Everyone looked at each other, obviously the discussion of Jiuyang's identity had reached an unprecedented intensity.

If at the beginning, this Jiuyang was only regarded as a dark horse, then now, it is not just a dark horse, but a pervert and a monster.

Because his means are too strong.

Only Mo Lingyu'er was quite excited in her heart, her senior brother was really strong!

At this time, Yuwen Chan's face was even more difficult to see.

At the same time, he was determined to die in his heart.

This person's strength is really strong, even no less than Hao'er, this person will grow up in the future, then

Yuwen Chan's killing intent has become more and more intense.

"Lord Yuwen Alliance, this year's Martial Arts Conference, the Martial Arts Alliance can be described as full of talents!" beside Yuwen

Chan, an old man with a beard, while stretching out his orchid fingers, gently brushed his handful of figure-eight beard, while squinting his eyes, said lightly.

Listening to the somewhat playful words of Master Yuankun, the elder of the Medicine King Valley.

Yuwen Chan could only laugh awkwardly.

But soon, Yuwen Chan, who was gently in Yuwen Hao's ear on the side, whispered softly: "Kill him!"

Sitting in front of the presidium, Yu Wenhao, the demon who had never moved, finally moved.

Straight into the air.

Blindfolded, he accurately stood less than ten meters away from Chu Zheng.

"Yuwen Gongzi finally made a move!" "

Yes, he and Jiuyang, who is stronger and weaker between the two?"

None of them were seated at this point.

All stood up and watched.

Even the people in front of the presidium all stood up.

I want to see what the final showdown between the two demons will look like.

Only Yuwen Chan sat lightly, because this kind of fight without suspense, there was nothing to see.

He had only one request, and that was to let Chu Zheng die.

But soon, Yuwen Chan immediately stood up.

Because, Yu Wenhao, who was blindfolded in the field, suddenly raised his right hand, followed closely, and his left hand hit his right arm fiercely.

"Click!" A

crisp sound was heard, and Yu Wenhao's right arm was directly broken.

"Ah, Yuwen Gongzi, what does this mean

?" "Why did you cut off your right arm?"

Everyone looked at each other, really confused.

And Mo Lingrou was still gently rubbing her somewhat swollen palm.

Seeing Yu Wenhao like this, he also showed a strange gaze.

What is this for?

Chu Zheng was even more taken aback.

Almost took a few steps backwards.

Chu Zheng has not seen anyone compete in martial arts, and he will first cut off his arm.

Could it be that this person had practiced some kind of secret technique?"

Chu Zheng faintly guessed in his heart.

But soon, Yu Wenhao, who was blindfolded, gave everyone the answer.

"There are so many ants in the world, what use do I want these eyes and arms!"

said Yuwen Hao lightly.


turned out that Yuwen Gongzi did not put Jiuyang in his eyes at all, Mo said that he covered his eyes and fought Jiuyang, and he also cut off his arm to fight Jiuyang, only in this way, in the eyes of Yuwen Gongzi, it was a fair battle.

Heaven, now Yuwen Gongzi, no eyes, no right arm, only a pair of ears, feet and left arm.

To use these to fight against Jiu Yang?

Before the fight began, everyone already felt that their hair was about to explode.

Yuwen Gongzi, how strong is it?

However, this is not the end of it....

"Click!" At

this time, there was another crisp sound on Yuwen Gongzi's left arm.

Yuwen Gongzi actually cut off his left arm again, and now, Yuwen Gongzi has both arms in ruins....

Everyone in the audience was stunned.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn't have believed that this was true.

"What use do I have these arms?"

Yuwen Hao shook his head slightly.

Because, since Yu Wenhao became famous eight years ago, he has no opponents, but every day, there are many ants dangling in front of him.

So one night eight years ago, Yuwen Hao had the idea of destroying his eyes.

However, in the end, under the prevention of his father Yuwen Chan, it was not realized.

But his eyes, from then on, were wrapped in strips of cloth all day long, and they hadn't been opened for eight years.

And today, letting him Yuwen Hao strike at an ant is undoubtedly an insult to him.

But his father's life is difficult, well, he Yuwen Hao killed an ant against his will today.

