Mo Wentian knew that the young man on the other side was definitely not simple, and at the moment, he did not have the slightest spare hand, and coming up was the strongest blow.

"Dragon rope!"

I saw Mo Wentian leaping up, reaching out, and seeing that in his hand, a series of lights and shadows appeared when he boarded, and flew directly towards Chu Zheng.

Binding the dragon rope is one of Mo Wentian's three great skills, which belongs to a kind of grappling exercise.

Through the imperial qi, the opponent can be blocked, so that he cannot move, and the dragon rope, once cast, depends on the cultivation of the person who casts.

It can conjure more than seven energies.

And Mo Wentian had already cultivated his strength to a full eighteen paths.

These eighteen energies came towards Chu Zheng, and the angle was tricky, blocking all of Chu Zheng's four retreats.

And these eighteen energies, if finally combined into one force, can instantly tear the opponent's whole body apart.

And the only way to break this dragon rope is to organize these eighteen energies as much as possible.

But such a tricky angle, how can the opponent easily block.

However, what Mo Wentian encountered was Chu Zheng, the Jiuyang Great Emperor.

When he saw that Chu Zheng, who faced eighteen energies, he did not dodge at all, but greeted and won.

"Your cultivation is very strong, but how dare you ignore my dragon binding stunt so much?"

Mo Wentian couldn't help but shake his head.

But immediately after, his whole person was stunned.

Because he saw that his eighteen energies of the dragon rope were actually grabbed by Chu Zheng's hand, as if the person who cast this dragon rope was not him Mo Wentian, but Chu Zheng.

All of them were caught by Chu Zheng.

"The martial arts are good, but the method you practice is too weak to exert the power of the dragon rope!"

Chu Zheng smiled faintly.

This Mo Wentian is enough to fight against Chu Zheng for a few rounds.

Chu Zheng was overjoyed in his heart.

The will to fight is also up.

"Dragon rope!"

The next moment, Chu Zheng used the other way to make the other body, using the same technique, directly returned the eighteen energies he had grasped in his hand towards Mo Wentian.

And this time, the energy is no longer eighteen, but twice as much out of thin air.

Thirty-six ways!

Overwhelming, directly made De Mo Qiantian's eyes dazzled.

"What? How did you tie the rope?

Mo Wentian's eyes widened in shock, and after a moment, he reacted, if he shoehorned these thirty-six dragon ropes, it would be no different from looking for death.


Mo Wentian looked at Chu Zheng in surprise, and at the same time he was afraid, and rushed backwards at great speed.

And his hands and feet did not stop.

He used all his strength to stop the thirty or so energies that caught up.

Never let them become one!

When Mo Wentian was flustered, in the end, he spent a lot of effort to mix the thirty-six energies together.

Finally, the figure directly exploded at an electric speed like light.


A bang.

I saw that where Mo Wentian was standing just now, after the thirty-six forces were combined, the extremely fast explosion shattered the surrounding rocks.

Since Mo Wentian knew how to bind the dragon rope, he naturally knew how to crack it.

However, this dragon rope that Chu requisitioned was too strong.

Thirty-six ways.

Rao is Mo Wentian knows how to crack it, and he retreats extremely quickly.

But he was still injured by the strength of the dragon rope.

Spit a mouthful of blood.

His face also turned pale in an instant.

Chu Zheng stood with his hands in his hands, this martial art such as the dragon rope, Chu Zheng naturally will not, but Chu Zheng has been practicing diligently for hundreds of years in his last life, he is a cultivation mad demon, and he is also a martial arts grandmaster.

The world's martial arts, what is not Chu Zheng can understand at a glance.

Therefore, from the time Mo Wentian cast it, Chu Zheng already knew the subtlety of this dragon rope.

"Not bad, I doubled the strength of your dragon rope, you can still crack it, and you also retreat with your whole body, which is quite good!"

Chu Zheng nodded slightly.

This is the only time that Chu Zheng's strength has been recognized for others since he came to Earth.

Moreover, Chu Zheng also knew that if he had just stepped into the period of Condensing Yuan Realm, it would really not be easy to break the dragon rope here.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe there is such a thing in this world!"

And Mo Wentian was even more unwilling in his heart.

He didn't believe that he had been cultivating for more than one hundred and fifty years, and now he couldn't even deal with a young man.

No way!

Thinking of this, Mo Wentian's face turned red for a while.

