"Xiaomei, hurry up and lower your head, don't let your sister find us..." Mo

Lingyuer saw that the person who came was no one else, it was her sister Mo Lingrou.

If it weren't for her sister's heavenly appearance and outstanding appearance, Mo Lingyuer really couldn't have imagined that this year's martial arts conference, her sister would also come to participate.

You know, my sister has ignored the matter of the martial arts conference for two sessions.

But today, it came.

Mo Lingyuer didn't know that her sister came to participate in the martial arts conference, which was just a formality.

This time out of the valley, Mo Lingrou had her own thoughts, that is, the three-month deadline had arrived, and she must kill the beast that day in order to relieve the hatred of insult that day.

"It turned out to be Lord Mo Gu?" The

entire martial arts hall, with Mo Lingrou's arrival, also exploded.

Although Mo Lingrou's face was extremely cold, it also attracted everyone, especially the men, whose eyes were very hot.

Because Mo Lingrou is so beautiful.

It is beautiful in legend, and even more beautiful in reality.

Some people, although they have seen Mo Lingrou many times, are also fiercely surprised by Mo Lingrou's appearance today.

"Lord Mo Gu, I have already decided on the former double rank, this time I came, I should just look at the liveliness, should I

not participate in the competition, right?" "Nonsense, the Martial Arts Alliance will not let Lord Mo Gu and Yuwen Gongzi participate in the competition, because this will affect the fairness of the entire Martial Arts Conference too much!"

Everyone began to talk in a low voice, but when everyone analyzed it in their hearts, they all guessed that Mo Lingrou would not participate in the competition, and they were all relieved at the moment.

Because once you fight with Mo Lingrou, or Yu Wenhao, or any person, then you have to be crippled if you don't die, Mo said that it is a blessing to be able to practice martial arts in the future.

"Lord Mo Gu, welcome welcome, I didn't expect that today, you would come..." Mo

Lingrou ignored everyone's burning gazes and walked towards the presidium seat on the side.

As soon as they approached, the entire presidium stood up and saluted Mo Lingrou.

The presidium is composed of Jinling martial arts families, as well as famous and powerful people from all over China.

The strength is extremely strong.

They mainly act as referees and look at the whole picture so that nothing goes too far.

And Mo Lingrou, although she is the younger generation of the Martial Dao Alliance, she is also the valley master of the Tianxi Valley. In terms of strength, the status is no worse than these old guys here.

Therefore, they were extremely respectful to Mo Lingrou.

"Come, take a seat for Lord Mo Gu!"

someone said in time.

On both sides of this main seat, one left and one right, the two seats were also vacated.

Because, there is still one most important big man who has not come....

"Okay, Sister Yu'er, the valley lord's gaze is not looking at us, you hurry up..." Seeing

that Yu'er was so afraid of the valley lord, Xiaomei also felt quite amused.

I couldn't help but say with some mockery.

"Besides, Sister Yu'er came to participate in the martial arts conference this year, but she wanted to seize the ranking, and proved to the valley master, now she doesn't even dare to show her face, how can she win the ranking!"

You little girl is quite good at saying, I haven't seen my sister coming, frightened, but you are right, I can't hide, I think my sister has found that the two of us fled the Tianxi Valley, and even her trip, just for me to come, maybe, this time, I must get a good ranking, so that I can make up for it, otherwise we go back, we will inevitably be punished, and it will be even more difficult to think of going out of the valley in the future!"

At the same time, she also raised her head and looked at the stage.

Today, she Mo Lingyuer will also be like her original sister, stunning the crowd.

"Huh, what about this mysterious little brother?" Mo

Lingyuer turned her head and found that the young man who was still sitting in the seat just now had disappeared.

"I didn't see it, why did you leave all of a sudden?"

Xiaomei also looked puzzled...

"Brother and slow, I want to

ask..." "Well, if you want to ask me something, unless you knock me down..."


but said that Chu Zheng had already come out of the hall.

The main thing is that as soon as he saw the woman, he was also a little surprised in his heart.

I didn't expect that meeting her would be on such an occasion.

To say that Chu Zheng is not embarrassed at all is a lie.

After all, what he did at that time was indeed a little ashamed to mention in front of everyone.

