"President Su, let me introduce you, this is Mr. Lin Baiye of Blum Group, this project that Yanjing came down from, it is also up to the two of you to compete, but no matter who gets this project in the end, I hope that everyone can get along harmoniously, after all, in the future, there are many opportunities for cooperation!"

Li pointed to the side, a young man in his thirties sitting on the boss's chair, holding Erlang's legs and a large gold chain around his neck.

"Don't worry, Chairman Li, these rules, Aoxue understands, Mr. Lin, hello..."

Su Aoxue nodded and smiled, while politely extending her hand towards Lin Baiye.

However, Lin Baiye pinched two walnut-like things back and forth in his hand, completely unmoved. It's as if you didn't see it.

Even get up, don't get up.

Although Lin Baiye from outside the city is extremely arrogant, even many Yanjing business bigwigs present are a little uncomfortable, this kid is really a little too unseen.

But what about this?

This Lin Baiye is now the leader of Shen's enterprise and Shen Shuhuan's brother-in-law who has joined Zhu Laosan's Zhu Group.

When Li Jing saw this scene, his eyelids jumped fiercely, but he also dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.

Who is Shen Shuhuan?

That was the father of Miss Shen Wen, a good classmate of Mr. Jiuyang Palace Chu.

Since catching the line of Jiuyang Palace, the development of the Shen Group has been too fast. It's almost a horse flat.

And Li Zuobiao also directly gave Shen Shuhuan the green light all the way.

As for that Zhu Laosan, he stood on the side of Master Zhang Younian and directly confronted Li Zuobiao.

Moreover, since this time, Zhu Laosan has gradually had the momentum to surpass Li Zuobiao's prestige, and in the next term, whether he Li Zuobiao can continue to be re-elected is a matter of two opinions.

What is the reason for this phenomenon?

It wasn't because Zhu Laosan had completely stammered the Jiuyang Palace.

Li Zuobiao was not so lucky.

So this time, for this Lin Baiye, Li Zuobiao attaches great importance to it, if he can pass Lin Baiye and catch Shen Wen's line, and then he will re-establish a relationship with Jiuyang Palace.

He Li Zuobiao, that is, he has the capital to fight against Zhu Laosan.

Of course, Li Zuobiao didn't know that Zhu Laosan had completely sung cool just now...

And seeing this unmanned Lin Baiye, although Su Aoxue was a little displeased, she also quickly ignored him.

Over the years, Su Aoxue has seen all kinds of people, I don't know how many, this kind of scum has naturally seen it.

Dogs fight people!

Su Aoxue secretly cursed in her heart.

Immediately, after greeting these business leaders in Yanjing, they also sat down.

However, although Su Aoxue looked down on this donkey, only Lin Baiye, who had a bright surface, Su Aoxue said hello in turn when she sat down.

The heart couldn't help but mention.

When she greeted them one by one just now, except for a few old men who were particularly strong in Yanjing City, and they also had Xerox etiquette with themselves, the others, who were basically similar to Lin Baiye, were all ignoring their love.

Obviously, most people, including Li Zuobiao, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, have completely sided with Lin Baiye.

The role of these business tycoons is the most critical, because in the end, who ends up in the project depends entirely on their vote.

This is the most important point that makes Su Aoxue feel that something is wrong.

Originally thought that she could impress these Yanjing bigwigs by relying on her true ability.

However, what Su Aoxue didn't expect was that he had already lost at the starting line, and he really underestimated the energy of Jiuyang Palace.

"Hey, brother, no problem..." At this time, Lin Baiye directly smoked a cigarette in the conference hall, and raised the phone, raised his hand to look at his watch, and said to Shen Shuhuan on the phone: "It's okay, trouble brother, you can set off firecrackers now, and later, I will go over with Chairman Li, cut it in the past, hmm, five minutes..." After speaking, Lin Baiye

hung up the phone with some impatience.

Frequently flip your wrist to look at your watch.

And Fang Qian and Su Aoxue, who could faintly hear the conversation between the two on the phone, frowned tightly.

It turned out that this Chairman Li came to him today, but he just walked too long, and this project had already been handed over to Lin Baiye.

