After saying it with a playful face, Zuo Xingyun patted Chu Zheng's shoulder.

Then leave laughing.

Moreover, another person came over and draped Zuo Xingyun in clothes.

Zuo Xingyun swaggered away.

Even though Chu Zheng's performance was extremely good, Zuo Xingyun still did not put Chu Zheng in his eyes.

Because if you talk about Chu Zheng's performance, there are still some words left today.

Then he Zuo Xingyun didn't even use half of his strength, let alone a trick.

This Jiuyang has always been a one-punch enemy.

But in Zuo Xingyun's eyes, the Jiuyang he understood was naïve.

A kind of childishness that adores vanity.

A truly strong man will not be as contrived as he is.

One punch to defeat the enemy, Zuo Xingyun is not impossible, but he doesn't want to do it at all.

If you are too strong, you don't want other warriors to live....

Therefore, Zuo Xingyun despised Chu Zheng in his heart.

But what this Zuo Xingyun thinks, Chu Zheng does not know.

Because in Chu Zheng's eyes, he ignored Zuo Xingyun.

Because Chu Zheng did not put Zuo Xingyun in his eyes from beginning to end.

At best, he was on the same level as Lu Shengtian.

Chu Zheng shook his head helplessly.

Xuan Lian quietly withdrew from the venue.

Jiuyang's reputation was naturally completely beaten.

Of course, there is a joke in this.

That is Jinling City, and it seems that there were many more Jiuyang in black robes overnight.

Walking on the street, it is also a piece of black pressure.

Because there are too many people in black robes.

And on their chests, there is a sign printed with the word Jiuyang.

What's even more ridiculous is that there is also a big fat of three or four hundred pounds, who is also wearing Jiuyang's clothes to deceive, but as soon as he goes to the street, he was chased and beaten.

"I am the real Jiuyang, you dare to impersonate me

?" "Looking for death, can you block my punch?" The

street was also lively, and two people were surrounded by pedestrians on the street.

These two people are both wearing Jiuyang's black robes, and they are wearing masks, and their bodies are also very similar.

The two fought for an advertising spokesperson for a commercial event because of who was Jiuyang.

Immediately provoked the entire Jinling City crowd to watch.

Can you block my punch?" "

Bah, you're fake, I'm real!" "I'm real, you're fake!"

But soon, another man in a black robe jumped up from the crowd.

"Two pickles, how dare you impersonate me Jiuyang!"

This man's action of getting up was too fast.

Directly let the crowd cheer.

"Heavens, the real Jiuyang is here!"

shouted someone in the crowd.

"You..." The

two who were scolding saw that this person was moving so fast.

Emotional knowledge is a master.

They glanced at each other and attacked directly towards this Jiuyang.

The three Jiuyang immediately fought.

But soon, the two fake ones were directly knocked to the ground.

The enthusiastic citizens rushed over and unveiled the masks of these two fake Jiuyang.

These two with blue noses and swollen faces, one of them is still an old man, where there is the slightest sense of mystery of Jiuyang.

And everyone quickly turned their eyes to this person who was most like Jiuyang.

There were many young girls who cast envious eyes.

Take out your phone and take pictures one after another.


does he look like, he must be very handsome....

These girls all regard Jiuyang as their idols.

Because the video of Jiuyang fighting has long been widely circulated on forums and some video websites.

Handsome, so handsome!

These girls took pictures one after another.

"The real Jiuyang is here!"

another person shouted out on the street, attracting everyone's attention.

Suddenly, I saw a large group of people over there, like stars holding the moon, carrying a person wearing a black robe with a wooden plaque with the character Jiuyang printed on his chest.

Walked towards the center of the street.

There are even mothers of children who also leave their children alone and go to take photos.

The huge flow of people almost trampled a two- or three-year-old little girl who was crying and crying to the ground.

"Be careful!" "Be careful


Two different voices sounded at the same time.

I saw Chu Zheng, who had changed his ordinary clothes and was ready to eat something on the street, his figure moved, and he went directly over and picked up this little girl who was almost trampled on.

At the same time, a beautiful figure also came in time.

However, although the voices of the two sounded together, this woman was obviously a little slower.

"It's actually you!" the

woman saw Chu Zheng's face and couldn't help but say with some surprise.

