"What day is it today, why are all

the two genius powerhouses of Jinling here, is it possible that they have discussed it?" "

Could it be that these two are all ending today?

"Oh Mo Gu Lord is also here today, it's really rare, it's really rare!" Yuwen Chan asked with a smile on his face when he saw Mo Lingrou.

After all, although this Mo Lingrou, their Yuwen family can't marry, but Mo Lingrou's sister, Mo Lingyu'er, will marry into the Yuwen family in the future.

"Uncle Yuwen is polite, I'm afraid, you should have known that Lingrou came over for the first time..."

said Mo Lingrou directly.

Let Yuwen Chan be a little embarrassed.

Immediately pretended to cough, and sat on the main seat.

Yu Wenhao, on the other hand, kept silent, but also indifferent to the sides, and slowly sat down.

As for why he covered his eyes, Mo Lingrou intended to ask, and at the moment he looked at Yuwen Hao's cold face, and he was not interested in asking.

However, Mo Lingrou also glanced at this Yuwen Hao a few times.

"I can't imagine that I haven't seen this Yuwen Hao's cultivation progress so much in seven or eight years!" Feeling

the breath reflected on Yuwen Hao's body, Mo Lingrou was secretly shocked in her heart.

"Silence!" At

this time, an old man slowly walked up to the round platform in the middle.

Raise your hand to silence the noisy venue.

This old man has a restrained breath, obviously his cultivation is not bad, and it seems that his reputation is also extremely high.

With this raise of his hand, the originally noisy venue became silent almost instantly.

"The martial arts conference of the past generations lies in the selection of the martial arts alliance, the young blood, become the backbone of the martial arts alliance, today, naturally, the same, the last top ten, will obtain rich cultivation resources, martial arts conference, you are in the martial arts, point to the end!

The crowd began to roar loudly.

The entire Martial Arts Alliance exploded in an instant.

The competition of the martial arts alliance mostly adopts the method of promotion and selection.

Of course, there are not many points to see in the early stage.

Because every year, there are always some indiscriminate fillers, and it is said that the indiscriminate filling is a little too much, and it can be regarded as ordinary cultivators who want to increase their knowledge.

Such a fight is undoubtedly boring.

To say when it is the most exciting, at least it must be about thirty.

However, this year's martial arts conference seems to be a little different.

Because as soon as it starts, it is full of gunpowder.

And dark horses emerge endlessly. The entire circular arena is divided into four venues. It was conducted in four teams. It can be said that in every venue, there are dark horses constantly appearing.

"Who is this person, why is it so strong?" Everyone

looked at the field, a richly dressed young man, struck out with a palm, directly knocked a black-robed man back several times, spitting blood from his mouth and falling to the ground.

The main thing is that this gorgeously dressed young man has already won eight games in a row.

"I remembered that this young man was from Longjiang, Zuo Xingyun, the nephew of the alliance master. Zuo Xingyun carried his hands behind his back, looked at the defeated opponent, and shook his head slightly.

"He looks only about twenty-two years old, but he has the momentum of his cousin Yu Wenhao. Looking

at the arrogant Zuo Xingyun, everyone began to discuss fiercely.

"One can't work, I'll fight ten!" and

in the other venue, another young man, with his fists and shadows, actually knocked two opponents off the ring together.

And stretched out his finger and shook it slightly, saying wildly, one person will hit ten.

Chu Zheng was on the side, holding his head with both hands and looking at the competition, this promotion, does not care how much you play, but according to the score.

For example, for example, the opponent passed all the way and won a thousand points.

If Chu Zheng defeated it, this thousand points would naturally become Chu Zheng's.

The promotion system such as the martial arts conference is undoubtedly showing that the strong are invincible.

Therefore, Chu Zheng was not worried about the issue of promotion.

When it comes to the promotion point, Chu Zheng will go up and knock out a few, and he will be able to get the score.

And the most important thing is that it is useless for Chu Zheng to go up now, because there is no opponent that Chu Zheng can see yet.

