"Yes, Ant, if you know the face, hand over all the treasures, as well as the art of Qi Men Dun Jia, today, you can leave all your corpses!" Several

people stared at Chu Zheng with murderous eyes.

It is one step ahead.

"No, you can't do this..."

Li Muhan shook his head desperately.

Of course, she was not worried about Chu Zheng, but worried about these guests in her own house.

Because what they did was just too much.

"Even if I hand over everything, it will be a dead end, why don't you even leave me a way to live?" Chu

Zheng was also surprised in his heart, he Chu Zheng, is it so damned.

"Ants, without your qualifications to negotiate conditions, if you don't pay them, you will die!"

said the man named Uncle Qin viciously.

These people are in a mess, but just now, they relied on Chu Zheng's talisman to save their lives, but now, they don't think about saving their lives at all, and they turn against each other.

Even, he also had killing intent on Chu Zheng.

And Li Zongnian also showed a fierce light and a fierce look.

Although he didn't say a cruel word, he put his hand behind his back and took out a blade from his sleeve.

Look for an opportunity to kill this ant with one hit.

"You people... I really don't know how to write dead words..." Chu

Zheng shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly.

Since this was the case, Chu Zheng had to kill all these people.

"Speak wildly, brothers, go up together, see who cut off this person's flesh and blood, let's divide the treasure equally according to this!"

Uncle Qin's entire face became distorted at this time, and he proposed at the moment.

"I agree!" "

We all


!" "Up!"

After everyone passed unanimously.

Uncle Qin gave an order, and everyone rushed towards Chu Zheng together.

"What's the use of leaving you people alive!" Chu

Zheng shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly.

Immediately, Chu Zheng suddenly palmed his hand, and when he boarded, a large amount of light suddenly appeared above his palm.

Directly close everyone's eyes.

"What's the situation?"

the crowd that rushed over suddenly felt the sky spinning.

But immediately after, these people's throats were tingling.

When this halo of light fell, they watched their heads fall from their necks.


Uncle Qin looked at Chu Zheng incredulously, but he didn't finish a word, he couldn't die anymore.

And Chu Zheng also had a slight wrist.

A small jade sword was returned to Chu Zheng's hands and hidden.

This little jade dagger was the one Li Xunfei used.

Chu Zheng saw that the material was good, so he picked it up.

I didn't expect this to come out, and it came in handy.

But Chu Zheng's move was too fast, and with that dazzling golden light.

It was directly that Li Zongnian couldn't see things clearly.

You know, he also killed Chu Zheng.

At the moment, he couldn't care less, carrying a dazzling golden light, and stabbed towards Chu Zheng's heart.

However, when he held the dagger and rushed to Chu Zheng, the golden light also dissipated at this time, and he was able to see the foreground clearly.

But he was stunned.

"What? are all dead?" Li

Zongnian's eyes widened in shock.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't even have believed that the scene in front of him was all real.

And, most importantly, the most important.

It was him, Li Zongnian, who was now holding a dagger and arrived in front of this Chu Jiuyang.

Even the fierce look on his face, because this incident happened too suddenly, did not have time.

It turned into a shocked face, but the corners of his mouth were fiercely embarrassed.

And Li Muhan covered his mouth even more worriedly.

For the man in front of him is his own father.

My father also killed Mr. Chu.

Li Muhan directly did not dare to speak, could it be that his father was going to die in front of him?

"Patriarch Li, this place really shouldn't stay for a long time, I'm afraid there will be monster beasts, let's leave first!"

said Chu Zheng with both hands in his pockets, faintly looking at Li Zongnian, who was holding a dagger in front of him, motionless, or didn't know how to make the next move.

Immediately, he no longer cared about him, but left with Sister Li Muhan.

Chu Zheng really left his hand just now, so he should give Li Muhan a face.

Otherwise, this Li Zongnian's end would not be much better than these people.

"What?" Only

after Chu Zheng left with the people did Li Zongnian react.

