But he said that the next day, the martial arts conference had already begun.

However, everyone accidentally found that the Eight Pole One had all withdrawn, and even a member of the presidium, Old Grandmaster Guo Mengyu, did not know where to go.

This Eight Pole Sect, which rushed from Jiangnan to Jinling to participate in the martial arts conference, was as if the world had evaporated.

No one knows where they went, and no news of their departure was left.

And just gone.

However, this point was only discussed a little, it is estimated that it is because Guo Sheng, the younger generation of the Guo family, was destroyed by Jiuyang's punch, and he had no face to see anyone, so he went back to find a famous doctor.

Soon, everyone's attention also returned to the venue of the martial arts conference.

The first day's martial arts conference was relatively boring, but the second day's top 30 promotion tournament was the highlight of the wonderful.

Of course, there were only three of them.

One is Zuo Xingyun, the nephew of the arrogant and domineering Yuwen Chan.

The other is Mo Lingrou Mo Gu Lord's own sister Mo Lingyuer.

Mo Lingyuer is not only beautiful, but also has a strong strength, which directly amazes everyone.

There are not many masters in the top thirty, but in the hands of Mo Lingyuer, there are too few who can last ten rounds.

Even Li Muhan, who performed quite well this year and grew by leaps and bounds, lost in the hands of Mo Lingyuer and won a top twenty place.

Don't underestimate the top twenty, it can be said that the younger generation who can enter the top thirty, their families, will receive additional resources from the Martial Arts Alliance for at least the next four years.

Not to mention the top twenty.

You know, in previous years, Li Muhan has always stayed outside the top fifty and has never entered it.

And now, it directly entered the top twenty, if not for the existence of someone, Li Muhan is definitely one of the dark horses.

As for the last one, that is, someone mentioned above.

It can be described as the focus of the whole discussion.


punch!" "No matter who this Jiu Yang is fighting against, it is just one punch!"

This mysterious Jiuyang faced Lei Lei, a young grandmaster of Taiji, and flew it out with one punch.

It can be seen that Lei Lei has worked hard in recent years, and Lei Lei has been a top twenty existence in previous years.

Originally, I thought that Lei Lei, who had worked hard this year, could hit the top ten.

However, just after entering the top 30, Lei Lei drew lots and met the mysterious Jiuyang.

From the time the referee said it started to Lei Lei's defeat, it was only seven or eight seconds, and some people didn't have time to look before they heard the referee say it was over.

"Horror!" The

mysterious Jiu Yang directly made the limelight at this martial arts conference.

And the decisive battle of Fifteen Jinba was also held in the afternoon.

This afternoon, the top eight will be decided.

Engage in tomorrow's final ranking battle.

And the focus of the audience's attention, Rao is Mo Lingyuer and Zuo Xingyun, but it is not comparable to this mysterious Jiuyang.

Even Jiuyang got a nickname called One Punch Jiuyang.

In fact, the previous format of the fifteen to eight competition was twenty to ten.

However, this competition method was abolished as early as eight years ago after the end of the martial arts conference.

With the existence of Mo Lingrou and Yu Wenhao, the form of twenty to ten competitions has become meaningless.

"What kind of divine is this Jiuyang?"

many people on the presidium were also guessing.

They wondered if this person was another close confidant of the Yuwen Alliance Lord.

Mo Lingrou also kept looking towards the black-robed Jiuyang.

I don't know why, this black-robed man gave Mo Lingrou a very familiar feeling, or kindness, inexplicable kindness.

Mo Lingrou very much wanted to see Jiu Yang's performance.

Of course, this inexplicable feeling, Mo Lingrou herself can't explain clearly.

Off the field, the final quarter-final qualification match is played.

The loser will be challenged by name.

"I form the meaning of the fist Sun Xing, challenge the Jiuyang!" Under the scene, Sun Xing, the

young representative of the form and meaning boxing, was even more amazing.

He was defeated by Zuo Xingyun and was embarrassed.

Zuo Xingyun naturally did not dare to challenge.

But for this mysterious black-robed man Jiu Yang.

Sun Xing was extremely unconvinced.

Because before, Sun Xing, like Guo Sheng, also regarded this Jiuyang as an ant.

Sun Xing didn't believe that this ant would be so strong, stronger than himself!

"I won't have the slightest hand, and I'll even kill you!" Jiu

Yang also quickly responded, and the two went directly to the field.

