"Here, hit me, use your punch, hahaha..."

"Bang!" Zuo

Xingyun's provocative voice stopped abruptly, because Jiu Yang, who was not moving, suddenly punched directly forward.

And this Zuo Xingyun, originally still behind Jiu Yang, did not expect that when Jiu Yang punched, he actually went around in front of Jiu Yang, and his head was right on top of Jiu Yang's fist.

"What?" the

audience was directly surprised, and their mouths grew up.

This left nebula actually hit it stupidly.

"Bang!" looked

at Zuo Xingyun, like a kite with a broken line, directly in the air, drew a parabola and flew out upside down.

Finally, he fell heavily on the ground, and his eyes had burst out.

Obviously, the dead cannot die again.

Everyone gasped.

"One punch, another punch!" everyone

was in disbelief.

On the presidium, Mo Lingrou also shook her head in disbelief.

In the eyes of others, this left nebula obviously bumped into it by itself.

But the connoisseur watches the doorway.

In Mo Lingrou's eyes, it was not Zuo Xingyun who bumped into it at all, but this Jiuyang, who was able to anticipate the enemy's first opportunity, locked the trajectory of this Zuo Xingyun's action in advance.

A punch was punched, and this left Xingyun was not dodging, nor was it blocking, and he had to be directly punched alive.

And the power of this punch is naturally extremely terrifying, it is estimated that now, Zuo Xingyun's entire brain should have been blurred with flesh and blood.

"Uncle Yuwen, it seems that your nephew has successfully angered Jiuyang!"

said Mo Lingrou lightly.

"Huh?" On

the other hand, Yuwen Chan's entire face turned iron blue.

This idea, he told Zuo Xingyun.

Unexpectedly, his nephew Zuo Xingyun died tragically today, and he died tragically in front of him Yuwen Chan.

Although he saw Jiuyang's punch, Yuwen Chan definitely did not expect that his nephew would actually bump into it by himself.

Yuwen Chan's grip on the cup tightly, and the cup was also directly smashed at this time.

He is the lord of the alliance, and he definitely can't directly kill this Jiuyang now.

But this breath, how could he swallow it.

"Jiu Yang..."

Yuwen Chan's face was full of murderous aura, firmly locking Jiu Yang.

And Mo Lingyuer was also a little worried, because of this Jiuyang's identity, after all, Mo Lingyuer knew, it was his master brother.

However, what surprised Mo Lingyuer even more was that the strength of the senior brother could be so strong.

At this time, the people on the presidium also all stood up.

Because it was not an ordinary warrior who was killed, but Zuo Xingyun, the younger generation of the Longjiang Zuo family.

Everyone couldn't help but turn their gaze to Yuwen Chan, who had a livid face.


Master Qin's face under the scene was also a little abnormal.

Of course, in a fight, it is very normal to kill people.

There is nothing to pursue either. Because everyone who has reached this point, in order to compete for the ranking, is to sacrifice their lives to take it.

However, this Jiuyang killed the nephew of the Yuwen Chan Alliance Lord.

"Jiu Yang... This year's third rank of the Martial Arts Alliance!"

Master Qin read out the results with some difficulty.

"Wait a minute!" But

at this time, Jiu Yang raised his hand and directly interrupted Master Qin.

"It doesn't seem to be over yet... First, second, I haven't fought yet!"

And Jiu Yang was even more amazing.

Directly shocked everyone's jaws.

What, this is not satisfied, and you have to challenge the demon Yuwen Hao and Mo Lingrou?

Everyone swallowed their spit, and this scene simply shocked everyone.

The people in the presidium also looked at each other.

Mo Lingrou was even more impressed by this Jiuyang, and couldn't help but be a little interested.

Mo Lingrou also wanted to see how far she could be from this Jiuyang battle.

"Okay, I accept your challenge!" Mo

Lingrou stood up directly.

At this time, everyone suddenly shifted all their attention to Yu Wenhao, who was blindfolded.

However, Yu Wenhao didn't seem to be moved, as if the whole world had nothing to do with him.

Seeing this, Mo Lingrou stepped on his feet slightly, and the whole person, like soaring clouds driving fog, flew directly from the front of the high rostrum to the middle of the field.

"What an ethereal light skill!" everyone

couldn't help but exclaim.

