After Su Aoxue finished yelling, she hung up the phone directly, and did not say where she was, and directly threw the phone to Fang Qian.

Now Su Aoxue has completely exploded, and it is more desperate for helplessness.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the bastard was still gently floating.

Jean's Su Aoxue immediately sprinkled all the fire on Chu Zheng's body.

Immediately, Su Aoxue walked directly out of the conference hall.

Completely ignoring it, the forty or fifty business tycoons who were still writing voting letters were all stunned.

"President, you better call your aunt again, otherwise he doesn't know where we are!"

Fang Qian ran out after Su Aoxue's figure, still holding the phone in her hand.

But soon Fang Qian stopped talking.

Because she saw Su Aoxue walking to a corner, her shoulders shrugged, obviously crying.

Fang Qian knew that this incident was too stimulating for the president.

The president has won many excellent projects in the International Chamber of Commerce.

It's about doing these projects.

There is only one way, that is, to expand the market, and the best choice is Yanjing.

So, you can imagine how great this project means to the president.

Because Yanjing won this project, it laid a good foundation for the development of Allure International.

After laying down the Yanjing market, you can get international projects, and when the time comes, Allure International will be able to gain a foothold in the international market.

It can be said that the president has put almost all his heart and soul into this project.

But now....

For ten years, there will be no more projects for the next family.

This means that within ten years, Allure International can not go further, let alone be mentioned internationally to win those projects, where can people wait for ten years.

This even more means that all the efforts Su Aoxue made before have been in vain, and the achievements have failed...

So Fang Qian understood the president's mood now.

I can only bite my lip, and I don't know how to persuade....

But he said that half a minute had passed in the conference hall upstairs.

None of them said a word.

It was as if time had stood still at this moment.

Silence, death-like silence.

Everyone was still stuck in the action before Su Aoxue's shout just now.

More than forty bigwigs are still in the pose of signing.

Lin Baiye, on the other hand, is still holding Erlang's legs and a cigarette in his hand.

It's just that fortunately, now the cigarette is about to burn to the point of hot hands, which shows that time has not stood still, but that everyone, now everyone's hearts, have set off a strong shock.

"Chairman Li, whose name did President Su shout just now?"

It took a long time for a rich man to react and take the lead in breaking the tranquility.

"It's like... It seems like...... It's Mr. Chu!

Li Zuobiao swallowed even more.

Because in Yanjing, especially in the eyes of these people with heads and faces, Chu Zheng is an extremely sensitive name.

In his heart, Li Zuobiao, and even everyone had a sense of foreboding.

"Give me a call to confirm!"

Li Zuobiao patted his brain, quickly took out his mobile phone, found Shen Wensan's phone and dialed it.

"Hey, Third Master, you said before that Mr. Chu had a wife, what is her name? Uh-huh, I see, trouble Third Master! When

Li Zuobiao called, all the rich people gathered around.

However, because Third Master Shen's voice was too small.

None of the crowd heard.

But fortunately, everyone looked at Chairman Li during the whole process, and they did not show a frightened expression.

A big stone in everyone's heart finally landed.

"Fortunately, I thought that Chu Zheng in Su Aoxue's mouth was Mr. Chu, which scared me to death..."

"Yes, what is the name is not good, it is called Chu Zheng!"

All the big guys are only now relieved.

They each returned to their original seats.

Thinking that they were all scared like this just now, these big guys laughed a little self-deprecatingly.

"That's not right... Chairman Lee?

At this time, everyone turned their attention to Chairman Li again.

Because everyone reacted at once, Chairman Li didn't seem to say a word since he finished the call just now, right?

And now everyone looked, but found that Third Master Shen had obviously hung up the phone, but why did Chairman Li still maintain this posture?


Everyone felt that something was wrong, hurriedly walked over, and gently patted Chairman Li's shoulder.

"Chairman Lee?"

I didn't expect that it didn't matter if it didn't shoot, just a shot.

Chairman Li actually rolled his eyes and passed out directly.

It is clear that it is stimulated, and it is a strong stimulus!

"Chairman Lee!"

"Chairman Lee!"

Everyone was frightened, and hurriedly rushed over, and among the people who pinched Chairman Li, after a while, Li Zuobiao slowly woke up.

However, the first thing he said when he woke up was to shout to everyone: "Go and chase President Su back!" Just go!!! After

shouting, he fainted again.

Now even if a fool sees this scene, he can understand what is going on.

The Chu Zheng in President Su's mouth just now must be Mr. Chu from Jiuyang Mountain....

And President Su is Mr. Chu's wife....


Everyone seemed to have been hit by five thunders.

Rush outside.

"President, don't be sad, my aunt will come in a while, let's go back to Linjiang, I don't believe it, relying on Linjiang, we can't develop internationally..." Fang

Qian was cheering up Su Aoxue.

Su Aoxue raised her face, touched the tears around her eyes, and nodded.

"Let's go..."

Su Aoxue turned around and left.

"President Su stays!"

"Grandma Su stay!"

"Grandma, you must not leave!"

But at this moment, suddenly from the office building behind him, a group of people rushed out.

It startled Su Aoxue.

Looking back, Su Aoxue's eyelids couldn't help but jump.

Because these people are all those rich people just now.


Su Aoxue was stunned.

And Fang Qian felt even more unbelievable, because she heard clearly just now, these people shouted, it was Grandma Su, Grandma ... What's the situation?

"President Su, you must not go, just now we unanimously decided that all the votes were voted for you, and you think of Yanjing development, why don't you say it earlier, so that I Dinglong Group, fully support!"

"Yes, President Su, my Black Rock Group is even more helpful!"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

Suddenly, more than forty bigwigs expressed their positions in unison.

Jean's Su Aoxue suddenly seemed to be dreaming.

Just now, these people still ignored their love, why have they become like this now.

And Su Aoxue also saw that the voting letters they held in their hands were all written with their names.

What's going on here?

They were joking with themselves just now? This is obviously impossible!

Not believing, Su Aoxue shook her head, she couldn't believe that this was true!

"President Su, my name is Xu Youlong, how do you want to open the market in the future, follow me, you will definitely be able to fight..." "President Su

, my name is..." For

a while, many rich people who did not have a relationship with Jiuyang Palace at the beginning were even more self-recommended.

For fear that President Su would miss his name.

"Wait a minute, you guys... What the hell is going on here?

Su Aoxue felt that her head was running out of money.

These people's attitudes have reversed, it is really too fast.

Could it be that these people read the plan they just left?

It's not right, even if my plan is well written.

It is impossible to let these people do this.

Although this project is very important, Su Aoxue also knows that in the eyes of these Yanjing bigwigs, this project is simply an ordinary existence.

Neither is this, nor is that.

So what exactly are these people for?

"President Su, this is the authorization letter for your project this time, please sign it..." The

pale-faced Li Zuobiao also rushed down at this time.

After a burst of stimulation, he slowly woke up, already deeply aware of the seriousness of the matter, and ignored his soft legs, and rushed directly downstairs.

ran in front of Su Aoxue.


Su Aoxue and Fang Qian looked at each other.

Even though they have all experienced some storms, Su Aoxue has definitely not experienced this kind of scene.

It is as if someone pushed you into the abyss, and then at the very bottom of the abyss, he hugged you at once, and what finally appeared in front of you was not the abyss, but an endless sea of brilliant flowers.

Su Aoxue feels this way now.

However, this feeling always made Su Aoxue feel unbelievable.

At this time, the crowd on the street suddenly gave way.

Immediately after, I saw luxury cars parked around Su Aoxue.

A car in the middle was specially opened, and in the car, a person came down....

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