He was afraid that he would be discovered by Mo Lingrou like this, and if this little beauty went crazy, she would fight with herself in front of everyone.

At that time, I am afraid that I will not be able to tell.

Although Chu Zheng was not excited, Chu Zheng did not dare to guarantee that this little beautiful girl who was going to fight with him at that time was not excited.

So in order to complete the strategy, Chu Zheng thought of a method.

After coming out of the lobby, he saw a man in a black robe who wrapped himself in it.

Only a pair of eyes were shown outside.

Chu Zheng thought that if he also had a set of this kind of clothing, he would not have to worry about being discovered, and moreover, he could also personally end up and meet the masters of the Jinling Martial Arts Alliance for a while.

So Chu Zheng stepped forward and asked where this costume came from.

But unexpectedly, the man said such a sentence to Chu Zheng on the spot.

Chu Zheng didn't bother to ask, and directly raised his hand to a mouth, knocked the black-robed man unconscious, found a place where there was no one, and replaced the person's black robe.

Wrapping himself tightly, he walked towards the lobby.

"Master, your name?" This

time Chu Zheng changed into this black robe and entered again, and was stopped by a registered person at the door.

"What name?"

asked Chu Zheng.

"It's such a master, but anyone who enters incognito must provide a name so that you can participate in the competition!" The

person who registered was also polite, because if he wore a black robe, the purpose of this trip was only one, and he must be in the top eight.


said Chu Zheng lightly.

Immediately, the registered person quickly engraved the word Jiuyang on a wooden tablet and handed it to Chu Zheng.

After entering the arena, the entire tournament hall, which could accommodate several thousand people, was almost all full.

This jousting hall is similar to the design of the gladiatorial arena in ancient Rome.

The whole is arranged in a circular manner.

The huge circular field in the middle is the competition platform.

All around, surrounded by a full crowd of spectators.

Chu Zheng randomly found a place to sit.

Immediately, the spiritual sense moved and swept the strength of these people around.

There are really a few who are not weak.

Finally, Chu Zheng's gaze stayed on Mo Lingrou's row of presidiums.

"I can't imagine that this little nizi, the grade is not big, but the cultivation is so powerful, by himself, it is no problem to fight that Lu Shengtian ten, but you can fight." Those old men on the presidium are also very strong. Not bad!" Chu

Zheng nodded in satisfaction.

I don't know if I can fight with this group of old men in the end, rushing to the first place.

Now that Chu Zheng's cultivation has reached a bottleneck period, then during this time, Chu Zheng has focused on the practice of martial arts, and fighting more with people is the best way to improve martial arts.

And this time.

Suddenly, a loud shout:

"The Yuwen Alliance Lord has arrived~

" "The Yuwen Alliance Lord is coming!" "Hurry up, the Yuwen Alliance Lord is coming!" As

the loud drink fell, everyone also instantly became noisy.

They all stood up and looked at the group of people who strode in from outside the main stadium gate.

At the head is a middle-aged man in his fifties, with national character sword eyebrows, but also broad shoulders, and between the eyebrows, there is a fierce momentum.

Jean's people did not dare to look directly into the eyes of this middle-aged man.

"Yuwen Zen Alliance Lord... It's really such a strong aura!"

"Huh, follow him, blindfolded, but... But...... But that Jinling demon, Yuwen Hao, the only son of the alliance lord?" Everyone

did not dare to look directly at Yuwen Chan, but swept their gaze behind Yuwen Chan, a young man, a young man with a red cloth strip that blindfolded his eyes.

Someone's whole body was directly shocked.

At a glance, I recognized that it was the Jinling demon Yuwen Hao.

Shouted in amazement.

"I just don't know, Young Master Yuwen Hao, why did you blindfold your eyes, could it be his eyes...?"

"Fart, I heard that Young Master Yuwen Hao, what he hates most in this life is to see ants with low cultivation and ordinary qualifications, so his eyes have not been opened for eight years. "

No, I heard that Young Master Yuwen Hao blinded his eyes last year in order not to see the existence

of ants..."

And a sound of discussion fell into Chu Zheng's ears.

But Jean's Chu Zheng shook his head slightly.

People here are so strange, they all like to blindfold, just now I saw one like this, and now there is another such ... Could it be that when they fight, they have reached the realm of not using their eyes?

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