"Mr. Chu, just now you said that my dragon binding technique is not right, so I can't exert the maximum power of the dragon binding rope, the old man is stupid, I don't know what Mr. Ling said, what does it mean?"

The dragon binding rope is indeed a good internal skill, but Mo Wentian knows that the internal skill he has cultivated is top-notch, but he has also seen with his own eyes the dragon binding rope used by Chu Zheng just now.

It can even be used to as many as thirty-six energies.

You must know that the stunt of Dragon Binding Rope, even if you cultivate to the top, it is only twenty-one.

But Mr. Chu ...

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Mo Wentian wouldn't have believed it.

At the moment, being grateful to Chu Zheng was one thing, and on the other hand, Mo Wentian really wanted to understand the true subtlety of this dragon rope.

"Take it!"

Chu Zheng directly raised his hand, and when he boarded, a scroll was a void that flew towards Mo Wentian.

Mo Wentian stretched out his hand to catch it and looked up.

After seeing the contents of the scroll, his eyes widened more and more, and in the end, he completely turned into a shocked look.

"What? I can't imagine that in the world, there will be such such an inner strength method, subtle, really exquisite!

Mo Wentian was horrified in his heart.

If he thought his inner strength heart method before was top-notch.

So now when compared, his previous set, and this set, is like a kindergarten exam question, and the graduate student exam questions are put together.

The gap is obvious.

"Sir, you handed this over to the old man?"

Although Mo Wentian couldn't study it thoroughly for a while, he only glanced at it and knew the extraordinary nature of this set of exercises.

In my heart, I admired this young man who was unfathomable and very generous.

"Good. You can take it to study, with your strength, cultivate for ten years, and your set of dragon binding martial arts can increase to thirty-six strengths, and your strength will also increase greatly! Chu

Zheng nodded.

Speaking of which, this set of kung fu was still improved by Chu Zheng according to Huaxia's internal strength cultivation method, and he originally planned to give Shen Wensan their cultivation.

Of course, now give it to Mo Wentian, and when the time comes, he will return to the Jiuyang Palace, and then write a copy to Shen Wensan.

"Then thank Mr. Chu, from now on, if Mr. Chu has orders, I will not ask the heavens, and I will definitely serve the work of dogs and horses!"

Mo Wentian was overjoyed in his heart.

Mo Wentian's life, whether it is wealth or status, has reached the point of transcendence.

However, he was most obsessed with the inner spiritual method, especially these exercises that were a hundred times more subtle than ordinary exercises.

Chu Zheng not only spared his life today, but also gave such a great gift.

Let Mo ask how not to be grateful.

"Old Mr. Mo is polite..." Chu Zheng nodded slightly, then raised his head again, stared at the situation outside, and knew that the outside was already a mess.

He continued: "My friend has encountered some trouble above, I will retreat first, and it is best for Mr. Mo to stay in the cave and recover!"

After that, Chu Zheng jumped and left this forbidden place directly.

And Mo Wentian looked at the back of Chu Zheng leaving, and couldn't help but show awe and worship in his eyes.

I can't imagine that there are such young people in this world.

Not only is the strength terrifying, but the heart is broad-minded.

Mo Wentian nodded frequently at Chu Zheng's back.

However, he said that Chu Zheng easily broke the formation here.

Directly broke the stone tablet and walked out from the inside.

Outside, it's still a mess.

There are many broken limbs, dead and wounded.

Fortunately, the talisman given by Chu Zheng resisted.

Therefore, these demon beasts that surrounded them did not dare to easily impact for a while.

"Look at it, the fog around you has dissipated!"

At this time, someone discovered the vitality, that is, the fog that was originally surrounded was gone.

Rejoice in the moment.

Not only these warriors, but even these demon beasts felt that the confinement around them had dissipated, and they couldn't deal with these humans with jade talismans.

They also let out a long roar and left one after another.

Of course, there were a few demon wolves with low cultivation who pretended to leave, but they slowly stopped in the surrounding hidden places, looking for opportunities to plunder food.

However, although they are well ambushed, and they are also staring closely at the prey in front of them, they see a figure appear immediately after their eyes.

Let several demon wolves, each of them tremble all over their bodies, let out a long roar, as if they saw some extremely terrifying existence.

