Mo Lingyuer didn't know what happened, and after settling the account in a hurry, after saying goodbye to Chu Zheng and Cui Linxiang, she hurriedly left.

Chu Zheng was also full of wine and food, what happened, he didn't bother to ask, he was about to get up and return, go back to sum up, when to go to the Medicine King Valley, see how many useful medicinal materials are in it.

But as soon as Chu Zheng stood up, a figure blocked in front of him.

It is the master brother Cui Linxiang.

Cui Linxiang blocked in front of Chu Zheng, with cold eyes, looking at Chu Zheng expressionlessly.

Don't speak, just watch.

Chu Zheng saw that this guy didn't mean to make a move, and he didn't want to entangle too much, this account will be calculated slowly in the future.

Chu Zheng nodded and moved to the side.

Unexpectedly, Cui Linxiang's body moved over with Chu Zheng.

Still blocked in front of Chu Zheng, looking at Chu Zheng with a cold face.

"Something?" Chu

Zheng found this product really interesting.

But block it now, I Chu Zheng can not be blocked by any person, it is nothing more than a higher price.

"Stay away from Yu'er, I don't want to see her with a garbage (le) (se)..."

After speaking, Cui Linxiang picked up the glasses in his hand, blew gently, and then put them on, and then turned away with his hands in his pockets.

What interesting people....

Chu Zheng watched this Cui Linxiang leave, and also smiled bitterly.

This guy, where did he see that he looked like garbage?

Shaking his head helplessly and smiling, Chu Zheng rushed back.



Mo Lingyuer had returned to the Jinling Grand Hotel and found Mo Lingrou.

Mo Lingyuer saw that there were many people around in front, and her sister was also in it, and she didn't know what happened, Mo Lingyuer walked to her sister's side.

After entering, Mo Lingyuer also saw a scene that surprised her.

I saw that on the ground, more than a dozen corpses appeared.

All covered with a white cloth.

"Sister, what's going on?" Seeing

Mo Lingrou frowning at these corpses, Mo Lingyuer also realized the seriousness of the matter, and couldn't help but ask at the moment.

"It's the Eight Extremities, including Master Guo Mengyu, without exception, all of them were killed by a master..."

said Mo Lingrou with a cold face.

"What?" Mo Lingyu'er's eyes widened when she heard this.

You must know Master Guo Mengyu, but one of the top masters in Huaxia, Bajiquan, has long reached the point of pure green.

But now, he was actually killed....

Mo Lingyuer was also unbelievable.

"Well, moreover, according to Master Guo's injury, he didn't have any fighting before, so to speak, he didn't have any parrying power, and he was killed by someone with one blow, so the murderer must be a very strong existence, cultivation is not under you and me

!" And Yuwen Chan also said with a cold face at this time:

"This matter, so far, everyone must not spread it lightly to the outside world, and immediately notify the head of the Baji Gate, Mr. Guo Da!"

Yuwen Chan ordered.

Everyone also responded in unison.

But the so-called impermeable wall, this matter was still seen by some people, and spread on a small scale.

Who the hell would have such strength? To defeat so many masters of the Eight Pole Gate.

And the heat of this master also quickly covered the heat of One Punch Nine Yang.

You know, this is a master-level existence of the Eight Extremities Gate that has been famous for a long time, and it is difficult to escape death, you can imagine, what kind of existence does that murderer have to be?

But despite this, the martial arts conference is still held normally, and the scene is becoming more and more lively.

Because today, it's the time to fight the rankings.

And this big war, the three most competitive masters, also arrived.

Zuo Xingyun, Jiuyang, and Mo Lingyuer, in the eyes of everyone, are actually these three people, competing for the top three.

It may be to ensure the excitement of the game, the first game turned out to be Mo Lingyuer vs. Jiuyang.

"Senior brother, I won't keep my hand..."

Mo Lingyuer playfully stuck out her tongue.

"Shitty master brother..."

Chu Zheng was quite helpless in his heart, and couldn't help but curse secretly.

However, Chu Zheng must not expose his identity.

Now, quick fixes.

