"Corpse Refining Pill!" Chu

Zheng frowned, and couldn't help but blurt out.

"Corpse Refining Pill, Big Brother Chu, why does the name of this pill sound so weird, could it be, the effect of this pill?"

asked Ouyang Yiyi with a somewhat ugly face.

"Hmm. Chu Zheng nodded, "Not bad, once the person who takes this pill, it will become a half-human and half-corpse, at that time, the sword and gun will not penetrate, the five poisons will not invade, and the body's function will also increase significantly, unexpectedly, in this world, there will also be people refining this evil poison!"

This made Chu Zheng can't help but think.

In the last life, Chu Zhengxiu was still in the secular world.

Someone once refined this elixir and trained a large number of half-human and half-corpses to come out, and Chu Zheng killed for seven days and seven nights before solving all of these nearly a thousand half-human and half-corpses.

Although the sword and gun are invincible, the five poisons are not invaded, but Chu Zheng can find their life, but Rao is so, and it takes Chu Zheng a lot of effort.

"It turns out that the four sects of Xiangxi have been plotting to plan this kind of vicious thing, I don't know how many years they have been planning, how many have been successfully refined, Brother Chu, if it goes on like this, the consequences are unimaginable, do you have any way?"

Ouyang Yiyi listened to Chu Zheng's narration, his eyes were almost widened, and his heart was even more deeply shocked.

Chu Zheng said: "No hurry, this corpse refining pill, even if it is taken, it is impossible to become a half-human and half-corpse evil thing so easily, the probability of this thing is very small, but it seems that this Xiangxi Four Sects, over the years, have also harmed a lot of people!" Chu

Zheng's gaze was slightly cold.

Ouyang Yiyi said, "Brother Chu, what should we do next?" "

Calm these children first, I will take them back to the Jiuyang Palace, heal their broken fingers and arms, and in the future, let them stay in the Jiuyang Palace..."

Thinking of that group of extremely innocent children, Chu Zheng was also embarrassed in his heart.

But fortunately, these children are still young, although they are physically disabled, but they are young, the body development ability is strong, relying on Chu Zheng's Dan Dian medical skills, plus the assistance of medicinal materials.

During holidays, their fingers and feet are broken, and they will grow back.

No different from ordinary people.

And Ouyang Yiyi was even more shocked, mainly shocked by this Chu Zheng's means.

You know, Chu Zheng's skills have far exceeded Ouyang Yiyi's world view.

Next, Chu requisitioned three days and three nights and began to extract poison for these children in turn.

These poisons have been hit for a long time, penetrating deep into the internal organs, Chu Zheng can do his best, and he can only force all the toxins out, but after all, they are still too young, if they want to be forcibly eradicated.

Chu Zheng can naturally do it.

But I am afraid that Chu Zheng's Jiuyang Gong is too strong, and when the time comes, the poison will force it out, and the internal organs of this group of children will also be destroyed.

Therefore, in order to be on the safe side, I can only pull out most of them first to save my life, and then go to the Five Poisons Sect to get some specific medicinal materials.

Three days later....

"Big brother, when will we be as powerful as you?" On

the square of Medicine King Valley, more than one hundred and eighty children were playing.

All around Ouyang Yiyi and Chu Zheng.

You know, this place is the Valley of the Medicine King.

If you don't know, you think this is a kindergarten.

And this group of children, in the past few days, after Ouyang Yiyi's careful care, has gradually come out of their grief, after all, they are still too young.

"When you return to the Jiuyang Palace, you will be as strong as your big brother!" Chu

Zheng smiled bitterly helplessly.

Because Chu Zheng didn't know when, his heart had become so weak.

"Big brother, there is a big sister outside the valley asking for a meeting!"

At this time, Xiao Lai jumped over alive.

Although the palm of his hand is gone, in less than half a year, Chu Zheng has a way to make it grow again.

Chu Zheng touched Xiao Lai's tiger's head and smiled slightly, "Go, take me to meet!"

Mo Lingyuer paced back and forth, and couldn't help but look towards the valley.

She wore a string of bells around her waist that jingled with every step she took.