Directly canceled the ambush and fled for his life like a madman.

"Mr. Chu, you... You came out?

Li Muhan was originally still looking at a few demon wolves with trepidation, but when he saw them suddenly escape, he was wondering, and when he looked back, he saw that Chu Zheng didn't know when he appeared behind him.

Mr. Chu must have helped us solve this dead end.

After all, Chu Zheng's strength, Li Muhan was very clear.

And after Li Zongnian heard the sound, he also turned his head and looked at this ant who did not know whether he was dead or alive.

Just now, if it weren't for this ant's life-saving sub-card, I'm afraid he would have died by now.

However, Li Zongnian did not say a word, nor did he mean to apologize.

Li Muhan then said, "Father, Brother Chu Jiuyang is proficient in some formation talismans, and it was Brother Jiuyang who saved us!"

She said this without any other meaning, just to let her father give Chu Zheng the most basic respect.

"Well, not bad!"

Li Zongnian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't say anything, and immediately looked behind Chu Zheng, but he didn't find Li Xunfei's son's figure.

At the moment, he was full of doubts in his heart, and it seemed that he couldn't see through this Chu Jiuyang.

He said, "The surname Chu, where is Li Gongzi?"

Li Zongnian's tone was also not friendly, because just so quickly, asking him to bow his head for an ant, Li Zongnian asked himself if he couldn't do it.

"Hit the organ, already dead inside!"

Chu Zheng did not intend to tell the specific situation inside.

Even he had hinted to Mo Wentian just now, don't let him rush out for the time being.

Because Chu Zheng didn't want to be too ostentatious.


Li Zongnian frowned after hearing this.

"What?" Everyone also looked at each other.

Although it feels a little incredible, this Chu Jiuyang does not seem to be deceiving people, because according to normal thinking, the person who died should be Chu Jiuyang.

However, this Chu Jiuyang relied on being proficient in the art of Qi Men Dun Jia to evade the mechanism and escaped a catastrophe.

Thinking about it this way, it seems understandable.

But everyone still had palpitations about this forbidden place, and even Li Xunfei, who had such a terrifying strength, fell inside, not to mention them.

Originally, everyone wanted to take advantage of the dissipation of the surrounding fog to go in and take a look, but now that they heard the news of Li Xunfei's death, they all dispelled this idea.

And Li Zongnian's gaze towards Chu Zheng had changed from a slight surprise before to a touch of greed.

This ant walked out of this forbidden place so calmly.

Moreover, Li Xunfei had already said in advance that there were a large number of treasures in this forbidden land.

This guy is proficient in organ layout, and Li Xunfei's skill is so tall that he can't escape death, but this person can retreat with his whole body.

I don't believe that this ant didn't get anything from this forbidden land.

Li Zongnian's face was silent, but he secretly calculated in his heart.

"This place should not stay for a long time, I think we should go first!"

Chu Zheng ignored Li Zongnian's questioning gaze and turned to Li Muhan and said.

The life and death of these people has nothing to do with his Chu Zheng, but Li Muhan is also his friend after all.

Li Muhan also nodded when he listened.

She only now knew how terrible it was about this place.

was about to leave with Chu Zheng.


At this time, of the dozen or so people who survived, one of them directly drank coldly.

Let Chu Zheng stand.

The rest of the people slowly came up and surrounded Chu Zheng.

"Uncle Xu, Uncle Qin, what are you doing?"

Seeing that these people were all unkind, Li Muhan couldn't help but ask worriedly.

"Do you still need to ask this, these people think that I have a treasure, and they are not willing to let me go easily..."

Chu Zheng shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly.

"What?" Li Muhan felt unbelievable.

"Hmph, ant, if you are smart and knowledgeable, hand over the treasure you got from the forbidden land!"

Li Muhan listened, and looked at these people even more anxiously: "Uncle Xu, Uncle Qin, Brother Chu Jiuyang, but saved all of our lives... How can you do this? "

Oh, Mu Han's niece, don't you say that I forgot, yes, ant, today you not only have to hand over all the treasures, but also leave your Qi Men Dun Jia Technique, otherwise, you will definitely be crushed into ten thousand pieces!"

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