Therefore, Chu Zheng was completely watching the excitement from the sidelines.

But said that on Mo Lingyuer's side, she and Chu Zheng have the same ideas, and even many of the hidden masters are the same ideas as Chu Zheng.

Of course, this does not mean that the first one to play is to make wedding clothes for others.

Just like this left nebula, it gave a lot of pressure to everyone present.

Because of his strength, he is too strong.

The whole competition lasted a day.

It is enough to select the top 30.

Today's first day is the day when the top 30 places are finalized.

The thirty people with the highest scores stood on the competition platform in the middle.

At the same time, the original four rings, now, is the middle competition platform, because those who have reached this point are undoubtedly masters, and the space to be displayed is not small.

"Now, the top thirty have been selected, and everyone who wants to enter the top thirty can choose one person to challenge!

The old man asked loudly to everyone.

At this time, a young man dressed in white strode onto the stage, he had been watching all day, and his hands were already itchy, waiting for this moment to come.

"Mo Lingyuer, go on the challenge!" came

to mind an extremely nice female voice.

This female voice seemed to have a magical power, directly attracting everyone's attention.

Even these leaders on the stage all looked at it.

"It's so beautiful!" some

men drooled directly.

Even more obscene, even more shrinking in the corner, fantasizing.

"No, Mo Lingyuer, if I'm not mistaken, this is Mo Lingrou Valley Lord's own sister?"

Someone even directly recognized Mo Lingyuer.

Mo Lingyu'er simply turned a deaf ear to these discussions and burning eyes.

Instead, carrying his small hands, under the attention of everyone, he slowly walked up towards Taichung.


On the presidium, Mo Lingrou's brows frowned slightly, she guessed well, this nizi secretly ran out, and really ran to this martial arts conference.

Mo Lingrou rushed to kill that beast, naturally she didn't have to participate in this martial arts alliance, but it was also to find her sister, so Mo Lingrou came here to take a look, but she didn't expect that she was really there.

Mo Lingrou gave Mo Lingyu in the audience a warning look, meaning to tell her to settle accounts with you after the competition!"

"Sure enough, it's her sister, fortunately she slipped early!"

Chu Zheng, who was holding his head with his hands and holding Erlang's legs, also heard everyone talking, and he guessed it.

I can't help but sigh that this world is really small.

At the same time, I also feel that I have really saved too much trouble by hiding my identity at this time.

"Jiu Yang, challenge yourself!" Seeing

that he should also be on the stage, Chu Zheng deliberately changed his voice, and also said lightly, and immediately walked towards the stage.


On the stage, Li Muhan, one of the top thirty, heard this title.

I was also slightly stunned.

But soon she had already guessed it, I was afraid that Mr. Chu Zheng was going to make a move.

However, Li Muhan knew that Mr. Chu's trip was not to compete for the top eight, and his goal had to be the level of Mo Lingrou and Yuwen Hao.

But a few other people came on the field, and everyone was talking.

Because of the names of these people, they have already heard of them in previous sessions.

This top 30 qualifies for the Guardian Tournament.

Often the challenge is some famous people, deliberately waiting until the end to shoot.

However, when Jiu Yang also called out his challenge.

The audience set off a mocking voice.

"Jiuyang, what kind of stuff

?" "Don't you know that the qualification guard tournament of these top thirty is specially reserved for those few professional households?"

everyone laughed.

What Chu Zheng didn't know was that in fact, the martial arts conference, the top thirty qualification guard tournament at this time, there was an unwritten rule, that is, the last challenge, were several young masters who became famous.

Because those who are not famous have long been on the field to earn points and compete.

As strong as that Zuo Xingyun, he also fought from the first game.

But this Jiu Yang, who doesn't even have a fart name, actually challenged at this time, isn't he a fool

? "What Jiu Yang, just this ant of yours is also qualified? And

at this time, the young master who threatened to fight ten before, coldly pointed at Chu Zheng and scolded.

Because this seems to be a joke in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of their top thirty powerhouses, being challenged by an ant is undoubtedly a shame, a great shame....

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