Immediately, I saw that the momentum on his body suddenly skyrocketed.

"The old man doesn't believe it!"

With an angry shout, Mo Qiantian's body immediately exploded into a layer of white qi.


The surrounding rocks kept exploding.

It was like an explosion.

Immediately after, before the thick white smoke dissipated, Mo Wentian's figure came violently again.

This time, the speed is even more exaggerated than the last time.

"Is this all you trying your to? Good! Chu

Zheng smiled slightly, and then his feet slammed on it, and the ground exploded directly.

Even the rock formations on the surface were directly shaken up by Chu Zheng's step.

A large amount of internal strength breath is even more transpiring.


Chu Zheng rushed forward in the face of Mo Wentian, who was soaring in momentum.

The two figures flipped rapidly in the air.

Finally, the palms face each other.

There was a bang.


The collision of the two energies made the surrounding rocks keep exploding.

It's like doing a blasting experiment in this forbidden place.

The qi and blood in Mo Wentian's whole body surged even more.

The green tendons on the arms are crawling like earthworms.


Chu Zheng and Mo Wentian both landed one after another.

However, the moment he landed, Mo Wentian's feet were suddenly oppressed by Chu Zheng's strong internal strength, and he actually stepped directly on the ground and collapsed, all the way to the knee position.

"Horror! What is the origin of this Chu Jiuyang?

Mo Wentian widened his eyes in shock, because the internal strength cultivation that he had always been proud of was actually vulnerable in front of this young Chu Jiuyang.

Mo Wentianqing knew that he had already cultivated the Dao.

Otherwise, it would not have been possible to live for more than one hundred and fifty years, and the sword would still be young.

But he had never seen such a young righteous person in this world.


At this time, the momentum on Chu Zheng's body rose to a level again, and he directly exerted his power to fly Mo Wentian Zhen out.


Mo Wentian couldn't resist it at all, and the figure flew out upside down.

The back slammed into the rock wall on the side.

Around the rock wall, when Mo Wentian smashed it like this, there was another explosion and turned white.

"Now, is there any need to compete again?"

Chu collected his hand.

He smiled slightly.

If he hadn't repelled Mo Wentian in time just now, I'm afraid that if he continued to consume it like this, it wouldn't take a moment for Mo Wentian to explode and die.

Chu Zheng really wanted to save this Mo Wentian a life, because Mo Wentian could be described as the only opponent he had encountered on earth.

And don't look at Chu Zheng's easy victory, now Chu Zheng's palm and arm are also faintly numb.

No matter how evil Chu Zheng was, it was impossible for him to rely on his cultivation in the late stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm to completely defeat a person who had been cultivating for more than a hundred years and was close to the cultivation of the early stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

However, Chu Zheng also discovered that although this Mo Wentian was very powerful, he was also close to the Condensing Yuan Realm, and his life expectancy was more than two hundred, but he seemed to have been stuck on this bottleneck for more than sixty years.

This also shows that on the earth, the cultivation head of a warrior similar to Mo Wentian is the early stage of his own Condensing Yuan Realm, and he is just out of mortal fetus.

Although Chu Zheng cultivated in the future, he could have a foundation building realm, and even after reaching the foundation building realm, Chu Zheng could stretch out his hand and crush a cultivator like Mo Wentian to death.

However, Chu Zheng did not dare to be careless.

After all, the fastest speed, I am afraid it will take seven or eight years or more to reach the foundation building realm by yourself.

During this period, he was not afraid to meet a person like Mo Wentian, and he could deal with three or four Chu Zheng.

But if you encounter a dozen, a dozen people of this strength come to besiege you.

At that time, I can't cope with it at all.

Chu Zheng still had some concerns.

However, after the smoke cleared, Mo Wentian had already knelt on one knee, and the qi and blood in his heart kept rising and falling, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

However, looking at Chu Zheng, Mo Wentian touched his chest again, only to find that Chu Zheng's strong palm just now did not seriously hurt him.

It was like hitting a cow across the mountain, and directly beat out that energy completely through him.

Mo Wentian can be described as a martial arts master, how can he not see that Chu Zheng is merciful to his subordinates, and even saved his life.

"Thank you Mr. Chu for not killing! Mo Wentian, heart convinced!

Mo Wentian, who reacted, couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth.

Kneel directly and bow to Chu Zheng to thank you....

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