"It is worthy of being the valley master of Tianxi Valley, and the strength is not bad..." Mo

Lingrou's hand alone surprised everyone.

Soon, Mo Lingrou stood in front of Jiu Yang.

Beautiful eyes flowing, Mo Lingrou carefully looked at this quite familiar, even... There are also some kind Jiuyang.

In his heart, he secretly guessed his identity.

Who is it, and why does it make me feel intimate?

Mo Lingrou couldn't figure it out.

Moreover, after scouring the entire memory in his mind, Mo Lingrou couldn't imagine who would have such strength among the people around him.

And Chu Zheng also looked at Mo Lingrou.

I didn't see each other for three months.

This Mo Lingrou has a plump figure, and since that time, it has become a little more charm that only women have.

Jean's Chu Zheng inevitably recalled the embarrassing scene of that day.

As if sensing Jiuyang's gaze in front of him, Mo Lingrou's brows frowned slightly.

"Let's do it!"

Mo Lingrou drank coldly.

Even if you dispel all the distractions in your mind, you can concentrate on the competition.

Mo Lingrou soared into the air and flew directly towards Chu Zheng.

In his hand, a white light flashed, and a long sword with cold and cold aura directly appeared.

Stab at Chu Zheng.

Chu Zheng dodged sideways, and his fingers directly grabbed.

For this Mo Lingrou, Chu Zheng felt more guilty in his heart, of course, he couldn't produce any hatred.

However, although I feel a little guilty, this nizi can be said to want to kill herself three or four times.

At the moment, Chu Zheng was also a little playful, like teasing this Mo Lingrou.

Stretching out your finger is to directly clamp this long sword.

Then go behind you.

Mo Lingrou's entire chest was directly pasted towards Chu Zheng's chest.

"Ah..." Mo

Lingrou couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Of course, she knew what the result would be.

I couldn't help but blush my pretty face.

At that time, it was too late to dodge, only ...

Mo Lingrou gritted her teeth and forced herself to turn around, so when Mo Lingrou came over, she used her soft back.

It was as if it was directly attached to Chu Zheng's arms.

"Whoosh~!" In

the audience, there was a sound of coaxing.

"Blind Liuzi!"

Mo Lingrou was furious in her heart, and she directly swung her sword to the rear.

This sword even carried an invisible sword qi.

"Bang!" A

sword swung out, and on the martial arts arena, a large lamp with an iron frame and copper hanging directly exploded, and Sheng Sheng was cut in half by this sword qi.

And Chu Zheng stepped slightly, and his body suddenly volleyed, just dodging over.

"I really didn't guess wrong, this nizi is really too ruthless!" Chu

Zheng's heart couldn't help but sigh.

"Bang bang!" Mo

Lingrou swung out several more swords one after another, one after another invisible sword qi, emitting bursts of breaking sounds, and then exploded constantly beside Chu Zheng.

For a time, it was also white smoke.

"Come back?"

Chu Zheng was also impatient.

First of all, Chu Zheng can be sure that this Mo Lingrou's strength is really very good, and the sword qi is even more powerful.

However, if you want to hurt Chu Zheng, it is as difficult as heaven.

At that moment, Chu Zheng secretly said in his heart.

Then he flicked his finger directly, and saw the direction of Chu Zheng's finger, and a milky white air flow appeared.

With an extreme speed, it hit directly towards Mo Lingrou's palm.


Mo Lingrou clenched the palm of the long sword, and there was a sound.

Then he felt a tingling sensation in his palm, and the long sword fell off directly and came out.

"You..." Mo Lingrou was shocked in her heart.

Some disbelief, she didn't even see what kind of means this Jiuyang used to knock out the long sword in her hand.

And she also felt that Jiu Yang had left his hand.

Because of this inner breath, it can completely hit her life, and Mo Lingrou has no time to resist it.

"I... Lost!" Mo

Lingrou covered her palm and looked at Jiu Yang, who was wearing a black robe, in front of her with some disbelief.

Although her eyes were a little unwilling, she was convinced!

"Mo Lingrou actually lost?" Everyone

in the audience also looked at each other, and finally, they all looked at Yuwen Hao, who was still blindfolded, as if the whole sky was falling, and it had nothing to do with him...

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