Glancing at the surrounding corpses again, he couldn't help but shiver all over.

Two steps backwards.

"This Chu Jiuyang is really full of organs, just now, what means did he use?"

Li Zongnian was horrified in his heart.

At the same time, his eyes froze slightly, as if he had thought of something, nodded, and quickly followed....


Outside Jinling, in a hidden valley.

It's magnificent, and the houses are like a paradise.

At this time, on the road in the valley paved with green bricks.

Walking in strides was a group of imposing old men.

There are more than 20 people.

They came to a large hall.

Outside the main hall, there is a solemn mature woman standing, the woman's figure is graceful, and her appearance is even more captivating.

However, the face was a cold color.

Eyes look at the group of comers.

"Tianxi Valley Lord Lingrou greeted the elders of the clan..."

The group of old men came to him, but Mo Lingrou respectfully saluted.

"Boss, your granddaughter, it's really polite, according to reason, the old guys in our family, when they see Lingrou, they should salute!"

one of the fat old men couldn't help but laugh.

"Where dare Lingrou, several elders are willing to hand over the Tianxi Valley to Lingrou to control, it is already a wrong love, how dare Lingrou use the shelf of the valley master in front of all the elders..."

Mo Lingrou smiled slightly.

"Okay, good, you girl is still so sharp-toothed, Lingrou, today a few of our old guys came, but there was a family important matter to discuss, called Yu'er, and came to the lobby together!" Mo Lingrou's

grandfather Mo Qianxun waved his hand.

Originally, Mo Qianxun was the fourth generation of the valley master of Tianxi Valley, but he was old, and he had to spend all his energy to prepare for a major event in the family, all that was to abdicate early.

"Yes, grandpa, but Yu'er went outside the valley a few days ago, and she hasn't come back yet..."

Mo Lingrou only found out this morning that her naughty sister had disappeared.

At this moment, I was about to go out to look for it, but I heard that the grandfather of the clan and the elders were coming.

He said helplessly.

"Hmph, Yu'er, this nizi, is spoiled by me, in the past few years of my absence, I have been spoiled by you, how did I hear that this smelly girl actually wants to choose a son-in-law through a competition, absurd, it is really ridiculous!

However, after saying this, it also made Mo Lingrou's face extremely ugly.

How can my Mo family be contaminated with those ordinary people...

These words, like a sharp thorn, pierced Mo Lingrou's heart fiercely.

It made Demo Lingrou's heart ache, and she remembered the unforgettable scene she found when she went to Yunfeng Mountain in Jiangzhou.

That hateful figure also appeared in Mo Lingrou's heart here.

It was he who brought him endless harm.

Let yourself lose yourself to a mediocre person, yes, a mediocre person, a mediocrity who can't even climb the threshold of the Mo family, and his strength is low.

Mo Lingrou's face turned ugly.

"Lingrou, what's wrong, you're not feeling well?"

After Mo Qianxun finished speaking, he found that Mo Lingrou's face seemed to be a little ugly, so he asked with concern.

"It's okay grandpa, Lingrou is fine, Lingrou will send someone to capture Yu'er back!"

Mo Lingrou quickly diverted the topic.

Mo Qianxun and the others entered the hall.

This time Mo Qianxun came, the seat of the valley lord was sat by Mo Qianxun, and Mo Lingrou could only stand aside, and in front of this group of old guys, he didn't even have the qualifications to sit.

"Boss, this is the first time that you have called all of us old guys together, I don't know what is the matter?"

Mo Qianxun, on the other hand, opened his old eyes slightly, and was silent for a long time before saying

, "We have a rule in Tianxi Valley, the previous valley masters, only twenty years, will automatically abdicate, do you know why?"

asked Mo Qianxun.

Everyone shook their heads in unison, isn't this the rule of self-built valley, what is the saying?"

everyone asked.

Mo Qianxun stood up from his seat and said lightly: "Because, we, the descendants of our Mo family, have always had a secret inheritance..."

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