Now, it's almost cut.

And Su Aoxue glanced slightly, and also saw that there were already several business bigwigs, shaking their heads slightly and smiling bitterly.

Xiao Su Aoxue actually really took it seriously.

These business tycoons also came to set up the venue, because after the meeting, they would go to Mr. Lin's opening ceremony.

Su Aoxue understood that it turned out that she did not lose at the starting line at all, but when she had the idea of taking this project, she had already lost.

And completely unaware.

"You guys... You guys are too much! Fang

Qian was a fiery temper, and stomped her foot directly in anger.

You know, for this project, the president did not sleep for several days and nights, wrote the plan, and consulted various materials.

How much thought went into it.

And these people ....

Fang Qian looked at the entire hall, forty or fifty Yanjing business bigwigs, who had already discussed it, and had already handed over this project to Lin Baiye.

What is this? Take Allure International as a monkey?

"Fang Qian! Don't be rude! Compared

to Fang Qianlai, Su Aoxue obviously seemed much calmer.

It is false to say that you are not angry, but Su Aoxue has to endure.

If the city wants to develop, it must open up a market in Yanjing.

If you can't just hurt your peace, then it will be difficult to develop in the future.

Su Aoxue has to take care of the overall situation.

He took a deep breath, calmed his emotions, and slowly said, "Chairman Li, can we start?" "


Li Zuobiao couldn't help but be stunned.

Now the situation is already obvious, this Su Aoxue... You even have to talk about planning?

Many bigwigs also looked at Su Aoxue with some playfulness, isn't this Su Aoxue confused?

Fang Qian also felt unbelievable, you know, now take out the planning plan, is it just a dowry for this Lin Baiye? Completely plagiarized by him?


Fang Qian tugged at Su Aoxue's sleeves, meaning that she was not crazy.

Of course, Su Aoxue is not crazy, on the contrary, Su Aoxue is still very sober.

Although this group of people from the Yanjing business community clearly sided with Lin Baiye.

But although Su Aoxue lost, she also had to be a shunshui person.

At least send this set of plans out, in the future, if there are any projects in Yanjing, Su Aoxue will have a chance, all in order to pave the way for the future.

But Su Aoxue thought wrong.

Li Zuobiao said at this time: "President Su's intentions, I have already understood, President Su's sincerity, I have also seen it, Li was ashamed to tell President Su that in the next ten years, the projects of the Chamber of Commerce will be concentrated in Mr. Lin's group, so please ask President Su to choose another market..." Li

Zuobiao, as the president, must not be so sophisticated that he does not even take the form.

When Su Aoxue entered the venue just now, she had already signed it, and as of here, in fact, this form is enough.


Su Aoxue couldn't help but take two steps back.

The heart is almost fraudulent.

In Yanjing, don't you even have a chance?

Su Aoxue had been in business for the first time in so many years, feeling hopeless.

Is the power of Jiuyang Palace so big? Can you all cover the sky with one hand?

No matter how strong Su Aoxue is, he has encountered all of them, but those opponents, through Su Aoxue's efforts, can all be defeated.

But this opponent in front of him is not this Lin Baiye, let alone these rich businessmen in Yanjing.

It's Jiuyang Palace.

The feeling that Jiuyang Palace gave Su Aoxue was like a jade, and he was like an ant, vainly trying to swallow this jade.

How is this possible?

In the next ten years, the market in Yanjing will not be opened?

What does this mean?

This means that some of the projects won at the International Chamber of Commerce this time are not even qualified to be carried out.

The gap between this and Su Aoxue's expectation is too big.

Su Aoxue had never received such a blow.

And now, these bigwigs, shaking their heads slightly, began to sign the voting paper.

Su Aoxue walked outside disappointed, when she was about to reach the door.

At this time, Fang Qian said:

"President, my aunt is calling!"

Su Aoxue's face was extremely ugly, and her mood was even worse, she now seemed to have been greatly wronged, but this dead Chu Zheng was not by her side.

Su Aoxue really couldn't hold on.

The next one grabs the phone.

"Hey, wife, I heard you're back?"

"Chu Zheng, I ordered you to come and see me within three minutes!!"

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