One luxury car after another, at this time, directly stopped behind Su Aoxue.

Then, a person got out of the car.

Su Aoxue looked at this person curiously, she thought of countless possibilities, maybe this was a big man from Yanjing.

It could also be some super-rich man.

But unexpectedly, what surprised Su Aoxue was that the person in front of him turned out to be Chu Zheng...

"Chu Zheng..."

Su Aoxue covered her mouth in disbelief.

She never expected that Chu Zheng would have such a big pomp and circumstance.

"Mr. Chu!"

"Mr. Chu!"

This group of rich people in Yanjing naturally know Chu Zheng, and even if they know each other, they are eager to have a relationship with Chu Zheng, but people of Mr. Chu's status, especially these casual rich people, can see it.

At that moment, I suddenly saw Mr. Chu coming.

These people all shouted respectfully.

Fang Qian felt that she was dreaming, and immediately pinched her thighs fiercely, only to know that this was not a dream, but real.

Aunt, how could there be so many big guys with eyes on him....

"Oh my God, this is Mr. Chu from the Nine Yang Palace?"

"It is rumored that Mr. Chu, the palace master of the Jiuyang Palace, is only in his twenties, and when I see it today, it is really extraordinary..."

"Mr. Chu of the Jiuyang Palace?"

At this time, someone in the crowd recognized Chu Zheng's identity.

They had never seen the appearance of Chu Zheng in the Jiuyang Palace, but just now, this group of famous rich people in Yanjing shouted in their mouths, but they were all Mr. Chu's names.

Let me ask, in the whole Yanjing, who else can make this group of rich people like this?

And this person, surnamed Chu, is not the famous Mr. Chu of the Jiuyang Palace, who else can he be!

On this street, more and more people gathered around.

"Sir, I can't imagine that this is Mrs. Ling..."

At this time, a middle-aged man walked towards Chu Zheng.

And this middle-aged man, Su Aoxue also recognized.

"Are you Master Zhang Younian?"

Su Aoxue shook her head slightly and asked in disbelief.

"Don't dare to behave, Mrs. Chu is too polite!"

Zhang Younian's face tightened at this adult's name.

You know, Mr. Chu and Deputy Director Jiang Moyun are friends, how dare he call himself an adult.

"Oh my God, it turns out that this bastard is that Mr. Chu of the Jiuyang Palace, moreover, he is also the largest force in Yanjing!"

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, based on Chu Zheng's words, she wouldn't have believed that she had killed Su Aoxue.


Chu Zheng..." Su Aoxue looked at Chu Zheng, who was surrounded by everyone, covered her mouth, and tears rolled in her eyes.

The main thing is that this scene now is too unexpected and surprised.

"Wife, three minutes, I'm not late!"

Chu Zheng opened his arms and smiled faintly, and Su Aoxue rushed directly into Chu Zheng's arms and hugged Chu Zheng tightly.

In these days outside, Su Aoxue missed Chu Zheng all the time, but he didn't expect that when they first met, Chu Zheng brought him such a surprise...

And Ouyang Yiyi and Mo Lingyuer on the side also came.

When they knew that the extremely beautiful woman they saw before turned out to be Chu Zheng's wife.

I was so surprised.

Especially Mo Lingyuer, she had an extremely lost feeling.

Because Su Aoxue, whether it is beauty or temperament, is no worse than herself, and most importantly, she turned out to be Chu Zheng's original wife, which is famous.

Mo Lingyuer pouted, her eyes were a little complicated and she looked at it again, the two who hugged each other, but they didn't know what they were thinking...


Night, after a rain of clouds.

Su Aoxue begged for mercy and lay on Chu Zheng's body.

Su Aoxue's delicate body was originally extremely hot, and now, this snow-white delicate body was completely attached to Chu Zheng's chest, which made Chu Zheng feel a sense of comfort.

Gently rubbing on Chu Zheng's body, Su Aoxue's two white jade hands hooked Chu Zheng's neck.

"You're a big badass, did you miss me?"

Su Aoxue's face turned crimson, just now in the face of Chu Zheng's strong onslaught, although Su Aoxue tried hard to cooperate, but in the end, she still couldn't resist, and couldn't help but surrender.

"Of course I missed you!"

Chu Zheng put his arm around Su Aoxue and also smiled slightly.

"Oh, but we just met, and you're leaving again, and I don't know how long you'll be away this time?"