However, even so, Yuwen Hao will definitely not be able to do it, to the point of using his own hands to deal with an ant, after all, Yuwen Hao and his self-esteem are valued.

So, he scrapped his arms.

In this way, if he kills this ant again, he will at least get by in conscience.

Chu Zheng has indeed gained insight.

And those who are crazy to this extent.

Lu Shengtian, who committed suicide all day before, and Yu Wenhao, who now has both arms from self-destruction.

Are the strong people in this world so conceited?

"Otherwise, you better open your eyes and fight me..."

Chu Zheng couldn't help but say helplessly.

This Yuwen Hao had already ruined his arms, in this case, Chu Zheng didn't want to waste him just like that, otherwise, he would have died too miserably.

So Chu Zheng persuaded bitterly.

Yuwen Hao, on the other hand, just shook his head.

Because the words of an ant are not worth his answer.

Just hooked his hand at Chu Zheng.

"Oh my God, it's about to begin!" the

people in the audience couldn't wait to squeeze forward one after another.

Want to see this battle between demons up close.

And the people of the presidium of the rostrum all came to the front of the stage.

None of them are standing.

Only Mo Lingrou shook her head slightly.

If you Yuwen Hao are not so conceited, I am afraid that there is still the possibility of entanglement, but unfortunately...

Mo Lingrou had already sentenced Yuwen Hao to death in her heart, because she had already learned the strength of this Jiuyang just now.

Strong, mysterious, Mo

Lingyuer also clenched her fists tightly.

I watched the scene in front of me with excitement.

"Good!" Chu

Zheng nodded.

Don't talk nonsense either, jump straight into the air.

Clench your fists tightly.

A punch was directly punched at Yuwen Hao.

When he boarded, a scene that almost exploded appeared.

Seeing this Jiuyang's fist, countless fist afterimages appeared in an instant.

Yes, it's a myriad of ways.

Intermingled, fists and shadows stacked.

Blatantly slammed into Yuwen Hao.

"Ants are ... Huh?" Yu

Wenhao stood in place, shaking his head slightly, and couldn't help but say helplessly in his heart.

But immediately after, his body suddenly paused, and he was stunned immediately after.

What a terrifying momentum!

Already clearly felt the blatantness of this punch, Yu Wenhao was directly stunned.

He didn't expect that the power of this Jiuyang's punch would reach such a point.


Yuwen Hao couldn't resist at all! How could it be?

Yuwen Hao's

face was full of disbelief.

But the truth is in front of you, if this punch is all on yourself, you will have to be crippled if you don't die.

And it's hard to resist yourself.


shouted with difficulty.

Yu Wenhao wanted to raise his hand to resist.

Only to find out that his arms had just been scrapped by himself.

Yuwen Hao cried bitterly in his heart and hurriedly retreated, although his speed was extremely fast and he also retreated a little, but he was still one step late.

"Boom!" This

Yu Wenhao's body exploded directly as if a bomb had been planted in advance.

White smoke billowing out.

And Yu Wenhao's clothes were directly bombarded, and there were several places on his body, and his flesh and blood were blurred.

The strips of cloth wrapped around Yu Wenhao's eyes also exploded.

Yu Wenhao finally opened his eyes, which he had not opened for eight years.

A look at Jiu Yang looked at Jiu Yang in shock.

"This... How is this possible!"

Yuwen Hao was bleeding from all four limbs.

Lying on the ground, unable to move.

Not only were his limbs gone, but he also suffered serious internal injuries in his body.

If he hadn't reacted quickly, I'm afraid he would have died long ago.


Wenhao felt that his self-esteem was suddenly grabbed down and thrown on the ground, and he was crushed fiercely.


Yuwen Chan finally couldn't sit still.

Flew straight down from the rostrum.

Directly went to Yu Wenhao's side and helped him up.

And Yu Wenhao just stared at Jiu Yang with wide eyes, incredulous, as if he was stunned.



Yuwen Chan's whole body trembled with distress.

"Jiu Yang, no matter who you are, today I Yuwen Chan, will not let you out of the martial arts conference alive!" The

next moment, Yuwen Chan's gaze suddenly became extremely gloomy, and directly locked Chu Zheng!

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