"Big brother is here!" At

this time, seven or eight children outside the valley cheered and ran towards Chu Zheng who came from the valley.

And Mo Lingrou's heart trembled slightly, because, today, she was going to see the true face of Mr. Jiuyang.

In her heart, Mo Lingrou herself had imagined countless times what Mr. Jiuyang looked like.

It must be very handsome, or in other words, it gives people a gloomy feeling, because Mr. Jiuyang is too strong, so he must be relatively cold.

Or in other words, Mr. Jiuyang will give people a sense of vicissitudes.

A feeling of the vicissitudes of a long history and a long history of strong winds and waves.

"Little brother!" Mo

Lingyuer was also excited, and hurriedly ran to Chu Zheng's side.

And Mo Lingrou bit her lips lightly, she finally raised her face and looked at Chu Zheng, wanting to confirm her reverie for Mr. Jiuyang in her heart several times.

"Lingrou meets Jiuyang... What?"

However, when Mo Lingrou raised her face, she looked at Mr. Jiuyang.

What came into view was a face, extremely familiar, even familiar to the bones.

It was the beast that lingered in his mind and wanted to kill day and night.

"You are that beast!" Mo

Lingrou took two steps back, her face full of shock.

"Beast?" Seeing

her sister's reaction, and a layer of murderous aura suddenly appeared on her body, Mo Lingyuer was a little dumbfounded.

Could it be that my sister knows my little brother?

"Don't come unharmed, three-month contract, I'm coming..."

However, Chu Zheng, there is nothing to hide now, the one who should come, will come after all, and he can't hide.

Carrying his hands, Chu Zheng said lightly.

"You... You...... I'll kill you!"

Now Mo Lingrou's entire brain seemed to have been blasted by a muffled thunder, completely blank.

Mo Lingrou could never have imagined that the beast she wanted to kill with her own hands day and night was actually Mr. Jiuyang, who she had been thinking about every day and even gave birth to feelings recently.

Why, God wants to do this to me.

In this way, I want to merge the two extremes in my heart.

This beast is Mr. Jiuyang, whom he respects, and

Mr. Jiuyang, who is respected by his grandfather! Maybe he can't withstand such a blow, Mo Lingrou has completely forgotten that this beast in front of him, or this one in front of him, Mr. Jiuyang, who has his own feelings, is unfathomable.

Or maybe to escape something.

Mo Lingrou, with a flick of his wrist, a cold and shining long sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

She wants to kill Chu Zheng! "You are a bad woman, why should

you kill our big brother!" "Bad woman, you are not allowed to kill big brother!" Suddenly,

a large group of children all gathered around Chu Zheng


They are fearless, because at this time, in the hearts of this group of children, there is one word, that is, big brother is their faith, their heaven.

Therefore, they are willing to give everything to defend their heavens, their faith, and their big brothers.

"You are not allowed to hurt big brother!" all

the children looked at Mo Lingrou with hatred.


Mo Lingrou looked at the group of children, hating her gaze.

"Sonorous!" With

a sound, the long sword in Mo Lingrou's hand could no longer be grasped when he boarded, and fell to the ground.


Mo Lingrou's eyes were red, and she shook her head, she didn't expect that this group of cute little children would suddenly hate themselves so much.

"I'm a bad woman?" Mo

Lingrou's heart kept ringing these words.

Immediately, he glanced at Chu Zheng with complicated eyes, and immediately ran directly down the mountain.


Mo Lingyuer stood up, she definitely didn't expect that things would turn out like this, and shouted a few words to Mo Lingrou's back at the moment.

Why did it make such a big reaction to see my little brother.

"Little brother, what's going on?"

asked Mo Lingyuer curiously.

She looked at her little brother, although he was Mr. Jiuyang, his temperament remained unchanged.

There is no swelling, or arrogance.

It's still that elegant look.

He didn't understand where the little brother and sister came from such a big hatred.

When Chu Zheng heard this, he shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly.