Remembering what Chu Zheng told himself today that Chu Zheng would leave for Xiangxi tomorrow, Su Aoxue was also a little unhappy.

However, it is not happy to be happy, but Su Aoxue still hopes that Chu Zheng will go.

For nothing else, simply for the sake of the group of children of Jiuyang Mountain brought back by Chu Zheng.

Su Aoxue also had to let Chu Zheng go.

Mo said that this group of children are now their own righteous sons and daughters, even if they are not, Su Aoxue definitely supports Chu Zheng.

However, Su Aoxue also had a hint of complaint.

Of course, this is not talking to Chu Zheng to save people, just a simple grumbling in his heart.

"I will be back soon, this time to Xiangxi, saving the children is the most important, but I, there are also some things that should be done!" But don't worry, after I deal with the affairs over there, I will come back immediately, during this time, you will stay in Jiuyang Palace, Yanjing business affairs, let Uncle Zeng go over to do something!" Chu

Zheng said to Su Aoxue.


"Brother Chu, I know that if I follow you this time, I will cause you trouble... These are some information about the Immortal Tomb, if you take it, it may be of some help to you..." The

next day, before Chu Zheng left, everyone in the Jiuyang Palace came out to send each other together.

Including these righteous sons and daughters of Chu Zheng.

Ouyang Yiyi handed a piece of information into Chu Zheng's hands.

Originally, Ouyang Yiyi planned to follow Chu Zheng, but Chu Zheng refused.

Although Chu Zheng's current strength is already extremely strong, Chu Zheng does not dare to guarantee that the entire four sects of Xiangxi are completely a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron.

Once he took Ouyang Yiyi with him, he encountered some accidents, and I was afraid that he would not be able to take care of himself.

Therefore, Chu Zheng will not bring anyone this time, and he is still going alone.

Because in this way, once something happens, you can get out as soon as possible.

If it was some time ago, there were still some arrogant Chu Zheng, maybe he would have brought some people with him, because Chu Zheng was on the earth, and now there are few who can deal with himself.

But since he discovered the secret of the Shangxian in Qinglongtan, as well as the Shangxian Tomb that Ouyang Yiyi said, Chu Zheng's heart has always hung a big stone and dare not land.

Because the devil knows that there are no strong people on the earth.

Moreover, Chu Zheng also learned that there are many sects of Xiangxi Technique, and these people all have secret techniques, and there is still a difference between them and that Yuwen Xiao.

So after comprehensive consideration, Chu Zheng decided to go alone.

"Abba, when will you come back to see us?"

A group of children came up and asked.

Their broken finger injuries have been treated by the medicine that Chu Zheng took back from the Medicine King Valley, if the speed is fast, the shortest half a year, the longest year, these little guys' bodies can recover.

Become a normal person.

And they all stayed in Jiuyang Mountain, under the protection of the Yuan Capture Array, I believe that there was no danger.

"I'll be back soon, during this time, follow your mother and sister Ouyang..." Chu

Zheng touched the heads of several children.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Sir, would you like to send a special car to send you over, Xiangxi is still quite far from us..."

said Shen Wensan.

"No need, I'm going to explore the bottom first, to avoid scaring the grass and snakes, Jiuyang Palace, I'll leave it to you..."

The area around Xiangxi is located in the southwest, with high terrain, many jungles and swamps, mountains and rivers!

At this time, it is already late at night, if you stand in the southwest realm and look at the sky, you will see the stars, just like the huge night sky, only 100 meters away from the position where you are standing, within reach.

Somewhere in Xiangxi.

This is a small village, there are only more than a hundred families in the village, but the whole village people live and work in peace and contentment, and they look peaceful.

Cool at night.

However, there were a few children of four or five years old, still playing in the moonlight.

They kick a little leather ball, which is their best toy.

"Hey! Look at me! "

A little guy pushes a little bit and kicks the ball straight away.

"Look at you, how far away is the ball, and it's so dark, how can you find it?"

A few children said dissatisfied to the little guy who had just played football.

"I'm afraid of the dark, I'll go and pick it up..." The

child was righteous and fell into the night alone....

"Huh? Where is the ball? The child tried to find it, but at this time, in front of him, the ball he had just missed suddenly appeared.

It's just that this ball is held by a person wearing a black robe with only a pair of green eyes exposed...

"Ah! ~"

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