the shoulder.

It was Uncle Chen, at this time, he was firmly locking Chu Zheng with his poisonous and breathtaking gaze.

And stood in front of Chu Zheng.

said lightly: "You, follow me to the side!"

While speaking, Uncle Chen's poisonous gaze never moved away.

It seemed that he wanted to use his sharp gaze to kill Chu Zheng directly.

As for the others, they did not pay attention to the situation behind, because they had already arrived in this area, and they all had to be careful to watch out for the monster beasts that suddenly appeared around them.


But said that Chu Zheng's side, in the face of this Uncle Chen's words, but nodded directly, Chu Zheng also had this intention!

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