This kind of thing is naturally inconvenient to talk about in front of all children, Chu Zheng diverted the topic and said: "Don't say this first, Yu'er, what are you here for?" "

Tonight is the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, my sister and I are here to invite

the little brother to you!" Mo Lingyuer is still more accustomed to calling Chu Zheng the little brother.

"Okay, tell Brother Mo, tonight, I will definitely go to participate!" Chu

Zheng put his hands on his back and couldn't help nodding.

"That little brother, I'm going to chase my sister!" Mo

Lingyuer glanced at Chu Zheng, and immediately said, then chased in the direction Mo Lingrou left.

And looking at the backs of these two sisters, Chu Zheng also shook his head slightly.

In the beginning, the heart was caused by his own mistakes, and he made a crime!

Chu Zheng shook his head slightly and sighed....

But said that Mo Lingrou, after learning that the beast he wanted to kill in every possible way was Mr. Jiuyang, whom he revered.

It was as if my heart had rushed to the point of attack.

She felt like God was playing a joke on her.

No, it's a big joke.

God was teasing her.

"Mo Lingrou, you should be really ridiculous..." I

don't know how long I ran, Mo Lingrou stopped by a river, looking at the flowing river obsessively, Mo Lingrou fell into melancholy slightly.

How so....

Mo Lingrou didn't know why his current mood was so complicated, and his hatred for Chu Zheng seemed to have gradually disappeared.

And the ignorant feelings for Chu Zheng seem to be swaying from side to side.

Mo Lingrou admitted that she had feelings for Jiuyang, but because of her sister, Mo Lingrou had always kept this feeling in her heart.

But Mo Lingrou was very cruel to Chu Zheng because he defiled himself.

When these two emotions are completely intertwined, Mo Lingrou is confused, this is the real complicated mood...

Chu Zheng... Should I love you or hate you?

Mo Lingrou's beautiful eyes, looking at the rolling river from afar, fell into endless entanglements...

"Hehe, little girl, the inner strength heart method used on your body was left by the old thief of Mo Wentian, Mo Wentian, who are you?"

And at this moment, behind Mo Lingrou, a voice suddenly sounded.

An ugly sound like an old bird's call.

Mo Lingrou hurriedly turned around.

As a result, he saw that in front of him, there was an old man who was very similar to Yuwen Hao.

But his face was green, like a long-dead corpse, and his mouth was covered with beards, and even his hair was messy like a pile of weeds.

It looks terrifying.

This old man was none other than Yuwen Xiao, one of the five peerless in the Central Plains who occupied Yuwen Hao's body.

After occupying Yuwen Hao's body, Yuwen Xiao's bloodline directly and quickly recovered after absorbing the blood of many people.

By now, there are not many characteristics of Yuwen Hao's body.

And tonight, on the night of the full moon, after absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, Yuwen Xiao will be completely reborn.

Yes, completely, and thus turn into a big demon.

At that time, even the immortals will not be able to destroy him.

"You... What are you?" Feeling

the strange aura on this old man's body, as well as the powerful aura, Mo Lingrou was also slightly startled in her heart.

Looking at the old man with trepidation, he asked.

"You still haven't answered me, Mo asked that old thief, who are you?"

Yuwen Xiao took a step closer to Mo Lingrou.

"You dare to insult my grandfather, be careful that you die without a place to be buried..."

Mo Lingrou's cold eyes were slightly cold.

"Hahaha, sure enough, I guessed right, you are the descendant of Mo Wentian old thief, hahaha, back then, in the Central Plains Five Absolute Battle, I lost to him, and Mo Wentian took the first of the Five Absolutes, today, I will retake the top of the Five Absolutes no matter what, hahaha..."

Yuwen Xiao raised his head and laughed.

"You... Are you Yuwen Xiao, the ancestor of the Yuwen family?" Mo

Lingrou was directly shocked, didn't Yuwen Xiao die a long time ago?


Lingrou is not a fool, but she has been rumored about the five unique things in the Central Plains since she was a child, and she has heard a lot about this vicious Yuwen Xiao.

Knowing that this guy is extremely perverted, he is a powerful existence second only to Grandpa Tai.

And looking at this guy's current breath, he is even stronger than Grandpa Tai...

Not good....

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