Sun Xing, on the other hand, said to Chu Zheng with a fierce face.

"This Sun Xing, who is not good to challenge, have to challenge a punch

Jiuyang?" "Not necessarily, Sun Xing's strength is there, and he has obtained the true transmission of the Shape-Meaning Fist, just now Zuo Xingyun's martial arts are confusing, Sun Xing should be the first contact, and he didn't even use his Shape-Meaning Fist trick, so he will lose, but against Upper Jiuyang, maybe it will be a big battle!" Everyone

was in the audience, their eyes were scorching, and they looked towards the field.

"Could it be that Jiu Yang's punch curse is going to end today?" everyone

became excited, and some even stood up to watch.

"Die!" Feeling

the expectant gazes coming from around him, Sun Xing slammed his feet on the ground and rushed directly towards Chu Zheng.

This time is not the same as against Zuo Xingyun, Sun Xing this time, up is a trick.

"Three alleys of plum blossoms!"

Sun Xing drank violently, and his fist shadow became very fluttering for a while.

If he had faced Zuo Xingyun just now, he would have lost so badly.

And this move is very weird, and it is regarded as the strongest killing intent in the shape and meaning boxing.

"Let's see how Jiu Yang parries this move!"

On the presidium, various grandmasters also commented on Sun Xing's move.

"If Sun Xing used this move in time just now, who wins and who loses, I'm afraid it may be uncertain!"

"Yes, it seems that this Sun Xing, the grade is light, but he has also obtained the true transmission of the shape and meaning fist, this trick plum blossom three tricks, even the old man parry, it takes a lot of effort, just see how this Jiuyang is..." "


The presidium looked at the scene, still discussing the magic of this trick of plum blossom three alleys.

Unexpectedly, the referee in the audience had already announced, Sun Xing, defeated

!" "Another punch!" This

time, the whole audience was about to boil.

Because they were completely immersed in the three alleys of plum blossoms that Sun Xing cast, when they thought about how Jiuyang would parry, they didn't expect that Sun Xing and Lei Lei had the same result.

One punch, directly fly!

As if some trick, in the eyes of this Jiu Yang, it is all like a flower fist embroidered leg, Jiu Yang's shot, is a simple straight fist.

Yes, that's it, raise your hand and punch and end directly.


Sun Xing had already spat out blood and lay under the stage, his face full of stunned.

Jiu Yang's punch, who really picks up who knows, needless to say, and it seems to have a kind of power, firmly locking all the avoided lines, and leaving you powerless.

Sun Xing's eyes widened.

In the face of everyone's adoring gaze, Chu Zheng didn't care in his heart.

Chu Zheng's current achievements are all earned by his hard work day and night, and his current rich experience is that he experienced too much life and death in his last life, and he was trained in life and death crises again and again.

Chu Zheng has never been arrogant, and he has never thought that he is the number one in the world.

Whether it was the last world, or the current Earth.

Chu Zheng would never think like that.

Because no matter where it is, it is inseparable from a word, there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people.

Therefore, Chu Zheng is always pious and never satisfied with cultivation.

And this Sun Xing, and what Lu Shengtian, and until now, Yu Wenhao, who is still blindfolded and does not want to see ants, are too easy to be complacent, too easy to see no one.

They did not lose to Chu Zheng, but to themselves.

Chu Zheng carried his hands on his back and returned to the stage.

This time, someone challenged again, but everyone directly dodged Chu Zheng as if they were avoiding the plague.

Of course, in the defense of the quarterfinals, the number of people will remain the same in the end, because no one can move these eight-strong people anymore.

So in the end, the places in the quarterfinals are determined.

And tomorrow, it will be the final ranking showdown.

At night, the venue of the martial arts conference was lit up with a large number of fireworks.

To welcome the moment of tomorrow's newest ranking masters.

Chu Zheng also thought that in the end, he would also look at the skills of this legendary Yuwen Hao and the crazy woman.

However, at this time, a person walked in front of Chu Zheng with a sinister smile.

"Did you see these fireworks?" "

Huh?" Chu

Zheng turned his head to see that it was the domineering Zuo Xingyun.

Zuo Xingyun pouted with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and continued:

"Tomorrow, you will be like a trace of these fireworks, chirping, flying down from the competition platform like a parabola, gee, the mood of falling from a height, it will definitely not be too comfortable!

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