Jean's quiet Medicine King Valley suddenly seemed to add a bit of extraordinary.

"Okay, Yu'er, you are shaking your sister's eyes almost spent!" Mo

Lingrou shook her head slightly and smiled bitterly.

But soon, her eyes fell on a group of more than a dozen children playing outside the valley.

Some of these children have mutilated hands and feet.

It seems that Jean's Mo Lingrou is also particularly distressed.

Mo Lingrou faced these dozen children and beckoned them slightly, asking them to come over.

It may be because Mo Lingrou is very beautiful, and the temperament on Mo Lingrou's body is also particularly attractive to this group of children.

And this group of children was already very curious about Mo Lingrou.

Seeing Mo Lingrou beckoning, they all ran over.

"Big sister, you called us?"

the group of kids giggled.

Mo Lingrou squatted down and squeezed lightly on the face of a child who was missing an arm, "Little brother, do you tell your sister, have you been living in the Medicine King Valley?"

"No, we were saved by the big brother..."

said a child with a runny nose and a small head on his back.

"Big brother..." Mo Lingrou immediately thought of Mr. Jiuyang, it must be him.

Mo Lingrou's heart was suddenly filled with a trace of reverence for Mr. Jiuyang.

Mo Lingrou actually has a little secret, that is, she likes children very much, which even her sister does not know, especially now, seeing this group of cute children become like this.

Mo Lingrou's heart was about to break with pain.

But fortunately, he was saved by Mr. Jiuyang, otherwise these children still don't know what kind of fate awaits them.

Mo Lingrou now not only admires Mr. Jiuyang, but even feels grateful to Mr. Jiuyang.

Of course, Mo Lingrou had also thought about some things.

That is, if Mr. Jiuyang can be his husband... Ahem, Mo Lingrou was a little embarrassed when she thought about it.

Because of Mr. Jiuyang's current skills, even the ancestor is respectful, so Mr. Jiuyang can completely marry himself.

But after thinking about it, how is it possible....

What kind of identity Mr. Jiuyang is, it is one level higher than Lao Zu.

How can I climb high.

Moreover, Mo Lingrou looked at her sister Mo Lingyuer, and seemed to have a soft spot for Mr. Jiuyang, so even the contest was canceled.

It seems that this competition has become less important.

Indeed, my sister wanted to select a young powerhouse with super strength through the competition, but since the end of the martial arts conference, all the young people, as long as they were compared with Mr. Jiuyang, would directly dim.

Not even a glimmer of light.

This Jean's sister may not be able to tolerate others in her heart from now on.

If Mr. Jiuyang really didn't dislike it, how could Mo Lingrou rob her sister.

And the most important thing is that she Mo Lingrou is no longer innocent.

Thinking of this, Mo Lingrou's expression flashed with sadness.

Immediately after, there was a strong killing intent in his eyes.

She remembered a figure.

That person not only made her mad, and finally wanted to *burn* her body, but also took the opportunity to take away her innocence.

As soon as she thought about it, Mo Lingrou felt ashamed and angry in her heart.

"Big sister, why is your face red?" the

child looked at Mo Lingrou's face from neck to face, and he was a little curious.

"Ah, it's okay..." Mo

Lingrou hurriedly concealed the embarrassment in her heart and touched the child's head.

"Sister, let's invite the little brother to participate in tonight's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, you say, will the little brother not go!" Mo

Lingyuer was still thinking about the little brother Chu Zheng.

He asked while touching the child's head.

"No, since Mr. has promised Grandpa Tai, he will definitely fulfill his promise, besides, Yu'er, you can't call Little Brother in the future, you have to call Mr. Grandpa Tai, you are like this, isn't it a mess


When she said this, she really said that this is the truth.

Second, Mo Lingrou was a little uncomfortable with the closeness of her sister and Mr. Jiuyang in her heart, and even had a hint of vinegar.

That's what he said.

"Oh, I know!" Mo

Lingyuer naturally didn't know what her sister was thinking, but just nodded.

At this time, the child next to Mo Lingrou suddenly shouted:

"Wow, my big brother is out!"

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