Chu Zheng turned his head and also saw the woman's delicate face.

However, Chu Zheng's first reaction was not to rest his gaze on the woman's body, but to look around the woman and find that her sister did not come with her.

Only then was he slightly relieved and nodded to Mo Lingyuer, who came out to shop.

Chu Zheng is not afraid of Mo Lingrou's strength, but afraid of Mo Lingrou's arrogance, Chu Zheng can see that that woman must be a woman who is crazy and even afraid of herself.

After all, Chu Zheng was ashamed of her, and he couldn't do it too much.

Therefore, Chu Zheng was afraid of entanglement.

Careful, of course.

But fortunately, Mo Lingrou's sister didn't know herself, otherwise, she would be embarrassed.

Chu Zheng responded.

While trying to coax this little girl.

However, speaking of it, Chu Zheng is really very sharp in killing, but coaxing the child makes it seem that Chu Zheng is clumsy.

"Poof!" Seeing

Chu Zheng's embarrassed appearance, Mo Lingyuer on the side couldn't help but laugh.

"Little brother, it's not right for you to coax a child like this!"

Mo Lingyuer trembled as she watched Chu Zheng holding her little daughter's two arms, really worried that Chu Zheng would tear off this little girl's arm.

At the moment, he smiled bitterly and said, "Give it to me!" Coincidentally

, after the little girl arrived in Mo Lingyuer's hands, she really became well-behaved, and she didn't cry, but grinned.

Chu Zheng coughed a few times in embarrassment.

I couldn't help but take a few more glances at this handsome Mo Lingyuer.

In the last life, Chu Zheng's cultivation all day and night ignored everything, whether it was friendship, love, not to mention family, all of which were ignored by Chu Zheng.

So much so that he was shattered, I am afraid that there is not even a person who shed tears for himself.

As soon as he thought of this, Chu Zheng was embarrassed.

"Hey, in his eyes..."

And Chu Zheng's sigh was seen by Mo Lingyuer on the side.

Because Mo Lingyuer had never seen such emotions in the eyes of a young person.

Can't help but make the already mysterious Chu Zheng become more mysterious in her eyes.

This person must have experienced something.

And in the end, the little girl's own mother remembered her daughter, came to thank Chu Zheng and Mo Lingyuer, and was taken away by the child.

Mo Lingyuer pressed her curiosity and said, "Little brother, have you been participating in the martial arts conference..." Remembering

that day, as soon as he looked up this person ran away, Mo Lingyuer couldn't help but ask.

Chu Zheng knew that this little nizi had been paying attention to herself, and although this little nizi's strength was worse than her sister, it was not much worse, so she didn't hide it at the moment:

"Yes, I've always been there!" "

Sure enough, then have you heard that the strongest black horse, Jiuyang?"

asked Mo Lingyuer with her hands on her back, quite playfully.

To be honest, Mo Lingyuer was so smart, she also doubted Chu Zheng.

Could this mysterious little brother be that Jiuyang?

But she quickly dismissed the idea.

First of all, Chu Zheng is not like him in temperament.

The little brother in front of him has a more restrained temperament and exudes an elegant atmosphere.

Jiuyang, on the other hand, is domineering and fierce, secretly exuding an arrogant aura.

How can two completely different temperaments be one kind of person.

However, what kind of divine is this Jiuyang and what it looks like, this is what Mo Lingyuer thinks about every day.

Chu Zheng nodded at this time and said, "I've heard of it, no, it's all over the street!" Chu Zheng

said this, and he was also a little helpless.

Even Chu Zheng came out of the martial arts hall this time, and he was startled when he arrived on the street.

Because there are too many pretend people.

Caught Chu Zheng off guard.


Mo Lingyuer was amused again.

In fact, Mo Lingyuer came to the street just now, indeed met a Jiuyang, and had the heart to chat with him at the moment, who knew that Jiuyang refused, so the two moved their hands and were almost killed by Mo Lingyuer's palm.

How could it be true.

And not long after, I saw many Jiuyang in black robes jumping out from the woods on the side, wanting to talk to themselves.

Mo Lingyuer couldn't see anything to kill, and simply left.

That's why I came here, who knows that there are more on the street, when I am depressed, I saw the little girl almost trampled on, and I have this scene....

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