"Jiuyang against Mo Lingyuer, can you still maintain a one-punch enemy?" "

It's impossible, Miss Yu'er's strength, everyone can see it, I personally feel that it is not much worse than

Jiuyang!" As for whether Jiuyang can continue to maintain one-punch to defeat the enemy, everyone's opinions are obviously secretly agreed, that is, it is impossible.

If you can, then this Jiuyang is simply an inhuman existence.

Mo Lingrouer on the presidium also looked at the scene in front of her with great anticipation.

Yu'er's strength Mo Lingrou was very clear, as for the strength of this mysterious Jiuyang, Mo Lingrou shook her head, she really didn't see it.

However, immediately following Mo Lingrou's body was a shock, and then his eyes were almost wide.

At this time, Mo Lingyuer had already fought with Jiuyang, but to everyone's surprise, it was still a punch, and Mo Lingyuer directly lost and retreated.

Stepped back more than ten meters to stand firm.

And everyone also saw that Jiu Yang kept his hand.

Because Mo Lingyuer was repelled, but there was no injury at all.

"I... I lost!" Mo

Lingyuer herself fell into a strong shock.

She thought about countless possibilities, but she didn't expect that she would also be defeated by Jiuyang with one punch.

And if it weren't for the master leaving his hand, it is estimated that he would have been seriously injured.

Senior brother, it's really powerful! No, it's a terrifying existence!"

Mo Lingyuer nodded respectfully, and immediately retreated.

The whole audience fell into a cold silence.

The drop of needles can be heard.

With the outstanding performance of this first game, the subsequent performance seems a little mediocre.

However, the last one soon reached its climax.

Jiu Yang, against Zuo Xingyun, competes for the title of champion.

The final showdown.

If it had been placed in the past, the audience at this time would have been an explosion of discussion, but now, the audience is still quiet.

Because everyone did not speak, they all stared at the two people on the field with full attention, for fear of missing a single detail.

"Tweet~!" And

Zuo Xingyun, before the official opening, was surrounding back and forth in front of Chu Zheng.

And constantly making parabolic gestures.

He said softly: "Later, you will be like this parabola, directly from the sky, and finally, bang! Gee, my heart and liver are about to break!" "

By the way, do you know a saying called delivering vegetables?"

Zuo Xingyu continued to ask with a smile.

Chu Zheng shook his head and didn't want to say a word to this product.

Zuo Xingyu laughed again for a while before saying: "The meaning of this vegetable delivery is that you planted vegetables hard, and in the end, all of them were collected by me, wow! You are really good with one punch, but later, I only need to beat you with one punch, and all the honor is concentrated on me, pitiful... It's really pitiful!" the

more Zuo Xingyu said and laughed, the happier he became.

In the end, the smile was even more hideous.

"The game begins!"

and soon the referee, Master Qin, shouted.

The attention of the whole audience became more and more rapidly concentrated towards this side.

Including the Mo Lingrou sisters.

However, Mo Lingrou said to the Yuwen Zen Alliance Lord on the side with some joking: "Uncle Yuwen, your nephew should really be scheming, trying in every possible way to provoke this Jiuyang

..." "Hahaha, the so-called soldiers are not tired of deceit, sometimes, the head and strength are parallel..."

Yuwen Chan's cold eyes and faintly smiled.

"Brush brush, come on, hit me!" The

game has begun, but what makes everyone a little puzzled is that Zuo Xingyun changed his normal attitude, although it was still a playful smile, but it was not the same fierce and overwhelming offensive as before.

It's about advancing and retreating.

Constantly selling flaws to Jiuyang.

"Come, hit me here..." Zuo

Xingyun's light body technique was very fast, he approached from time to time, patted Jiu Yang's shoulder, and then left quickly without saying a word.

From time to time, he ran to Jiu Yang's back, patted Jiu Yang's back, and left again without saying a word.

It was as if Jiu Yang standing in the field was not an extremely powerful powerhouse, in Zuo Xingyun's eyes, but stood a pet, a toy, and a toy that he was amused to play.

"Come on, hit me!" Zuo

Xingyun's figure kept changing.

The sneer on his face, but did not go down for half a point, but became more and more intense.

But he didn't see that Chu Zheng's fist had condensed layers of vitality...

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